Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 10: The big day Tathagata, reaction

Chapter 10 The Great Sun Tathagata, Reaction

West, Lingshan, in front of Da Leiyin Temple.

Because I had discussed with the referral before, and I also knew what Lu Ya meant, and also understood that Lu Ya's joining at this time had a significant effect on the West in this period, but it could be used.

It can be said that the joining of Lu Pressure this time is a favorable thing for both parties in this period.

"Family Daoists want to join me in Western Lingshan. You can see the Daoists' heart for seeking Taoism. Naturally, I have no reason to reject Daoists..."

Zhun said the thoughts in his mind flashed, watching Lu Ya, smiled and said.

Hearing this, Lu Ya smiled and did not speak.

How can I say it? That's my own business, and how I do it is my own business.

Each has a plan, but no matter so, the result is satisfactory to him. Being able to join Buddhism will be of great help to his next improvement. It will also be able to protect himself in the predicament without being The human race and the witch race are obliterated.

As for future plans and circumstances, we will wait until that time to make a decision. Anyway, it is still far away, and it is useless to think about it at this time.

"Dare to ask the saint, I don't know what position Lu Ya will hold in Buddhism?"

After thinking about it in his heart, Lu Ya looked at Zhunzi and said.

The level of the position naturally corresponds to the amount of resources, which is crucial for Lu Ya, who is about to enter the late quasi-sage at this time.

Therefore, Lu Ya needs to be clear about this point first.

"The Daoist is the prince of the demon race in the past, and his cultivation is not weak. The ordinary Buddha in Lingshan is no longer able to match the status of a Daoist. This time, our two Western Saints made an exception and established Daoyou as the first in the Western Lingshan. A Buddha!"

As soon as Lu Ya's voice fell, he heard a magnificent voice. Accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit singing and dazzling golden lights, in that instant, Lu Ya's heart swayed, and he almost directly converted to Buddhism. It was indeed a means. The abnormality made him sigh, and it was indeed a saint's method.

"Lu Ya, meet the leading saint!"

After seeing the solemn face of the visitor, Lu Ya immediately saluted.

The two sages of the West are here, and they really value him quite a bit.

Of course, apart from that, what was shocked in his heart was another matter, something that related to himself.

He was introduced as the first Buddha of Buddhism? !


This is a position that the Western religion has not had. In the current West, the two sages of the West are the highest existence, followed by their disciples, the present Maitreya, and the pharmacists, heart dust, heart candles, etc. on the list of consecrated gods. People, they are considered to be the Buddhas with the highest status.

If you have become a Western Buddha, then your position at this time is above them. In Western religion, you just live below the two sages of the West.

Although in the future the return of the pharmacist and Maitreya's status and cultivation base will not be below me, or even above me, that will be a matter of the future after all. As far as I am concerned, my status is still higher.

Therefore, he was quite surprised and shocked in his heart when he invited the saint to promise him a Buddha.

Unexpectedly, the introduction of the saint was so generous, although each had their own plans, but the arrangement of the introduction made him quite surprised.

In fact, this result is also the result of the negotiation of quasi-promotion and introduction. It is also a situation that can be relatively improved for the current West. Therefore, after discussing it for a while, the second sage decided to do it like this. It is for both parties. favorable

"Friend Lu Ya, in the future, you will be my Buddha of Western Buddhism..."

Zhunti looked at Lu Ya with a smile on his face, and said slowly, the Buddha's light surging in his eyes, I don't know what was brewing.

"So, I thanked the two for being saints..." Lu Ya arched his hands towards Zhunti and Jiuying.

Immediately, he once again bowed to the Western Two Holy Sages, "Lu Ya, meet Zhunti Buddha, Amitabha!"

"Buddha don't have to be polite!"

Zhunti smiled, and with a wave of his hand, Lu Ya was lifted up.

Immediately, he said, "If this is the case, the Buddha will first get acquainted with the West in Da Leiyin Temple, and the sage will also teach you the Western practice. After you are familiar with everything, you can begin to canonize the Buddha. , By the way, tell the world!"

Lu Ya nodded when he heard the words.

Subsequently, Jiying and Zhunti brought the landing pressure into the Great Leiyin Temple.


For the next few hundred years, Lu Ya was familiar with the Buddhism method passed down by Zhun Ti.

He is also worthy of the existence of Buddha's origin not under the medicine master Maitreya. In just over a thousand years, he has basically become familiar with it, and his own cultivation is a little loose, and in a faint, he is about to promote to the post-quasi-sage stage.

In this regard, Lu Ya was quite pleased, as long as he advertised to the world, he could be promoted smoothly by taking advantage of the general trend.

Zhun mentioned this, and he was quite satisfied, and after setting it for three months, he announced the great famine.


In March, in the blink of an eye, it is now the day to announce the great world.

On the West Spirit Mountain.

In vain, the Buddha's light soared into the sky, and the sound of Brahma singing suddenly sounded throughout the Three Realms, and countless creatures looked up at Lingshan.

Above Lingshan, in front of Da Leiyin Temple.

Jiuyin and Zhunti stand side by side, behind his two saints, is the person who is canonized today, Lu Ya.

And behind Lu Ya, were the disciples of Buddhism.

Jiuyin and Zhunti raised their heads and stared for nine days. After a while, they prayed loudly.

"The way of heaven is above, now I will take the lead, quasi mention, and set up the Taoist Lu Ya as me, the Buddha of the West, the name, the Great Day Tathagata!"


The voices of the lead and Zhunti resounded the three realms, shook the nine heavens, and instantly informed the sentient beings in the three realms of heaven and earth, the prehistoric, the heaven and the earth ~ www.ltnovel.com~ At this moment, all the sentient beings in the three realms were shocked and horrified.

Western Buddhism has actually established the first Buddha position since its establishment?

Moreover, the Taoist Lu Ya still exists?

Who is Lu Ya? That was the tenth prince of the demon clan in the past. Since Hou Yi shot the sun, Lu Ya has basically had no news.

Although later, after the Battle of the Lich, Lu Ya also appeared several times in the prehistoric, although low-key, at least there was news.

But in the tens of millions of years since the demon clan was destroyed, Lu Ya has really disappeared, and countless monks and Da Neng have never seen him again.

Unexpectedly, this time he appeared in Western Buddhism, and he was also given the title of Buddha by the Second Holy Spirit of the West.

The first Buddha of Western Buddhism since its establishment, this is the Buddha above the Buddha, and the status is only below the two sages of the West.

Although Lu Ya's cultivation base and status at this time can still afford this position, as the first Buddha, the countless creatures and powerful expressions of the predecessor are still quite shocked.

But at the same time, they were also wondering, Lu Ya, what would he do to join Western Buddhism?

Why did the Western Two Sages make an exception and set Lu Ya as the first Buddha?

Among them, maybe there are any details, or they have their own plans.

However, there are two saints in the West, and even if Lu Ya has any calculations, it is impossible to stir up trouble in the West.

Therefore, these two saints, Zhunti and Jiudian, will determine Luya as the first Buddha of Western Buddhism in order to enhance the luck and strength of Western religion.

As the prince of the demon clan in the past, Lu Ya was not weak in strength, but he was able to bear the title.

As for his own plan, I believe it will come step by step.

But for now, things are so set.




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