Chapter 05: Welcome to The Konohana Family (1)

Translated by Hikaru

Edited by VampireKnight

“Welcome home, young lady.”

As we approach the entrance of the mansion, the maids and butlers who are lined up on both sides bowed their heads in unison. In front of at least a dozen attendants, the lady in question lightly yawned, and then, “Yes.” That is all she said.

As usual, the young lady was going at her own pace. However, all the servants were used to this and continued to bow their heads without showing any particular reaction.

The majestic gate opened and I stepped into the mansion. An interior that is like a luxury hotel fills my vision. The red carpet stretches straight out, and there are many luxurious furnishings. But unlike a hotel, this is a mansion where people live, so the atmosphere is more calm than glamorous, but even so, there is a lot of goldwork that does not exist in ordinary people’s houses.


“What is with that reaction?”

“No, no, that… this world is so different from the one I live in that I have goosebumps…”

“Get used to it. When you start working for the young lady, you’ll see this view every day, you know?”

I haven’t decided if I was going to work yet, but I already have little confidence. If I stay here for too long, I am going to lose all my senses.

“What are your plans for the rest of the day, young lady?”

“Sleep.” The girl answers immediately.

“Understood. Then I have to guide Mr. Nishinari, so I’ll send someone to take my place.”

The maid gives a look to the other attendants who were waiting by the wall. But the girl frowned at the maid’s words, and said, “I’m not sleeping, after all.”

“You won’t sleep?”

“Yeah. I’m with… Itsuki.”

The girl said as she pulls on my sleeve. It was like I got a younger sister, I thought, and the eyes of the maid next to me widened.

“No way. I can’t believe the young lady is putting off her sleep…!?”

I wonder if it is such a surprise. I thought she was just waking up normally since she had slept through the whole kidnapping and the car ride… 

The maid, who had come to her senses, resumed her guidance. After going up a grand staircase, the maid knocks on the door of the room at the end of the corridor.

“Please excuse me.”

The maid opens the door. There is a large room on the other side of the door, and a man is standing in the center of the room.

“You must be Itsuki Nishinari-kun.” The man said when looking at me. 

“I am Kagen Konohana. I’m Hinako’s father and the chairman of the Konohana Group.”

The man, Kagen-sama, stood up and greeted me. He has a youthful face, but he wears a high-quality suit and is full of dignity.

“Chairman of the board. But I’m only in charge of one company in the group though. It’s not a very high position.”

“Play along. The next head of the family should not be so self-deprecating.”

“Haha, don’t be so angry, Shizune. That was just a light joke. If you put on an awe-inspiring air, Itsuki will become intimidated.” Kagen-sama smiled and said. However, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

”I see. You’re right, Hinako picks him.”

Kagen-sama looked at Hinako, the girl stood right behind me. Before I knew it, Hinako had her face down while picking at my sleeve and was bobbing her head up and down.

“She’s sleeping while standing…!?”

You are like a businessman on the train to work. Ah… she is drooling again.

“I heard that Itsuki-kun was just involved in the kidnapping of my daughter. What happened during that time…..? I’ve never seen my daughter so fond of the person she meets for the first time…”

“No, no, I didn’t do anything in particular.”

“I see. Well, Hinako lives by her feelings, so I’m sure she’s on the same wavelength as you.”

“What is wavelength…”

I did not think it is a problem that could be cleared up with just one word of wavelength… I did not know why I am drawn to her so much myself.

“Besides, Hinako had always wanted a caretaker with who she could be comfortable. However, my position makes it difficult for me to provide her with such a person. That’s why she doesn’t want to let go of you, whom she met by chance.”

I see, that makes sense to me. That was what she said. She wanted an easy-going caretaker because all the caretakers were so stuffy.

“Well. Before I explain about the caretaker’s job, you need to get to know Hinako first… Shizune.”


The maid who was waiting at the back of the room thanked me and operated the projector installed on the left side of the room. The lights in the room dimmed and the image was displayed on the white wall.

“This is what the young lady looks like when she is spending time at the academy.”

In the center of the video, I saw a girl sleeping behind me ― Hinako. The location was probably… the hallway of the Academy. As a prestigious school, the doors and windows of the classrooms were elaborately decorated.

“Good morning, Konohana-san.”

“Have a nice day.”

Hinako responded to her schoolmate’s greeting with a prim smile. Oh,…? What was this strange feeling? The scene changes, and this time a video of a class being held in a classroom was displayed.

“So, here’s the question: …… Konohana-san. Can you answer it?”


Hinako stood up quietly as she was pointed out. Maintaining a straight posture, she walked to the blackboard and without stopping, wrote down her answer with chalk.

She radiated a lot of class. The students around her were looking at her with admiration. The scene changes again. It was the same classroom, but from the color of the sunlight, it was probably after school. A female student was talking to Hinako, who was sitting by the window.

“Konohana-san! We’re going to have a tea party in the garden. If you’d like.., would you please join us?”

“If it’s okay with you, I’d be happy to.”

“Oh, thank you very much! I’ve prepared delicious scones for you, Konohana-san!”

“Fufu, you don’t have to worry so much.”

The female students were fascinated by the smiling Hinako, and her cheeks were flushed. The video ended and the lights in the room became brighter. I spoke my thoughts honestly.


“She is Hinako-sama.”

“That’s ridiculous…”

The girl in the video was a very noble young lady, innocent, pretty, and graceful. It was not like the girl who has been asleep behind me since a while ago, nodding her head ― but it is ridiculously similar.

“Hinako can play the perfect young lady in public.”

“…… in public?”

“That’s right. On the contrary, if not in public…”

Kagen-sama looks at the maid. The maid nods silently and switched the image. The scene was a classroom. However, there was no one around. The only two people in the video were Hinako and a female student wearing the same uniform.

“Oh, young lady. The next lesson is about to begin… ”

“I’m tired. Sleep.”

Hinako said lazily and plopped down on her desk. The scene changed, this time to the hallway.

“Oh, young lady! Next is physical education, so hurry up and change your clothes…”

“Dress me.”

The scene switched to the schoolyard this time.

“Young lady!? I just received a call from the head family that the young lady’s credit card has been misused―!?”

“Maybe I dropped it.”

“What, why didn’t you tell me that earlier―”

The video was cut just before the schoolgirl screamed. The last one was unbefitting… 

“This is the real Hinako.”

Kagen-sama said with a difficult expression on his face.

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