Seeing that the two adults behind him did not move, Yamsa had to walk to the front of the formation alone.

"I'm Yamsa a subordinate of the Demon King Kleiman, and I'm the commander of the army, what do you want to say?"

The reason why Kleiman's name was reported was that Yamsa hoped to use the name of the Demon King to deter the other party.

But the other party doesn't seem to eat much of this set of ......

Yalbaid frowned slightly, "My master doesn't seem to think that this is a gesture that you are prepared to listen to.

The words fell, and he raised his head slightly to the side, "Dimiugos!" Dimiugos

understood and immediately understood.

He took a slow step forward.


an invisible ripple spread out, and the moment it touched Yamsa, it was like a ripple of water.

Yamsa fell directly to his knees on the ground, and even smashed two large craters on the ground.

He looked at Dimiugos in disbelief, "What did you do

!" Dimiwugos smiled indifferently, "Knock!!" "


Yamasa was forced to kowtow again by the invisible force.

He looked up angrily, "Bastard, who the hell are you!"

Dimiugos glanced at Yamasa, ignoring it.

It's not right, it's the "Domination Spell" that can forcibly control creatures lower than its own level.

The full-level Dimiugos wants to control one, and the Yamasa, who is only Lv80, is simply easy.

"Master, he's ready to listen.

Lin Ming said lightly at this time, "Raise your head!" "Raise your head!!"

Dimiugos said coldly.

Yamasa looked up obediently, a look of resentment in her eyes.

Relying on being a subordinate of the Demon King, Yamsa has never tried this kind of humiliation.

Especially in front of the subordinates who were once called around, this humiliation was even more embarrassing.

"I'm the president of the Anzi Urgon Guild and the master of Nasalik, Lin Ming!"

"So, why did you come to my territory?"

Yamasa snorted coldly, not afraid at all, but with a hint of provocation.

There's someone behind him.

"Aren't you afraid?" Lin Ming asked with interest.

The corners of Yamsa's mouth raised a mocking arc, "You're not a demon king, why should I be afraid?"

"Hum ......

" "Hmph, hahahaha......"

Lin Ming suddenly raised his head and laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke.

"It's sad, I thought the Demon King was everything.

"It's a sad idea.

Kalion and Miriam in the army on the opposite side had a few bruises on their foreheads.

Yamasa had a sarcastic smile on his face, "That's the powerful ...... you haven't seen the Demon King

" "Say this purpose, I'll listen to your nonsense here!"

Lin Ming directly interrupted Yamasa, his tone suddenly became sharp.

"Hmph, the Principality of Nasalik has illegally purchased millions of slaves from Kystau, and I have been ordered by Lord Kleiman to bring the slaves back.

"If you know each other, surrender obediently, otherwise don't blame me for being unkind. "

No, I would also apologize and compensate for my rude behavior. "

I see that a few of the women around you are in good shape, and if you are willing to give them to me, then this matter will be revealed." The

more Yamsa spoke, the more rampant he became.

It's really kneeling and saying the most arrogant words.

The soldiers behind him couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat for him.

Big brother, can you see the situation clearly, and you are talking trash talk?

Yarbed, Shatia, and Yaura, the three of them began to rise with a terrifying killing intent that was visible to the naked eye, and had turned into a real terrifying killing intent.

Yamsa didn't care about it at all, and continued to talk.

Dimiugos saw that the situation was not right, so in order to prevent them from having to help but make a move and violate Lord Lin Ming's regulations, he hurriedly stopped it.

"Shut up!!"

Yamasaac was silenced.

There is a wise saying in the Great Underground Tomb of Nasalik, "Death is the best gift

!" Lin Ming sighed softly, "Alas, it seems that you can't die today

!" "Master, don't mind if I teach this guy a lesson!"

Shatia's eyes flashed with a cold light, and her tongue gently licked her seductive cherry lips.

Lin Ming shook his head, indicating that he didn't mind.

"There are photo crystals, remember to be more elegant.

Shatiya jumped off the platform and walked slowly towards Yamsa, the air around her seemed to drop by ten degrees.

A cruel smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, "Let's play some exciting games!" The

voice was unusually charming, but it was creepy.


"Freedom of movement!!"

At the sound of the order, Yamsa's body immediately resumed its movements.

"Are you ready, filthy bug?" said Shatia dismissively.

"If you can defeat Shatia, I will pardon your painless death!" Lin

Ming said to Yamsa who was a little puzzled.

"What are you kidding, I'm an Ice Demon Swordsman!"

"I'm a special A-class warrior, a Calamity-level terrifying existence.

"I don't know what kind of magic you just used, but it must be very precious, right?"

"Letting go of my confinement was your biggest mistake.

Yamasa grinned, and the armor on her body erupted with a dazzling blue light.

He pulled out the blue ice crystal sword behind his back, which was the artifact Kleiman had given him, the Ice Crystal Sword.

This is also the origin of the title of Yamsa Ice Demon Swordsman.

"Beauty, bear my sharp ice sword!" After

saying that, he wielded the blue ice crystal long sword and slashed at Shatia.

Shatiya stood in place, without any panic on her face.

She stretched out her slender snow-white right hand, the little thumb of her right hand to be exact.

White nails lightly scratched the void.

The crisp sound of "——!! ding"

sounded, and Yamasa only felt a tingling in his arm.

The dress on Shatia's body was blown up by the strong wind of the impact, and her long pink hair was flying, and the whole person looked extraordinarily flowing.

The nails of her little thumb actually blocked Yamsa's attack.

"Oh, your nail clippers are a bit blunt. The

fluttering words made Yamasa tremble.

"How is that possible?" exclaimed

Yamsa, "how can you stop my Icy Demon Sword, this is an artifact?!"

he continued to swing his sword in disbelief.

The sound of metal clashing "clanging!" reverberated through the battlefield.

But every time it will be easily resisted by Shatiya with her slender little finger, which is not unelegant.


Shatia smiled slightly, "I've had enough, it's time for you......

" "Pain is coming!" "


This is a kind of spiritual magic, Yamsa's eyes are instantly blood-red, her body is unstable, and she almost falls to the ground.

"Damn stinking bitch!!"

he roared frantically, trying to ease the pain on his body.





With screams, and demonic laughter.

"Isn't it fun?"

everyone looked at the scene in front ......of them and couldn't help but swallow in unison.

This woman is terrible!


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