Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 43: Peaceful 5 yuan meeting


   Chapter 43 The Peaceful Five Yuan Meeting

   The fall of the Celestial Clan was foreseeable from the moment when the Skymark completely revealed its means.

   This time the coalition made a move to completely wipe out the Celestial Clan. Although it also lost a lot, the result was still good.

   After the fall of the Heavenly Clan, the Allied Forces of the Primordial Desolation also returned to their respective forces, and the power of loose repairs also left.

  So, the matter of the Celestial Clan is also over.

  Heaven Clan was born in the Tiandao Academy. Although it has not existed for a long time in the wilderness, the sky clan has always been concerned by many forces and existences in the wilderness.

  Because of the special status of the Celestial Clan, the forces and existence in the prehistoric do not dare to underestimate them because of their short existence. Instead, they pay enough attention to them and have been paying attention to the situation of the Celestial Clan.

   The complete display of the means of the Celestial Clan has made this race that has only existed for a short time, but has always been concerned, pushed to a very high level, and it is also on the cusp of a storm.

   Although it is a flash in the pan, but this thick touch is deeply left in the torrent of prehistoric history, and it will not be erased for a long time.

   Throughout the past, present and future, the Celestial Clan is unique.

   It is like the fall of the clan today, but the horrible means of triggering the punishment of the heavens is still deeply left in the historical prehistoric and the memory of sentient beings.

   Even if time goes by, in the future, there will still be races who remember that the methods are against the sky.


And this time, for the forces of interpretation, cut-off, human race, etc., this time is also for the experience of the sect. Although it is somewhat compromised, it is still within the scope of acceptance. After they return, they will retreat for a period of time. , The cultivation base will be promoted again.

  The same is true of those who are in casual repair.

  If there is damage, there will be gains. The fallen coalition monks and primordial spirits all exist, and they have the reincarnation of sentient beings. They don't worry, they have a glimmer of vitality, and just rebuild.

   Repeatedly, maybe you can reach a higher level, which is not bad.

   Therefore, after the curtain has ended, none of them have fallen, so they can go straight into seclusion and practice. The fallen ones are also arranging reincarnation at this time.

   Hong Huang was gradually calming down at this time, and the waves that had swept the Hong Kong before were also slowly calming down.


   Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.

   "Master, all the members of the Celestial Clan have fallen and are not spared..."

   Qingxuan said to Taishang, this time he is protecting the people and teaching all the named disciples. Although they are injured, they are not in danger of falling.

   Qingxuan knows that this experience is of great significance to the named disciples, so as long as there is no danger of falling, Qingxuan will not intervene.

   The situation is also pretty good. The disciples taught by the people have gained a lot this time.

   Tai went up and nodded slightly, looking at Qing Xuan and others, "You all have feelings this time. After this time, you must retreat and stabilize, and strive to reach a higher level as soon as possible..."

   "Yes, Master (Master)!"

   Qingxuan, Eight Immortals, Changmei and others responded.

   Then, after facing Taishang, Nuwa and Kongqiu bowed, then slowly backed off.

   After Qingxuan and others retreated, Taishang began to assist Nuwa and Kongqiu to improve their understanding and understanding of the Dao.

   They are all high-level people taught by others. After all, it's not a bad thing to improve. This will help a little later.


While disciples from the human education side went down to practice, the forces of elucidation, cut-off, human race, underworld, etc. also allowed the disciples to practice in retreat and stabilize the gains from this experience. Even if there is no promotion to the realm of cultivation, the Taoism and the principles of the Taoism Control, I believe it will be improved.

   After entering the retreat under the door, several top beings all started to practice.

   Especially Zhun Ti and Styx this time, each has some damage, and at this time, it is necessary to hurry up to recover their own situation before talking.

   With the retreat and practice of these first-class forces, the peace in the precipice, most monks, forces, and races have returned to their own development and practice.

  The development of the dragon clan at this time has slowed down slightly, and the Zulong’s injury is not minor. This time, it is natural to slow down first, but it is not in a hurry.

   Anyway, there is no such thing, and the dragon clan cannot continue to develop like this, so it is not a bad thing to slow down at this time.

   Of course, there are also forces that take advantage of this opportunity to attract more floods and loose repairs, and then continue to develop and improve themselves, that is, Heaven.

   Heavenly Court is naturally impossible to let go of such a development opportunity, anyway, the land is calm now, it is the time when Heavenly Court has a sense of existence, now Heavenly Court's strength is becoming more and more powerful, if some monks seek refuge, Heavenly Court is indeed a good choice.

   After all, Heavenly Court is backed by Dao ancestors, and its own strength is not weak. It has unique geographical advantages, abundant aura, star power, spiritual root aura and so on are rare advantages, plus some rare cultivation resources of Haotian.

   In these years, Haotian also relied on these things to attract a lot of monks to join it.

   This time, it is natural to throw out the benefits first, and how much it can attract.

   As for the development of Heavenly Court itself, Taibai Venus is also fully assisting. Although Pluto is seriously injured this time, the strength of Gouchen's line is not damaged, and this time is still improving.

   Over the years, Gouchen’s pulse has indeed improved a lot, and I believe it will become more powerful in the future.

The Central One Channel and the Gouchen One Channel are improving, and the other three imperials are naturally improving. The strength of the entire Heavenly Court is constantly improving ~www.ltnovel.com~. Except for the first-class forces, at this time , It's the fastest in Tianting.

   Haotian didn't care too much, just continue to develop and improve. The situation is complicated. Only strength is true. As long as one's strength is strong, then he has the right to speak. Therefore, development must be developed and must reach a higher level.

   Haotian knows the truth well, so at this time he is also continuing to practice in retreat.


   As soon as the time flies, the time of the five multi-conferences quietly passes.

   The predecessor of peaceful practice has become ‘lively’ again at this time, walking among them, experiencing the monks in it, and more creatures.

   Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, they have improved more or less, whether they have a high cultivation base or a low cultivation base.

   All Saints and Hunyuan's Great Teachers have also improved their luck and overall strength. They are quite satisfied with their development over the past several hundred thousand years.

   Although Heavenly Court's high-level strength has not progressed very quickly, the speed of the existence of Da Luo and below is not slow, and the overall air luck has improved a lot. Haotian is very satisfied.

   He believed that as long as he was promoted again, he could learn from the situation of Emperor Jun to attack the Hunyuan realm.

   Although it is difficult, Haotian believes that he will have a chance.

   As for whether it can succeed, it depends on the law behind the heaven.



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