At that moment, I knew that Hinako had done something wrong.


I think Hinako and I let out a squeal at the same time.

Hinako herself must have realized her mistake. But it was too late. And the mistake was fatal. There was nothing she could do to fix it now.

The dinner resumed without a hitch.

At first glance, everything seemed to be fine, but I noticed that Kagen’s expression turned grim for a moment.

“That’s not good.”

Shizune muttered next to me.

“What’s going to happen ……?”

“I don’t know. But considering …… Kagen-sama’s character, this is as close to a worst-case scenario as you can get.”

Shizune, who usually speaks calmly, was nervous.

I waited for the end of the dinner. About ten minutes later, the participants of the dinner came out of the villa after preparing to leave.

“Thank you very much for coming today.”

“Well, I enjoyed myself a lot today. We need to take a break like this once in a while.”

The president and the executives greeted Kagen-san, who bowed respectfully, looking pleased.

The president of Chikamoto Shipbuilding told Kagen-san as if remembering something, although there seemed to be no particular tension.

“Oh, and Konohana-san. As for the marriage proposal, please pretend that it never happened. If I were to introduce you to someone, it would affect my reputation.”

“…… Yes.”

“Haha, don’t worry so much about it. I’m not sure what to say, but this is just a third party who is not here. As for me, I would like to continue to get along with Konohana-san both in public and private.”

“Yes, I think so, too.”

The guests got into their cars and left the villa.

Eventually, after seeing all the guests off, Kagen-san turned to us.



“Who taught Hinako that ugly gesture?”

“That is …….”

Shizune-san stuttered.

I couldn’t stand the atmosphere, so I decided to come forward.

“…… Sorry. It was me.”

When I confessed honestly, Kagen-san let out a sigh.

It’s as if he knew it all along.

“I always wondered if caretakers were really necessary.”

Kagen-san said.

“As you know, there is a big gap between her real personality and her acting personality. The role of the caretaker is to hide her mistakes and follow her to the best of their ability, but …… this is still a very roundabout way of doing things.”

Taking a glance at Hinako, Kagen-san continued.

His eyes were so cold that it was hard to believe he was a parent looking at his daughter.

“I should have never allowed things to get out of hand in the first place.”

He spoke with regret in his voice.

“This is what happens when you have an unrefined personality. The caretakers are the ones who encourage Hinako to be spoiled.”

Muttering to himself, Kagen-san looked at Shizune.

“Shizune. From now on, make sure Hinako performs both publicly and privately.”

“Publicly and privately, you mean?”

“Yes. Not only while in the academy, but also when in the mansion, always have her performing.”

“…… I’m afraid the young lady will collapse quickly if you do that.”

“Fix it.”

Short and stern, Kagen says.

“It’s not like she has a chronic illness. …… I can’t take it any longer. I can’t take it anymore. Fix it somehow. I’ll provide you with the time and guidance to do so.”

Kagen said, sending a cold look to Hinako.

Hearing those words, the worst possible future flashed through my mind.

–It’s not a matter of collapsing or not collapsing.

Acting in both public and private.

It means that Hinako’s true personality will be completely enclosed.

“Wait, please!”

Without thinking, I stopped Kagen-san.

The expression on Kagen-san’s face as he turned toward me was extremely cold. For a moment, I sniffled, but then I said something in a shaky voice.

“I’m sorry that …… I ruined the dinner for everyone. But no matter what, it’s…”

“It’s not your fault.”


“Originally, many of the caretakers quit after a short period of time. I knew it would be the same for you. …… I assumed that your influence on Hinako would be insignificant. It is not you who are at fault, but me for judging you that way, and Hinako for being so easily influenced.”

Kagen-san said with deep regret etched on his face.

He turned his gaze away from my silence and looked at Shizune.

“Shizune. When you get back to the mansion, give Itsuki-kun his salary.”


I tilted my head at the brief conversation.

” Salary ……?”

Indeed, it’s almost payday.

But today, the reason for the sudden payment …….

“From now on, Hinako will not need a caretaker.”

Kagen-san glanced at me sharply with his eyes and said.

“Itsuki-kun. Your work is finished as of today.”

Two hours later.

I was dumbfounded, staring at the big closed gate.

“…… You’re kidding.”

As the leader of the Konohana group, Kagen-san’s ability to get things done was uncommon.

After returning to the mansion, I was immediately ordered by Kagen-san to pack up my belongings. Because of my sudden dismissal, I was handed some money in addition to my salary. It was enough money to stay at a luxury hotel for ten days. “If you don’t have a place to go, you can make do with this money for a while.” said Kagen-san with a cold-hearted expression on his face that was powerful.

I was given an unbelievable amount of money and I was kicked out of the mansion.

In just one day.

In just a few hours, the days that I’ve spent up to this point have fallen apart.

I won’t be able to attend the Academy anymore. I’m sure that the procedures for expulsion will be carried out as quickly as the procedures for transfer. The Konohana family is very powerful. I’m sure there are plenty of ways to clean up the mess.


A dry smile escapes my mouth.

“…… Well, it was all a dream life to begin with.”

A sense of despair overcomes me.

I wish it was all a dream.

Then Hinako wouldn’t have to suffer.


If this continues, Hinako will be forced to live an even more difficult life than before.

But now, I can’t complain about it to Kagen-san with dignity.

–It’s my fault, after all.

Kagen-san said I was not responsible, but that’s not true. It was all because I had taught Hinako that stupid three-second rule. Furthermore, I knew that Hinako had an extraordinary interest in such common customs and I neglected her.

The blame lies with me.

I think about it and I cannot do anything about it.


As I was wandering aimlessly through the city, someone called out to me.

I slowly turned around. There was a girl there that I knew.

“…… Naruka.”

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