Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru

Episode 331: To the Governor General's House

At that time, Ichira was driving with Valletta, Zirconia, Eila, and Marie to the Governor's Palace on the edge of Mudia.

Nothing in particular has been done so far, so one of the best invited Valletta to see the streets of other countries.

When Zirconia says she's going to see Mudia, she says, "I'm going too!" He followed me.

Marie has changed into a maid's clothes.

I was told earlier by Valletta and Zirconia about the performance of Librasiol.

Guarded by the guards, you'll hear the rattles of wheels beating the cobblestones as you move through the streets.

"Master Kazura, I'm really sorry..."

Marie apologizes as she folds her hips to 90 degrees in a sitting position.

I've been doing this ever since I heard about the whole thing.

"No, no, I didn't even think about my position. I'm sorry." Marie is fine. Raise your face, please. "

"So, but I'll say that to Master Kazura..."

Remembering that time, Marie gnawed and gnawed at her head.

"Marie-chan, I'm sorry. You made me feel uncomfortable..."

"No, no! Master Valletta, I'm fine... I'm fine, I'm fine!"

"Fufu. But you were really good at it, weren't you?" You can be an actor, can't you? "


Marie's eyes were tearful as she teared up her zirconia.

Zirconia is laughing and giggling at why it's funny.

"Ahahah... ah, everyone, look outside! It's an amazing view of the city!"

Eila distracted herself and looked out the window.

The streets are lined with tall stone buildings that look like shops.

All of them are cute and none of them smell old.

In normal times, it must be lively.

"Oh, this is amazing... it's a few steps more splendid than Isteria."

I was overwhelmed when I let him peek in the face through the window.

"Really? You have money..."

Valletta is impressed by the side-by-side view of Ichira and the outside world.

As expected of a city with the largest barn area in Japan.

People are forbidden to go out, and there are no citizens walking the streets.

However, I saw a scattering of citizens sneaking through the windows on the second and third floors.

Everyone looks uneasy.

"It's been a long time since the Kreilatz army captured it." Is it like this every day? "

It looks like you're allowed to go out shopping and trash dumping.

Well, if you can't do that much, it'll interfere with your life.

Ichiro said that, and suddenly a question arose in his mind.

"Speaking of which, how do you dispose of the garbage that came out of the city?" Is it the same as Isteria? "

“I see. It looks like you have a specialist vendor who disposes of combustible garbage in bulk and collects non-combustible garbage that can be reused. It looks like the vendors are collecting the filth early in the morning and going around to dump it in the holes they dug in the suburbs.”

Isteria has a similar company in the public sector, but slaves collect and dispose of dirt.

Due to the very harsh labor, the slaves who hit them are slightly better paid than the other slaves and have decent housing.

Nelson's intention was to treat the slaves with respect and thoroughness, and no discriminatory treatment was made.

Because of this, there are many people who want to take those positions.

Basically, the treatment of slaves in Isteria is good, and both verbal and physical abuse are strictly prohibited, so the relationship with the general public is good.

Nelson's idea that "when any country collapses, it starts at the foot" is firmly reflected in Isteria's policy.

You know Valletta very well, don't you?

“When I had the carriage ready, I asked the Kreilatz soldier a lot about the city. I was proud to say," This city is going to be ours soon. "

"Ah... Mudia is about to be transferred to Clairats." How do the people of the city feel about their city being absorbed by other countries? ”

Valletta's expression was clouded by a worried expression.

"I'm sure everyone is feeling anxious. You may be kicked out of your hometown, and if you don't, you'll be sold out as a slave.”

"I see. We shouldn't tell Carnelian to be as tolerant as possible." The occupation policy, if it fails in the first place, will be difficult later. ”

"Yes. You can make it as sweet as you want, or you can make it as hard as you want, right?" It was in the book. "

"Did you give it to the book that said that?"

"There were a few." However, because we have to use it differently for each situation, it was written that we can't say it in one package. "

"But will our soldiers and citizens agree?"

Zirconia says with a troubled face.

"He's been killing his people and his family all over the place, so I think everybody's got his intestines boiled over. Honestly, so am I."

"That's... but we need a policy that looks to the future rather than resentment." The buds of contention must be picked as far as possible. "

In one word, Zirconia chanted, "Hmm."

But, well, you should prepare a sacrifice.

Is it a sacrifice?

Zirconia nodded with a serious look on her bewildered face.

“Yes, for example, the people who attacked villages along the border and my homeland 11 years ago. We need to find him alive and make him pay for his crimes. It's just the right thing to do, isn't it?"

Zirconia nodded with a smile.

While talking like that, the carriage passed through a large gate and arrived at the Governor's residence.

The Governor's Palace is a stone castle-like exterior, surrounded by splendid walls and defensive towers.

It looked like it would serve as the last stronghold in the unlikely event of an invasion of the city.

At the entrance to the Governor's mansion, there was a row of Kreilatz soldiers with spears waiting for the best.

Salute General Khazra of the Kingdom of Arcadia!

First, when Ichira stepped out of the carriage, the soldier-in-chief raised his voice.

The soldiers held their spears in front of their chests, and the sound of gashan and armor echoed.

General Kazura, we've been expecting you!

"Yeah, yeah..."

A good face is attracted to the soldier's captain with a smile on his face.

Valletta also looked surprised.

"Um, I'm just a civil servant." I'm not a general. "

"I'm sorry!" My lord, the feast is ready, so please come this way! "

"Excuse me, sir, if you can stop saying that..."

Haha! Then I'll call you Kazura-sama!

I wonder if Carnelian has notified me, but I'm very concerned about responding to one.

For one thing, I keep it a secret that I'm a Graysior, but perhaps the town is telling the story.

Likewise to Zirconia: "Salute General Zirconia!" The captain raised his voice.

Zirconia is getting used to it, raising one hand and responding to the soldiers.

Kazra-sama, is that Marie-sama?

The soldier asked in a whisper as he glanced at Marie, who was peeking at her from the carriage.

"Huh? Yeah, that's right."

"I understand." Marie-sama, give me your hand. Please watch your step. "

At the end of the day, the captain gives Marie a hand when she comes out of the carriage.

Apparently, Marie has been advised to treat it as a town hall.

Marie grabbed his hand and stepped out of the carriage, as she dropped off.

"...... something is really distracting you."

"Well, then. Maybe I shouldn't have come..."

Sneakily talking to Valletta.

Unaware of this, the Soldier Commander greeted Hitomi and headed for the Governor's residence.

"Our allies, the heroes of the Arcadian Kingdom, have arrived!"

"" Long live the kingdom of Arcadia! ""

"" "Perpetual friendship for Arcadia and Kreilatz!" "

"Uu, wow..."

As soon as they entered the main entrance, a large number of soldiers aligned with each other raised their voices.

And there was a cheer that was just breaking out.

It seems that they were prepared in advance to greet the Yoshinori.

"It's such a welcome."

"W-what are you embarrassed about..."

Valletta is overwhelmed with zirconia waving mildly.

Eila and Marie seem to be embarrassed as they walk after a while.

Then, he went a lot and came up the stairs to the top floor of the Great Hall.

At the entrance, two legion commanders of the Kreilatz army waited.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome."

The junior legionnaire gives his deepest thanks to Ichirai.

“We've rushed it, but we've got the ingredients for the Clairatz dish. Please enjoy it."

While saying that, he opens the door.

The large long table was lined up with tons of dishes for dozens of people, and the walls were lined with musicians holding various instruments.

At the same time as the door opens, elegant music is played, and the Legion Leader walks inside.

"Woah, this food is amazing..."

"And I can't eat this much..."

Valletta and I was overwhelmed.

Zirconia smiled bitterly at the cooking and summoned the Legion Commander.

"Hey, I'm glad you prepared such a wonderful meal, but I can't eat enough." Why don't you call Nelson and the other Legionaries to a banquet until nightfall? "

Hah! Got it!

He nodded with a smile and gave instructions to the soldier outside.

"Now...... Mr. Kazura, it's a little early for the battle party, but let's do it a little more quickly!"

"That's right. Let's get excited!"

"That's the spirit! Waiting for Nelson and the others will make the food cold, so let's go first!"

Zirconia and Ichira headed to their seats, looking like they were being picked up.

"Eila-san, Marie-chan, let's give it to us."

Yes, yes.


In time, a celebration of victory in the war against Barber was to be held.

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