Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Humanitarian prehistoric

Chapter 91: The Lord of Humanity

Prehistoric, in the endless void.

Standing too high in the sky, his body is vast and terrifying, even if it is Hongjun Daozu, at this time it is palpitating, not to mention the five sages, several Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and the prehistoric sentient beings.

"The way of heaven is destroyed, and then there will be a new era..."

Taishang looked down on sentient beings and said softly. He wandered through the long river of time and space in his mind, and the audience was born and died, and all the changes appeared in his eyes.

Hearing that, a group of top beings nodded slightly, and they understood that in the future, humanity will take control of the prehistoric land, and the prehistoric will enter a new era.

And the six sages before, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Western two sages, Nuwa and Suiren, at this time, the aura of heaven and the power of heaven are gradually dissipating. In the darkness, it seems that some cause and effect thread is disconnected. Then the aura on his back gradually evolved, morphing into the aura of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The realm remains the same, but the body of Hunyuan is achieved instead of the body of a saint.

Tai Shang glanced at them, and slightly nodded. The situation of Hongjun Daozu and Six Sages is the same. They are now transformed into Hunyuan bodies, and their auras have gradually increased. Although they were not able to be promoted for a while, they continued to firmly understand. If there is no big problem in promotion.

The thoughts in Taishang's heart flashed past, and he immediately turned his gaze to Bu Zhou Mountain.


Half a week at the top of the mountain.

The Taoist Zhou Shan came here with half of the mountain on his back. Every step he took was very firm. Every step he took, the pangu coercion and mountain power would increase by a point. Fortunately, he is a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at this time. At this time, it is not so easy for one person to bear all of Zhoushan.

"The power of ten thousand mountains, gather!"

There was a soft sigh from Zhou Shandao's population, and his eyes were extremely deep, but immediately, there were countless star points appearing in his deep eyes, densely packed, and hundreds of millions of stars bloomed.

Each starlight is a mountain, controlled by a clan who moved the mountain, and gathered the power of the mountain.



Hundred Ways!

Thousands of ways!

Ten thousand ways!

Thousands of ways!

Hundreds of millions!

At this time, in the entire prehistoric land, among the countless realms, countless mountains gathered at this time, and the terrifying power was all blessed on the body of Taoist Zhou Shan.

"Not Zhoushan falls!"

The Taoist Zhou Shan's expression shook his back, and even if he saw half of Zhoushan flying out, he immediately transformed into its original size and fell directly on the half of Zhoushan. The mountain was unified, the pressure merged, and the cracks at this time , In the gradual disappearance.


The Taoist Zhoushan made seals in his hands, and constantly penetrated into the cracks of Buzhou Mountain. His own power of moving mountains, the power of hundreds of millions of mountains, the power of moving mountains, all merged together, with the help of The power of heaven and earth began to gradually recover the situation of Zhoushan.

In a short period of thousands of years, the rift in Buzhou Mountain has completely recovered and returned to its former appearance.

The Tianzhu that supports the sky is not Zhoushan!

At this moment, countless creatures all over the land, seeing this, all showed shock.

Buzhou Mountain, that is a complete Buzhou Mountain!

For many years, I haven't seen it again since it broke the mountain and the world collapsed. Goodbye now, the situation in the predicament has been very different.

Dao Zun made a move, and a group of mighty powers helped to destroy the Heavenly Dao. Now that the mountain is not complete, everything is different.

The Zhoushan Taoist saw the situation of Buzhou Mountain is still complete. With Buzhou Mountain as the center and four pillars as the supplement, the support of the heaven and the earth has become more stable at this time. It is also in the process of gradual development, and the heaven and the earth have become more perfect. Now, it's impossible for the sky to fall again.

Taoist Zhou Shan nodded slightly, this situation was what he wanted to see.

After bowing to the Supreme Supreme Being above the Nine Heavens, he stepped out and reached the summit of Buzhou Mountain, sitting cross-legged directly, and comprehending the complete cultivation of Buzhou Mountain.

The complete Bu Zhoushan is a rare and good opportunity for him, the patriarch of the mountain-moving clan, even if he is now Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is also such a rare opportunity for him to come here at this time. Said that it is indeed unusual, and he will naturally not miss it.

After all, Bu Zhoushan had just been completed at this time, and the power of the mountain power and the pressure of Pangu had just been completed, so the power and pressure that burst out were extremely thorough.

At this time, it is the best time to enlighten on the summit of Buzhou.

He ignored the others and directly enlightened it.


Above the nine heavens.

"Friends of the Taoist family who moved to the mountains are indeed extraordinary. Now that the mountains are not stable, the world is more perfect, and the following situation will be more perfect..."

After Taoist Hongjun glanced at the Taoist Zhoushan who was not Zhoushan, he looked at Taishang and said.

Hearing this, he nodded slightly too much and couldn't deny it.

The situation of Taoist Zhoushan is indeed different from that of many people in the prehistoric times. As the patriarch of the mountain-moving clan, it is normal for him to use this to cultivate after Zhoushan is complete.

"Second brother, third brother, fellow Taoist, Suiren, you have just faded away ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to become a golden fairy of Hunyuan Daluo. If you want to go up, you need to be stable. During this period of time, humanity You will begin to control the predicament, and you will use this time to stabilize your changes and promote to a higher level in the future." Tai Shang looked at the six saints and slowly said.

"Yes, eldest brother (teacher, Dao brother, Dao Zun)!"

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Tongtian, Suiren, Nuwa, and the Western Two Sages heard the words, and immediately replied.

When the voice fell, I saw them turning into six streamers, heading towards their respective places.

Taoist Hongjun took a look, and then fleeed towards the Zixiao Palace.

Fuxi, Houtu, Styx, Kongqiu and others all left at this time.

This time the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, at this point, has also come to a successful conclusion.

Taishang glanced at the primordial sentient beings. There are not too many fallen creatures this time, and they can basically come in reincarnation, which is not bad.

Then, Tai Shang looked at the humanity that began to control all of the heavens at this time. After a long time, he looked back. Then, there will be a period of time before the humanity can fully control the prehistoric. By then, the prehistoric will be a brand new era. .

"call out!"

The upper body moved and disappeared in place, not knowing where to go.


Time is hurried, and in a flash, one hundred yuan will pass.

The humanity at this time has already taken over everything in the past, and has begun to take control of the prehistoric land.

Humanity masters the wilderness, masters all living beings, and controlling the wilderness at this time is also good for countless creatures.

The heaven and the earth are more perfect, the rules and laws are more concretized, the humanity's feedback to the people, etc., are all telling that the prehistoric, has entered an era in which the humanity is in charge of the prehistoric.

The future evolution will be more perfect and even better.



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