Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Too up to chaos

Chapter 45: Too Up to Chaos

   Above the Promise Hall.

   Taishang glanced over Nuwa and Kongqiu. It was relatively easy for Kongqiu to enter the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the upper limit of Nuwa was there. She wanted to promote to the heavenly realm. It was not that easy.

   is like Yuanshi and Tongtian. At present, it is already an upper limit, and it is also the biggest limitation now. It is really not that easy to go up, unless the heaven is destroyed.

   Otherwise, at present, it can only be immersed in the perfect state of the holy realm.

After all, there is only Hongjun Daozu at present, and he can only exist in the Heavenly Dao Realm. After all, he is a co-Tao existence. It is impossible for other saints to reach this point, and it is impossible for Tian Dao to let a few people. The saints have reached this point.

   Therefore, the current upper limit is here. Nuwa wants to be promoted, and Yuanshi and Tongtian want to be promoted. It will indeed be a little harder.

   But these are not unsolvable, and Taishang will definitely do these things in the future.

The existence of    Heavenly Dao, on a certain level, will naturally limit some upper limits, and these are not better developments.

   If the Tao is to replace the Tao of Heaven, then the situation will be different again.

In addition, if it will go to a higher plane in the future, Tai Shang also feels that the prehistoric must be taken away. In this way, the development will be faster, and for the creatures in it, it will be extremely Big promotion.

   So, when Taishang's strength is reached, they will do these things, and their promotion will not be difficult in the future.

   Now their Dao accumulation, their understanding and control of Dao principles are constantly deepening, the deepening of Daoism, and their own cultivation bases continue to accumulate. In the future, the Dao of Heaven will be destroyed, and the Dao of Humanity will take over.

   After they leave the way of heaven, they will use this to get promotion and enter the peak of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal in one fell swoop.

   This situation is almost the same as Tai Shang's original situation.

   The current period is the same as Taishang’s initial accumulation, and the final result is the same, so the situation at this time is also the same. Taishang is not too anxious, after all, the time is still early.

   I want to do this, at least it must be Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal Consummation, or Hunyuan Wuji Golden Immortal realm.

  Only in this way will it be relatively easier.

   He has been immersed in the middle stage of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal for millions of years. Although the realm of Dao is still consolidated and accumulated, and it will not be too far away from the later stage, it is a bit short of opportunity after all.

   But then, Taishang still believes that he can find an opportunity, and the later stage of promotion will not be too far.

   At that time, the completion of one's own avenue was relatively easy to walk. After all, all of their own avenues have reached this point, and they are naturally very familiar with their own avenues.

   Although the level of ‘Tao’ is a bit more advanced, it is after all the understanding and control of one’s own avenues. Therefore, it is relatively easy to accumulate. As long as you enter the later stage first, the latter will be easier to walk.

   The thoughts in his heart flashed by, and there were some thoughts too much.


   Nuwa and Kongqiu heard this and bowed their hands towards Taishang. If there is no Taishang's assistance, they will not have such diligence, and Taoism is not the point at this time. It can be said that this time is the Taishang's credit.

   They are all high-ranking educators. Too high naturally improves their cultivation strength, so there is nothing wrong with it. He didn't care too much about these things. Seeing the actions of the two, he immediately put on a swing.

   "Kong Qiu, for a period of time, you will sit in the Taiqing Palace for your teacher, and you will also give guidance to the students to teach the improvement of the disciples..."

   Tai Tai's eyes fell on Kong Qiu and said.

   In the next time, he felt that it was time to walk away from the chaos. In addition to the cause and effect with Luo Hui, he also wanted to find opportunities for promotion.

   As long as he can reach the later stage, his own road to Consummation will be easier to walk.

   So, this time, I have to go once.

   "Teacher, don't worry, the disciple knows what to do..."

   Kongqiu heard the words and nodded immediately.

   Teacher leaves something, then he, as a direct disciple of the Taiqing Palace, is a Hun Yuan. It is understandable that he is sitting in the Taiqing Palace.

   All the named disciples taught by the people have also made good progress in their cultivation. Da Luo Jinxian is already there, and he can also give pointers or two so that they can march toward the quasi-sage and reach a higher world.

   was doing this kind of thing before, so I am no stranger, I believe I can improve my juniors more.

   Too listened to this, slightly nodded, Kong Qiu sitting and giving pointers, the Taiqing Palace and the disciples of the people do not have to worry too much, Kong Qiu will arrange everything.

   "Brother Dao intends to go to Chaos?"

   Nuwa Xiu raised her eyebrows, as if she had guessed too much.

   Based on the relationship between him and Luo Hui, it is impossible for him to be kind. Naturally, if one party truly falls, then the karma and grievances will dissipate. Otherwise, it will be impossible to resolve them.

   If it is not for Hongjun Daozu to join the Dao, Nuwa believes that Daozu may go together.

   After all, Luo Hui was badly injured last time, and the level of injury, Daoyuan was damaged, but it is not so easy to recover.

   This is only close to 20 million years, and it is quite easy to recover his own injuries, but it is not so easy to recover the source of the Tao that he suffered under the joint efforts of Taoist ancestor and Taishang.

   Even if he recovers, his strength will have an impact. Taishang is now at its peak again. The realm cultivation is above the mid-term peak of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal. Facing Luohu at this time, he has a great advantage.

   It's a good time to shoot now.

   After hearing the words, Tai Tai nodded slightly, "It is true, now this time, it is indeed almost..."

   Taishang looked at the location of the chaotic world, and in his deep eyes, his eyes were faint and inexplicable, as if he had penetrated the long river of time and space and saw Luo Hu's location and situation.

   Nuwa and Kong Qiu nodded when they heard this, and did not speak again.

   They are all clear about the situation and details. Since the Taishang has already decided ~www.ltnovel.com~, they won't say anything more.

   Especially Kong Qiu, since the teacher has decided like this, then just do it by himself, anyway, it is not difficult to sit in the Taiqing Palace and teach the students, so there is no need to do more.

   "In the rest of the time, you still have to practice more practice and enlightenment, it will be easier to get promoted in the future..."

   Taipa looked at Nuwa and Kong Qiu, and slowly spoke.

   After that, he got up.

   Hearing the words, Nuwa and Kong Qiu nodded and did not speak.


   In the next instant, his upper body moved and disappeared in place.

   Seeing this, Nuwa said, "This is the matter, and the palace has left, Kongqiu, you don't want to lose your cultivation..."

   "Our Mother, don't worry, Kong Qiu will work hard..." Kong Qiu said respectfully.

   Nuwa nodded slightly, her figure moved, disappeared in place, and headed towards Fengxi Mountain.

   Seeing this, Kong Qiu withdrew his gaze, then walked towards the side hall, and began to teach his juniors.


   At the same time, with the departure of Taishang, he headed towards the chaotic world.

   Yuanshi, Tongtian, Houtu, Suiren, Fuxi and others all looked at the chaotic world, their eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

   After a long time, he looked back, waiting for the great news.



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