Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Fusion Killing World

Chapter Fifty: Fusion and Killing World

Kill the big world, in the secret realm.

Looking at the negative hand standing, the expression is indifferent, all existence is silent, for fear that even a little noise will cause too much action, then the real scum will be gone. The six big Luo Jinxians are their fate, so at this time Don't even dare to look too much.

Tai Shang glanced at the origin of the world to some extent at this time, but the incompleteness of the killing world is there, even if it is absorbed back to those world origins in the heart of the killing, it will be a temporary solution, and it will continue to flow in the near future. , The rules and rules will leak out again and become confused.

The situation in the killing world is still not optimistic.


There was a shock in the void under Tai Shang's feet, the void was born with lotus, the lotus with thirty-six petals, and a vast avenue breath suddenly swept away, making all the creatures who killed the big world shocked, and they gathered their eyes here, although I don't know how many trillion li is separated, but at this time, I don't know why, I can clearly see Taishang.

Seeing the supreme existence, the existence above all, the existence in charge of the humanity of all beings, in front of such an existence, there is no mentality of resistance at all, only surrender to him.

"The deity is the Supreme Supreme Qing, the head of the Pangu Three Qings. The origin of the world of killing is incomplete and the laws are leaked. The world's creatures are in danger. If there is no solution, three calamities of time will be completely annihilated, all beings will die, and the chaos will be dissipated. Among..."

The figure of the upper body slowly rose, and his mouth faintly said, and his voice spread throughout the entire killing world.

At this moment, all the creatures in the big world of Slaughter felt a burst of enlightenment, even if they don’t know too much, they are all enlightened at this time.

All the creatures knelt to the ground and shouted, "Please Dao Zun, save me and wait!"

Although they don't know that this is the case, but the changes in the killing world over the past few calories, nothing is more clear than their killing the world creatures.

Why can't this world be born to a higher point? Even the quasi-sages have not reached Consummation, let alone go up.

Why is that?

It turned out that they didn't understand, but they all knew what was said at this time. For the sake of the future, for the survival of sentient beings, at this time they all begged to be too good to take action and rescue them.

They also wanted to pursue the Great Avenue, and they didn't want a few calamities to follow the killing world, which was not what they wanted.

Since the master of humanity is too high to come here personally, then he thinks there is a way. He is in charge of the way of all living beings, and he is also one of the sentient beings. Wouldn't the Taoist want to stand idly by?

Just after the sentient beings knelt down, the voice of the Supreme Master came again.

"From today, the deity is in the chaos and merges the world of killing and the deity to elevate the world level. This can be of great help to the creatures of both worlds. It depends on how far it can be in the future. Your chances are fortunate..."

"Thank Daozun for mercy!"

The sentient beings who killed the big world heard this and immediately worshipped.

Will it be worse if you merge with the world of Dao Zun?

In the future, the world will be stable, and the rules and rules will be stable and perfect. This will be of great help to one's own practice and can be used to reach a higher level.

At this time, the Daluo Jinxian in the killing world was the happiest in the heart of the quasi-sage. How long they have not been promoted to the cultivation base, it was originally an opportunity for this world change.

Unexpectedly, there is such a great fortune.

In this way, I can really reach a higher level, and in the future, I will be able to get more opportunities and be favored by the Dao Venerable in the world of the Dao Venerable. These are all things of great opportunity and great good fortune. .

The sentient beings thought in their hearts, and their expressions became more and more joyous.

They looked towards the sky, and Taishang's body grew bigger and bigger, unspeakably big, unbelievably big.

Tai Shang directly pulled away from the killing world and came into the chaotic void. Tai Shang turned into a supreme being, and one was enough to crush the existence of a large world with one foot.

At this time, the big world of killing, in front of Tai Shang, was only the size of a palm, and it was round, and he held it in his hand.

All the creatures in the Slaughter World, looking into the sky at this time, their eyes penetrated countless time and space, and saw a figure. Seeing that the Slaughter World was only the size of a palm in his hand, the sentient beings knelt down on the ground again.


In chaos.

Taishang sacrificed the Wuji world, the two worlds appeared in his hands, and then began to sacrifice.

Fusion of the world, although not an easy task, takes a long time, but the world that kills the big world is incomplete, lack of origin, incomplete walls of the world, leakage of laws, and chaotic rules.

The time will be shortened by the integration of the big world of killing.

With a wave of Tai Shang's hand, a long river of time and space emerged. The silver-white river of time and space was coiled around Tai Shang. The sand of the Ganges River among them flew past. The speed of time and space here has already risen to the extreme.


With a stunned expression, he entered the two worlds of the Promise World and the Killing World with a handprint, and then saw that the two worlds began to gradually merge together, the first being the wall of the world.

At this time, the world wall of the slaughter great world is being rapidly assimilated by the world wall of the Wuji world, and then the strength of the world wall of the Wuji world is being increased slowly.


Outside the space-time flow area, after 30,000 years, the Promise World and the World Wall that killed the Great World have already been merged.

Next, it is the continent that merges the two worlds, the rules of heaven and earth, and the rules of great avenues.

Seeing this, the Taishang quickly made a handprint, and then the rules of heaven and earth in the killing world and the laws of the Great Dao continued to merge into the Promise World.

Then the mainland is also in a little bit of fusion.

This kind of integration is of great benefit to both worlds.

In the killing world, all sentient beings have felt the difference in the aura of heaven and earth, the extension of the continent, the perfection and stability of the rules, and the clarity and perfection of the rules are constantly changing.

Both worlds know what is happening at this time, and they also know the help to the creatures in the two worlds that are integrated into the two worlds.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ At this time, all the creatures are watching carefully, waiting for the completion of the integration.


After another 30,000 years, the continents and the rules of heaven and earth of the two worlds have been integrated, and the area of ​​the continents at this time has soared to the extent of more than one big world.

The Heavenly Dao of the Promise World has also improved a lot at this time, after all, the area under his control is larger.

And the assimilation and improvement of the rules have also benefited countless creatures. Some of the creatures who killed the Great World were already directly promoted at this time.

They are even more looking forward to future progress when they first gain benefits.

And 20,000 years after the fusion of the mainland and the rules, the fusion of the laws of the Great Dao was completed, and another complete Great Dao was added to the new Promise World.

In this way, the integration of the two worlds can be regarded as successfully completed.



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