An Invasion From a Ladylike Girl

Translated by Hikaru

Edited by VampireKnight

The lunch break is over and the fifth period classes begin.

“Then could you please solve this problem for me…, Taisho-kun?”

“Eh? …..I’m sorry. I don’t understand,” Taisho said apologetically, as the teacher nominated him.

I am inwardly relieved to see this. The classes at the Imperial Academy are extremely advanced, but not all the students understand the content perfectly. Of course, since I’m being taught by Shizune-san, I’d like to answer as completely as possible when I’m asked, but even if I can’t answer, no one seems to doubt me that much.

“Then, Konohana-san. Please do it instead.”


In place of Taisho, Hinako is called out. Standing in front of the blackboard, Hinako picks up the chalk and writes down her answer.

“That’s it.”

“It’s perfect. Thank you.”

The teacher nodded in agreement at the answer given in her masterful handwriting. As Hinako returns to her seat, her classmates look at her with respect. I can’t believe it’s the same person as the girl who slept sloppily on my lap earlier. She didn’t want to go to class, she wanted to skip class, and she is so spoiled…….

The bell rang and the academy had a break. As I rolled my shoulders to relax my stiff muscles, Taisho approached me.

“Whew, I’m tired, so very tired. I hate the fifth period because it makes me sleepy,” Taisho said with a yawn.

Then, Asahi, who had approached from behind him, smiled with a grin.

“Oh, it’s Taisho-kun who couldn’t answer in class earlier.”

“Ugh……, it can’t be helped. I made a mistake in the scope of my preparation.”

After all, it seems that preparation is essential in order to keep up with the classes at the Imperial Academy. Impressed by Taisho’s obvious words, I casually looked at Hinako’s seat.

―Hinako is not here?

When I noticed that Hinako was not in the classroom, I quickly stood up.

“I’m going to the bathroom for a moment.”

After saying goodby to both of them, I went to find Hinako. It hadn’t been more than five minutes since class was over. She couldn’t have been far from the classroom. Just in case, I left the classroom quickly and looked around the hallway ― I found her easily.

“…… So, Hinako’s in the bathroom, too.”

While chatting with several female students, Hinako went into the bathroom. A few minutes later, Hinako returns to the classroom and takes her seat. Just as I was about to return to the classroom, my smartphone notified me of an incoming call. 

“Is it okay right now?”


I did expect it, but sure enough, the other person is Shizune-san.

“Perhaps the young lady has dropped her wallet.”

“Her wallet?”

“Yes. There is a discrepancy between the location of the transmitter attached to the young lady and the one attached to her wallet.”

“I didn’t know you had a transmitter…..”

How untrustworthy is Hinako? However, it reminds me of the video of Hinako that I saw in front of Kagen-san the other day. Speaking of which, she said that she dropped her credit card and it was used fraudulently……

“I’ll look for it right away. Do you have any idea where it fell from the…… transmitter?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s on the west side of the main building, but beyond that it’s hard to tell.”

West side of the main building? Considering the timing of the call and the location information. This is…….

“Maybe it is the toilet…”


She must have dropped it when she went to the bathroom earlier. When I told her that, Shizune-san let out a voice that sounded like she had an idea.

“She’s a perfect young lady in front of the public, but she can’t help but be alone in the bathroom. She often drops things.”

“So that’s it……”

“Anyway, please collect it.”

The call with Shizune-san ends. 

“Even if you said to collect it…..”

For the time being, I went to the ladies’ restroom, stopped in front of it and twisted my head. I’m a man, I can’t go in there. What should I do?

“You there?”

As I was struggling, I was approached from the side. When I turned around and there she was ― a female student with a ridiculously prominent appearance.

She has long, spiraling golden hair ― the so-called blonde vertical roll. The girl, with a hairstyle I’ve only seen in the manga, has a style so good that it could be seen even when she was wearing her school uniform, and her skin is white. Her brown eyes have a powerful glint in them, indicating that she is strong-minded.

“What is the matter?”

“No, that…..”

“Oh, by the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet.” The girl said in a unique tone to me who is confused. 

“I am Tennoji Mirei! I’m the only daughter of the CEO of the Tennoji Group!” The girl said her name proudly and somewhat boastfully.


“Huh……, what’s with that casual reply? It’s not like you don’t know about the Tennoji Group.”

“I’m sorry…..”

I’m sorry, but I don’t know. When I apologized, Tennoji’s eyes widened. 

“You don’t know that, do you? It’s the Tennoji Group, you know.”

“I’m sorry for my ignorance.”

“It’s more than ignorance!!”  

A high-pitched yell pierced my ears.

“The Tennoji Group is a huge group that originated in mining! The Tennoji Group is now home to Japan’s largest non-ferrous metals manufacturer, as well as a major chemical manufacturer, its scale is comparable to that of the Konohana Group!?”

“So that it is…”

I is overwhelmed by Tennoji’s loud and passionate speech.

“The reaction…… You know about the Konohana Group, don’t you?”

“Well, yes.”

When I answered honestly, Tennoji-san’s face turned red and he shivered in rage.

“No, I don’t like it, Konohana Hinako…! Because of that woman, my fame doesn’t spread…!!”

I pretended not to have heard it when some kind of personal grudge was leaking out.

“…… So, aren’t you in some kind of trouble?”

When I am asked calmly by Tennoji-san, I remember my original purpose.

“I think there is a wallet left in the ladies’ restroom, and I’m trying to figure out how to retrieve it.”

“I’ll get it for you, if that’s the case. Please wait a moment.”

After saying that, Tennoji-san went into the bathroom. A minute later, she appeared with a pink-colored wallet in her hand.

“This is it.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“It’s a bit late to ask, how is it that you, a man, noticed this wallet in the ladies’ room?”

“Ah… that’s right.”

I can’t think of an answer to get me through this situation. Running it through my head, I answered, “The owner of the wallet told me to look for it. By process of elimination……, I thought it might be in the bathroom.”

What I told her was almost the truth. Apparently, Tennoji-san is an enemy of Hinako, but she doesn’t seem to realize that Hinako is the owner of the wallet. If so, the answer I just gave will satisfy her. That’s what I thought, but…… 

“You’re just an errand boy, aren’t you?” Tennoji-san said in dissatisfaction.

“You can’t do that. If you attend this school, you will be in a position of authority in the future. If you’re going to be used as a joke by people now, I don’t know what the future holds for you.”

“Uh, I’ll be careful.”

“I’m not certain. Say it in a clearer tone.”

“I’ll be careful!”

“….. You can do it if you try, can’t you?”

Tennoji-san nods with satisfaction.

“And you, you need to straighten your posture. Confidence comes from posture, you know.”

I did as I was told and straightened my back.

“That’s fine.”

Tennoji-san smiles at me and chuckles.

“I think it’s time for class to start. If you have any problems in the future, look for this golden hair.” Tennoji-san said while pointing to her own hair.

It’s certainly distinctive enough to be a trademark, but at the same time it’s a questionable part.

“Um……, I have a simple question, is it okay to dye your hair at this school?”


Tennoji-san, who was about to leave gracefully, stopped, shouting strangely.

“Wow, you think my hair is dyed……?”

“Is it wrong?”

“Well, are you saying that my hair is as fake as…… plating?”

“I didn’t say that much.”

I said it was a simple question. I’m not accusing you of anything.

“No, I didn’t dye it……” Tennoji-san said in a whisper, as if muttering.

“I’m not dyedーit…!!” While shouting this, Tennoji-san ran down the hallway.

“…..definitely, I bet you dyed it.”

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