Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Xuandu is in reincarnation

Chapter 58 The Profound Capital Enters Reincarnation

After leaving the reincarnation of sentient beings and the underworld, Taishang did not immediately return to Shouyang Mountain. Then, he went to Biyou Palace first. After discussing with Tongtian, he set off for Yuxu Palace. After everything was resolved. , He just returned to Shouyang Mountain.

As time passed, another tens of thousands of years passed quietly.

The various forces in the predicament, the innate races, and the trillions of creatures have all improved in these tens of thousands of years.

The most rapid development is the three forces of Heaven, Witch and Dragon.

The current time is indeed a good opportunity for their development, and they will naturally not miss it. Each is strengthening themselves and expanding their control area.

As for the other innate races, although their development is not as good as theirs, they have improved somewhat over the years.

After all, among these innate races, there are the ten thousand races of the past, and the races with a bit of heritage in these years, they can be considered to have a firm foothold in the prehistoric race, even if they are not as strong as the dragon race, not as good as the witch race, but in Among the prehistoric, there is still a bit of strength.

Over the years, their strength has also improved a lot.

Although there have been occasional wars over the past few years for resources, they are all on a very small scale, and there is not much trouble in the predicament.

Relatively speaking, it is quite calm.

Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

Teachers, the progress of the juniors over the years is just like that..."

Xuandu sat under the seat of the Supreme High and replied with a respectful expression, and informed his teacher of the progress of the cultivation of the juniors over the years.

Although his own teacher has been doing the "hands-off shopkeeper" all these years. After passing down the practice method, he is almost teaching the practice to the juniors, but this time he has also reached the bottleneck of his cultivation. I didn't care.

Anyway, there is no progress in the practice, so it is better to teach the practice of the juniors.

Taishang heard the words and nodded slightly. Over the years, Cangsong, Long Eyebrows, and the Eight Immortals have progressed relatively slowly. The Xuantu's teachings are also quite satisfactory.

If it weren't for you to teach them to practice, it would be difficult for them to improve so quickly..." Tai Shang looked at him and said.

The teacher is serious, the qualifications of the juniors are not bad, and there is the teacher's cultivation method, naturally it is not slow..."

Hearing this, Xuan Du hurriedly spoke.

Nodded too much, but didn't go into this issue anymore.

Basically, he gave everything that should be taught to Xuandu, and Xuandu would teach them to practice. Naturally, it was the most suitable. After all, their previous cultivation level was not high. If Taishang had to teach them personally, Then Xuan Du disciple seemed useless.

Even if they have long eyebrows, Cangsong, and the Eight Immortals, their cultivation bases are higher now, but they still don't need too much to teach, Qingxuan can do it, after all, the cultivation base is there.

Of course, by now, these disciples can already practice on their own and enlighten the Great Dao, but there is no need for Xuan Du to teach them to practice.

Xuandu, do you have a sense of opportunity when you come in, and is there hope for promotion? "

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Taishang looked at Xuandu and slowly said.

Hearing that, Xuandu's expression was startled at first, and he immediately worshiped, "The disciple didn't feel the opportunity this time. The cultivation base has been trapped in this state for a long time, but he has not yet touched the threshold of the path..."

Xuan Du has been trapped in this realm for tens of millions of years. Although the line has been deepening, even if the corpse is mentioned, he is not necessarily the opponent of Xuan Du, but in the end he is still the quasi holy consummation. This step Without stepping over, even if the Taoism is profound, it is incomparable.

But the key now is that Xuan Du has not touched that threshold yet, and it is still extremely difficult to cross it. This is why many great supernatural powers have been trapped to death.

Xuandu naturally wanted to be promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he hadn't reached that threshold before he could do it.

The general trend is about to rise, this will be some opportunities for existence, and it is also your opportunity. As the teacher, you have entered the cycle of reincarnation. Waiting for the general trend to come, hit Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian in one fell swoop, you can also...

With a solemn expression, he looked at Xuandu and slowly said.

Hearing this, Xuan Du looked at him in shock, and could not speak for a long time.

The general trend is coming? !

Did the teacher go into reincarnation? !

Neither of these shocked him.

The key is that, among them, there is also an opportunity of his own, and he can also use the general trend to attack the Hunyuan Daluojin fairyland.

The disciples are also going to reincarnation, waiting for the general trend to come, do they prove it in one fell swoop? "

After Xuan Du was shocked, he asked.

That's it, you are willing to..." Too nodded.

Listening to this, Xuan Du thought carefully. After a long time, he looked too high and his eyes were firm and said, "The disciple is willing!"

Now that he has the opportunity to preach the Tao, he still has to grasp it. He believes that his teacher will certainly take care of him if he is above this point, and he is quite relieved.

it is good! "

Taishang nodded, then stretched out a finger, and pointed it on the center of Xuantu's eyebrows. The brilliance flowed above the fingertips, and the power of the vast avenue once again wandered through the body, and then wrapped around the Xuantu's. Power, his body, all turned into power and merged into the soul.

After doing all this, Tai Shang retracted his finger, looked at the Xuantu Yuanshen at this time, and then pointed at the void beside him.

Bang! "

The void suddenly shattered, and the continuous evolution at this time created a space-time channel. On the opposite side is the reincarnation disk of sentient beings.

Under the avenue, all beings have a ray of life, go! "

Taishang said, and then with a wave of his hand, the Xuandu Yuanshen was directly sent into the reincarnation of sentient beings by him.

After doing all this, he waved his hand again, and the space-time channel gradually recovered, then he withdrew his hand, and continued to close his eyes to comprehend ~www.ltnovel.com~ At the same time, sentient beings reincarnate in the underworld.

Hou Tu hadn't known who the person sent by Tai Shang was before, but now this one, she can see clearly.

That was Xuandu, the second disciple of the Taiqing Palace, and the second disciple of the Taishang.

This time, the soul was also entering the cycle of reincarnation, and she was shocked by what Tai Shang had said before.

The general trend is coming!

Houtu felt that he should also make arrangements. Maybe, the underworld, or the Wu clan, could also have unexpected gains.

In my mind, Houtu started a new arrangement and plan.

And the Styx in the asura path of reincarnation also knew about this matter, combined with his own feelings before, he became more and more sure that this reincarnation would bring him a lot of benefits.

Therefore, he also had an idea in his mind, and he planned to implement it. …

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