Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 33: Refining furnace

Chapter Thirty-Three

Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

Nu Wa and Kong Qiu looked slightly startled, and there were so many top presences.

Saints, Hunyuan, Half-step Hunyuan, and Tianhen are all here. As for the other quasi-sage powers, although they are small masters in the prehistoric times, they are in the eyes of Nuwa and Kongqiu. , These existences are still nothing.

"Brother Dao, what is so extraordinary about this thing?"

Nu Wa raised her eyebrows, looked at Tai Shang, and asked.

Although she saw a lot, she knew it was a spirit treasure, and its grade was also good, but the real name of the avenue of this spirit treasure was still not clear, and the shape of this treasure, extraordinary things, all the secrets at this time None of it is clear.

What Kong Qiu saw was almost the same as Nu Wa, so Nu Wa spoke at this time, and Kong Qiu looked at his teacher curiously.

Taishang's eyes are like a clear sky, with a clear mind, looking at the mountains where the treasure is present, the rules and rules in his hands are intertwined and surging.

After a long time, Tai Shang retracted his gaze, looked at Nuwa and Kong Qiu, with a solemn expression, and uttered a word, "God!"


Nuwa and Kongqiu frowned, what's the explanation for this ‘heaven’?

Is it related to heaven? Is it related to the heavens or the heavens and the earth? This range, it seems, is somewhat large.

But after the two of them were puzzled, they were slightly surprised.

The word'Tian' is not simple. This treasure is involved, I am afraid that it will be more complicated. No wonder that even the heavenly clan that evolved from the origin of the heavenly path has come. It seems that the heavenly clan does not want to miss this treasure. Included in the bag. Although Nuwa and Kongqiu didn't know the real means of the Celestial Clan, this time, I thought I could see them.

"This time, the variables are really not small..."

In the hearts of Nuwa and Kong Qiu, they remembered the variables Tai Shang had mentioned before. Judging from the existence of these gatherings, there are indeed many variables.

Li Er's ability to fetch it depends on his methods.

But seeing the indifferent look too much, Nuwa and Kong Qiu also believed in Li Er's method in their hearts. The teacher looked like this, and it was the same when they thought about it. Next, let's look at their contention and those who existed. Look at theirs. Means.

His expression was too calm, he didn't watch the masters who came together, but looked at the treasures in the mountains, which were already going to be truly present, his eyes were faint, and it seemed to have deep meaning.

After thinking about it in their hearts, Nuwa and Kong Qiu also turned their eyes to the mountains.

At this time, the top existences who were watching, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Houtu, Suiren, Fuxi, Guiguzi, Mo Di, etc., all gathered their eyes here and watched the next situation.


The wilderness, the southern land, somewhere in the mountains.

Li Er's gaze slowly swept over. He didn't pay much attention to the top existences gathered this time. Even if it was Zhunti, Styx and other existences, he didn't feel much pressure. The only thing that made him look a little stern. Yes, that is, Tianhen, the patriarch of the Celestial Clan.

He is the patriarch of the race evolved from the origin of the Dao of Heaven. Although his cultivation is only a half-step Hunyuan, he has not yet seen his methods, and this situation may be revealed, so Li's ears I will also pay attention to it a little bit, and be on guard.

"Palace Master, what is so extraordinary about this treasure that can attract so many coveted by top existence?"

Qing Ming frowned, looked at Li Er beside him and asked.


Li Er's eyes were deep, looking at the nine heavens, he uttered a word in his mouth.

Hearing this, Qing Ming frowned more and more, so it seemed that the situation was really more complicated than he thought.


At this moment, only a **** light flashed by, and then he saw Styx coming to Li Er.

"Meihe, I have seen Taoist saints, Daoist Qingming..."

Although Li Er is not the deity of Taishang, in the end he is the clone of Taishang, and his cultivation base is also above him. It is not indispensable to call it a sage of the Yidao Family. As for Qingming, it is considered polite. Ebook bar

"Qing Ming has seen senior Styx!" Qing Ming immediately replied, arching his hands.

"Friend Styx!" Li Er looked at him and said.

Hearing that, Styx nodded slightly, which was regarded as a return.

"This time the Taoist sage was here for the first time. I think there is a great opportunity for it. If the Taoist sage does not abandon it, Styx can help the Taoist sage..." Styx looked at Li Er with a solemn expression, and said.

Hearing this, Qing Ming's expression was startled, and he looked at Styx in disbelief.

Under such circumstances, Styx actually intends to help the palace lord? Doesn't he want to fight for it? It's all here, don't you come back empty-handed?

Qing Ming had a thousand thoughts in his heart, but he couldn't figure out what exactly Styx had made.

Li Er nodded slightly. Since Styx planned to do this, he did not refuse. Although he didn't care about these existences, it was still feasible to resist him or two at the critical moment.

Seeing this, Styx nodded with a smile. When he saw Dao Zun's shots in the past, he also learned to do it. In the human world, he also inherited the feelings of the human race. This time, it can be regarded as some cause and effect.

Besides, Li Ernai is a clone of Dao Zun, and his cultivation base is higher than himself, so he can make a good bond by himself. That's okay.

In the predicament, relying on such a backing is the best thing. In this way, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Nuwa, Houtu, Mo Di, Guiguzi, Suiren, and Fuxi are all related.

With such a terrifying strength, if you have a good relationship, you can walk sideways.

Therefore, this shot is not a loss.


Zulong, Zufeng, Shiqilin, Silence and so on existed. Seeing this situation, he took action by himself, I was afraid that there was not much chance.

Zhunti looked at Li Er and Styx, frowned slightly, but didn't say anything.

He turned his gaze and fell on Tianhen's body, and a strange color flashed across his eyes.

In his body as a saint, he always feels that Tianhen is not simple, even if he is only a half-step Hunyuan, he still feels that way.

Under such circumstances, he had to guard against it. Such an existence would definitely have extraordinary means.

"Buddha, the next situation is complicated, you have to be careful..." Zhunti said.

"Sage, rest assured, I know..." Dainichi Tathagata nodded and said, no matter what the situation is, he can't let himself fall here, his plan is still far away, naturally it is impossible to lose for treasures that are irrelevant to him. Killed.

Existence at that level makes a move, so he can avoid it. As for other quasi-sages, even if the quasi-sages are perfect, they can resist it. As for those who are more than half a step, they still leave.


In this way, time flies, and more than ten years have passed.


The light swept across, and the terrifying temperature spread under ~www.ltnovel.com~ The entire mountain range melted in it. Except for the existence of more than half a step Hunyuan, even the quasi-sage perfect Qing Ming retreated.


In the next moment, only a divine light appeared from below, flew out, suspended in the void.

The treasure appeared in this world, and immediately attracted the eyes of all the top existences in the world, whether it was the eyes of the half-step Hunyuan or the Hunyuan (sage), they all gathered here.

All the top beings present were overjoyed and looked at the treasure.

"Sky Refining Furnace!"

Li Er narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression was awe-inspiring, and he uttered three words lightly.



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