Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 89: One after another shot to destroy the heavens (1)

Chapter 89 One after another shot to destroy the heavens (1)

Above the nine heavens, in the endless void.

Too frowned slightly, and his expression was solemn. In the deep eyes, a cold light that wiped out all realms passed.

The imprint of Taiqing Avenue at the center of the eyebrows is blooming with dazzling divine light, and the brilliance flowing on the palm of the hand, wrapped in the endless law of divine light, bursts with the aura of coercion over the heavens and all realms, and continues to penetrate into the space of heaven. Then directly grabbed the existence of'those' and held it tightly, making it impossible to break free.



Taishang's palm slowly pulled back, and at the interface between the palm and the heavenly space, there was a sudden noise, resounding across the prehistoric places, everywhere in the world, countless thunders interlaced, and cracks in the sky.

At this moment, the sentient beings trembled in their hearts, and some power seemed to riot in the heavens and the earth, and there were also some chaotic changes in their mana.

The expressions of the sentient beings changed, and they quickly stabilized their own situation, and then looked at the nine heavens in horror.

At this time, Taishang's palm slowly pulled away from the heavenly path, and his palm directly grasped the countless rules chains and law chains in the heavenly path space, and bursts of crisp sounds continued to be heard.

In the predicament, countless creatures, monks, powers, races, etc., all looked at the nine heavens with horror at this time. The existence of the chain of laws and laws holding the heavens, he is above everything. , Is a supreme existence, at this time, shot, pointing directly to the heavenly space.


Above the nine heavens, those regular chains and law chains held by the Supreme Being were gradually stretched out at this time. In the heavenly space, a terrifying power of the Great Dao was condensing, gradually pulling those chains.

Not only that, above the nine heavens, there are also countless regular chains and law chains extending from the heavenly realm, moving towards being too constrained. Above each chain, it is agitated even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's heart palpitations. Every chain can trap and lock a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


Tai Shang snorted coldly, echoing between the heavens and the earth, and the horrible aura stirred the past and the future, and all the causes and effects of the present were disturbed. He waved his hand and directly erased many of the chains that were trapped.

"call out!"

In his red Qingyun, three streams of light flashed and turned into the Sanqing Taoists. The Sanqing Taoists sat cross-legged on the three lotus platforms. They looked at the heavenly space and the chains with cold eyes, and got up one after another, holding the three lotus platforms. , One after another shot.


Too master clenched his hands tightly, pulling directly on the chain of rules and the chain of laws, directly pulling out some of the cores.


At this moment, above the nine heavens, thick clouds rolled and thunder intertwined, and then a pitch-black opening appeared, revealing a huge eye, without the slightest emotional temperature, overlooking all beings.

There had been sentient beings with five decayed natures and humans, but this time it was even more shocked.

The Eye of Heaven's Punishment is actually the Eye of Heaven's Punishment!

But after thinking about it, Dao Zun's move was meant to be heavenly. It was originally an act against the heavens. At this time, it is normal for the eyes of heavenly punishment to appear.


"call out!"

When Hongjun Daozu appeared in the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, he had already escaped from the Heavenly Dao space. All powers were too restrained, and the Eye of Heaven's Punishment also came out. With his means, he left the Heavenly Way at this time. Space is normal.

"Zhen, go!"

Daozu Hongjun's expression was dreadful, he snorted softly, and immediately waved his hand, the six divine lights headed directly towards Fengqi Mountain, Biyou Palace, Yuxu Palace, the Holy Land of Human Race, and West Spirit Mountain.

When the soul entered the body, the Six Saints suddenly burst out with a terrifying aura and rushed straight into the sky.

Nuwa, Suiren, Yuanshi, Tongtian, and the two sages of the West all set off at this time.

In addition, there are Kongqiu, Styx, Fuxi, and Houtu one after another to contain those law chains and rules chains.

At this moment, all the top existences were shot, once again alarming the countless long rivers of time and space, the creatures in the long river of destiny, and the primordial sentient beings.

It turned out that not only Dao Zun shot, but also Dao Ancestor, Six Sages, and four Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian shot. It can be said that all the tops exist at this time.

Judging from the situation at this time, it is estimated that God is in danger!


"The Eye of God's Punishment?!"

His expression was too calm, without the slightest fluctuation, he said softly in his mouth.


The light of endless laws burst out from Taishang body, turning into a avenue. At this time, the laws are endlessly rushing, turning into a billowing river, constantly scouring away.

Every time the light of the law is washed away, the chains of those rules and laws will be dimmed by one point, and the top will be decayed by one point, becoming more and more easily broken. At this time, the top existences have shot to break them.

Those Heavenly Punishment Thunder lingering in front of the Heavenly Punishment Eye, under the light of the law of the Supreme Being, are constantly annihilated among them, and the force of destruction and the power of Thunder are gradually being wiped out.

"Tai Qing Yin!"

Taishang Yiyin pushed up horizontally, and those Heavenly Punishment and Thunder that fell down were shattered steadily.

Although the thunder of Heavenly Punishment is terrifying, even the saint and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can kill, but at this time, Taishang is in the state of perfection of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal. At this time, the thunder of Heavenly Punishment is not too much for Taishang. The damage caused by one seal was pushed up horizontally, and it annihilated a lot of the power of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment.


Heaven's punishment thunder smashed down, constantly hitting the Taiqing seal, and countless thunder lights lingered on it, and the thunder light shining everywhere.

Tai Shang slowly stepped up, the world under his feet was born and annihilated, turning into the supreme master.

"Tai Qing Shen Lei!"

With a wave of Tai Shang's hand, the ether clear **** thunder punishes the heaven with thunder, and at this time they cancel each other out.

Seeing this, all sentient beings took a breath of cold air. They didn't expect that the Thunder God Thunder was so terrifying now, and one thing wiped out the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment.

Is this Dao Zun is too strong, or is the Eye of Heaven's Punishment too weak?

Tai Shang did not pay attention to the thoughts of sentient beings at this time. He slowly stepped up, formed a seal in his hand, and immediately punched out, "Humanity, Zhenfeng!"

Taishang used the human Dao to resist the Heavenly Dao, and with a wave of his hand, the Taiji Diagram appeared in his hand, and the Taiji Diagram blocked the power of the Heavenly Dao, so that the Dao could be better and wiped out the Heavenly Dao faster.


A move in his hand~www.ltnovel.com~ A dark spear appeared in his hand.

At this time, the killing spear was shot out, and the world was immediately covered with blood-red light, and the terrifying murderous intent and murderous intent crossed the world, making many dying creatures and monks even more affected.


With a single shot here, everything collapsed, the avenue was annihilated, and the world returned to the ruins!

This gun, which does not exist in this world, directly penetrates chaos and Hongmeng, and points directly to the origin of the avenue.

Without too many moves and attacks, it pierced straight out, and everything has been annihilated.

Avenue to Jane!




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