Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1031: Old alcoholic


The first thousand and thirty-first chapter of the old drunkard

Of course Mr. Lieutenant did not know what kind of existence Iger Stetman was. Not to mention that Tang Fang could pull him into the system space at any time. Even if unfortunately he was killed by the Deep Submersible fleet, he would have the means to entice scientists. resurrection. As long as the crystal and gas resources are sufficient, that guy will have countless lives.

"You...do you really agree to do this? No objections?"

Tang Fang ignored Grant's worried eyes and said, "There is no objection, there is one condition."

Dalton said: "What conditions?"

"Those guys in the Deep Submersible Fleet robbed the Star Covenant transportation fleet, and the 4,000 tons of pieces promised to me by the Adam government were gone. I understand the current situation of the Star Covenant, and I understand the difficulties of those people like David Conan. , So... If this is done, I hope the Star Alliance can compensate for the loss of the 4000 tons of zero elements."

"I thought you wanted the lion to open up the mouth... It seems that I was saving the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. As long as things are done, not to mention 4000 tons of zero elements, 5000 tons are fine."

Speaking of it, the 4000 tons of components that Adam Oliver promised to provide Tang Fang were destroyed in the hands of the Star Alliance navy. The responsibility lies with the Star Alliance, not the Tang side. The government should make up for the lack of Captain Tang. Only because Tang Fang did not claim his own rights, coupled with the threat of the Deep Submersible fleet, the Adam government was happy to pretend to be deaf and dumb, thinking about going through the immediate difficulties before talking.

Now that Tang Fang is so easy to talk, he only asks the Star Alliance government to compensate the 4000 tons of zero elements afterwards, which is very kind and benevolent.

Dalton? Evelyn finished his praise. How did you know that Captain Tang immediately took over: "Then 5,000 tons?"

Mr. Lieutenant’s face was not very good-looking, he was surprised and helpless, but also annoyed and wronged.

Grant watched the two people agree on the terms so quickly, and forcefully removed the thorns beside the nails, and in his heart mourned for Mr. Iger Stetman.

Freya broke her hands next to count, and then showed a very clever look: "Old man, your third requirement hasn't been said yet..."

Tang Fang stared at her cute face, smiled and said, "Do you still need to talk."

Is there any military power in the Star Alliance that can wipe out the Deep Submersible fleet? No... the Star Alliance doesn't, but he does!

Of course, such an upright little girl like Freya couldn't guess the little Jiujiu in their hearts. What was still waiting to be said, Tang Fang patted her on the shoulder, got up and said, "I'm hungry... let's go to the restaurant to eat. thing."

Grant looked at Dalton very politely, meaning that Mr. Admiral would like to have two drinks together and celebrate.

"Go ahead, I have eaten on my way to Slander Star System, and I am not hungry."

He lied...While he was driving the boat here, he was worried about the social situation of the Star Alliance, or he was entangled in the words to convince Tang Fang to cooperate, and where he was in the mood to eat well. But he is not hungry, because there is joy and relief in his belly.

Grant did not persuade him any more, got up and walked outside behind Tang Fang. He wanted to work harder to see if he could make Tang Fang act more cautiously. After all, Iger Stetman was his own, and he was very important to Morningstar casting. The role of substitution, but why did Captain Tang treat that guy casually.


Three days later, the Seraph temporarily left the Slander star system and rushed to the Delar star system. Ships such as the Quan Angel, the Demon, and the Morning Star are still standing still to maintain the military confrontation between the Star Alliance, Sulu, and Mengya.

In the eyes of the outside world, it was normal for the Seraph to go to the Dillard star system this time. After all, it was only a few light-years away. Tang Fang should go home and have a look without drastic changes on the front line. After all, it was only a few days ago that the transport fleet carrying large-scale smelting equipment was attacked by the Deep Submersible fleet, which led to the sinking of some warships. It is necessary for him to rush back to the headquarters to deal with this matter. ? Swan and others discussed and came up with a plan to ensure the safety of transportation routes as soon as possible to deal with the threat of the Deep Submersible fleet.

In fact, Tang Fang did not rush to the Dilar star system, but took a Minotaur-class battlecruiser and Dalton's Morrowind to the airspace where the Rulna Military and Aerospace Research Institute is located. There is only Miss Alien in the Seraph, and it is not a direct flight to the Dillard star system. Her first stop is the wandering planet, instead of Tang Fang to visit Kleiya and others, and at the same time supplement the nutrients needed for life activities. .

Freya has always emphasized that the Seraph is her own, and will not give it to the alien woman who smells worse than shit. But when she was faced with whether to stay with Tang Fang or choose to ride the Seraph to cover her eyes, she did not hesitate to choose the former, leaving the Seraph, who had promised to cherish her life, to her most annoying. Guys.

Tang Fang said that women are really fickle. Miss Freya said that I am your power bank. Only when you have me can you be energetic all day long. Of course, you have to go wherever you go.

He touched his somewhat sore waist, and suddenly an extremely dirty thought popped up in his mind, saying that except for the power bank, you are still mine. Of course, he is a gentleman, so he will not turn this idea into rhetoric.

It took about a week for the Minotaur-class battlecruisers and the Morningstar to arrive at the deep space area of ​​the neighboring Cambes star system.

In fact, the "Sulna Aerospace Military Academy" is only a symbolic institution. It was established with the approval of the first president of the Star League when the Jupiter Empire Expeditionary Force attacked the Tianchao area. The purpose is to study the Jupiter Empire warships in all aspects. In order to understand the enemy as much as possible, and help the Star Alliance and the Seven-Nation Alliance win this war against foreign forces. Because the scientific research facility was built in the airspace close to Sulna Star, it was named "Sulna Aerospace Military Research Institute".

However, today, the Sulna Aerospace Military Research Institute is no longer the Sulna Aerospace Military Research Institute.

The battle against the Jupiter Expeditionary Army of the G8 in the Helenberg Region ended with the collapse of the Jupiter Empire. Soon after the establishment of the Star Alliance, the second president, Mr. Li Jiahui, not only formed the Glory Legion, but also took the Sulna Space Military The institute changed from a local institution to a symbolic institution. In other words, the name became a code name.

Today's Sulna Aerospace Military Research Institute refers to a series of research centers used by the Star Alliance military to research the most urgently needed aerospace technology and military equipment. It is divided into many departments according to the different research fields, and it is almost scattered throughout the Star Alliance. Each department has a unique and confidential identification code, and only the President of the Star Alliance can know the situation of all departments under the Sulna Space Military Academy.

Because the central star has already entered its twilight years, the Gambis star system has no resident stars, and it looks very desolate. However, there are several military ports standing on its periphery, serving as naval fleet camps patrolling the main domestic transportation routes, providing them with supplies, medical care, and training services.

In addition, there are some ancillary military facilities inside the Gambis star system, such as a weapon test area and a tactical training field. There is a military academy in the airspace close to "Gambis", dedicated to training personnel in space machinery maintenance. Because of its small scale, it is not well-known in the Star Alliance society.

Only a handful of people at the core of the Star Alliance’s power know that this obscure military academy hides unusualness behind its ordinary appearance-it is a member of the Sulna Aerospace Military Academy system. The research work on the damaged warships of the Deep Submersible Fleet began here. Aig Stetman, who was captured by Captain Tang, slept in a dormitory at the core of the facility. Unfortunately, Mr. Scientist did not know that he was lost again. It is a bait for fishing.

On the Minotaur-class battle cruiser, when Tang Fang found Dalton Evelyn, Lieutenant General Mr. Admiral was sitting in front of the huge French windows in the bow viewing cabin, looking at the silent starry sky in the distance, while drinking dull wine without grace.

Now he has no calmness and sophistication when drinking Kung Fu tea. He is holding a bottle of valuable brandy in his right hand and no wine glass in his left, just like an old drunkard blowing into the mouth of the bottle.

There was no demeanor at all, it was totally unworthy of his identity and age, even less worthy of the value of that bottle of wine, it looked like a poor betrayal who had too much affection.

"You drink like this, and it is really appropriate to describe it as'violent things'." Tang Fang walked in from the door, walked to the French window without hurried steps, and looked at the direction of Gambis.

When he was on the bridge just now, Tang Lin reminded him that Dalton Evelyn was a little abnormal today. He was drinking alone in the bow viewing cabin of the battlecruiser. I don’t know if he has been under too much pressure these days, which has affected him. mood.

He decided to come over and take a look, whether as an old friend or a partner, always express kindness.

Dalton didn't seem to hear the words above. He still used his own rhythm to pour a big mouthful from the bottle sideways. The spilled liquor wetted the not dense but very hard gray scum.

"Is the sacrifice predicated on guardianship really that noble, or is it... it's a shame at all?"

On the surface, it is a problem, but there are many emotions in it, so it is closer to emotion than a problem. Through this sentence, Tang Fang found the crux of the problem-why Dalton came here to drink sullen wine alone, because he could not be saved because of his death. It is a torment and sin for those who are kind-hearted, even if this This behavior is used to protect more valuable things.

In order to paralyze the Deep Submersible fleet and ensure the success of the operation, the Star Alliance did not give notice to the staff of the Gambez star system stationed in the navy and internal military facilities. In this case, once the Deep Submersible fleet arrives, one can imagine what choice those soldiers will make-they will carry out the guardian will and the mission of the soldiers, and fight to the death with the incoming Deep Submersible fleet, many young People will lose their precious lives in this war, just to ensure that the enemy falls into the trap, and to ensure that in the future, there will be no more events similar to the Dortmund tragedy.

In order to protect more people, a few must be sacrificed... It seems correct, but is it really correct?

It was like when Tang Fang questioned him when he was in the Slander Star System.

If you remove subjective emotions and stand on an objective standpoint, you can say unceremoniously that it is the authority who made this plan to let those young people die...in the name of righteousness.

Isn't this pathetic, pathetic? So from Dalton's standpoint, on the one hand, there is a strong sense of guardianship and patriotism, on the other hand, there is a heavy sense of guilt. This complex and opposing emotion is like a pair of big hands, tearing him apart.

If you consider the torture of waiting for the imminent sin, the lieutenant general has reason to come here to drink boring alcohol, perhaps only by getting himself drunk, he does not have to endure the torture and torture.

What kind of demeanor and dignity do he need to talk about like this.

Tang Fang was unwilling to discuss such a heavy topic with him, trying to squeeze a smile, and said: "Compared to you now, I prefer to see the nasty guy who kept asking where my fleet is yesterday... Do you know? It is very rude to inquire into other people’s secrets."

Dalton Evelyn took another sip, looked at the far and deep space outside the window and sighed, "I'm sorry."

He was very serious and serious, but Tang Fang only noticed the strong alcohol, feeling slightly uncomfortable, and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, I will try to minimize the loss." After saying this, he smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that instead of improving Dalton's pain, he was affected by the other party, and he seemed to be blocked by a big stone.

The bottle was crossed over ~www.readwn.com~ The orange liquor curled up a beautiful surge on the wall of the glass, making ding-dong collisions, and then the unclear hiccups from the old drunkard.

Tang Fang felt a little pity, and thought that this bottle of brandy produced by Solomon’s winery might be the most expensive wine in the possession of the lieutenant general, but the wedding wine that was supposed to be used to celebrate the victory was used to add wine to sorrow. Should we say luxury, waste, or sad?

Let's go, it doesn't make any sense to accompany a sadness here... Thinking of this, he turned and walked outside, leaving Dalton Evelyn to continue drinking...Perhaps, getting him drunk is a kind of relief.

Dalton finally drank the bottle of brandy, and then fell drunk in the viewing cabin. What disappointed Tang Lin was that he did not see the lieutenant general's drunkenness. The old man slept like a dead pig after being drunk. He didn't even snore, so he could only arrange for the crew to send him back to the morning. The Captain Kaze rests in the room.

In the early morning of the next day, he returned to his original steady and sophisticated appearance, as if the guy who was so drunk and unconscious yesterday was not him, but another irrelevant person.

Tang Fang did not find a chance to tease him, because Morrowind quickly received a distress call from the Gambez star system, which represented the arrival of the Deep Submersible fleet and the staged death and destruction. (To be continued.)

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