Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 6 Chapter 156: Return, the Wu clan reappears in the wild

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The 156th chapter returns, the witch clan reappears in the wild

The capital of Shang Dynasty, Yindi, outside Chaoge City.

Along with the existence of these existences, the land of the human race is full of auspicious auspiciousness and fairy music, and the entire wilderness is filled with the visions of saints and Hunyuan traveling, the goddess scattered flowers, and the ground is covered with golden lotus.

Countless creatures are nourished by auspicious auspiciousness, and many monks have absorbed those golden lotus and have lost hundreds of years of penance.

This is also the biggest gain of these monks who came to observe the ceremony.

Seeing this, Shang Tang took the lead in worshipping, "Meet the leader, the Virgin, the sage of the beginning, the sage of heaven, the lord of reincarnation, the three ancestors, all the emperor brothers..."

As soon as Shang Tang's words fell, he saw the leader Taishang lightly waved their hands, "No need to be polite!" Immediately helped them up.

Taishang, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tongtian, Human Ancestor and the Three Emperors and Six Emperors all changed their figures and appeared under the altar of Chendu, waiting for the time to come.


High platform, under the altar.

After waiting for a while, Cangjie, the emperor's teacher, glanced at Shang Tang, so he could start.

Seeing this, Shang Tang nodded, and then walked to the altar, facing the desolate land, said in a loud voice, "Shang Tang, the lord of the Shang Dynasty, established the Shang Dynasty, opened up a new and prosperous age, and worked hard to govern. His reign for a thousand years has been completed. Pass the position of the monarch to the outside C..."

After Shang Tang finished speaking, everyone in the audience began to chant the names of Shang Tang and Wai C in unison.

At this time, the sky exploded, and a huge amount of merit flew from the outer sky. Although these people's emperor merits were not as good as Xia Yu's proving Dao, they were not much worse.

After all, Shangtang established a new dynasty and overthrew the existence of the Xia Dynasty. It is extraordinary. In addition, under his governance over the years, the Human Race has moved to a better position. These merits are not small. .

Therefore, although the human emperor's merits are not as good as Xia Yu, it is not much worse.

At the same time, the river of destiny in the underworld was also surging. A golden dragon with a human mouth rushed out of the river of destiny and flew towards Yin City, and the power of Taoism and Taoism floated on the heads of the wild creatures.

The merits are divided into three. Seventy and a half percent go to the human emperor Shang Tang, 20 percent goes to the hands of the human emperor's teacher Cang Jie, and the remaining half goes to the left and right sides who assist Shang Tang Lichao and other generals and others.

Seeing this, Tai Shang took a step forward, threw out the Kongtong seal, and shouted in a low voice, "Human Sovereign, stand up!"

As soon as Taishang's voice fell, he saw a person of Emperor Qi flying out of the Kongtong seal, and then merged into Shang Tang's body.

With the blessing of seven-and-a-half percent of the merits and human emperor spirit, Shang Tang quickly broke through to the peak of the quasi-sage, became the rare quasi-sage perfect master in the world, and returned to the position of the human emperor.

At this point, the renunciation matter was over, and after the change of humanity, the seventh emperor was born smoothly and returned to his position.

As for whether there is an emperor born under the humanity behind, it is not certain, because the seventh emperor was born, and whether there is an eighth emperor, no one is sure.

But even if there is one in the future, these monks and great abilities will not be surprised.

After all, after experiencing the sixth emperor and the seventh emperor, even if there is an eighth emperor, he still accepts it and is no longer surprised.


After the resignation ceremony, Taishang and Nüwa, Houtu, Yuanshi, Tongtian, the third ancestor of the human race, and the emperor of the human race left each.

And Shang Tang followed the three ancestors, three emperors, six emperors, and several elders, and returned to the holy land of the human race on the shore of the East China Sea.

Nuwa followed Taishang to Shouyang Mountain, and asked Taishang about some things on the avenue. Yuanshi and Tongtian are the separate dojos.

The Seven Emperors’ Enlightenment came to an end, and the Western Two Saints also withdrew their eyes and continued to develop themselves.

And the current Shang Dynasty began the era of Wai C, moving on a better trajectory.

As for how long the Shang Dynasty lasted, it was up to the monarchs to govern themselves.


Shouyang Mountain, in the Taiqing Palace.

Nuwa and Taishang sat opposite each other, and the Taishang took out the long-lost enlightenment tea to entertain Nuwa.

"Brother Dao, the seven emperors have returned to the throne. What will happen to the eighth emperor?"

After Nuwa took a sip of the enlightened tea, her beautiful eyes were shining slightly, her lips lightly opened, and she asked.

"The situation of the Eight Emperors is a bit more complicated, but it's not the time now, so I don't need to pay much attention to it for the time being..."

After taking a sip, Tai Shang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Nu Wa nodded. Since Tai Shang said that, it is not so simple to come to the Eighth Emperor. If this is the case, then ignore it. Anyway, when the time is clear, you will know.

After Tai Shang put down the tea cup in his hand, he looked at Nu Wa with a solemn expression, and said, "Do you feel the sense of crisis in your heart?"

Hearing this, Nu Wa's pretty face showed a dignified color. Looking at it, he nodded and said, "There is indeed a sense of crisis, just like the past when you and I faced Luohu's palm..."

She didn't expect that Taishang would feel this way. In fact, she planned to ask Taishang about this, but Taishang spoke first.

"Since Fellow Daoist also feels this way, there is a great chance that Luo Hu will come back..."

Too much expression returned to indifferent, the tea in his hand was not hurried, countless traces appeared, and the clear air hovered from the cup.

"If Luo Hu makes a comeback, the situation is afraid that it will be very bad. With his methods, it is estimated that it will be more terrifying than before..."

Nuwa looked at the teacup in front of her, and after a moment of indulgence, she spoke.

"Taoists are not anxious, everything, they have their own ways to deal with..."

Tai Shang looked at her, smiled and said.

Seeing the indifferent look on Taishang’s face, Nuwa felt a little calm in her heart. She felt that even if the situation was so subverted, Taishang Dao brothers could always face it so indifferently. Looking at Taishang’s expression, Nuwa was not too Worried too much.

Of course, she will deal with it carefully.

"Nuwa is a little puzzled about the great road, and wants to discuss the Dao with Brother Dao, seeking a chance for promotion..."

After thinking about it in her heart, Nuwa said to Taishan.

Tai Shang nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he withdrew from the table in front of him, and then began to talk to Nu Wa.


As time passed, more than ten thousand years passed.

Prehistoric, millions of mountains, in the ancestral hall of witches.

"Big brother, after all these years of hard work and the assistance of my younger sister, the causal karma of my Wu clan has been completely resolved..."

Ju Mang looked at Dijiang, smiled and said, his face couldn't hide his joy.

The other ancestral witches are also quite happy. In this way, the witch clan can reproduce the prehistoric times and regain its former glory~www.ltnovel.com~ Very good, second brother, you stop it for a thousand years After that, the Wu clan reappeared in the wild! "Di Jiang said.

"Yes!" After Ju Mang responded, he got up and left, and went down to prepare.


So, after a thousand years.

The Wu clan, like a torrent, rolled out of the millions of mountains and gathered in the Pangu Temple.

Then, there was another voice resounding through the wild!

"From today onwards, the Wu Clan has reproduced the wild land!"



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