Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 12: Change of Heaven

Chapter 12 Changes in the Way of Heaven

In endless humane time and space.

Too great and magnificent, the voice runs through the long river of time and space, the long river of destiny, and the entire humanity, so that all living beings are aware of this.

It is also known that from this moment on, in the realm of cultivation, between the quasi-sage and the Hunyuan, there is an additional intermediate realm as a springboard, so that more quasi-sages can see hope.

In this way, you can also practice better to the Golden Fairyland of Hunyuan Daluo.

Previously, because the quasi-sage had always been in the power of impossibility to achieve perfection, after this new realm, it is no longer a ‘negative’ treatment, it will be a realm that wirelessly approaches the realm of Hunyuan.

Just like Mo Di, that was the case. He stepped into Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian with one foot, but he was only one step away, so he could be counted in this state.

There are others, like Zhen Yuanzi, the old Styx, and now there are Chaos, Ziyis and others, all of which can be counted in this realm.

But there are some, but it hasn't been long since I entered the quasi-sage to reach Consummation, it is still a little bit worse if I want to step into the half-step Hunyuan.

Therefore, the same is the quasi-sage consummation, and the division is different. Previously, it was only Taoism, and the law of the Taoism controlled the level of theory. Now there is a new division of realms. This way, it will be a lot easier to divide.

All the creatures in the endless area of ​​humanity, all the creatures in the predicament, are aware at this time, and now this realm is more, and when I launch an impact on the Hunyuan realm in the future, I can still be above this realm. Stay.

Above this level, both Dao Xing and the control of Dao Law will be much stronger than Zhunsheng Perfect.

As a result, Honghuang is a new era.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

With a solemn look, his mind slowly withdrew from the humanity. With his current control over the humanity, as the leader of the humanity, it is not too difficult to divide a new realm in the name of humanity, even this The circumstance has already touched the level of'Tao', but for Tai Shang, it is still not too difficult.

The most important thing is that this new realm is somewhat beneficial to countless creatures.

And in this way, the humane sentient beings and the predecessor sentient beings will feed back into the humane, and can also improve and perfect the humane. This can be regarded as a thing of killing two birds with one stone, so I chose to do this.

With the establishment of a new realm, countless creatures and monks in the predicament, as well as some great abilities, have all seen new hope.

It turns out that they can see the end of their practice, that is, the quasi-sage is consummated.

As for Zen Dao Hun Yuan, it is hard to think about.

Those great supernatural powers have been trapped in this realm for hundreds of millions of years, and they haven't been promoted yet. They are ordinary cultivators, and they dare not even think about it.

Now, with a new realm ranked above the quasi-sage consummation, this is their hope, their chance for promotion.

Therefore, after the half-step Hunyuan realm was established, many quasi-sage realms and quasi-sages consummation are now working harder to practice, striving to enter this realm as soon as possible.

"This level is also suitable, for many quasi-saint powers, it is a good thing..."

Li Er looked at him, nodded slightly.

The previous realms were not easy to distinguish. They were all in the same realm. However, the control of the laws of the Great Dao with some existing Taoisms was not of the same order of magnitude at all, and it was not very good to summarize them all together.

It is also a good thing for the monks to be able to distinguish now, and it is indeed a good thing to be able to see hope and stimulate the desire to practice.

Hearing this, Too nodded and didn't speak.

The division of the new realm has already come to an end, and all living beings are aware of it. After being shocked, it is ecstasy. At this time, they are also engaged in harder practice.

The upsurge of practice at this time once again swept across the wild land, the endless humane area.

"The fate of the great fortune is condensed, and the general situation is about to rise. There will be many opportunities for existence next. If the Li family wants to rise again, you can take advantage of this opportunity..."

Taishang didn't think about the new realm anymore, looked at Li Er, and slowly said.

Hearing this, Li Er nodded. For this period of time, Honghuang has once again condensed a lot of great aura. The richness of the aura is not thin, but it has become more and more dense. For the great creatures, It is indeed an opportunity to rise.

After all, this general trend is not so easy to have. Every time it comes, countless top existences will rise.

Therefore, if the Li family wants to rise again, the next time will be an opportunity.

And as far as the holy land of the human race, the underground palace, the cut-off education, and the interpretation of the education are concerned, it is also an opportunity. It is very difficult for Yi and the others to improve a lot.

After all, in the realm of'Half-Step Hunyuan' and Hunyuan, unless it is the protagonist of the general trend, otherwise, above this realm, it is impossible to go further, after all, it is touching the level of'Tao'.

But for the disciples below, it is a good opportunity, and I believe they will also seize this opportunity.

"The general trend is coming~www.ltnovel.com~ The way of heaven seems...has changed..."

Li Er frowned and said in a condensed voice.

The secret here has been cut off too much, and he can say some things.

He is about to enter the middle stage, and his sense of heaven and earth, and some sense of heaven, have indeed improved a lot. It is normal to be able to sense a bit.

"Humanity is improved and perfected. Naturally, it is impossible for heaven to make progress without the slightest progress. The changes of heaven are also a more complete manifestation. Although the ancient times are broken and have an impact on the heavens, in some aspects, the heavens are still in charge, and the heavens are familiar. After everything is running, there is not much impact..."

Taishang heard the words, raised his head and glanced at Jiu Tiangao, then spoke.

Li Er nodded slightly, and then asked again, "Is this a blessing or a curse?"

"It's hard to say good or bad, but you and I are both on the path of ambiguity. In some respects, in the end, it is contrary to the way of heaven. It is always correct to make more preparations..." Tai Shang said.

"In this way, this general trend will be more complicated after all..." Li Er said.

Taishang did not answer, looking at the wild land.


Outside the prehistoric world, somewhere in the chaotic world.

Zixiao Palace, above the main hall.


Suddenly, Hongjun Daozu suddenly opened his eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his indifferent face.

"The way of heaven changes, why is this?"

Dao ancestor Hongjun was suspicious. Although he was the spokesperson of the Dao of Heaven, all the movements of Dao Dao, the laws of the Dao and the evolution of the rules of heaven and earth, could not be interfered by Dao ancestor Hongjun.

At this time, there were some changes during the movement of the Heavenly Dao, which immediately attracted the attention of Taoist Hongjun.

At the same time, he is also guessing, is there any difference in this?



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