Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 72: Taishang accept public transport class

Chapter 72: Taishang Receiving Public Transport Class

Promise mountain range, in front of Shouyang Mountain.

After reading the words of the public transport squad in the Void Boat, his expression changed slightly.

Isn’t this Yangshan the right place where the leader Taishang is located? He actually drove the boat of the void and came to the dojo of the leader?

He is already a quasi-sage. He is still aware of some human matters. Whether it is the leader or the deputy leader of the Virgin, they are all clear, so after he has finished reciting the three characters of Shouyang Mountain, everything is clear. Up.

Now that he came here, he had obviously alarmed the leader, and even if he wanted to retreat, he was afraid it would be inappropriate.

After thinking about it, the public transportation team directly drove the Void Boat and flew towards the Shouyang Mountain.

Suddenly, he came to the top of Shouyang Mountain.

A palace that was enough to make him look shocked was located here, where the immortal Qi steamed the treasures of heaven, and even the palace gates here were different from other places.

The public transport team got out of the Void Boat, and looked at the Promise Mountain Range at this time, but saw the entire mountain range in the auspicious glow of Tengrao billion trillion li, colorful clouds floating, and the celestial spirit was steaming, and there was an image of a good fairy family.

On the top of Shouyang Mountain, the clouds cover the clouds, the strange rocks of the Lingyan, thousands of emerald green, and thousands of weather! The sun shines in the sunny forest, with thousands of red mists winding around, the wind grows gloomy, and the colorful clouds flutter.

"It really is the land of immortal family, the place of longevity..."

After a few breaths, the public transport squad withdrew his gaze and said softly.

This is the first time that I have seen such a fairy mountain spiritual vein, and I can't help but have an idea in my heart at this time.

He turned his head and looked at the majestic Taiqing Palace. He came to the front of the Taiqing Palace and bowed and said, "Disciples Gongyuban, see the leader!"

In the dark, he felt a pair of eyes watching him. He was shocked, knowing that this was the concern of the leader, and immediately bowed down in front of the Taiqing Palace.

This time I came to the Shouyang Mountain Realm unintentionally, and this is constantly the case, I still have to pay a visit to the leader.

Even if the leader punishes himself, he will accept it willingly.

Of course, in addition to this factor, in fact, the public loss class also wants to meet the leader of his own teaching.

If he could see the demeanor of the leader, it would be a golden opportunity for himself, a great opportunity and great fortune, how could he not want it? So at this time, I had the same plan to bow down to see the salute.

"come in!"

A magnificent voice, as if sounded from the source of the avenue, instantly pierced through the long river of time and space, the long river of fate, humanity, in the depths of the soul of the public transportation class, from the bottom of my heart, from the sea of ​​knowledge.

The public transportation class only felt that his soul was floating, and there was a gap in the sea of ​​consciousness. After a long time, it gradually stabilized and his mind receded.

The public transport class was shocked, the leader's method was really terrifying to the extreme. With just a single voice, he almost couldn't catch it, but he was a quasi saint.

Such a cultivation realm, even the voice of the leader caused such a terrifying change, if there is a little more power, he has no doubt that he will sink, until he falls under this voice.

The turbulent waves in his heart, his expression became more horrified, and only a moment later did he support his body.


At this moment, the heavy gate of the Taiqing Palace slowly opened, and the dull voice echoed in all directions.

After taking a few glances at the palace gate, the public transport class slowly walked into the Taiqing Palace.


The Promise Hall.

The public transportation class didn't go fast, and only a moment later, he arrived at the Hall of Promise.

In the center of the main hall, there are nine levels of cloud platforms. On the cloud platform sits a supreme being. With just one glance, he wants to surrender in front of this being.

That is the existence above all, in front of such an existence, I dare not have any thoughts.

He knew in his heart that this one was the leader of the human religion, and the leader of the Three Qings, the Taiqing Taishang.

And under the cloud platform, there is a futon, and on the futon sits a young man in white clothes.

He also recognized this person, although his appearance has changed a bit, but since the day he proclaimed, his appearance has returned to his original youth appearance.

He was one of the first ones among the hundreds of families in the past.

Confucianism, Kong Qiu!

Kong Qiu's identity is rarely unclear in the immortal world at this time.

But this has no effect. Confucius can seize the opportunity to prove that the Daluo Jinxian will be envied by countless existences.

After all, such opportunities are not many. Whether it is Kongqiu, Mo Di, or Guiguzi, Bai Qi, etc., they have all obtained great benefits, and countless existences are secretly that they do not have such opportunities.

Therefore, there was no influence or criticism regarding the reincarnation of Confucius by Xuandu.

After a long time in the public transfer class, it gradually calmed down, walked three steps behind Confucius, and immediately bowed and said, "Disciple Renzu public transfer class, see the leader!"

Then, he turned around again and said, "Public losers, meet the Confucian sage!"

Although he and Kong Qiu are both rising figures among a hundred families, the gap between the two sides is huge, and he is a quasi-sage perfection, but he is already Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is already a difference between clouds and mud. .

"Don't be polite!"

Taishang's voice slowly spread, and an invisible force directly helped the public transport squad.

"The disciple thanked the leader!" said the public class.

"You can subtly cultivate to this point in the human world, but there is a chance. If it weren't for the hundreds of families in the past, if you were fortunate and lacking in merit, you might have been able to aspire to the realm of quasi-sage consummation long ago..."

Kong Qiu returned to his head and looked at the public road.

He and Mo Di had some disputes, but how could it be Mo Di's opponent? After the Great Dao struggle was defeated, he took a different approach, but it was a lot slower in the end.

If it weren't for the general situation and the lack of luck and merit, he would not lose to many of the hundreds.

It can be seen from his progress over the years and the methods of the class.

Hearing this, the public losing class was also embarrassed in his heart, but there is no way. Under the general situation, everything has its own fixed number. If you are a little bit short, it will take a lot of time to make up for it, and it has only reached the current point.

But no matter what, everything is satisfactory.

"call out!"

At this moment, only a black light flashed by, and then fell into Tai Shang's hands.

I looked at the Void Boat too carefully, but it was also mysterious and abnormal. Although it was only an acquired spirit treasure, the most mysterious part of the Void Boat was not its attack and defense, but its ability to travel through the world.

The laws of seal carving, rhyme, runes and formations on the Void Boat are also set up to resist spatial turbulence, wind and thunderstorms.

Just this acquired Lingbao, it is also quite mysterious.

After thinking about it for a while, Taishang showed a smile on his face, holding the boat of the void, looking at the public transport class ~www.ltnovel.com~ and said, "Mtlnovel class, you are willing to come to the school and listen to the teachings of Dao Dao. ?"

Hearing that, the public transportation class was stunned in the same place, in the sea of ​​knowledge, the voice of Taishang was constantly echoing in the bottom of my heart.

The leader, unexpectedly, want to accept himself as a disciple?

Own, how can Ho De Ho?

"The public loss class, the teacher asked, would you like it?"

At this time, Kong Qiu spoke directly, pulling his mind back and becoming affected.

After the public school class returned to God, his expression immediately recovered, and he bowed and said, "The disciple is willing, the disciple public school class, pay homage to the teacher!"



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