Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 9 Chapter 2: The natural fusion of the prehistoric and the boundless world

Chapter 2 The Natural Fusion of Primordial Wilderness and Infinite Realm

Following the respective plans and developments of the Heavenly Court and the Human Race, the long river of time and space flew by in the midst of the predicament.

Between the collision of the sands of the Ganges River and the water droplets in the long river of time and space, dozens of dollars will pass.

At this time, the prevalence of humane control has been basically completed. The time of almost two hundred yuan will be not too much, but humanity is not under the heavenly way at all, and the heavenly way is destroyed without the slightest obstacle, so the humanity is in charge. From the beginning, there is really no major difficulty. In just two hundred yuan, about 90% of the meeting has been completed.

All aspects of the heaven and the earth are constantly being improved and stabilized, with rules and rules being the most obvious.

Rules and laws are the most helpful to the primordial beings. Therefore, in these years, the primordial beings have used perfect and solid rules and laws to reach a higher level.

Between the heaven and the earth, it has also become more stable. The four heavenly pillars, coupled with the imperial mountain, the heaven and the earth so supported are really different. At this time, the heaven and the earth, the ordinary Hunyuan existence wants to be broken again, but It's not as easy as it used to be.

In addition, the area of ​​the primordial land has also been extended. Although it is not a lot of the size of dozens of thousands of worlds, the territories that have been broken before are also merging back. Together with these dozens of thousands of worlds, it is also impressive. Up.

With the increase in the area of ​​the primordial land, the number of creatures born has also increased. Two hundred yuan will come, and many new creatures will be born in the land.

This is a new creature that is truly born under the control of humanity. This is a different innate creature. It was born of humanity. In the predominance of humanity at this time, the speed of practice will be even greater. Hurry, the humanity masters all living beings, and it is the way of all living beings. The living beings born after this humanity controls the prehistoric, the speed of practice is naturally faster.

Of course, the birth of past creatures was not slow.

The rest of the innate races, as well as monks, creatures and powers, are also relying on the control of humanity, and the firmness of rules and laws to improve themselves.

At this time, the overall strength has improved a lot.


Among the underworld, Pingxin doesn't have the operation in the underworld for the time being, because she doesn't need to worry about those things anymore, the underworld can already operate on its own.

This time when the humanity is in charge of the prehistoric land, Ming Dao has also improved a bit. As the Emperor of Fengdu, she naturally improved continuously through this. Although she has not yet had the energy to Hunyuan Daluo Golden Fairyland, she is temporarily in the half-step Hunyuan Realm. It could be her opponent, but not much.

You know, she is the good corpse of Houtu, and she has extremely terrifying strength. In addition, she was promoted to the half-step Hunyuan realm. She is also the Emperor of the underworld. With the help of the underworld, she is even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. In a short period of time, she can't be helped.

Her strength at this time can be imagined. Whether she can be promoted to the Hunyuan realm in the future depends on Ming Dao and her own practice of comprehension.

Therefore, she did not pay attention to too many things in the underworld at this time, and only cared about her own practice.

After everything subsides, he will be out of the gate. By that time, no matter how bad he is, the Taoism will grow considerably.

Ping Xin is here in the process of comprehension and cultivation, and Zhen Yuanzi in the Earth Immortal Mansion is also constantly seizing the opportunity to attack the Hunyuan realm.

Now that the situation in the primordial land has changed tremendously, he will naturally not miss the opportunity at this time. At this time, the general situation condenses and helps him to attack the realm of Hunyuan. As to whether he can succeed in the end, it depends on the situation behind.

In addition, there are forces and races such as the Witch Clan, the Ancient Three Clan, etc., at this time, they are all in their own arrangements, and they start to count the prehistoric times at this time to improve.

I believe that humanity is fully in charge, and once it is stabilized, Hong Huang will become a brand new appearance.


As time flies, another tens of dollars will pass quietly.

The predicament at this time has already been stabilized, and all aspects of development and promotion are now completed.

Under the leadership of humanity, all aspects of this change have been completed, and humanity has also completely controlled the prehistoric land. In these years, with the control of humanity, in the predominant, whether it is rules, rules, area, etc., or It is creatures, monks, etc., all in constant progress.

Now, after Humanity has completely taken charge of the Primordial Continent, their progress is not small because of the first time Humanity has taken control.

As for the latter, the two sides have gradually improved.

At this time, Yuanshi, Tongtian and the Western Two Sages had already left the pass.

They will come close to three hundred yuan, in addition to their own conversion of Hunyuan body and strength, they are also in constant enlightenment.

Therefore, they have not only completed their own situation steadily, but also made some progress, which is not bad.

Yuanshi and Tongtian did not stay in the dojo, suddenly got up, stepped out, and came to the front of Taiqing Palace.

After the two looked at each other, they stepped into the Taiqing Palace.

"The disciple has seen two uncles!"

The disciples of Kongqiu, Gongyuban, Qianyuan and others all saluted Yuanshi and Tongtian.

"When will Big Brother return?" Yuan Shi asked.

"This disciple doesn't know that the teacher has not returned to the Taiqing Palace since the last time the Heavenly Dao was destroyed. Perhaps, he was traveling..." Kong Qiu replied.

Listening to this, Yuan Shi and Tong Tian raised their brows. If the eldest brother does not come back, even if he is really traveling, he will not be able to find out.

"Since this is the case, let's wait here!"

After thinking about it in his heart, Tong Tian said.

Yuan Shi nodded, and then, together with Tong Tian, ​​came towards the center of the hall~www.ltnovel.com~ to sit on the futon.

Confucius immediately used the special product of the Taiqing Palace, Enlightenment Tea to entertain the two uncles, and waited for the return of his teacher by the way.


Beyond the prehistoric world, in the chaotic world.

Standing on the armrest too much, the inability area around the body continues to extend out, even if it is chaotic, it is difficult to change the slightest.

After the Taiji Golden Immortal is completed, Taishang is always moving towards the Promise Golden Immortal. That realm requires chance. At this time, the chance hasn't arrived, so it can only be accumulated first.

Quantitative changes will eventually cause qualitative changes.

"It is a good thing for these territories to reintegrate back into the wild land, after all, the evolution of the wild land will be more perfect in the future..."

After a long time, Tai Shang nodded slightly.

Those realms have already merged back to more than 90%, and the rest are relatively far away, such as the earth star, which is still slowly approaching at this time.

Taishang retracted his gaze and looked at the prehistoric world. The divine light in his eyes flickered. After thinking for a long time, he waved his hand, and a divine light flashed by, and immediately turned into a world that was not under the prehistoric world, which was the Infinite World.

Seeing this, the Taishang formed mysterious and obscure handprints in his hands, and each handprint was filled with an eternal atmosphere. .

Even after seeing that in the primordial world and the boundless realm, there are silk rules and laws extending out, and then they begin to connect together, and begin to merge the two realms to an extent that no living beings can feel.

This is a natural fusion between the world and the world, so it will take a long time, but I don’t care too much. In this case, he can give himself enough time to cultivate himself. This is what he deliberately did. of.

I don't know how long it has passed, Tai Shang stopped his hands and nodded in satisfaction, so that it was completed. Next, it depends on the integration of the two worlds.



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