Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 144: Humane promotion

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four

The current situation of the Xia Dynasty of the Human Race has gradually calmed down. There are no storms and waves. In addition, the current Human Race is quite plain. No major events have happened. Qi changed the system and turned to hereditary. Nothing big happened in the world.

The Holy Land has not paid much attention to it now. Anyway, Sui Ren said that he should delegate power to the Human Race and let the human race control the affairs of the Human Race. Coupled with the current Human Race's own ability, it can indeed operate on its own without the need for the Holy Land to intervene too much.

Moreover, as far as the leader said, the humanity changes, there will be an emperor who will be born later, but in one dynasty, there will be only one emperor. Now the emperor of the Xia Dynasty has been occupied by the six emperors Xia Yu, the monarch behind the Xia Dynasty No matter how much to toss, the national destiny can't support the proving to be emperor.

Therefore, in the current situation of the Xia Dynasty, the Holy Land would not pay much attention to it.

In the current predicament, paying attention to the monks and powers of the Xia Dynasty of the human race also retracted their gaze. After the return of the Six Emperors, Xia Chao had no points to pay attention to, and there was no need to pay too much attention.

Unless there is another human emperor, the seventh great emperor, from the human race behind, otherwise, the human holy land will not appear, and the dynasty of the ordinary human race still has nothing to attract their attention.

The monks and great abilities who had witnessed the Taoism by the emperor were all returning to their own practice at this time. The entire prehistoric land was gradually calming down, and countless monks were all in their own practice.

The time for the second family of the Lich to reappear in the wild has reached the final stage, especially the Wu Clan, as far as the current situation is concerned, it will not take more than 100,000 years to do it again.

As for the Yaozu, it will take a long time, but Dijun naturally used the strongest means to shorten the time to reappear.

As for the forces of the Netherworld and the Holy Land, they are also very calm now, each of which is improving their strength and operating.

In the current predicament, there are relatively few movements, and only Heaven is left.

These forces and the calmness of existence and the improvement of strength are the opportunity of the Heavenly Court to control the strength of the Primordial Court. Haotian has never given up. When there is no small wave in the Primordial Land, Haotian's actions will be smaller. Now the land is calm and Heavenly Court. The action is bigger.

With the current strength of the Heavenly Court, apart from the first-rate forces, it is indeed not so easy for those second-rate forces to defeat the Heavenly Court.

If it were not for the four imperial palaces of the Heavenly Court and the Palace of Dousing to rule separately, otherwise, the strength of the Heavenly Court would become more and more terrifying, completely overpowering the second-rate forces.

This is precisely because of this. The Central Channel is now in urgent need of rapid improvement. Although the Gouchen Channel has also improved, it is still a huge difference compared to the other three channels.

That is, the central channel can compete with the Dongji channel, while the strength of the other two channels is in the Gouchen channel.

Heavenly Court now wants to improve, whether it is the overall strength against the three veins or the control of the prehistoric, now is an opportunity.

There was not much time before, and now the land is calm, it is indeed a time, and Haotian naturally has to seize the opportunity.


Time is hurried, and in a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of years have passed quietly.

In a calm situation, time must pass the fastest, but tens of thousands of years are really nothing to great power.

Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.


Taishang’s eyes were closed tightly, and countless avenues of the Taoist Fuluo lingered around him, as if a Fuluo hurricane wrapped Taishang in it, and Taishang sat motionlessly in the eye of the Fuluo hurricane. The heart's understanding of humanity.

The entire Promise Hall is filled with an extremely vast and pure atmosphere of the Great Dao, and the power of humanity is also entrenched here, making the laws of the surrounding Dao and the rules of heaven and earth extremely clear, almost visible to the naked eye.

Although Xuan Du, Cang Song and Qing Xuan were not in the Wuji Hall, they were in the Taixu Hall together. They also used their own teacher (Master) to comprehend the visions and principles of the Dao when they were enlightening humanity, etc., to comprehend their own Dao. .

There are not many opportunities now. Even under the sages, they all believe that it is not so easy to have this kind of opportunity for practice and enlightenment, so they are now completely happy to learn about these great principles. , The true meaning of these avenues and so on.

Taishang is naturally ignoring the thoughts of Xuandu and theirs now, and his mind is all placed on the enlightenment of humanity.

The return of the three emperors and six emperors to the throne has improved and improved a lot for the humanity, and for his own Dao, it is also an opportunity to improve his cultivation level. Although he cannot be completely promoted in a short time, he is currently Great road accumulation is equally important to him.

In the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's consummation, in addition to the chance to be promoted to Hunyuan Taiji Jinxian, the consummation of one's own avenue is also the most critical place, which requires continuous accumulation.

For so many years, Taishang has accumulated more or less, coupled with the improvement and perfection of humanity, this is of great help to Taishang's accumulation of the Dao.

Taishang was above the five sages on the way to enlightenment. Although Tongtian and Yuanshi are in the late stage of the sacred realm, their road accumulation is still not enough, and there is still a long way to go to the perfect realm. a period of time.

In the realm of Consummation, if you want to be promoted to Tai Chi Golden Immortal, it is really far away.

The difficulties accumulated in this realm are not so easy.

Over the past tens of millions of years of being promoted to the realm of Consummation, Dao Accumulation has already been done seven or eight. Coupled with the help of humanity, the current level of Consummation is more than 80%, and it is still improving.

As long as the humanity is continuously improved and perfected, the Taishang's understanding and accumulation of the Dao will continue to improve.


Amidst the crimson Qingyun, there were bursts of light noises, the Sanqing Daoist's whole body was shrouded in divine light, and the vast humane force was shrouded in Qingyun.

And above Qingyun, the humanity at this moment seems to be like a cloud and mist ~www.ltnovel.com~ enveloped the entire scarlet Qingyun, in which a profound and vast power penetrates directly and falls into Qingyun, blending into Qingyun. In the body of the Sanqing Daoist and Taishang.

Then he moved far to Great Sunday, and then merged with his own Dao Laws, enhancing the control of Dao Laws.

And the talisman of Dao Law shrouded in Tai last week's body, the blooming light became more and more bright, the divine light penetrated time and space, illuminating the past and the future.

[Non-based Source Sutra] The voice of the Great Dao is constantly reverberating in the sea of ​​knowledge of the Taishang. The Taishang confirms the humanity with its own Dao. With the help of the humanity, it absorbs, improves, and the accumulation of the Dao is slowly improving. With.

And the humanity above the heavenly spirit and Qingyun is also slowly evolving at this time, and both sides are improving separately.



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