Chapter 02: A Lady of My Own Pace (1)

Translated by Hikaru

Edited by VampireKnight

Even a well-established young lady who attends a prestigious school is a human being. So naturally, she would need to go to the bathroom. But why would she say that now? And in such a calm manner?

“What do you want me to do?”

“E. No, no matter what you say… It’s leaking.”

It is hard to tell because of the matter-of-fact tone of voice, but I guess that she is in trouble. Feeling somewhat confused, I call out to the short man in front of me.

“Sir! The young lady here is saying something!”

“… Ah?”

The kidnappers tilt their heads. The girl, without fear, said to the two men.


“…… What?”

“I’m leaking.”

The kidnappers roll their eyes as if it was an unexpected reaction. This girl is not afraid at all.

“If you want to leak…, go ahead. It’s troublesome if you start acting weird.” One of the kidnappers said irritably.

The girl, however, was in no hurry to reply.

“Is that okay?”

What a pure pair of eyes. She didn’t seem to have any qualms about peeing at all. Even stray cats still pee with an apologetic look on their faces.

“No, I don’t think it is okay. If you can put up with it, please put up with it. …for me too.”

I point out on behalf of the stiffening kidnappers. The lady and I are chained together, so we can’t be too far apart. If the lady leaked her pants, I am going to be in trouble too.

“Take her…” The taller of the kidnappers said.

“But big brother…”

“I don’t know how many days we’ll be holed up. We don’t want to get dirty.”

The younger brother was convinced by the older brother’s words and approached the girl while scratching the back of his head. 

“But… I won’t remove the chains.”

The kidnapper removed the girl’s leg shackles. The girl and I, still chained together, at the hands, moved to the bathroom together. The girl entered the cubicle in front of us without any shame.

Eventually, the girl came out of the cubicle, washed her hands, then looked at me and the kidnapper.

“I feel better.”

“Don’t report it.” 

“Don’t report it.”

The kidnappers and my rambles overlapped.

Feeling strangely exhausted, we head back to where we were.

“Hey, you,” The girl calls out to the kidnappers again.

“… What now?”


‘Are you fearless?’

The kidnappers are also stunned, aren’t they?

“Oh, big brother…, is this really the daughter of the Konohana family? It doesn’t look like it…”

“Yeah, I guess so. Is it another person? No, but it should be…”

Puzzled, the older brother approached the girl.

“Hey. You’re the only daughter of the Konohana family, right?”

“That’s right. What about the tea?”

You are going too much at your own pace. The kidnappers were also surprised to hear this, and their eyes widened at the sight.

“Well, okay. I’ll at least offer you a drink. I don’t want you to starve to death. In return…, you’ll have to be very cooperative.”

The kidnapper then places a plastic bottle beside the girl. But it was mineral water.

“I said tea.”

“What!? Don’t be extravagant! Water is fine!”

“I’d like some tea. And some snacks.”

The girl said, and a dark streak appeared on the man’s forehead.

“Hey! The young man there! You take care of this girl!”

“Why would I do that?”

“We are busy right now!” 

The kidnapper yelled at me. With my hands and feet tied, there is little I can do, but reluctantly… I nodded my head.

“Hey. What about snacks?”

“…doesn’t seem to have any.”


The girl grudgingly picked up the plastic bottle. After a while, I hear the sound of something spilling from the girl’s direction. I turn around and see the girl, soaking wet.

“Whoa!? What, why are you so wet…”


Tilting her head, the girl leaned the plastic bottle towards her mouth. However, due to the distance between her lips and the mouth, the water ran down the girl’s face and soaked into her clothes.

“No, it’s spilling!”

“I’m not used to drinking from plastic bottles…”

She is not used to drinking…that is not the point. I wonder if this is how all the young ladies in the world are like. It was too self-paced, too brazen, or too… You have been kidnapped, but you do not seem to be afraid.

“I’ll give you a…drink, just hand me the bottle.”

“Do you want to take…?”

“I’m not taking it! You’re troublesome!!”

The kidnappers turned to look at me because I had shouted so loudly. I wonder if I have offended them, but then, I am met with looks of sympathy. ‘Stop it. Don’t look at me like that.’  It is the hostage that you brought with you in the first place.

At this point, my fascination with the girl is completely gone. She has an unusually perfect appearance, but something seems to be missing.

“There’s a puddle. We’re gonna have to move a little bit.”


The girl got up and moved with me. The next moment, the girl stumbled over nothing and fell over.

“…it hurts.” 

The girl got up with tears in her eyes. Her forehead, which had hit the floor, was bright red. It was no wonder she is not good at sports.

“Big brother… I’m pretty sure that according to the information I researched beforehand, the Konohana family’s daughter is called the perfect young lady right? I don’t think she’s this kind of a dullard…”

“No, no, but they look the same. I haven’t heard of any sisters…”

The kidnappers whispered to each other. Meanwhile, the girl was rubbing her forehead, which had hit the floor, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

“It hurts…”

“…Let me see.”

The girl’s voice sounded so sad that I couldn’t help but lightly check her injuries.

“If anything, it’s more of a scraped injury than a cut. You shouldn’t touch it too much because you might get germs on it.”


The girl nodded, lowering the hand that had been on her forehead.

“By the way… why are you here?” The girl asked fluently.

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