Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 149: Qing Ming obstructs, silence hits hard and escapes

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Chapter 149 Qing Ming obstructs, silence is hit hard and escapes

Prehistoric, northern continent, somewhere in the mountains.

Time seems to have passed thousands of years, ten thousand years, and it seems like a flash.

When all the dust settled and the wind was calm and the waves were calm, the scene was revealed. The world was chaotic, countless laws and rules collapsed under this impact, the void was torn apart, and the chaotic air continued to invade. The earth has annihilated many areas.

The Bone Emperor stood in the air, his black robe floated without wind, and the Bone Emperor in his hand was blooming with golden light. Behind him, a sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood, countless phantoms of skeletons appeared, roaring into the world.

Ming Ji held a middle-grade innate spirit sword, looked at the bone emperor with a cold expression, a trace of condensed color flashed in his eyes, although it was just a blow, but he could not ask for the slightest benefit.

If you continue to fight, I'm afraid the same is true.

"Heavenly people, but so..."

The Bone Sovereign said coldly, he hasn't fought against a master in the predecessor in these years. In order to further confirm, he also planned to do a battle with Ji Ji. Since it is all like this, let's fight!

Hearing this, a hint of anger flashed across Ming Ji's face, but before he took a shot, the golden bone stick in Bone Emperor's hand was pointed towards him.

Although this random point is unremarkable, it does coincide with the trajectory of the avenue and the power of the vast avenue. If it is treated carelessly, even an existence of his level may be severely injured on the spot.


The Heavenly Sword in his hand was cut out immediately, the sword light bloomed between the heaven and the earth, and the sword energy crisscrossed, cutting down the world, and the terrifying sword intent rose into the sky, stirring up the nine-day wind and clouds, showing its sharp edge, and locking the bone emperor.

At this moment, both sides are hitting with full force, without the slightest reservation.


A series of roaring sounds pierced the sky, shaking the earth in all directions.

A bit of cold light appeared, and the light immediately flooded the world!

The void shattered like a mirror and turned into a sea of ​​fragments, sweeping towards the four directions. In the area enveloped by the chaos, there were swords and golden glows, skeletons intertwined among them. Constantly colliding.

At this time, Bone Sovereign and Underworld turned into two streams of light, constantly colliding in the void, each collision would shatter many areas, many mountains and rivers were annihilated in it, and the aura was emptied by the impact.

The Bone Race naturally knows the situation, and staring at all of this at this time, they still believe in their emperor.

And in the area of ​​billions of trillions of miles nearby, many creatures and monks were shocked. What happened? How could there be two masters clashing, so powerful, at least it must be the existence of Quasi-Sage.

With this kind of existence, these creatures and cultivators naturally did not dare to approach, and they retreated far away, but looked at the two divine lights that kept colliding together and the mountains that were constantly being shattered with a look of shock.



The soul fire under the bone emperor's robe suddenly radiated a bit, and with a wave of his hand, a platinum bone seat appeared above the silence, suppressing it towards him.

"How can it be?!"

Silence looked shocked. In an instant, the laws and rules around him changed drastically, as if they did not exist in the prehistoric land, and his control of the Dao's laws was weakened a lot in an instant.

And the platinum bone seat, but dozens of chains appeared, which directly trapped him, and then suppressed it.

Under the circumstances of this declining, even though time is only a few breaths, this time, for their existence in this realm, can already do a lot of things.

While the Platinum Bone Seat suppressed Phantom Silence, the bone rod in the Bone Emperor's hand pointed towards Minji's chest.


The bone rod seemed to hit the metal, and it made a sound of golden Ge, and even when he saw the silence fly out, the blood mist filled the sky, and it flew upside down.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes, why the Bone Sovereign had such a method, and that familiarity with time completely subverted his thoughts, and the control of that kind of law made him and Honghuang seem to be cut off.

His control of his own Dao laws and the mobilization of the power of heaven and earth were generally cut off. When the platinum bone seat was suppressed, he could not resist at all, and when he reacted, he was seriously injured and flew upside down.

"What a bone emperor..."

Silence's expression was slightly drunk, a solemn color appeared in his eyes, and he said in a deep voice.

Now, he knew why the Heavenly Emperor was persevering. With such strength, even in the quasi-sage late stage, he might not necessarily be the opponent of the Bone Emperor, because his methods were too weird.

If Heavenly Court can get the Bone Emperor and Bone Race to join, the strength will indeed increase a lot.

So, he understood the idea of ​​the emperor. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen.

At this time, in the Heavenly Court, in the High Heaven Hall.

Haotian was already unable to sit still when he was hit hard. He felt that the Bone Sovereign could not give up this opportunity and might obliterate the silence.

Gou Chen's pulse has a big effect on him, and it is naturally impossible for such a thing to happen.

However, before he took the shot, a figure appeared outside the High Heaven Hall.

"Emperor Qinghua..."

Haotian's eyes drenched slightly, and he spoke indifferently.

The Four Channels logically speaking, their status is not much worse than him, but Gouchen was cultivated by him alone, so his status is below him.

But Qing Ming and the others are not like that. Especially Qing Ming, there is no need to be bad in strength and status, and he is also the central line, the most feared line, because the Dongji line is no longer inferior to the central line.

"Emperor Qinghua is here, what's the so-called?" Haotian said indifferently.

"Tiandi, you can't do anything about this matter..."

Qing Ming looked at him and said lightly.

Hearing this, Haotian's expression changed slightly. What does Qing Ming's words mean, can't he intervene?

This bone emperor, is there any big background that can't be achieved?

"Emperor Qinghua, do you know what you are talking about?" A cloud of cloud appeared on Haotian's face.

"You were instructed by you to make the move, and now the situation is also self-blaming..."

Qing Ming turned around and said coldly, "But, in the current situation, it's not something you can intervene..."

"Stop talking here, God, you need to think carefully about it yourself..."

Qing Ming looked indifferent, looked at Haotian, and said indifferently.

Hearing this, Haotian remained silent, looking at Qing Ming deeply, as if to see him through ~www.ltnovel.com~ but couldn't find anything.

And in the land of the north.

Bone Sovereign and Ming Ji took action again, but Ming Ji has now fallen into the wind, and his injuries have worsened again.

He already had a retreat in his heart, even if the Emperor of Heaven blamed it, it could only be so.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

Through the gap that was blown away, Ji Ji made a seal in his hand, and immediately a beam of stars landed, covering Ji Ji's body. It was almost to the extreme. The light flashed by, and Ji Ji had disappeared in the original place and returned to the heavenly court. .

After taking a look, the Bone Sovereign moved towards the Bone Race.



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