Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 25: Haotian's plan, the time of proving Dao is coming

Chapter 25: Haotian's plan, the time of proving Tao is approaching

Thirty-three heavens, the heavens, and the palace of the heavens.

Haotian's expression was calm at this time, and he couldn't see the depth, but from the dark clouds in his eyes, Ji Ji knew that the Emperor of Heaven was in a bad mood now.

It's no wonder that this matter is in the final state, and whoever it is will not be in a good mood.

Haotian really didn't have a good mood right now. He didn't do other things. It was already his restraint and the overall situation.

At the beginning, he asked Gou Chen to go all the way, thinking that even if it was a loss, he would not lose anything if he was listed on the Conferred God List. In general, Heavenly Court would not lose.

But his thoughts were based on silence, Daoyi, who existed without falling, but now, all of them fell and were damaged, and they were on the list of conferred gods.

For Heavenly Court, this is indeed a real loss.

Because they are on the Conferred God List, they can no longer enter their cultivation level. They can only stay on this realm until the term of the Conferred God List expires. Only when the true spirit leaves can they start a new practice and their cultivation level can be improved.

But during this time, if it is silent, Daoyi and they will not fall, and they will not be on the list of enshrined gods, they can at least be promoted to a small rank. This will be extremely important for the Central Channel and the Gouchen Channel. This The time point is equally important.

But now, everything is gone, silence, and they can only wait until the end of the term.

"The Emperor..."

After waiting for a long time, Ji Ji couldn't help but speak.

"Fine, the gods on the Conferred God List, except for those in the central line that need to be filled, should be transferred to your Goochen line!"

Hearing this, Haotian sighed lightly and said to Ming Ji. This is the end of the matter, and no matter what he does, it will be of no avail.

"The minister understands!" Ming Ji nodded.

"Although you can no longer advance your cultivation level for the time being, your perception of the Dao is still valid. The accumulation at this time will also be of great help to future promotion. You still have to stay and work hard to understand the Dao. ..."

After thinking about it in his heart, Haotian said to Ming Ji. The cultivation base can no longer be advanced, but the perception of Dao is okay.

When they leave the Conferred God List in the future, it is a good time for them to continue to improve, and that is the real accumulation.

Hearing this, Ming Ji nodded, he knew about this, even if Haotian didn't mention it, he and Daoyi would do the same.

Haotian nodded slightly, and after waving his hand, Ming Ji arched his hand and turned and left.

"call out!"

With a wave of Haotian's hand, he offered the Haotian Mirror, looking at the immortal world at this time, his face showed a thoughtful color.

"Although it is not a good thing to break the predicament, it is not a bad thing for my Heavenly Court's control..."

Haotian's gaze swept across other realms. These realms had fewer creatures and smaller areas, making them easier to control.

Among the immortal realms, most of them are the primitive creatures and forces of the past. There is not much control over the Heavenly Court, but the other broken realms are different. You can increase the control over them so that the Heavenly Court can control it. The position of control has improved again.

Therefore, it is not a good thing for the creatures and forces of the prehistoric land to be broken, but for the heavenly court, it is not a bad thing.

"Just start this matter!"

After Haotian said a word, he announced Taibai Jinxing, and after confessing the matter to him, he went straight to retreat and practice.


In the prehistoric times, the witches are naturally aware of the monster clan, but the timing is not clear, so the witch clan did not directly come out, but some witch clan started a new round of killing the monster clan, although The degree is not great, but it will eventually rise.

The other forces seemed calm at this time.

In addition to the opening of the Heavenly Court, it is now the Zhou Dynasty, because Ji Fa is about to prove the Eighth Emperor of Dao.

Reigning for more than a thousand years, he has already reached Consummation. With the help of the national destiny, his cultivation is already in the realm of quasi-sage. In the predicament, he can be regarded as a master.

After Ji Fa reached Consummation, the eyes of Taishang, Nuwa, Holy Land and others turned to the human race.

At this time, Ji Fa announced to the public that fifty years later, he would preach on the throne.


Fifty years have passed quietly, and now it is time to preach the Dao.

The state capital of the Zhou dynasty, outside of Ho Jing, has already established a high platform for the Dao.

Under the highest altar of the high platform, Ji Fa stood in front of him. Because there was no human emperor's teacher, behind him, only the son of Ji Fa, Ji Chan.

But because Ji Chan was young, Ji Fa decided to let his fourth brother Ji Dan (Zhou Gong Wen Dan) assist in the management of the Zhou Dynasty. Ji Fa still knew about Ji Dan's ability.

Therefore, at this time Ji Dan led Ji Chan and stood behind Ji Fa.

On the altar, there are statues of the saints, Hou Tu, the lord of reincarnation, the three ancestors, the emperors and the elders.

Ji Fa suddenly turned around, pulled Ji Dan and Ji Chan, and worshiped the statues of the sages, the elders of the ancestors, and others, "Humanity is above, the sages, the lord of reincarnation, the ancestors and the emperor. Jianzhi! Today, the lord of the Zhou Dynasty has passed on the position of the monarch to Ji Chan, and my brother Gongdan assists in the governance..."

As soon as Ji Fa's voice fell, thunder rang in the prehistoric sky.

In the next instant, I saw 30,000 li of purple air rising in the prehistoric eastern sky. I saw five figures flying from a distance. It was the leader Taishang and the Virgin Nuwa, Hou Tu, the lord of reincarnation. The three of them were together at this time. Come, and then Yuanshi, the two sages of Tongtian.

In the future, among the holy land of the human race, there are people Zusui, Chao clan, Ziyi clan, Wenzu Cangjie, Emperor Fuxi, Dihuang Shennong, and Renhuang Xuanyuan. Shaohao, Zhuan Xu, Di Yu, Tang Yao, Yu Shun, Xia Yu, Shang Tang, the arrival of the Seven Emperors.

In this way, all the top existences that should come are all here.


Along with the existence of these existences, the land of the human race is full of auspicious auspiciousness and fairy music, and the entire wilderness is filled with the visions of saints and Hunyuan traveling, the goddess scattered flowers, and the ground is covered with golden lotus.

Countless creatures are nourished by auspicious auspiciousness, and many monks have absorbed those golden lotus and have lost hundreds of years of penance.

This is also the biggest gain of these monks who came to observe the ceremony.

See this~www.ltnovel.com~ Ji Fa took the lead in worshipping, "Meet the Hierarch, Our Lady, the First Saint, the Heavenly Saint, the Lord of Reincarnation, the Three Ancestors, Your Brothers..."

As Ji Fa's voice just fell, he saw the leader Taishang faintly waved their hands, "No need to be polite!" Immediately helped them up.

Taishang, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tongtian, the four human ancestors of the human race, the Three Emperors and Seven Emperors, appeared under the altar of Chendu, waiting for the time to come.


High platform, under the altar.

When Ji Fa looked at the sky, he took another look at Ji Dan and Ji Song, and then walked to the altar, facing the desolate land, and said loudly, "Ji Fa, the lord of the Zhou Dynasty, will establish the Zhou Dynasty and open a new and prosperous age. It has been consummated in 1,300 years, and the position of the monarch is passed on to Ji Chan, and Gongdan assists in the governance..."

After Ji Fa finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to shout in unison the names of Ji Fa and Ji Chan, Ji Dan.



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