Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 9 Chapter 7: Exit the customs and return to the Promise World

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Chapter 7 Exiting the customs and returning to the Promise World

After Zhoushan Taoist left Buzhou Mountain, he walked forward in the continuing predicament, looking at the predominant land under the control of humanity over the years, and seeing the evolution of the creatures in it.

As the top existence of the Promise Realm, he has practiced and lived under the control of the Tao of Inaction, and has practiced and lived in the precipitous land under the control of the Tao of Heaven. Now, he is practicing and living under the control of the humanity. The familiar.

Humanity is also the most beneficial to all living beings. The evolution and occurrence of these years, the progress of all beings, etc., Taoists in Zhoushan feel that if humanity has taken control of the prehistoric land earlier, maybe the progress of all beings, It will rise to a higher level. Under this kind of feedback, not only the humanity, but also the prehistoric will be improved and improved.

"Surely Dao Zun's choice is the most correct. Humanity, whether it is for the primordial world or for all living beings, is extremely advantageous to hold the existence..."

"If you go to a higher realm in the future, the situation at this time will become an important foundation..."

Taoist Zhou Shan said softly after walking through many prehistoric areas.

After being promoted to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he naturally knows more things. Although it is still very far away for the time being, such things will eventually come.

After all, Dao Zun is already the completion of the Taiji Golden Immortal. When he is promoted to the Promise Golden Immortal, it is naturally impossible to stay here and stay in the chaos.

Only the higher realm can carry so many top existences.

By then, with the assistance of humanity, the Primordial Realm will reach a more terrifying level. With this foundation, in a higher realm, the Primordial Realm will also shine.

Taoist Zhou Shan thought for a while, his figure moved and disappeared again.


Taiqing Palace, in the Promise Hall.


At a certain moment, Taishang’s eyebrows shook slightly, and even after seeing Taishang opened his eyes, he looked at Yuanshi, Tongtian, Kongqiu and others who were still in the process of comprehension and practice. A glance at Nuwa, Houtu, Suiren and others, at this time are still intently comprehending and practicing.

Nodded slightly too much, they are the top existence of the Primordial Line, and their promotion is also of no small effect to the Primordial Line.

I believe that after so many amazing talents, the predecessor family will shine in the Hongmeng realm, and will spread the reputation of the predecessor family in the Hongmeng quickly. Come.

After staying for a few breaths on the apex beings, Taishang looked back, then suddenly got up, stepped out, and came to the top of Shouyang Mountain.

He stood with his hand holding his hand, overlooking all beings, and all the developments appeared in his eyes, as if the supreme ruler.

"call out!"

A stream of light flashed, and came under the coercion of the boundless mountains, and immediately turned into the figure of a Taoist Zhou Shan.

"Dao Zun!" Zhou Shan Taoist bowed his hands in salute.

Tai Shang nodded slightly, waved his hand, helped him up, and then said, "This time, you have done a good job in moving the mountain, and you have not let the sect down..."

"Dao Zun is absurd, everything is Zhoushan, the people who move the mountain should do..."

Taoist Zhoushan heard this and immediately arched his hands.

He, including the entire mountain-moving clan, was born for that matter. At that critical moment, it was their task to carry hundreds of millions of mountain vibes and the power of the mountain-moving clan to assist the Taoists of Zhou Shan to make up the mountain. , They were born because of this. Naturally, they dare not claim credit at this time. They should do it.

Taishang didn't speak, just nodded slightly. China

After a pause, he said to Zhou Shan Taoist, "The Promise World has begun to integrate with the prehistoric world. Although the speed is not fast, the wall of the world is almost integrated. The next will be the rules of inaction, the way of inaction and humanity. The integration of all aspects of the two worlds has allowed Honghuang to achieve maximum progress..."

When Taoist Zhou Shan heard this, a look of shock appeared on his face. Dao Venerable was actually fusing the Promise World and the Primordial World?

It is impossible for them to know about this, even if there is a top existence knowing it, but in their minds and memories, they will not remember it.

Only when the time has come, will those who should know will know, and it is still early, naturally it is impossible to know.

"Now you go to the Infinite Realm, sit in the Infinite Realm, and together with Mingkong, begin to promote the fusion of the two worlds, and at the same time, with the power of the mountain-moving clan, the mountains of the two worlds, the power of the billions of mountains It can be merged quickly. By then, after the fusion, there will be more Promise Realms that will be promoted to the realm of Hunyuan..."

Taishang looked at Taoist Zhou Shan and slowly spoke.

Although the existence in the Promise Realm is currently only the Taoist Zhoushan and Mingkong are Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but among them, there are some existences that are about to be promoted. In addition, the Bone Sovereign is not without a chance, although His upper limit is very prominent, but under this general trend, there are still opportunities, depending on whether he can grasp it.

Taoist Zhou Shan heard this, after careful calculations in his heart, he said, "Don't worry, I will do it by myself!"

Too high nodded and waved his hand, "So, go ahead!"

"Yes, Zhou Shan retire!"

Taoist Zhou Shan arched his hand, and then left.

Taishang's gaze turned and fell into the Promise Realm, and a bright light flashed through the deep eyes.


Prehistoric, somewhere in the Bone Clan base camp.

"This time, it may be an opportunity for fellow Daoists. Dao Venerable arranges this way for the birth of more existences in my Promise World, and at the same time for the purpose of expanding the land and achieving maximum improvement..."

Taoist Zhou Shan looked at the Bone Emperor and said.

Hearing this, the Bone Sovereign pondered for a moment before he said, “Brother Dao’s words are reasonable, and since this is the case, this time I will lead the Bone Race to return to the Infinite Realm. Whether it succeeds, it depends on God's will..."

"With the means of fellow daoists, it is naturally possible..." Taoist Zhou Shan said with a smile.

Bone Sovereign didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Taoist Zhou Shan turned his head and looked at the elders of the moving mountain clan and a group of top clan humanities, "You have already understood the situation of this mission~www.ltnovel.com~ The next thing is to start this matter. Now that the wall of the world has basically been integrated, the next thing will be an important point. Our task at this time is also quite critical. You must ensure that it is successfully completed..."

"Don't worry, the patriarch, we know how to do it..." the elders of the clansmen who moved to the mountains responded.

"Okay, let's start!" Taoist Zhou Shan nodded.

After the words fell, the mountain-moving clan dispersed again and returned to the original mountain, waiting for the situation of Taoist Zhoushan.

Later, Zhoushan Taoist and Bone Sovereign led the Bone Race and returned to the Promise World.

After three thousand years, they finally returned to the Promise World.



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