Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 44: For details, Taikoo Star Tracks

Forty-fourth chapter for more details, Taigu Star Track

Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

The praises of Hou Tu and Nuwa, Chaos Clock are both affordable. As one of the Three Treasures of Open Heaven, the mystery of Chaos Clock is not just as simple as the Innate Treasure.

Taishang looked at the chaotic clock the size of a palm in his hand, and the avenue appeared in his eyes. The imprint of Taiqing in the center of his eyebrows agitated the vast human power, and that power was blessed in his eyes. The eyes are like the Tao, seeing through everything and the mystery.

The prohibition is naturally more than the innate spirit treasure, more mysterious and cumbersome, and it requires more powerful magical power to urge it.

However, these are not big problems for the existence of the upper level. What he is watching at this time is not the mysterious and cumbersome innate restrictions engraved in the chaotic clock.

Taishang's gaze penetrates the endless time and space, reaches the interior of the Chaos Clock, and keeps deepening, searching for the mystery.

The Chaos Clock exudes bursts of extremely terrifying aura, even Nuwa and Hou Tu, at this time, they feel that their expressions have changed slightly, that is another kind of aura, unmatched.

In addition, in that breath, there is a sense of oldness and eternity, even more ancient than the ancient prehistoric.

The two women looked at each other, and both saw a hint of shock in each other's eyes.

Taishang didn't care about the look of Nuwa and Houtu at this time, his eyes already saw the origin of the chaotic clock.

The Three Treasures of the Open Heaven were all transformed by the God Axe of the Open Heaven, and their origins were naturally of the same ancestry. This is also the reason why Tai Shang took the Chaos Clock. The attack characteristics of the Chaos Clock did not have much effect for him.

At his level, facing the existence of the same level, the characteristics of the Chaos Clock at this time will not have much effect, unless it is a killing power like the Killing Spear, the main attack will have a greater effect.

Otherwise, in the face of such a level, the role of the Chaos Clock is really not that big. If you are facing a person who is too high or below this level, you don't need to use any spirit treasures, the most precious treasures, a palm is enough.

But if it is possible to blend the origin of the Chaos Clock with the origin of the Taiji Diagram, the level of the Taiji Diagram is too high to think that it can at least reach the level of the Chaos Lingbao. For him, such a level of treasure is Great effect.

Taiji Tu fits his avenue. Although it is not the main attack, its effect is not small. If it can reach the level of Chaos Lingbao, its effect is better than that of Killing Spear.

Of course, now is not the time to merge the origin of the chaotic clock, he still needs to comprehend other mysteries in the chaotic clock.


After a long time, Tai Shang nodded slightly, and then moved his hand, the chaotic clock slowly flew up, floating in the void.


The brilliance flowed in the hands of Taishang, directly shot on the Chaos Clock, one, two, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

All the prohibitions are lit up, but they are not urging attacks, but urging other parts of them.

A clear and melodious bell sounded from the Chaos Clock, and immediately above the Chaos Clock, the void shook, and even if it was like a sea of ​​ink pouring, it became pitch black, and then a little star appeared, which evolved the sea of ​​stars and stars.

The battle turns and the stars move, time reverses, and back to the ancient times.

These are all the trajectories of the Primordial Stars, and every time they move, they all coincide with the true meaning of the Dao Dao. Even for Tai Shang, there is a bit of comprehension, not to mention Nuwa and Houtu.

The three of them watched the movement of the trajectories of these Primordial stars carefully at this time. Each trajectory was very clear across the deep sea of ​​Zhoutian stars, leaving behind the mystery and the avenue trajectory in it.

And at this time, the prehistoric Zhoutian is in the sea of ​​stars.

Following the movement of the trajectory of the Primordial Stars in the Taiqing Palace, all the stars in the sea of ​​Zhou Tian's stars were rioting at this time and moving quickly. Haotian immediately issued an order to thoroughly investigate the reasons.

The entire prehistoric sky was shrouded in the sea of ​​Zhoutian stars at this time, the sea of ​​stars was vast and the stars were shining brightly.

In the precipice, trillions of billions of creatures raised their heads and stared, although they don't know what happened, the vision at this time is not good or bad.

But for some creatures, the star vision at this time is somewhat beneficial to them. At this time, they use the power of the stars and the trajectory of the stars to practice and comprehend.

Several tops existed, and they watched quietly, a thought slowly emerged in their hearts, and they looked at the Wu Ji mountain range with faintly fluctuating aura.

After a few breaths, they paid attention to the sea of ​​stars again. Their realms were different, and what they could see was naturally a deeper level. It was the trajectory of the Primordial Stars that began to revolve at this time.

Between the two stars and the sea, they began to correspond at this time, and they moved quickly, and the vast aura of the stars enveloped the entire wild land.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

At this time, the entire Promise Hall seemed to be in the vast and deep sea of ​​Zhoutian stars, countless stars passed by, countless stars and tides, storms swept, and countless tracks emerged.

Tai Shang, Hou Tu and Nu Wa watched carefully, the trajectory between each star, the entire Zhoutian star and sea, the evolution and changes of the entire Zhoutian star and sea, and so on.

The avenue appeared in the eyes of the three of them, and Qingyun rose, analyzing the essence of the avenue on his body.

In this way, after 30,000 years, Taishang's eyes gradually restored the color of clarity, his eyes were like a clear sky, and his mind was clear.

At this time, Zhou Tian and the sea of ​​stars were gradually dissipating, as if they had never appeared before.

And the Zhoutian stars and the sea that emerged from the prehistoric land, at this time also gradually faded, until disappeared, the movement of the stars in the Zhoutian stars and the sea, at this time, was much slower than before.

Although Haotian didn’t know why this time, he understood a little bit about the changes in the stars~www.ltnovel.com~, and can be used on the Zhoutian Star Dou formation. This is for him. , Is also a good thing.

Therefore, he ignored other things.


So, three thousand years later.

After Taishang finished comprehending this aspect, Nuwa and Houtu were also sober.

In the path of the Primordial Stars, they have realized the new Dao insight, and their Dao and deeds have become a little deeper.

Taishang looked at them, smiled, waved his hand gently, and then saw the Chaos Clock spin up quickly, and an aura that made their brows frowned suddenly spread. It was the old, eternal aura before. , Even, there was a trace of throbbing in my heart.

The two women looked at the chaotic clock that was spinning rapidly at this time, and it was also getting bigger a little bit, a flash of shock in their beautiful eyes.



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