Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 9 Chapter 9: The peak development of the prehistoric, one after another promoted

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Chapter 9 The peak development of the prehistoric, one after another promotion

Shouyang Mountain.

"This fusion of the two worlds is also an opportunity for you. Whether you can get promoted with this depends on your own chances..."

Taishang looked at Yuanshi and Tongtian Dao, Yuan Shi should be okay, and Tongtian depends on his own methods.

In addition to Kaiyuanshi, Nuwa has the most chance, and finally Houtu, who is in charge of Mingdao. They are the ones who have the most chance to be promoted to Taiji Jinxian outside of Yuanshi, similar to the situation in Tongtian.

In this fusion of the two worlds, Yuan Shi and Nu Wa are the ones who have the most chance of being promoted in one fell swoop.

Of course, whether they can seize this opportunity or not depends on their own means and chance. Anyway, it is too great to help them, so that's it.

"Brother don't worry, we will be ready..."

After Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, they immediately replied.

Too high nodded, his gaze looked at the fusion of the Promise World and the Primordial Realm again, his expression was calm, and he couldn't see the depth.

Kong Qiu behind him also watched the two worlds merge, and made a secret decision in his heart. He must seize this opportunity to raise his cultivation base to a small level again.

In this way, in the future will be qualified to follow the teacher to a higher realm and become famous in the Taiqing line.

Everyone looked at the nine heavens and didn't speak any more.


So, another hundred thousand years later.

The prehistoric changes at this time are some untransformed creatures. They all feel a lot of changes. They also benefit from the emergence of aura, perfect rules, and solid laws. The distance from transforming is closer. Up.

With the move of the mountain-moving clan, the area of ​​the Promise World and the prehistoric world merged much faster.

Moreover, in the integration of the two worlds, due to the improvement and improvement, a lot of new areas have been expanded as a result, making the actual increase in the area larger than the area of ​​the integration of the two, which is not bad.

Because there is also a sea of ​​stars in the Promise World, so the sea of ​​stars at this time has also expanded countless, the stars are vast, the stars are shining, and the surging tides of stars continue to sweep across the four places, so that some of the stars absorb the stars. The monks and creatures who practice hard have gained a lot of benefits.

As the two worlds become more and more fusion, they feel more benefits, and now they are looking forward to the completion of the final fusion.


As the fusion of the Promise World reached the later stage, Nuwa, Houtu, Suiren, Fuxi and others were all attentive at this time.

And Yuanshi and Nüwa, who had the greatest opportunity, were even more attentively studying the path of self-cultivation at this time.

This is an excellent opportunity, as long as you grasp it, then promotion to Tai Chi Golden Immortal is hopeful.

Therefore, they did not think about other things at this time, and focused on their own way.

As for the progress in all aspects of the Primordial Land, they did not pay much attention to it. The evolution of the Primordial Land is important, but it is really nothing compared to the progress of the Great Dao at this time.

Those developments are more important than the monks and creatures below Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in terms of power, so at this time, they are basically concerned about their existence.

As for the existence of the pinnacle, they are all intently studying at this time.

Waiting for a chance to be promoted in one fell swoop!

...139 novels

Quietly, another hundred thousand years have passed, and the Promise World has already been integrated by more than 80%.

The Primordial Realm has developed at its peak over the past few years. After the area has been integrated with countless infinite realms that surpass the vast world, in addition to accommodating the area of ​​the infinite realm, it has also extended an area the size of dozens of thousands of worlds.

In addition to the land area, the expansion of the four seas, Zhou Tian, ​​stars, and the sea is also not to be ignored, and it has also reached the peak of development.

Countless rules and laws have been perfected and consolidated, especially the original laws of the Great Dao in the Promise Realm, and even the monks and creatures who practice these Dao in the prehistoric world have been greatly improved, and they have been directly upgraded to a level. Come.

What remains now is the fusion between inaction and humanity.

When it is fully integrated, then Taishang will be in charge of Honghuang, and he will reach a perfect point. It can be said that Honghuang is his own world, like the Promise World.

The difference is that what is now in charge is the perfect world.

In this way, there is only one last step left in Tai Shang.

Therefore, now that he concentrates on manipulating the fusion of inaction and humanity, it is estimated that in another 50,000 years, it will be almost the same.

At that time, the development of the land will be the peak of the real avenue.

At that time, those who should be promoted, it is time to be promoted...


The 50,000-plus years of the last fusion of the Promise World and the Primordial Realm have basically promoted the fusion between the Tao of Inaction and Humanity.

The way of inaction and humanity are now completely integrated. Now that it is too high to control the prehistoric, it is the same as the predominant humanity at this time.

In this way, the last step is known.

The timing of this step is still very long, and there is no need to be too hasty for the time being. It is natural to know this too much, so there is nothing more to do.

He looked at the peak development in the past few years, the area, the stars of the week and the sky, the four seas, the rules, the rules, the steady improvement of the heavens and the earth, the birth and improvement of creatures, the improvement of humanity...

After the two sides merged, they all ushered in their peak development, and countless creatures and monks benefited.

And Honghuang itself has also obtained a terrifying development in all aspects. Judging from the current level, it has indeed reached a point that is sufficient to accommodate more top existences.

Therefore, at the moment when the Promise World and the Primordial Realm were completely integrated.

Killing Ancestor, Devouring Soul, and Di Cang, the three top creatures of the Promise Realm, took the last step in one fell swoop and reached the realm of Dao Demonstration.

In the predicament, Zhen Yuanzi and Dijiang also broke the shackles in one fell swoop and were promoted to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As for the top-notch existence of other half-step Hunyuan, it has also benefited ~www.ltnovel.com~ The chances are a little bigger, and there are still opportunities for promotion later.

Looking at the promotion of these few, Taishang is still quite happy. After all, their immersion time is also very long. If it is to accumulate on the road, there are really not many top existences that can match.

Therefore, it is really expected that they can seize the opportunity and get promoted to this point.

"Second brother and fellow Taoist Nuwa are not far away..."

Tai Shang glanced at Yuan Shi and Nu Wa, their aura fluctuated greatly at this time, and they would completely step into the realm of Tai Chi Golden Fairy in the next hundreds of thousands of years.

In this way, the top existence of the prehistoric, there will be two more.



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