Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 21: Bone Emperor Going North

Chapter 21 The Bone Emperor Going North

The catastrophe of Styx Crossing the Hunyuan, in fact, there are many quasi-saint powers in the predecessors, as well as several top existences, half-step Hunyuan and other great magicians, no one thinks that the Styx will not be able to cross.

In terms of accumulation, in the quasi-sage consummation, in the half-step Hunyuan, the accumulation of Styx can be said to be one of the best. The accumulation of the Dao is very deep, and the Taoism is also very advanced.

Coupled with his own strength and means, if he wants to survive the Hunyuan Tribulation, as long as he handles it carefully, there is no big problem.

Many people still believe this in their hearts.

With the tribulation of the Styx at this time, many eyes of existence in the prehistoric were attracted to the past.


In the wild, somewhere in a barren area.

Styx looked solemn, killing intent emerged on his pale face, Yuantu's nose and sword light intertwined across the void, sword aura and murderous aura wanted to interweave, like a big net, covering everything in it.


The robbery cloud condensed, the sea of ​​ink poured down, and the mighty sky was like a prison, vast and mighty.

The first wave of thunder continued to smash down, but for Styx now, it was nothing at all. He didn't even shoot the divine sword in his hand. The twelve-grade industry fiery red lotus under his feet shook slightly. The blood-red light enveloped Styx's body and directly blocked the first wave of thunder's attack.

This wave of thunder attacks is really nothing to the realm of Hunyuan. It can be said that coming to this realm, crossing the existence of the robbery of Hunyuan, when facing the first wave of thundering tribulation, there is nothing big. The shots are all very easy to get through.

And this is naturally the same for Styx at this time.

When there is no thunder in the clouds of the nine heavens, the first wave of thunder tribulation has been passed.

This wave of thunder tribulations is nothing to Styx. The Karma Fire Red Lotus’s defense is strong enough to resist those quasi-sages who reach half-step Hun Yuan and the thunder attacks that are close to Hun Yuan. It’s against the twelfth-rank lotus platform. In terms of it, it's not too difficult.

At this time, when all of them are blocked, the first wave of thunder tribulations has passed, and then the demon **** who evolved from earth tribulation and the demon **** who evolved from heavenly tribulation.

And this step is also the time for Styx to take it seriously at this time.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The earth evolves, the demon **** is born, and the divine soldiers penetrate the heaven and the earth and kill directly towards the Styx.


Killing intent emerged in Styx's scarlet eyes, and he drank in his mouth, killing intent, sword energy, and blood evil aura suddenly broke out, locked the demon gods, and strangled him immediately.

At this time, the world seemed to be covered with blood.

Under the light of blood, Styx seemed to exist supremely, killing Dao at this time was full of horror, nine heavens and ten earth, hundreds of millions of creatures, nothing but killing!

Under the killing road, the demon **** became the slaughtered opponent, falling into the hands of Styx one after another.

Styx slaughtered these demon gods that had evolved from the Earth Tribulation, while further stabilizing its own way of killing.

Killing Dao naturally uses killing to improve and stabilize. This is also an opportunity for him at this time, and he will definitely not miss it.

With continuous shots in his hands, the demon gods continue to fall.

I don't know how long it has passed before Styx stopped, and all the demon gods that had evolved from the calamity had already fallen into his hands.

The blood stained the world red, but it did not stain the clothes on Styx. It was still spotless, and the trembling blood evil spirit lingered. Condensed here, the murderous and murderous aura and sword aura were once again strong. It's a bit.

At this time, Styx was ready for everything, and began to face the final wave of catastrophes.


As the Stygian who had just proclaimed the Dao in this period, he was very familiar with the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and had accumulated a lot of experience. Before that, he had also seen the situation of Mo Zhai crossing the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation.

It is precisely with these experiences that Styx is a fast word when facing the demon **** of the evolution of the earth.

Riding through this wave of disasters at an extremely fast speed, with his cultivation base and strength at this time, it is indeed not difficult.

At this time, after this catastrophe, the last wave of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, the demon **** of the Heavenly Tribulation has already appeared, all merged into a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level existence, the gods penetrate the heaven and the earth, locking in the ancient sky, Kill directly towards the Styx.

The cold killing intent, the piercing sharp edge, all the time and space collapsed, the chaos annihilated, and it flooded directly towards the Styx.

Seeing such a situation, countless existences in the prehistoric breath took a breath, and looked at this scene with horror.

Styx's expression is extremely solemn, Yuan Tu Abi in his hand is already making a move, the sword aura is vertical and horizontal, traversing the world, and killing towards the demon god.

At the same time as the move, the Twelfth-Rank Industry Fire Red Lotus also wrapped Styx's body and defended everything in Styx.

Suddenly, Styx and the Demon God fought together, annihilated countless areas, time and space continued to collapse, and the shock of horror was stronger than that. Constantly sweeping towards the Quartet, everything turned into dust, dissipating between the heaven and the earth.


Regarding the battle between Styx and the Demon God, the top existence in the prehistoric, countless creatures and monks are carefully watching.

The strength of the Demon God’s cultivation base can’t last long, so after just over a hundred years, under Styx’s frenzied attack, the Demon God’s strength has already begun to decline, and it’s already a look to resist the horror of Styx. Attacked.

Fifty years later, the Demon God fell completely into the Golden Fairy Realm of Hunyuan Daluo and was beheaded by Styx with a single sword.

In this way, the tribulation of Styx was truly over.


Styx crossed the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, and there was once again a top existence between heaven and earth.

Coupled with the birth of those half-step Hunyuan, the world at this time is already an unprecedented era, an era of peak strength.

In the prehistoric times, there are many sages, Hunyuan, half-step Hunyuan, quasi-sage, Daluo, etc.

This time is a peak era.


In this way, when time flies, another three yuan will pass quietly.

At this time, the predecessor has already recovered from the matter of crossing the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation from the Styx River and the half-step Hunyuan promotion. It is also a little calmer and many monks will return to the practice .

A prehistoric place, a certain area, a place of death.

In the Bone Hall.


Suddenly ~www.ltnovel.com~ the soul fire in the eyes of the Bone Emperor shook slightly, and the Bone Emperor was slightly surprised under the cover of the black robe.

This is, chance comes?

Although it is not clear what the fate is, since it can arouse the fire of one's own soul, it is indeed a lot of help for him, and it is also a matter of opportunity.

"It is a complete fit with Hong Huang, and it is normal to be able to sense the opportunity of Hong Huang..."

After the Bone Emperor secretly said in his heart, he immediately got up, and after leaving the White Bone Hall, he headed towards the Northern Continent.



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