Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1016: My number was stolen


The first thousand and sixteenth chapter my number was stolen

The infiltration of the intelligence personnel of the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire into the Star Alliance society is something that national security agencies and politicians need to care about, and it does not have much impact on the lowest level of civilians. Due to the front-line victory, the stock price of Venus Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. corresponding to Morningstar Casting rose sharply. Even funds from the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic poured into the stock market, which made Tang Fang’s value rise steadily. The bounty of the upper head is more than 8 times. In terms of total assets, the current Morningstar Casting has equalized the old military industry companies such as the Rover Technology Consortium, Iga Industrial, and Eco-Sowopner Group. In a short period of time, the capital scale of Morningstar Casting has expanded from being a civilian-class ship manufacturer to being comparable to that of an established military-industry enterprise. Although I dare not say that there will be no newcomers, it is considered unprecedented.

Moreover, Tang Fang risked his life to rescue the remaining soldiers of the 42nd and 87th Fleet, which made more and more talents rush to the Dilar Star System at all costs, hoping to join Morningstar Casting and display their talents and ambitions.

They are all smart people, knowing that it is impossible to treat them wrongly as Captain Tang. Moreover, the rapidly expanding market value of Morningstar Casting and the increasingly changing attitudes of the government and the public indicate that Morningstar Casting has a large enough stage for them to shine. Especially scientific and technological talents who have made achievements in aerospace engineering-related fields, seeing the first open recruitment of Morningstar Casting, felt that with their experience and talents, they would be able to receive high-level courtesy, but arrived at Dilar Star It was only after the system that the two were tall and short, one was thin and the other was fat, one with band-aids on their faces, and a guy with a robotic arm had asked many questions that they had never heard before, let alone solved them. The huge sense of frustration and shame made them feel complacent, awake to their own shortcomings and arrogance, some positive and motivated people are willing to lower and lower their intentions, just to be able to stay in the morningstar casting and become the apprentices of the two weird people.

Of course, there are also meticulous works sent by the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire to try to mix into the Morningstar casting, but with Miss Kylienia’s shrewdness and Tang Fang’s many backhands, many members of the Shadow Wolf Club and the Night Owl agents became A delicious lunch for the infected and the queen.

In the eyes of Sheridan, Ruskin, and others, Miss Kylenia is a very capable woman. However, this kind of ability is very different from Zhou Ai's ability. It is a very shrewd feeling of being a person and doing things. Sometimes like a shrewd businessman, sometimes like a cunning politician, who knows how to behave.

Whether it is facing special personnel from government departments or cooperating merchants at home and abroad, she has never suffered and can always take advantage of it, which makes professional managers like Sheridan feel ashamed.

On the surface, she is a long-sleeved dancing woman who can take care of all aspects. In fact, in Miss Kylenia's mind, she is worrying about a big problem these days-the rate of expansion of Morningstar's market value far exceeds the rate of expansion. Even if the various departments of the Star Alliance government are all the way to the green light-such as opening up tight mineral control to Morningstar Casting, such as the immigration department promises that foreign workers working in Morningstar Casting can still accumulate the credit and contribution required to join the Star Alliance citizenship; various transportation industrial facilities The fleet enters and exits in the Delar star system, and the construction ships of space facilities builders spread the internal airspace. It is also very difficult to complete the entire industrial chain.

Not to mention the construction cycle of each park, it is not an easy task for those technical talents to meet the minimum requirements of the two individuals, Iger Stetman and Rory Swann. Just as some economists have summarized, Morningstar Casting is a huge financial bubble. Its market value and reputation are all won by Captain Tang himself in the Hilumbel region, not the real value of Morningstar Casting. . However, it is undeniable that this company has extremely broad prospects and growth potential. As long as it can develop step by step under the aegis of Tang Fang, it will surpass the old-fashioned military enterprises such as the Rover Technology Consortium and Ward Heavy Industries.

But can Morningstar Casting really develop step by step? Captain Tang seems to have an unexplainable connection with the Dragon Whisperer. This proved his ability and potential, but he also dragged Morningstar Casting into a sinister quagmire. The Third Committee... and the Supreme Council, which is said to have revived. , I must not sit back and watch his growth.

It is still unknown whether Morningstar Casting is a short-lived brilliance or a long-lasting sun.

The Star Alliance navy in the Karilan-Ruttonado No Man’s Land and Ayalos-Koplin-Srandall’s No Man’s Land finally stopped its decline, and the news of a great victory set off a huge event in the Star Alliance. When celebrating the wave, the international arena also gave a lot of attention and comments.

Federal President Charles Antoinette and Prime Minister Layla Sinava of the Dolanx Republic sent congratulatory messages to the Star Alliance, congratulating them on successfully repelling the combined attack of Mackintosh and Salol, breaking the Monya Empire and The Sulu Empire’s bold words of defeating the Star Alliance by lightning made the evil alliance that relentlessly trampled on the people and tasted the bitter fruit of failure.

They also expressed appreciation for Tang Fang’s benevolent behavior, calling on the righteous and kind-hearted people in the entire Hilumbel region to emulate the respectable Captain Tang, saying no to strong quan and oppression, and fighting for national sovereignty and dignity to the Star Alliance The righteous war in China will give encouragement and help, let the light of hope last, and let the flame of redemption flourish.

As for the Yinying Regiment, it was only transferred from the boot camp, and the Facebook account of the 7th Archon, who took over the Hailing Fleet shortly afterwards, updated a set of new trends at around 0:00 GMT-"I really hope that my showroom will have Two things exist, one is the blood-red cloak that the Monya imperial royal family likes to wear, and the other is the saber built for every son by the old **** of Zaire Abdul. If Captain Tang is lucky enough to get it First, please keep them safe. I will buy them for a big price. It is a face-saving and fashionable thing to use them to decorate the room."

This group of new updates came quickly, and went quickly. It was taken down an hour after the update was completed, and replaced with another sentence-"Sorry, my account was stolen. If there is any wrongdoing, please believe that. Not my own will."

Although the above words disappeared very quickly, they were still taken by many people as a memento. They saved the words that could easily cause international conflicts to their personal terminals and circulated them as entertainment news in the circle of friends.

As the 7th Archon of the Yinying Group, his Facebook account will be stolen at this juncture? Many people don't believe it at all, thinking that your consul is mocking their IQ.

Everyone knows that he has a showroom in which many commemorative items are placed, such as the Silver Eagle Medal, the Gold Star Medal, and the ribbon of loyalty, such as the first gun after joining the army, and the specimens of prey obtained from hunting. Deer head, tiger skin or something.

Now he has even hit his mind on the accessories that represent the identity and status of the Monya and Sulu royal families. It can be said that the courage is not ordinary. However, this is completely in line with his style. This guy is the youngest among the seven consuls of the Silver Eagle regiment, and he is also the one who can't speak the brain the most, it all depends on his mood.

He was dismissed by six other consuls for supporting Tang Fang’s massacre of members of the Singh family in the Turanx United Kingdom. He was thrown into the boot camp to train those young boys who do not know the heights of the sky. On the contrary, he was so happy. Spend every day happily without the lungs.

It was not until the start of the Star League war with Sulu and Monya that the Phoenix Imperial Navy was ready to move on the Sokanada line of defense and was transferred back to the front line to take over the Hailing Fleet, which is as famous as the Fengshen Fleet.

Many people joked that Your Excellency the 7th Archon learned smart this time. Knowing that those words would cause a stir in the international community, he really shouldn’t have done this in his identity, so he used his Facebook account to be stolen as an excuse to achieve the goal of exoneration. .

Regarding the ridicule and ridicule of the 7th Archon of the Silver Eagle, the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire turned a deaf ear to them and did not pay much attention. I know that this guy has always been like this. Secondly, I didn’t have the energy to investigate whether the 7th Archon’s Facebook account was actually stolen or fake. The defeat on the front line forced them to re-examine the situation of the battle and put Tang Fang in this situation. A special variable was added to formulate a more cautious and delicate war strategy, instead of using violent means as before.

With the help of Tang Fang's combat units, it is like a dagger quenched to a high degree of poison, even if the user is a rookie like the Star Alliance Navy, there is a possibility of death. The arrival of the Arbiter and the Void Glow Ship gave them a head start. Before they found a countermeasure, the result of rashly dispatching troops to the Star Alliance defense area could only give away their opponents.

Monya and Sulu remained silent internationally, and increased media control in China. No newspaper or radio station dared to publish about the defeat of their navy on the front line. The news that appeared on the front page was not from the Galaxy Demon. What kind of new high the new single hits is the exciting words that His Majesty said, or how many achievements in the industrial and economic fields are worthy of being proud of.

The Republic of Date is still calm, like a hibernating bear. The Sword of Oath Special Guard sent by the Sauron Empire once caused trouble at the border between the two countries after Tang left the Turanx United Kingdom. Previously, Tang announced that he had joined the Star Alliance citizenship and promised to serve the country in the no man’s land battlefield. The Sauron Imperial Navy headed by the Sword of Oaths Special Guard frequently provokes the Turanx United Kingdom frontiers at the border, and there is a sign of inconvenience to send troops into the country. Jaina Britania has even hinted at it on multiple occasions. There must be a battle between the Sauron Empire and the Turanx United Kingdom, and many people regard it as the Queen’s vaccinations against internal affairs.

When the Zodiac Angel left the Delar star system, the Turanx United Kingdom politics was also advancing in full swing. The Duke of Tucson, whose territory was close to the Star Alliance, announced his abdication. The territory was inherited by his son Senbat. , Sunbat announced that he would respond to the call of His Royal Highness the Regent to implement administrative reforms in the territory, and at the same time submit an application for membership to the Xian Political Promotion Committee headed by Elena, Gilcott and others.

As a leading figure, Tusenna's sudden abdication, coupled with Sembat's decision, sent a signal to the outside world and an exemplary role. Many lords who were still waiting after a short hesitation followed suit and abdicated by themselves. People inherited control of the territory, and then responded to Henrietta's call to implement political reforms in the territory to conform to the trend of the times, while maintaining their own face and reputation.

Of course, there are those who are active and enlightened, and there are those who are stubborn. Its representative is the Grand Duke of Rules, located on the border between the Turanx United Kingdom and the Sauron Empire. Before Tang Fang left the Turanx United Kingdom, he released Lord Small to the Duke of Franklin in accordance with his original promise. This gave the old guy no worries and went to Tang Fang on the battlefield of no man’s land and actively rescued the 42nd Fleet. When the survivors of the 87th Fleet used the Sword of Oaths Special Guard to frequently provoke the national dignity of the Turanx United Kingdom as an excuse, they unilaterally launched a military show without notifying Henrietta.

He claimed to the public that this was a warm-up for the special guards against the Sword of Oath, and made Jaina understand that Turanx United Kingdom is not a soft persimmon who can squeeze it~www.readwn.com~has him in Lulls. , The Imperial Navy of Sauron don't even want to set foot on the border.

However, in fact, everyone knows that the Grand Duke is Xiangzhuang Wujian, who intends to do so. What is the special guard of the Sword of Defense, I am afraid that as soon as the Sauron Imperial Navy arrives, he will immediately turn his spearhead and become a qualified accomplice. Rules’ true intention was not to say “no” to the Sauron Empire, but to say “no” to the vigorous domestic political revolution, and to use force to demonstrate against the constitutional committee.

While the acting was in progress, the Behemoth swarm dominated by Izsha and Baiyue appeared at the border of the two countries, further increasing the smell of gunpowder on the border, allowing the core members of the new faction such as Edwina and Li Yun to get a glimpse of Dawn, looking forward to the arrival of great chaos, the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire are controlled by the Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, and the Star Alliance. They are unable to intervene in the Turanx United Kingdom situation. Now they can only pin their hopes on the Sauron Empire and Iraq. In the Republic of Darfur, it uses the strategy of combining inside and outside to change the domestic situation and let the new faction regain control of the universe.

It is not that they look down on Captain Tang, but that in this ideological opposition that is gradually intensified by him, there is a sign of an ultra-large-scale war affecting the entire 10 countries of the Hilumbel region. In this context, Tang Fang's small elite can influence the outcome of a local battlefield, but it cannot influence the development of the entire battle. (~^~)


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