Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Promoted one after another (2)

Chapter 20 Promotions (2)

Regarding the matter of the Styx Proving Dao Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the countless quasi-saint powers in the predecessor and the existence of the top players are all clear.

Looking at the land of the nether blood sea, the expressions are different at this time.

Styx is a veteran quasi-sage with full power, and it exists at the same time as the top ones. It has existed at the same time for an unknown number of billions of years. Such an existence is actually not uncommon.

You know, if it weren't the restriction of the sea of ​​blood, or else, Styx would have been proving Dao Hunyuan a long time ago. This point, even a few top existences are quite sure, the sea of ​​blood made Styx, but it also restricted Styx.

This time he was able to seize the good fortune of this opportunity, and at one stroke proved that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was already his good fortune.

If it hadn't been for such a good luck, Styx wanted to prove Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but he didn't know how long it would take.

However, this can be regarded as a chance for Styx. All beings have the chance to prove the Dao. Although I don't know when they will come back, it is possible to prove the Dao after all.

Even if Styx was restricted by the sea of ​​blood, the possibility and opportunity for his preaching still existed, but it was a bit more difficult.

Now that he has succeeded in proving Dao Hunyuan, he can be considered as his wish.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

"Teacher, the disciple used to see that white rise, but he didn't think there was any other special place that could actually help the Styx Taoist friends to prove Dao Hunyuan?"

Kong Qiu looked at the land of the Nether Blood Sea, raised his brows, and asked.

Bai Qi, as the good and evil corpse of the Styx, plus his own obsession, and then reincarnated and returned, coupled with the push of the great power, to reach the former quasi-sage perfection, it is not uncommon.

After all, under the general trend, few people who reincarnated with great supernatural powers were unable to reach Quasi-Holy Consummation.

Just like him and Li Er, they are directly proving the realm of Hunyuan.

So, apart from this, Bai Qi seems to be nothing special?

Under such circumstances, it is indeed quite unusual for Bai Shenghuo to assist the Styx to prove the realm of the mixed origin.

Hearing this, Tai Shang smiled, and said, "The Styx mainly cultivates the way of killing and kendo, but because the land of the Nether Blood Sea has some limitations and deficiencies in itself, Bai Qi rebuilds the way of killing in the human world. In some respects, it fills in the lack of Styx Killing Path..."

After a pause, he looked at Nuwa and Kongqiu, and continued, "In addition, Bai Qi also went to Guiguzi as a teacher, and learned the third brother’s Zhuxian kendo from Guiguzi, and he has been supplemented and perfected in kendo. ..."

"It can be said that what Bai Qi made up for this time was Styx’s killing and swordsmanship, not Bai Qi itself. Bai Qi returned to the fusion deity, that is, to enhance some of the deity’s strength, but he wanted to prove the Dao Hunyuan. Relying on his own Dao law, this is the key to his successful proving..."

When Nuwa and Kongqiu listened, they nodded slightly, so they knew the details.

The gazes of the three people turned to the ghost blood sea again at this time.


At the same time, Yuanshi, Mo Di, Fuxi, Suiren and others also looked at the land of the ghostly blood.

For the fact that Styx has grasped the chance and good luck, everyone is not too surprised at the fact that it is a Hunyuan.

Styx is not an ordinary great supernatural power. If it were not for the limitation of the sea of ​​blood, I am afraid that it would have been proving. After all, Styx was also a guest of the Purple Heaven Palace in the past, and it was also an extremely ancient existence.

Such an existence has more chances of preaching than ordinary monks and creatures.

Along the way, Styx has also made a lot of efforts. Although he did not allow him to prove Dao Hunyuan, it has also improved his strength and Dao Xing. Therefore, he is above the realm cultivation base and his own Dao Xing. , Among the same level, there are indeed few Stygian opponents.

Under such circumstances, Bai Qi's remedy was to make Styx all enlightened, and to prove Da Luo Jinxian Daluo Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

From this moment on, there is another mixed element between heaven and earth.

And also after the general trend started, the second witnessed the existence of Dao Hunyuan.


The reincarnation of sentient beings, in the underworld.

"Styghe is not easy. I have tried a lot on this path, but I have not been able to prove Dao as he wished. This time, he can use the general situation of the two parties to thoroughly prove Dao Hunyuan, but it is a matter of his luck..."

Hou Tu looked at the land of the Nether Blood Sea, and said softly.

The last time the general trend of the human race, Bai Qi used the power of the general trend to rise, and he also understood a lot of the principles and essence of killing and kendo.

Later, after more than tens of thousands of years of immersion, Styx once again used the new general trend to successfully prove Dao Hunyuan.

He didn't have an easy journey on this road, so the Styx Testimony was not too surprised for them, the great magicians of the same period.

After turning his eyes, Houtu fell into the wilderness, and the expression on the pretty face changed.

"The general trend is coming, perhaps, it is also an opportunity..."

After a long time, Houtu whispered in his heart, then retracted his gaze and continued to meditate.


Biyou Palace, above the main hall.

"Stay successfully proved that ~www.ltnovel.com~ did not waste these opportunities..." Tongtian said.

"The situation of Styx is not bad. This time of proving the Dao is also predictable. The existence of Bai Qi is to make up for the lack of Styx. Since it is the enlightenment, then it will not be difficult to prove the Dao Hunyuan. It's..." Gui Guzi said.

Tongtian naturally understood this level, staring at the ghost blood sea, and didn't say any more.


Nether blood sea, in the blood palace.

Styx opened his eyes slowly, and a bright light flashed across his scarlet eyes, and a smile appeared on his pale face.

"Years of wish has finally been fulfilled..."

After a long time, Styx smiled lightly.

When the voice fell, he set off to go to a certain border land to cross the robbery.


And shortly after Styx set off to cross the calamity, in the predicament, there were many other beings who were promoted to cultivation level.

Zhen Yuanzi of Dixian Mansion was promoted to the realm of Hunyuan...

There is the Chao family, and the Zi Yi family has been promoted to the realm of Hunyuan for half a step...

Xia Yu, Shennong, Xuanyuan were promoted to the realm of Hunyuan...

The patriarch of the three ancient tribes was promoted to the realm of Hunyuan by half a step...

At this time, more and more top existences were born. Although they have not yet reached the Hunyuan Realm, as far as their current situation is concerned, they are indeed closer to the Hunyuan Realm.

I believe that the later practice will be a bit easier for them, and it will be a great way in the future.

And with the promotion of these great powers, the land has become different again. Not only is the situation different, the general situation has also reached a higher level. Under the general promotion, the land has already entered a brand new The time has come.

This will be an unprecedented era, and it will also be an era of the peak of strength.

At this time, the curtain has already begun.



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