Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 147: Too high rate of life, go to the bottom of the predecessor

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The 147th chapter is overwhelming

Prehistoric, somewhere in the mountains.

After thinking about it in his heart, the Bone Emperor bowed his hand to Tai Shang, "Dao Zun, since the Bone Race began to grow in size, Heavenly Court has invited me to join the Heavenly Court several times, but I have refused, if Heavenly Court takes action... …"

"You don't have to worry about this. As for the Heavenly Court's move, you are self-resisting. As for Haotian, he has no possibility of making a move..."

After a big smile, he said.

The Heavenly Court wanted to recruit the Bone Race, so Taishang would naturally not let the Bone Sovereign agree. As for the Heavenly Court, except for the Yaochi and Haotian in the central line, the others, that is, Gou Chen Xiuwei is acceptable.

Naturally, Haotian and Yaochi would not take action. They need to take care of the heavens, and also to guard against the Three Meridians and Dousidi Palace, so they are not afraid.

Even if Haotian wanted to make a move, Tai Shang would not let him make a move.

In this way, it also confirms the degree of integration between the Bone Emperor and the prehistoric, and it is feasible.

After thinking for a while, Tai Shang waved his hand, and put some bone races in the Promise Realm with higher cultivation bases into the prehistoric state, and handed these bone races to the bone emperor, let him lead it, and exhorted him again. After some things, Tai Shang left here.

The Bone Sovereign took his former subordinates and began to adapt them to the prehistoric world, rules and regulations, and so on.


At the same time, the western continental margin.

Zhun mentioned this time in order to behave carefully, but he put down the sage, and began to walk in the wilderness, not very fast, and only now reached the edge of the Western Continent.

In the Western Continent, there are not many that can be transformed, whether it is a monk or a treasure.

Therefore, this short section of the Western road is not very rewarding, but fortunately, after completing this section of the Western road, the next step is the real eastward road.

He glanced at the ancient land of the East, his eyes flashed with bright light, a smile appeared on his face, and he stepped towards the Central Continent, officially starting his eastward journey.

On the Western Spirit Mountain, watching Zhunti start to move eastward, the linker nodded, and then continued to talk about the avenue, which is also quickly transforming the dozens of monks who came from the transition to truly become a Western monk.

Now it needs to be faster, he believes that the number behind will not be less.

The luck of the West will rise again.


After Taishang left this place, he continued to move forward, looking at the changes in the precipice over the past tens of thousands of years, while coming towards the Central Continent.

With his cultivation base, one billionth of a millionths can be reached in an instant, but he moved slowly, but it took more than a hundred years before he arrived in the Central Continent, a land of incomplete mountains.

Hidden in the void, Taishang's gaze fell on the Pangu Temple. Many witches and great witches have been added to the Pangu Temple. Among the millions of mountains, the witches are already showing signs of moving out.

"It seems that the time for the Wu Clan to reappear in the wild will not be too far..."

There was a secret voice in Taishang's heart, his gaze was in the blood pool in the Pangu Temple, and Pangu Heart glanced over. Pangu Heart's blood and power were basically exhausted by the Wu Clan, and it had no effect.

After turning his gaze too far, he took a look at the monster clan. Today, the monster clan is estimated to be a bit slower than the witch clan, but the time to reappear the famine will not be too long. Maybe it’s better than relying on heavenly merits to resolve it. The dragon race of causal karma is a bit faster.

There are more things that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can do than the Dragon Clan. These speeds are even more needless to say.

After taking a look at Tai Shang, he withdrew his gaze and went up to the thirty-three heavens.

His foot took the next step, and the time and space changed, and he had already appeared in the area near the line of Emperor Qinghua of the East in the 33rd day.

After he smiled, he moved his body, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the palace.


The door of Dousing Palace opened immediately, and Taishang stepped into the Palace of Dousing.

There were no other people in the palace of Touze, only Laojun Taishang and the Great Emperor Qingming. As for the other side halls, the alchemy furnace was still in the process of alchemy, and there were two boys looking after the alchemy furnace.

"Disciple Qing Ming, see the leader!"

Seeing Tai Shang coming in, Qing Ming got up immediately, then bowed and bowed.

He didn't expect that the leader had actually come to the Palace of Dousing, thinking about what should be the important thing to find the old gentleman!

Taishang waved his hand to lift up Qing Ming, and then his mouth moved.

Qing Ming's expression was startled, and then he said, "Don't worry, the disciple will do it well!"

After that, he retreated.

Taishang walked to the futon opposite to Taishang Laojun, sat down, looked at him and said, "It seems that you have some insights about Alchemy..."

"It is true. Although it has not yet reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo, the understanding of Dadao is not far behind..."

Taishang Laojun nodded and looked at him, "This time, are you here to exchange alchemy?"

"It's true. In order to hit the Tai Chi realm, all you have to do is to be prepared. The perception and accumulation of Dao need to be raised to the point of perfection..."

Too high nodded, although the alchemy is not his major way, but for him, it is quite an important one.

Taishang Laojun nodded, and then with a wave of his hand, the surrounding pill clouds appeared, covering the square, and a fragrance of medicine filled the area. Among them, the Taoist talisman of the pill appeared, visible to the naked eye, hovering between the two.

The two closed their eyes at the same time and began to exchange their understanding of alchemy.

In this way, both parties will be promoted and will kill two birds with one stone.


Heavenly Court, in the High Heaven Palace.

"Gou Chen, this bone race is strong, and it is a new race in the wild. It has a lot of space to operate. Although I have rejected my Heavenly Court many times, I don't want to give up. You will go if necessary. ,can……"

Haotian stared at him, looking at Emperor Gou Chen below and said.

"The minister understands, the emperor can rest assured!"

Gou Chen arched his hands, although he didn't know why the Emperor was so concerned about this bone race, he couldn't keep wanting it after many solicitations.

But he also understood that there were some things that he could not ask himself. Since the Emperor of Heaven said so, he could just go to recruit the Bone Race, and he didn't bother to bother about other things.

As for what the emperor said, when necessary, use some means ~ www.ltnovel.com~ If you want to come to this quasi-sage mid-term, there shouldn't be any problems.

Seeing this, Haotian nodded, and after shaking his hand, Emperor Gou Chen slowly retreated.

"Bone Race!"

Looking at the situation in the Haotian mirror, Haotian uttered two words lightly.

The bone race is special, and if he can control it, it will be useful in the future, otherwise, he will not be so persistent.

But this time, if you think about it, there will be no problems.

At this time, Gou Chen had already left the heaven and came towards the prehistoric land.



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