Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1002: Relic Power (Part 1)

The smartest politician is to turn everything into a political event and resolve it by political means.

The old face on the large screen opposite had disappeared and was replaced by a stream of flames flowing in front of the battleship formation.

More than 20 landing crafts, with the expectation of His Royal Highness, traversed the high-altitude orbit of the wandering planet, pierced the thin atmosphere, and flew towards the huge black mouth with no visible edges and ends.

Inside the cabin, a blood wolf warrior carrying a high-frequency sword was sitting in the ejection seat. After carefully checking the various equipment he carried, he could only hear the sound of the snap opening and closing and the upper magazine. There was no language communication other than that.

Behind the formation of landing boats that went farther and farther, 2,700 warships obscured the entire airspace, and it was as dark as a rain cloud, with a breathless sense of oppression.

The warships of the Hydra Corps did not see a trace of light, like a void coffin. This kind of painting and transformation gave the enemy naval soldiers a strong visual and psychological impact during the war, and thus gained morale advantage, especially for the Star Alliance Navy for a long time. For an army that has never actually fought, it is tantamount to a psychological nuclear bomb.

However, the enemy they faced today was not the Star Alliance Navy, nor was it Captain Tang's tribal forces, but the gloomy skypit.

The wandering planet is still moving forward at a constant speed, still rotating at a constant speed. When the landing craft responsible for catching Bridge and the others returned to the ship entered a high-altitude orbit and flew to the Magic Wolf, more than 20 landing crafts that went to the Tiankeng also crossed the horizon and entered the remains. internal.

According to the information provided by Church, there is a screening area in the upper area of ​​the ruins, and the landing craft with higher energy response will be intercepted by the gravitational bubble and lose its ability to move. The pilots, commanders, and blood wolf commandos are all prepared. As long as the landing craft encounters obstacles, it will start the ejection procedure, and continue to advance with the help of the silver steel-class power armor and the Griffin Rider-class power armor.

However, what they did not expect was that the landing craft was not obstructed by the depth noted in the Church report. Instead, the brightness of the remote crystal wall changed. Since the landing craft entered the scope of the ruins, the light revealed by the hive lattices has become more and more prosperous, becoming like a roaring flame, giving people the illusion of being in purgatory.

At this time, the active curve of the display above the dashboard attracted the attention of the landing craft pilot, which represented the active level of the energy overflowing from the center of the earth. Some pilots believed that this change was due to the brighter light radiation on the cell walls. Some pilots did not think so and chose to contact the fleet command center to report the anomaly.

I don't know that the unimpeded communication just now is suddenly interfered by unknown forces, and even the quantum communication terminal specially carried to resist electromagnetic interference has no effect.

At the same time, in the faint space behind, the warships of the Phantom Fleet at the forefront of the warship array received a gravitational meter alarm, and the rapidly oscillating gravitational wave shook into a ball on the indicator.

"What's going on?" The captain who was unknown to him asked, but no one was able to answer. This gravitational force oscillated quickly and went quickly. After a few breaths, it returned to normal, and the waveform tended to be gentle.

Just when many crew members were full of misgivings and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the 21 landing craft located inside the tiankeng suddenly encountered an extremely powerful suction force, which gushed out from the ruins to the depths, which quickly caught people off guard.

The unbalance indicator flashed quickly, the alarm bell made a sharp and piercing sound, the swaying ship hull shook the rear compartment of the blood wolf warrior and their commander, the power armor and the stabilizer collided and rubbed, and the vibration was transmitted from the seat to the The hips, the whole body was shaking, making a ping-pong pounding sound.

"What's the matter?" The same questioning as the commander of the rear battleship resounded through the cockpit of every landing craft.

"The ruins... Suddenly there was a rush of suction from the ruins, which disturbed the balance of the landing craft." The pilots turned on the auxiliary injectors and tried to balance the hull by increasing the thrust, but they couldn't match the increasing force. The suction power of the landing craft even tilted to one side due to the influence of the auxiliary injector.

Hearing the driver's answer, the soldiers on standby in the rear cabin felt a little relieved, wondering if they had reached the strange gravitational zone mentioned in the intelligence. In the pre-departure combat meeting, the general who planned the operation told them that after the landing craft enters the sinkhole, it will trigger the relic gravitational trap and be imprisoned, but don’t worry, the gravitational bubble only produces objects with a strong energy level. Response, for soldiers wearing power armor, and will not hinder.

Many people began to do the final inspection before ejection, and only waited for the landing craft to be wrapped in the gravitational bubble, and then started the second walk, using the special power armor to continue to dive deep into the ruins.

It is a pity that they failed to do so, and died in the second move. The 21 landing crafts are like flat-leaf boats caught in the ocean vortex. They only struggled a little before being rolled up by the rapidly growing suction force and turned to a deeper place.

The fast-flashing indicator lights inside the cabin were replaced by crackling sparks. The mental shock brought by the ship's rotation made many people dizzy. The rattling alloy steel plate seemed to be torn apart violently by a big hand. The fissure penetrated, and the pressure and oxygen leak turned the driver in front into a **** corpse.

They couldn't figure out why this happened, and what happened. Someone endured the intense dizziness and nausea, and asked loudly, "Commander, this is completely different from what was said in the combat meeting..."

Yes, it is completely different. There is no gravitational bubble, only gravitational wave... No, it is a gravitational storm, like a scalpel used to dismember a corpse, easily cut through the outer skin, cut the peritoneum, and take out the contents into countless Fragment, sucked into the dark abyss with invisible end.

"The Blue Fox team calls the command center... The Blue Fox team calls the command center..." In the dilapidated cockpit, the speaker of the communication system echoed a slightly distorted cry for help.

The sinking of the 12 landing craft is not the end, but the beginning. After the fast oscillating gravitational wave disappeared for 3 breaths, a huge suction bursting from the ruins to the depths engulfed the action team. At the same time, it broke through the earth's crust at the speed of light, constructing an extremely large gravity well, and wandering above the planet by dozens A fan-shaped area with a height of 10,000 kilometers is shrouded in it.

Gravitational storms are not like a volcanic eruption, unlike a tsunami, and there is no prelude to being spectacular or majestic. Almost as soon as Woolf Keith, deputy commander of the Hydra Corps, received the warning, the gravitational storm had reached the airspace where more than 2,700 warships were located, turning into a huge gravity well that narrowed downward, bringing all warships into the influence. range.

Many people have no time to react. The tail thruster is still in low-power mode, and the huge hull accelerates forward under the action of gravity, like a tornado bringing up scattered rubble on the ground, and the remaining warships of the Phantom Fleet bear the brunt and tilt slightly. The body fell into the tiankeng, and the auxiliary injector that was activated in an emergency ejected blue fire, but it was unable to resist the suction.

"How is this? Why is this!" Woolf Keith's face with a striking scar hides shock and helplessness under his resoluteness. He is not a waste. How could he be the deputy commander of the Hydra Army. But in the face of this kind of power that humans can only look up to and pray, strategies, skills, martial arts, etc., have no effect.

What is one force drop ten meeting? This is called one force drop ten meeting!

Imagine how magnificent and magnificent the scene of more than 2,000 warships, engulfed by gravitational storms, rushing to the wandering planet ground slowly and quickly.

It takes a process from relatively static to high-speed travel. Some captains try to reverse the attitude of the warship, face the tiankeng with the stern of the ship, and overload the tail thruster group, hoping to get rid of the pull from the wandering planet.

Some warships did it, but more warships did not, especially those heavy and heavy ships. Most of the small warships that successfully turned were in the front row, so most of them were smashed head-on by the large warships that failed to turn around, like two collided soils, splashing countless steel shards and exploding at the same time. With flames, twisted, flipped, and then accelerated to fall.

The flames of the small ship’s tail thrusters that were not hit by the ship soared. They flew forward for a certain distance, and some even avoided several large oncoming ships. This shows how skillful the pilots of the warship pilots of the Hydra Corps are. Strong.

This is just a dying struggle, and the burst speed of engine thrust is far less than the increase in gravity coming from below, so they fly at first, then run, then climb, and finally turn back. Some propulsion systems broke down, burst open with a bang, and became a member of the stream of wreckage, driven away by the continuous suction?

The bridge area of ​​most of the remaining battleships of the Phantom Fleet is full of ghosts crying, "Save us... who will save us... God, please have mercy on your children and help them out of the sea of ​​suffering... I want to live, I don't want to die... woo woo woo woo……"

They survived the battle with the 53rd Fleet, the battle with the ships of the Right Angel, and the asteroid storm that swept the airspace around the wandering planet. It is a pity that they did not survive this time.

The Hydra Legion is an elite force of the empire. Even in the face of this unsolvable situation, it did not cry for fathers and mothers like the soldiers of the local lord fleet, and was full of nostalgia for life and sunshine, so it was unwilling, resentful, sad, and even Wee your pants.

Before the bridge exploded, they shouted "For glory!" When the two ships collided, they shouted "Long live the emperor!" As they burned their bodies with gunpowder, they defeated the pain with their will and yelled hysterically, "Xu De la mighty, Monya will win!"

On the Grave Digger bridge, Woolf Keith touched the narrow scar from the corner of his right eye to his lips, and smashed the left hand mechanical arm on the combat podium, splitting the touchpad in half.

The flagship of the Children of War, Apophis, is a semi-relic warship, and the Gravedigger is also a semi-relic warship. Possessing a strong communication jamming capability can improve its own advantage in disguised form by weakening the command capability of the enemy fleet. One can imagine how precious it is and how high its status in the Hydra Army. However, no matter how powerful it is, no matter how strong its auxiliary ability is, it becomes useless to face the monster that can swallow everything.

Since the discovery of the wandering planet, Belek and Rockefeller have reported the situation here to Halifax. Later, a Captain Tang was killed halfway through to fight the Phantom and the Golden Ring fleet. In order to be able to capture this weird planet with great scientific research value, while defeating Tang Fang. His Royal Highness 13 not only dispatched a part of the Hydra Corps to guard him and the Ptolemy Space Station, but also mobilized one from the front to form a combined fleet of more than 2500 warships.

The Gravedigger came in response to the Angel of Right, but it was a pity that Halifax did not expect that the Phantom Fleet and the Golden Ring Fleet would encounter an asteroid storm, and the two thousand-ship conventional fleets only survived over 100 ships. Of course, because of the existence of the ruins, he is determined to win the wandering planet, and Tang Fang and others have become secondary targets.

"Order the ships to activate the weapon system, target the remains of Ypsilon...free shooting!" Woolf Keith gave an attack order with a cold face. He knew that Halifax liked this ruin very much, and he was even more jealous of the Ypsilon inside. He regarded it as the most precious thing in the world, and he wanted to know it soon.

13 The prince was dazzled by benefits, but it does not mean that he was also dazzled by benefits...No matter how much money he has, he has to spend his life. Faced with the current situation, the first priority is to save the life of His Royal Highness, not to consider the gains and losses of the ruins.

Since that dark monster likes to eat ~www.readwn.com~, let it eat enough at one time, let the flames and explosions fill its stomach, as long as the ruins are destroyed, the gravitational storm will naturally disappear.

His eyebrows, scars on his face, and the light in his eyes all show that the deputy commander is a tough and brave warrior. He is indeed an outstanding general with outstanding achievements in countering rebellion. What's more rare is that he has a delicate heart, calm and calm, and good at understanding the weakness of opponents. He is always eager to plan in times of crisis. It can be described as both wisdom and courage, and he won the trust and appreciation of Kolkraf I.

Under this order, those warships that were attracted by the gravitational storm and fell quickly, like being captured by the invisible demon drilled out of the abyss and pulled into the boundless darkness, have reacted, all kinds of magnetic rail weapons, missiles, torpedoes, laser cannons, and even nuclear warheads. , One step faster, shot into the bottomless darkness.

It’s frustrating...no, it should be frightening that the projectiles and lasers fired by the magnetic orbital weapons are like rocks thrown into the quagmire, without any response, while those missiles, torpedoes, and nuclear warheads are dismembered into a certain area of ​​the sinkhole. Large and small fragments, a few exploded, and turned into torches to dispel the darkness in front, illuminating Huangquan Road.

"How is it possible!" Not only Woolf, but the bridge staff of the Tombdigger couldn't help but exclaim. (To be continued.)

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