Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 76: Prepare, refining the Fantian Seal

Chapter 76 Preparation, Refining the Fantian Seal

East Kunlun Mountain, in Yuxu Palace.

Guang Chengzi looked at his uncle with a look of surprise and shock. He didn't expect that this Heavenly Seal would actually be used by his uncle.

No wonder, since his teacher gave him the Fantian Seal, he never said that he would use it once. He suddenly said that he would use it, but he was quite puzzled in his heart. Now it seems that he is actually his uncle. To use.

If this is the case, then I have to take it out even more, and it is also necessary to give teachers and uncles a wave of goodwill.

Seeing the look of Uncle's satisfaction, he secretly delighted in his heart, maybe, Uncle will give him something.

"Kuang Chengzi, this time, taking your treasure, uncle is of great use, but since it is your treasure, uncle is not good to take this treasure for nothing..."

Taishang looked at Guang Chengzi and smiled faintly, how could he not know what he was thinking.

Well, since Fan Tianyin is a treasure in his hands, then give him a little compensation.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

With a wave of his hand, two streamers flew out, one fell into his forehead, one fell into his hand, and turned into a seal.

"If you can fully comprehend this point, you will be promoted to Quasi-Holy Consummation. There is no problem. As for this seal, it was refined based on the supernatural powers of the Taiqing seal, which can be said to be the actual Taiqing seal. I will give you self-defense..."

Tai Shang looked at him and slowly said, this Fang Yinxi, although not very high-grade, but also a high-grade innate spirit treasure, it is not bad, and it is more than enough to defend Guang Chengzi.

"The disciple thanked the uncle for the reward!"

Guang Chengzi's expression was startled at first, and then he showed ecstasy.

Good stuff!

First of all, in his own knowledge of the sea, some great insights given by uncle uncle, this is uncle's sentiment, if he can comprehend completely, he believes that it is not only as simple as quasi holy consummation, maybe half-step Hunyuan is a chance of.

This great opportunity, great luck, is this time, and he will definitely seize it.

In addition, how powerful this Taiqing seal is, he knew clearly in his heart that this Lingbao was refined on the basis of the master's supernatural power Taiqing seal, which contained a trace of the true meaning of the Taiqing Dao, and its power was far superior. Its own grade.

The general best-quality innate spirit treasures are not necessarily Taiqingyin's opponents. Such treasures are quite happy in his heart.

The reward of the uncle's uncle is really rich, and it is nothing to lose the Fantian Seal. The value of the obtained is not much worse than that of the Fantian Seal.

After all, compared with the cultivation base, the magic weapon has fallen behind. As long as you can reach the point of half-step Hunyuan, then it will be worthwhile to exchange it for Fantian Seal. This matter is earned by yourself.

"This matter is over, go on!"

Yuan Shi looked at Guang Chengzi who was secretly happy at this time, and waved his hand.

My elder brother was given a good luck. Whether he can grasp the opportunity depends on the good luck of Guangchengzi.

"The disciple retire!"

Upon hearing this, Guang Chengzi immediately reduced the feeling of joy in his heart, and after paying a tribute to Taishang and Yuanshi, he slowly retreated.

Now that he has received a bit of great insight from the Supreme Master, he naturally wants to go to retreat and practice for some time, and now he has stepped into the quasi-sage consummation with one foot, so he has stepped into this state first.

By then, he can hit the half-step Hunyuan realm. He believes that the great insights given by his uncle can help him achieve the half-step Hunyuan realm. It depends on whether he can seize this opportunity.

In addition, he will also take the opportunity to practice the innate spiritual treasure of Taiqingyin. This is also one of his own assassins. Naturally, the faster the sacrifice, the better. This is the important part of the overall strength improvement. .

After he left, Yuan Shi turned his gaze to Taishang and said, "After this time, I will prepare well and wait for Big Brother's opportunity..."

Now that things were arranged in this way, Yuan Shi naturally knew how to do the following things, and he also planned to prepare the means.

"You can know these things in your own mind..."

"It's over here, so I won't stay longer for my brother..."

After Taishang said, he got up, smiled slightly, and disappeared above the hall.

"Brother go slow!"

After Yuan Shi said, he withdrew his gaze, continued to practice and enlighten, and prepared.

At the same time, in the main hall, the power of the great avenue that concealed the secret and isolated everything gradually dissipated until it disappeared.

Only the great aura radiating from Yuanshi's body became more and more concentrated.


Shouyang Mountain.

"call out!"

A divine light flashed, and immediately turned into a super figure, and came across the long river of time and space in an instant.

This trip to the Yuxu Palace, after obtaining the Fantian Seal, the next thing can be carried out in an orderly manner, and that day will eventually come.

After thinking about it in Taishang's heart, with a wave of his hand, several golden lights sprinkled out of his hand, directly sinking into the void.

Those few golden lights headed directly towards the prehistoric top existences, and informed them of the next situation.

After finishing all this, Taishang directly entered the Taiqing Palace.


at the same time.

In the Fengxi Mountain.

Nuwa, who had been cultivating here for these years, slowly opened her eyes, and immediately caught a golden light with her bare hands, her beautiful eyes flashed, and everything was clear to her heart.

"Finally, is it coming?"

Nu Wa secretly said in her heart and looked at the location of Shouyang Mountain.

In Jinao Island.

Tong Tian also received a message from his elder brother. After browsing a bit, he nodded slightly and looked at the Taiqing Palace, waiting for the opportunity.

The Holy Land of Terran.

Suiren and Fuxi have always been aware of this.

Jifu, Pingxin Temple.

Houtu also knew what was going to happen at this time, and he would also begin to prepare.

Nether blood sea, Styx nodded secretly, and immediately began to practice.

On the West Spirit Mountain.

Jiuyin and Zhunti looked at each other, and this moment was finally about to come.

They looked at the location of Shouyang Mountain, with golden light in their eyes.


Shouyang Mountain ~www.ltnovel.com~Taiqing Palace.

The Promise Hall.

Tai Shang still raised a cyan flame at this time, and began to envelop Fan Tianyin.

This re-refining of the Heaven Seal is not only about returning to the original and returning to the original Yuan, but also as simple as returning to the half-blessed mountain. It also needs to be integrated into its own means and power, and it must also fit the current Blessed mountain and the power of heaven and earth.

Taishang created the mountain-moving clan. For some of the details, it is quite understanding. When the sacrifice began, behind him, a strong force of mountain-moving suddenly swept out, A steady stream of forces entered the half-wound mountain.

Refining Fan Tianyin, at this time, is already on the right track.




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