Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 9 Chapter 11: Yuan Shi and Nu Wa promoted to Tai Chi Golden Immortal

"Ask the Daoqing of the Great Wilderness (

Chapter Eleven Yuan Shi, Nu Wa Promoted to Tai Chi Golden Immortal

The long river of time and space rushes by, and between the endless rivers of sand and the water of the years, twenty yuan will pass.

Taishang is in the humane space, comprehending the fusion of humanity and inaction, constantly consummating itself, and constantly approaching the realm of Promise Golden Fairy.

That realm is not so easy to promote.

Even if his current Dao accumulation is almost enough, but if he wants to be promoted, it is still not enough Dao accumulation, but a sufficient opportunity and opportunity to be promoted to the Promise Golden Immortal.

However, even if the opportunity and opportunity are not there, Taishang will continue to accumulate his own insights and control of the Dao, which will have a lot of benefits in the future.

Moreover, with the completion of his own Dao, after the integration of the Dao of Inaction and the Humanity, the improvement and control are also in the process of slowly improving. This way, for the development of the prehistoric, for all beings, there is a lot of Of help.

Therefore, at this time, Taishang was concentrating on his own way of comprehension and humanity, and he was constantly making the prehistoric development again, and at the last step, he also began to plan and prepare.


As time flickered, the time of the tens of yuan meeting quietly passed.


At this time, a brilliant beam of light rose from the place of Yuxu Palace, and immediately pierced through the heaven and earth, the long river of time and space, and the long river of destiny, as if reaching the source of the avenue.

The terrifying aura even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is heart palpitations, sentient beings bow down, see Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi was promoted to the Golden Fairy Realm of Hunyuan Taiji. Although there is no such situation as that of the Taishang, the predecessors and the endless areas close to the prehistoric are all shrouded in the power of the great power at this time. The sea of ​​chaos receded, morphing into the phantom of the world, in which the avenue emerged, deriving from the birth, and the avenue of Yuanshi began to be displayed little by little.

In the midst of the predicament, visions emerged, the avenue was visible, and sentient beings bowed down, watching the evolution of Yuanshi’s avenue.

Although they don't understand, they can also benefit from watching at this time. Naturally, they won't miss such an opportunity.

And some half-step Hunyuan, or Quasi-Sage Consummation, hope to use this opportunity to see if they can reap some opportunities for promotion, so that they can enter a higher world.

At this time, sentient beings quietly watched the emergence of visions in the wild and endless chaotic areas, and the avenues evolve.


In the Yuxu Palace.

"This time the promotion of the deity, the realm of the great road is expected..."

A smile appeared on Mo Zhai's face, and he spoke slowly.

He did not have any surprises when Yuanshi was promoted. After all, he knew everything about Yuanshi's situation. It was indeed expected to seize the opportunity at this time.

After reaching the entire point, the chances of achieving stability in the future are even greater.

"Tianzun is promoted, the teacher is about to break through if he wants to come?"

Mo Di's disciple, Mo Yi, looked at his teacher and asked.

My teacher is still immersed in the mid-term. Now that Tianzun has been promoted, it is not too far to come, right?

"It's really not far. Then, I will look for the help of the deity, and the promotion will be stable..." Mo Di smiled.

With Yuanshi's help, he doesn't need to worry at all. I believe he will be promoted soon.

Mo smiled with joy, and nodded immediately, looking at the evolving vision and the road again.


Jin'ao Island, in the Biyu Palace.

"Second brother has been promoted, but I am still a bit short..." Tongtian Jian frowned and said.

His great accumulation is enough, but the opportunity is still a little worse, and he can only continue to wait for a more perfect opportunity.

"With your cultivation skills and methods, it won't be too far..." said Gui Guzi.

After that, Gui Guzi looked at Fengqi Mountain and said, "Friend Nuwa, I'm afraid it's not far away..."

"Friend Nuwa has a great opportunity, and she is the first person to be sanctified under the teacher, and she has been helped many times by her eldest brother. Naturally, it is different. She was promoted, but there is no surprise..."

Hearing this, Tong Tian nodded and said, He is still sure about Nuwa's situation, depending on how long it will take her next.


Time is hurried, and one hundred thousand years have passed by this time.

At this time, the beam of Yuxu Palace had already fallen, and the visions and avenues evolving in the prehistoric and endless chaotic regions had gradually subsided.

Yuan Shi began to assist Qi Mo Di in the later stages of promotion. As long as he also improved, then the strength and luck of the educator would be improved a lot.

Another fifty thousand years later.


At this time, the heavens and the earth trembled, the nine heavens were shining thousands of rays, auspiciousness emerged, the purple qi came to the east, the spiritual qi was condensed, and a great road rose from Fengqi Mountain and began to evolve.

At this moment, the news of Nuwa's promotion, who has taken charge of the Way of Good Fortune, appeared in the hearts of all the creatures.

This is the avenue of life for all beings, and Nuwa's promotion will naturally be known to them the first time.

Although it is the Virgin of the Human Race, the Virgin, as an important part of humanity, ~www.ltnovel.com~, is the way of good fortune that controls the lives of all living beings. Her role is not much weaker than that of humanity.

All beings can see, Nuwa is promoted, the road evolves, and countless creatures have benefited.

At this time, the two most promising ones were all promoted to the realm of Tai Chi Golden Fairy.

This allowed Houtu, who followed closely, to work harder to comprehend and practice.

They still need a better opportunity to be promoted to the Tai Chi Golden Immortal. By then, they will become even more different in the predicament.

In the holy land of the human race, Fuxi was delighted on her face, looking at Fengqi Mountain, her sister's path was going farther and farther.

Very good, the avenue can be expected.

The Sui people are also quite happy, and the promotion of the Virgin is a great good thing for the human race.

Therefore, at this time, all human races bowed down to the Virgin and congratulated the Virgin on her promotion.

The way of good fortune has evolved, and countless good fortune has fallen into the human race, and countless human races have benefited.

A lot of good fortune has fallen into the predicament, and those who watch the way of good fortune evolve and get good fortune, the existence of benefits at this time is more and more.

The vision that Nüwa emerged at this time, and the degree to which the Dao had evolved, were even more rich and long-lasting than Yuanshi's.

After a full 150,000 years, everything has only subsided.

The primordial sentient beings and the human race have all received great benefits, and countless auras have grown and fed back to the primordial sentient beings.

Next, I believe they can use this to reach a higher level.

At this point, the promotion of Yuanshi and Nüwa has only really subsided.

The two who Taishang determined have already been promoted, and then they will be Tongtian and Houtu. And the other top presences are constantly catching up and narrowing the gap.



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