Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 997: No free lunch

"You wait for me here for a while." Soothing the three of them, he followed to the balcony, jumped to the back of Euglena, and flew to the core space. Although the two sides have now turned their fights into jade and are no longer the relationship between the enemy and the enemy, it is undeniable that Soya died under the muzzle of the Angel, and it can be said that there is no bones left. It is really sad to leave such a severed hand.

He does not regret having such an exhibition, but from a humanitarian standpoint, he feels that accompany Cathy to bury her sister’s remains is an act that can not only buy people’s hearts, but also annihilate the little anxiety in his heart, and at the same time can Keep her within her sight to prevent possible changes.

The floating vehicle was not fast, and was overtaken by the Euglena less than 5 okm away from the core space. Tang Fang stood side by side with her, looking straight ahead, but did not say anything. In many cases, you don't have to say anything to comfort others. Chicken soup for the soul can never compare to silent company.

He thought that this would move the other party and it was an opportunity to buy people's hearts, but the next life did not show up as he imagined. Cathy didn't open the hexagonal prism, put her sister's regret in it, then set up a tombstone to engrave some life stories, or messages from the living, she took Soya's severed hand and flew into the depths of the mist.

Tang Fang's expression was slightly startled, and when he came back to his senses, he suddenly saw the six fire dragons that had been immersed in the incubator for recuperation, dispelling the thin clouds of smoke and appearing on the opposite side. Its two heads have not yet fully grown, but have evolved into a rudimentary form. Numerous new granulation shoots are twisted and tangled in wounds with a diameter of several tens of meters, making the scalp numb.

Next, he saw the tube that had been retracted into the abdominal cavity protruding from below, and the crusty skin covered by the scale armor was squirming. The hose that was originally used to chase into the female Atlan’s back grew and elongated, but it did not. It splits into two and becomes a y-shaped structure, but stretches out in front of Cathy. The worm-like mouthparts slightly open, revealing sharp teeth.

Then, she inserted the broken hand in, not gentle or solemn, like inserting a wooden wedge into the soil.

Tang Fang stretched out his hand and wanted to say something, but after all he didn't say anything...Perhaps for the Ailantes, eating the remains of their relatives as food is a kind of funeral.

It turns out that he was wrong, and he was wrong. The worm mouthparts at the end of the hose bit Soya’s broken arm, and the sharp teeth pierced deeply into the skin. The originally coagulated blood gushed out again, mixing with a liquid secreted by the hose, like a suddenly inflated balloon. The end of the hose becomes a sac, and then it is alienated by the cold, and the original light blue skin becomes tougher and more transparent, looking like a giant cocoon 3 meters high.

"This is..." He blinked, puzzled. Although I guessed something, I am not sure.

Cathy looked at the translucent cocoon with blue brilliance in the center and said, "This can be faster."

"You...you don't mean that she...she can be resurrected, right?" The blue brilliance at the core of the giant cocoon was beating slowly, shrinking and shrinking like the heart in the human body, making a popping and popping sound.

She was still expressionless, but the light in her eyes was no longer cold, slightly faint, like a puddle of water, a bit cold. "I'm still alive, she won't die." She explained.

Captain Tang finally knew why the incubator unlocked the Cerebral. Just like the setting of StarCraft 1 Cerebral worms, as long as the master is still alive, they will not really die and have a chance of resurrection. Returning to the female Ailantes, as long as the incubator is ok, they can die and be reborn. Similar to the server-network equipment-client model of a computer network, the incubator is the server, 6 Fire Dragon is the network device, and Cathy and Soya are the clients. Even if the client is damaged, it is fine. Change a new device, load the update program, synchronize data from the server, and the client can run again. In other words, the incubator, Six Fire Dragon, Soya and Cathy were originally a whole, but there were some subtle differences in the unity.

"Sure enough, it's an'alien'..." Tang Fang sighed, thinking what a wonderful thing evolution is. At the beginning, following the footsteps of the girl Liana of Ypsilon to visit Cerepas, the images of the pendant records obtained in the Ashtorando Hall, coupled with the architectural functions and layout rules of the Lost Lands, let him give birth to Yipu The cognition that the social structure of the Xilong people is roughly the same as that of humans, and then preconceived that the hostile race of the Ypsilon people, the Ailantes, are also similar to the social environment, but now it seems that the two sides are different and there are big differences. This stems from a different evolutionary process.

Aliens are always aliens. Cathy and Soya showed a human side only because the male Ailantes did not perform their responsibilities as guides. Their knowledge of the world is more through humans. Memories and experience have caused them to know that they are not humans, but they tend to be human in their way of thinking.

This cognitive structure has unity and opposition. What is rare is that they did not have a split personality... This reminded him of the sentence, "Humans and demons are born to mothers, the difference is that people are **** humans." Born, the demon was born to his mother. When the demon has a kind heart, it is no longer a demon, but a human being."

Tang Fang watched the Six Fire Dragon retract the giant cocoon, slowly sinking into the mist, re-entering the internal chamber of the incubator, and casually asked, "How long will it take for her to break out of the cocoon?"

Casey said: "It will take about 3 months, it may be longer..."

She didn't explain the specific reason, but as smart as Captain Tang could naturally think that for the incubator whose biological functions are now greatly suppressed, it is impossible to guarantee that it will not delay the time it takes to reconstruct Soya's body.

Leaving the core space and heading for the tower, he asked another question in his mind, what role those fish monsters played in this biological system. Cathy's answer was "food".

He was shocked and puzzled by this answer, until Cathy made a more detailed answer.

Yes, fish monsters are food for the incubator. It produces them, it eats them, it directs them, and it feeds them.

Just as Abathur obtained tissue samples from the body of the 6 fire dragons, by analyzing the structure of the dna present phagosome, it was concluded that the incubator could absorb energy substances in a gentler manner as the nourishment for the body's growth and nurturing.

In the childhood of the two sisters, it took a long time for the male Ailantes to return to the planet, so they used the characteristics of the relic to store extremely rich energy materials in the core space. After Cathy and Soya grew up, the remaining energy Substances cannot keep the body fertilizing, and can only be used to maintain daily consumption.

As they became more interested in hunting to relieve the loneliness that gradually grew after swallowing humans, inspired by the phenomenon of hunters raising eagle dogs to assist hunting, the two decided to find some helpers for themselves, so the remaining energy was converted into life by the incubator. Material, by combining the DNA fragments of an epic creature that resembles a marine fish, many small fish monsters are bred, and by injecting different amounts of essence and DNA fragments to create long-snout fish monsters, toothed fish monsters, and horizontal bones Fish monsters and other species, but because the main genes are derived from fish-shaped epic creatures, these fish monsters look very similar.

In turn, the incubator bred them on the one hand and swallowed them on the other. Just as plants breathe and release carbon dioxide at night, they release oxygen during daytime photosynthesis. When the local nuclear space lacks energy material, the incubator will swallow a large number of fish monsters and transform them into their own life activities; when the relic captures energy materials through functional activities, the incubator will continue to breed fish monsters. After a long period of accumulation, fish The number of monsters increased and gradually became a huge ethnic group. Later, they combined the genes of other powerful creatures to cultivate a transportation tool such as 6 fire dragons-for Cathy and Soya, it was equivalent to An armed shuttle used by humans for short-distance flights.

After listening to this story, he really didn't know what words to use to describe the shock and complexity of his heart. If Freya is his mobile power bank and electric baton, then the fish monster cluster is the incubator's portable lunch, which can not only be used to satisfy your hunger, but also be smashed.

Then he thought of one more thing, a mature fish monster can contribute 3oo crystals and 2oo gas to him, and the bone fish monster has more complete body. Doesn't it mean that the incubator can continuously produce fish monsters for itself that can be converted into system resources? As long as there are energy materials, the incubator can convert them into system gas resources. Although it is not convenient to directly refine the zero minerals, it is also an excellent resource collection method.

Cathy didn’t understand his keen interest in hunting fish monsters, but she told him that as long as the incubator can provide the energy materials needed for daily life activities, the fish monsters in the Earth’s core space are at his disposal, but he should not think about mass production of fish monsters. Up.

It takes a lot of energy to breed fish monsters, and it takes a lot of time for the incubator to secrete biomass. It is like humans planting and cutting trees. There is a ladder-like growth cycle. The reason why there are so many fish monsters in the core space is that The biochemical performance of the energy accumulated by the incubator for thousands of years, in the absence of energy, it is impossible to form a cluster in the short term.

And most importantly, the various physiological indicators of the incubator, which is dragged down by the body's pathological changes, have fallen sharply, and its function is far worse than before. It is absolutely impossible to achieve his whimsical and weird mind. What he needs most right now is not to think about it, but to worry about the energy materials needed by the incubator to maintain life and inhibit the spread of disease. He can't sit and eat. Once the fish monsters are exhausted, can they make their sisters hungry? Being his subordinate is not for nothing, and the "salary" is also required.

Of course, this is not to say that the incubator completely loses the ability to breed fish monsters. Under the conditions of sufficient energy material, it can carry out long-term, small-scale production tasks under the current conditions.

For this result, Tang Fang was very depressed and unhappy. I thought I had a great advantage, but I didn't want to end up with a big stomach and a big burden. The key is that he dared not clean up all type II phagosome polymers in the incubator, giving up the strategic advantage over Cathy and Soya.

In fact, for Captain Tang, who is responsible for the interstellar system, it is not too difficult to produce energy materials, but the incubator can quickly absorb relatively mild and stable energy materials, such as organic biomass, zero element, zero element isotope, and electric energy. Wait.

It is obviously unwise to exchange Zerg units for fish monsters. They do not contain zero elements. The biomass contained in 50 puppies may not be able to breed a mature fish monster. Needless to say, zero element and zero element isotopes, he will feed them to the incubator when his brain is broken. As for electrical energy, how big a fusion reactor needs to be built to satisfy a large man over 1ookm in length?

Although I decided to let go of the fish monster cluster and don't have to worry about it in a short time, I have to think of a permanent cure, isn't it?

Gentle, stable energy matter, but also to satisfy the appetite of a behemoth, where can I find it... eh? This thing looks far in the sky, but in fact it is very close. He thought of an object—the civilization and cultivation foundation of the Protoss~www.readwn.com~Kadarin Crystal.

However, for the size of the incubator, it must be a huge Kadarin crystal to maintain long-term consumption, at least ten times larger than the mothership core crystal, or several mothership cores can output energy together.

There is no doubt that this is a very difficult thing for him, but the difficulty now does not mean that it will be difficult in the future. Whether it is the crystal tower of El Prostaglande or the void crystal tower of Nerazim, it must be energy. Donors, to help the incubator carry out life activities-the premise is that they can be concrete, not just the functional buildings in the base.

Sister Logic will not explain to him the structure and hidden elements of the system. Emma has no permission to access relevant information, but it does not mean that he has no ideas of his own. Through the scene when the system core level is increased, the system expands the battle data of Legacy of the Void, and gives him the opportunity to experience new expansions, he guesses that the moment when the white road, which is bound by many rings, is completely opened, may be the system A moment when architecture becomes concrete. In other words, the most likely situation is that when the core of the system rises to the top level, the concrete function of the building can be activated.

T energy stone... or T energy stone...

The three of Tang Lin watched Tang Fang and Cathy go back and returned, and returned to the console on the 8th floor. Seeing that they were not in a high mood, they thought they were touching the scene and pitying the dead, so they didn’t say anything, waiting for them to come out of their pessimism on their own. , Cheer up and seriously consider what to do next.

After landing, the female Atlant walked straight to the console. Four palms injected weak currents into the lattice of different colors. The image of the water screen display changed several times, and was finally adjusted to the gravitational field structure diagram of the tunnel section.

As the mistresses of this ruin, their ability to control the core of gravity is naturally far beyond Tang Lin and Walton's. (To be continued.)

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