Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1008: Coming from afar (2)

Just as the dissatisfaction hit the atrium like a wave against a dam, the 9th and 10th Fleet faced the frontline battlefield of the 9th Hydra Corps and suddenly broke into a golden swallow.

It is so noble, so elegant, so dazzling, it greets many people's eyes, frowns a lot of brows, and arouses many doubts. What is that and why does it appear on the frontline battlefield? Does it think that with just one warship, it can be an enemy of three fleets? Even if it was a relic warship, it would never be possible.

Of course, the commander of the 9th Division of the Hydra Corps has always been modest and cautious, never arrogant and frivolous. He immediately communicated this situation to the Fire Ambition and requested His Royal Highness Mackintosh to appoint the eulogy rector to come over. In case something goes wrong.

The Hydra Corps 1 and 2 have the absolute upper hand in the confrontation with the Spartacus United 1st and 3rd Sub-Fleet. Considering that even if the Eulogy Reciter is taken away, the God’s Gift cannot bring the situation back. , Mackintosh agreed to this request, and ordered the Divine Grant to rush to the airspace where the 9th is located, launch its most powerful force, and kill the Golden Flying Swallow... There is no doubt that it should be a combat unit under Tang Fang. .

The commander of the 9th Fleet stomped angrily and secretly accused Tang Fang of being confused and arrogant. He actually planned to use one battleship against the enemy's more than 2,000 battleships, including 9 elite fleets like the Hydra Corps. That guy can die, can he not hurt the Star Alliance Navy? Because Huang Jin Feiyan appeared right in front, he knew that it was a combat unit under Captain Tang, so the 9th and 10th Fleet’s warships had to make temporary adjustments to prevent them from accidentally injuring the friendly forces. The opponents had no such concerns. , The artillery fire is still dense like rain.

"This bastard, does he want to kill us?" The hoarse voice echoed on the 9th Fleet's flagship bridge.

The Eulogy Reciter was already on the way, and the captain wondered whether to slow down, first to see how capable the Golden Flying Swallow was, how strong the defense and attacking power was, so that he could make targeted arrangements.

When an attack drone passed by the center of the battlefield, the arbiter fired the first shot, causing a burst of laughter and scolding. The laughter came from the Munya navy side, and the curse came from the Star Alliance navy side.

I thought that the Golden Flying Swallow dared to appear in the center of the battlefield and had an energy shield. It must be equipped with a powerful weapon system. However, this is not the case. The round cannonball blasted the attacking drones to pieces, which is considered to be a good thing. Destroying the enemy, on the surface, this looks very handsome and simple, but as Captain Tang's combat unit, compared to the previous record of the Seraph, Morningstar and other ships, Jin Feiyan's combat effectiveness is really somewhat ineffective.

The crew members of the Silver Fox Fleet and the Kaleidoscope Fleet were booed after the laughter. Unexpectedly, the golden aircraft that swaggered into the battlefield was a silver-like pewter spearhead, which was not useful.

The commander of the Kaleidoscope Fleet, Test Passy, ​​did not smile, but looked at the Feiyan with a vicious look, and ordered the battleship formation at the back of the battle formation to move forward. The light battleships in front spread out and took advantage of the two fleets of the Star Alliance Navy. Also, when those large space-based defense facilities were dragged down, and before adapting to the new situation, they used heavy firepower to solve Jin Feiyan and gave Captain Tang a chance to pretend to be stupid... He had hatred with Tang Fang, There is a big hatred... in Nami Star, in the Meghal star system, because of Tang Fang, because of failure, he was scolded by Prince Walker bloody. This is really no face, and nobles love face, some people even regard face and honor as more important than life.

The Commander of the Silver Fox Fleet also had the same thoughts and the same arrangement. In the end, even the commander of the 9th Division of the Hydra Corps agreed to this lineup plan, intending to give the guy who underestimated the enemy a disarm, and let him turn from a rising big Peng into a face-eating dog. .

The large ship, known for its offensive power, reveals its sharp fangs orbital cannon to lock the Arbiter far away. But without waiting for the commander's order, the silver light beam that heralded death came first.

The crew were sure that they did not come from the Golden Flying Swallows, but from nothingness, just like suddenly appearing in this world, suddenly appearing in front of them, only waiting for the large ship in the center of the fleet to be exposed, then they made them thick, big and bright. The beam of light is inserted, stir again, poke, and create a few bursts.

It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all. Those death beams can't be generated out of thin air, but even if countless crew members stare at the size of copper bells, the sensor array has even been able to eat milk without any discovery.

There are not many silver beams, only 15 beams, but the effect they create is to directly empty the battleships of the Kaleidoscope Fleet, turning the behemoths into a grand holiday bonfire, and the small and medium warships walking nearby are like twisting in front of the bonfire. Body dancer.

This is not happy at all, it is ugly, it is not Captain Tang who is stubborn, but General Tester is the one who swears, although this is not the first time he has suffered similar psychological trauma. There is an old saying in the East that you can't repeat it again and again. There is an old saying in the East that hitting people without slapping the face... He refuses to admit the scene before him. He suddenly thinks of death because he does not have to accept the bitter fruit.

But the kid didn’t let him do what he wanted. After 15 beams of light swept across the Kaleidoscope Fleet battleship formation, they did not stab Tester’s flagship with their feet, but let him stay alive and be a dedicated audience to appreciate the next. Brilliant view.

With the lessons learned from the kaleidoscope fleet, the commander of the Silver Fox fleet immediately asked the battleship formation to abandon the original plan, and the light ship responsible for the **** sprayed electronic fog outside to interfere with the opponent's vision and avoid the same fate.

This was not an easy task. It was bigger than before, and the more dazzling beams intertwined, killing the Silver Fox Fleet battleship formation by ten percent. Many navy soldiers felt that it was okay. At least the experience of their own fleet was better than that of the kaleidoscope fleet. When they looked back, the commander’s flagship was shaved off by a silver light.

The mobilization speed of the 9 battleships of the Hydra Corps was faster than that of the Silver Fox Fleet and the Kaleidoscope Fleet. The battleship formation did not suffer much damage. Under the cover of the frigate's gunfire, it retreated slowly and hid behind the battle formation. Only 15 prism beams were killed. Several improved destroyers and frigates.

Test's smashed combat console banged, "He must be deliberate! He must be deliberate!" From the emergence of the golden aircraft to the light beam piercing the void, it brought unacceptable losses to the Monya Navy. It is a carefully planned conspiracy.

This is a great gift from Captain Tang to an old friend... The other side obviously has the opportunity to explode his flagship.

Where do those energy beams that are getting thicker and thicker come from? They tried to send a team of reconnaissance drones and aerospace fighters. They didn't know that they hadn't approached the golden aircraft, but they were exploded by small energy rays that also appeared from nothingness, turning them into unglaring fireballs.

Many people knew that the strangeness must be on the Feiyan, but what was embarrassing was that the short-range artillery couldn't reach it, and the long-range artillery couldn't hit it accurately. Large ships that can pose a threat to their targets dare not take the initiative. This situation will have to be suffocated.

The commander of the 9th Division of the Hydra Corps gritted his teeth and made a decision to retreat, abandoning the compression and siege of the 9th and 10th Fleet's garrison areas, and ordered the entire ship to move backwards to temporarily avoid the enemy's edge.

They began to retreat, the prism beams did not stop, and continued to move forward as the fleet moved. After blasting several forward battleships and flying fighters, they moved away from the shrouded area of ​​the hidden force field, first showing dazzling dazzling dazzling sight. The phased crystal, then the fluid position projector like an electro-optical bouquet, and then the streamlined hull with great ornamental value.

Until this moment, Tester and others figured out what kind of head the guy who blasted many of his warships had.

Surrounding the Void Glowship is an elegant Phoenix fighter plane, like a butterfly, flying left and right, drawing rounded arcs in the dark. This is very beautiful, but Tester is not in the mood for sightseeing, but his lungs are almost blown up.

A total of 15 more than 300-meter-long standard relic warships? How is this possible? When did Morningstar Forge possess such combat power, at least there was not such a quantity in Turanx United Kingdom. The strength of that guy is like squeezing toothpaste. Every time a war starts, he can always bring many "surprises" to his opponent.

The commanders of the 9th Fleet and 10th Fleet of the Star Alliance have not spoken for a long time. Although their faces are serious, their eyes flicker and repetitively, thinking that the kid is like the rumors, he is a sore on his head and feet. Pussy bad guy.

Arbiters appeared not only in the defense zones of the 9th and 10th Fleet, but also in other airspaces. Tang Fang lost a lot of ground combat units during the battle with the incubator in the wandering planetary core space. They were all used by him to produce the Void Glow Ship and Arbiter. This was the current invincible scene.

On the other side of the battlefield, Tang’s old friend, Lieutenant General Wei Hongde, led the Southern Cross fleet, united some of the warships of the 5th Hydra Corps, and brought more than 400 warships from the 3rd sub-fleet of Spartacus United Catch it, and start a battle that is close to ferrying in a small area. The situation of Spartacus United was not optimistic because of the enemy's head and tail attack.

The commander regretted and regretted choosing this route. He was caught upright by a sinister opponent and fell into an encirclement. He was embarrassed from the beginning and the end. He was left and right. However, in this close combat situation, he could not retreat. I wanted to come to the opponent for a long time and had already targeted the guerrilla fleet led by him.

How to do? There are a large number of enemy ships, and there are 5 warships under the Hydra Corps. Our own fleet is undoubtedly not an opponent, and its forces are declining extremely rapidly. Every time the battle damage control team reports, he feels flustered.

Wei Hongde had just learned of the sudden arrival of the Seraph, but he didn't feel much emotion. Once I knew that the kid was no longer what he used to be, even a duke like Tripatti was not his opponent, let alone a marquis-level power like the Monyawei family. Secondly, the Star Alliance Navy and the Monya Navy have opened up a huge battlefield in the Rutonado star system. Both sides have invested more than 15 fleets of combat power. The elite strategy pursued by Captain Tang has led to limited forces. In the current environment If you can take care of the East, you can’t take care of the West. If you can help the 9th Fleet, you can’t help the 25th Fleet. Once the Star Alliance Navy has a large-scale defeat, even Captain Tang will not be able to turn the tide.

So he was very calm and calm. He didn't feel restless because of the enemies in the past, how to command and how to command, how to think and how to think, but he was a little unhappy... those guys! It is really hateful to kick them away after the Wei family has no value.

What’s interesting is that Wei Hongde chose to act low-key, but Tang Fang didn’t plan to let go of the Southern Cross fleet. On Planet 5, on Nami, and on the Megall star system, Wei Jia always found fault with him. To kill him, although there is no time and no strong will to take the Yilan star system to kill Wei Hongguang, the head of the Wei family, to avenge the revenge at the time, but since he met, there is no reason not to charge any interest.

Soon after an arbitrator appeared in the 9th Fleet and 10th Fleet of the Star Alliance, another arbitrator appeared in the Southern Cross Fleet and the 5 ships of the Hydra Corps to hunt the 3rd sub-fleet of Spartacus United Battlefield.

Wei Hongde had a chill with the commander of the 5th Division of the Hydra Corps~www.readwn.com~ Because the battlefield data link system has just sent a piece of video data, the protagonist of the screen is exactly the same as the golden aircraft in front of him, the kaleidoscope fleet and the silver The fox fleet deliberately tried to disarm Tang Fang, and as a result, it killed 15 ruined warships, cutting leeks, and almost wiped out the large ships of the two fleets.

After the Battle of Megall Star System, Testor once clamored that Tang Fang would pay the price, and Prince Walker's dignity should not be tarnished. As a result, his clamor did not come true, he gave a blood at the beginning, and now he has come to contribute.

There is no doubt that the Golden Flying Swallow can project a hidden force field and shield nearby warships, thus creating a strategic advantage. The Golden Flying Swallows in the airspace where the 9th and 10th Fleet are located are still there, as are the 15 suspected relic warships with strong attacking power. Now there is another Golden Flying Swallow in front of him. Although it is unlikely that there will be another 15 relic warships, according to the style of the past in the Tang Dynasty, God knows if there will actually be another 15 relic warships.

"Order the ships to widen the distance, and the small and medium-sized ships try to cover the retreat of the large ships... if it is impossible to retreat, then rush into the third sub-fleet of Spartacus United." Wei Hongde knows how to do it. When faced with that kind of powerful warship, minimize the loss. For heavy armored units like the Whale Shark-class battleships, they are also equipped with large magnetic shields. Compared with the silver beams, the threat of Spartacus United's warships is less, even if they are all fifth-generation warships. (To be continued.)

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