Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1046: Heck

He glanced at the Jackal God-class power armor paralyzed by the high-voltage current on his right hand, no longer paying attention to the battle ahead, and stepped back behind the Hunyuan Destroyer, focused his attention on the system space, and chose the human base.

According to the original encounter on the wandering asteroid, the technology and equipment of the Anubis Legion corresponded to the human technology, not the protoss technology, so he directly selected the SCV to find out if there were new buildings to unlock.

There are no new elements in the basic construction menu and the advanced construction menu. Then focus on the functional buildings of the Terran Base, click the Heavy Factory, Xinggang, and Barracks respectively, and finally a new item in the menu bar corresponding to the barracks... That's not a new unit such as machine gunners and death. The new item is on the right. The left side of the "rise" function in the lower corner is golden yellow, and the image is similar to the GHOST upgrade project Mobis Reactor, and the cursor movement shows "data synchronization is complete."

Just kidding, is the data synchronization completed again? This is a ghost after all.

Most~no~wrong~small~say~ww.~l~com started as a ghost military school, then a bunker, and now it is replaced by a barracks...Is it possible that this is really a sign of the gradual concreteization of human architecture? In other words, after all the buildings in the base have this icon, can they unlock the database and give him the opportunity to build them in reality?

Of course, it may not be that complicated, as long as all the buildings in the battle mode have completed data synchronization. Just like unlocking the upper limit of 1000 population for all buildings in the battle mode.

The power armor of the elite soldiers of the Anubis Legion...just unlocked it. Looking at the golden icon again, Tang Fang planned to leave the system space, deal with the enemy units in front as soon as possible, and rush to the ruined battleship bridge. At this moment, Emma interrupted his thoughts aloud, "Commander, according to the system memory pool data change log, the unlocking items of the Terran base are not one, but two."

"Two items?" He rolled his eyes vigorously, "Emma, ​​one of my favorite things to do is hindsight. Since it's two items, then you can say it soon."

Emma replied to the commander, because you didn't ask. "

He was convinced that he heard the word "Ah", this robot had learned to use the auxiliary word, and "You didn't ask...Ah." There is no doubt that this is provoking his authority.

"You have the ability to wait...I will make you look good one day."

Emma said, Commander, do you think I look bad now, do you want to change my face? Actually, it's not necessary. My self-awareness program doesn't have a definition or measurement standard for beauty and ugliness...Of course, if you think it would be better to do so, I won't stop it. "

"..." He sighed helplessly. Okay, you won..."

Emma said Commander, I don't understand what you mean. "

He closed his mouth vigorously, stopped saying one more word, and quickly shifted his energy from the meaningless things such as wasting time to the journey, and clicked on the other functional buildings one by one. When the cursor moved to the mercenary station, A very special unit between the Devil Dog and the Hammer Security, looks a bit shabby, like a civilian-grade power armor used for mining or underwater operations. The system notes show that it is called Heck.

He clearly remembered that no matter it was in the battle mode or the campaign mode, he had never seen this ugly guy who was short, fat, and filed. Compared with him, the bald brother had become a beautiful and refined little meat. This couldn't help but give him a weird idea. Could it be that the artist who designed this unit and the artist who designed the nighthawk and mine mule are the same person, and they have the same aesthetics. Warcraft is not fake than Starfire, but it does not mean that Warcraft is also applicable to the world view of StarCraft.

Of course, these are boring complaints. Going back to the question of the origin of the new unit of Heck, it reminded him of the inspirer he just unlocked. He thought that the unit of Heck might be similar to the experience of the inspirer. They are both new units of the BETA version, but in the subsequent development process. Abandoned by the game production team, after all, no matter in the era of the wings of freedom or the age of the swarm, similar situations have occurred. Many units deleted by the production team have been incorporated into the interstellar system by the logic sister, and now there is a void. It is of course a normal thing to delete units in the era of legacy.

Heck’s prototype is an engineering power mecha used to repair work machinery. Because of the spread of insect swarms in the Coplu region, both resource planets and inhabited planets are facing the danger of Zerg invasion. In this protracted war, human beings have been retreating steadily, and the scope of their activities has shrunk dramatically. Affected by the long-term see-saw, various resources and equipment are in serious shortage, because many ships used to perform scientific research tasks have been requisitioned by the military and transformed into weapons against Zerg. Some resource star workers were inspired by this and began to be Heck’s special operation mech was modified to resist the attack of the Zerg and achieved many excellent results. Heck is one of the best.

Sure enough, it was a civilian-grade thing... Tang Fang reluctantly shook his head and continued to browse the following content.

System notes show that Heck has three major components.

1. Shock gun: Inspired by old-fashioned siege tanks, in order to effectively deal with Zerglings, which are highly adaptable to the combat environment, flexible and fast, the engineers who made Heck equipped it with a can Shock artillery for splash attack. However, due to the limited conditions, the parts that make up the shock artillery are relatively primitive. Many of them are defective products eliminated from the front line. This makes its power and expectation have a big gap. The main disadvantages are Focus on the short range and slow rate of fire. However, as a defensive weapon used inside facilities, thick armor and narrow terrain are sufficient to make up for the shortcomings in firepower, especially in the face of spring worms and poisonous explosive insects, it has a strong target.

2. Hook lock: As engineering armor, Hector is mostly used in the underground mining industry. The left arm can be freely matched with different operating equipment. In resisting the attack of zerg, the operating equipment that the driver has not had time to disassemble has many uses, such as assisting in movement, assisting companions, and killing zerg units at critical moments. So more and more people choose to keep them in order to better adapt to the defensive tasks in the complex terrain environment.

3. Searchlight: Because of the particularity of the underground working environment, facing the crazy offensive of worms, the most likely thing to happen is the problem of power supply. In a dark environment, you can encounter bloodthirsty and crazy Zerg units. And knowing is such a dangerous thing. Due to technical defects and structural limitations, engineers cannot install military-grade night vision systems and low-light cameras for Heck, but they can replace them with searchlight arrays. Facts have proved that high-power searchlights can not only be used for lighting, but also can stimulate the eyes of certain Zerg units, creating a situation that is beneficial to oneself.

The cost of Heck is 200 crystals and 100 gas, and it takes up 2 population. Comparing mercenary units such as Hammer Security and Demon Dogs, the resource consumption is relatively high, and the population occupation is not low. It is difficult for people to accept that this is a concept of civilian power armor until Tang Fang sees his blood volume and Heavy armor attributes.

In terms of skills, he has a claw detection skill, which can grab any enemy or own unit for fast movement. In addition, it comes with the passive skill of "splash damage", but the attack distance is very close, and it overlaps with units such as fire bats and evil bats in terms of battlefield character positioning.

Judging from Heck’s shape, it should be an ordinary unit. He wondered if Sister Logic put it in a mercenary station that was full of elite units. Could it be that a unit modified from a civilian engineering mech can Comparable to elite-level units such as Devil Dog and Hammer Security?

He is not a dead brain. Since I can't understand it, Emma can't understand Sister Logic's thoughts. He did not continue to waste and energy on this issue, but turned his attention to the vast majority of the interior that has been destroyed by the high voltage current. The enemy's power armor of the electronic equipment summoned an SCV, gave an order to dismantle and transfer the system space, and turned his head to look at the third soldier who was fighting with the apostle.

That was the last elite soldier of the Anubis Legion in the entire battlefield. It was logically incomparable with the Apostle. However, because the cabin environment was a little narrow and the distance between the two was very close, the Apostle could not use it because he had to take into account the safety of the lives of the Tang side. Psionic transmission, so he had to compete with his opponents with equipment and skills.

Now that Tang Fang came back to his senses, the apostle had him instructed to use psychic teleportation, and a phantom clone passed through the soldier's body and floated to the other side of the ship's cabin. This scene did not distract the soldier's attention. The man still stared at the apostle's body, and the high-frequency sharp blades at the elbows of the two arms staggered back and forth, striving to break the shield and armor of the blade cannon.

Seriously speaking, this elite soldier of the Anubis Legion is really admirable. Even if all 8 of his companions died, he was the only one left. Facing an impossible opponent, he still did not give up, and was calm. Attack after attack calmly, high-frequency sharp blades, heavy pistols, and small missiles were used in a staggered manner, and the movements of his men were not messy.

Until a new round of attack, the high-frequency sharp blade was swung down, and the golden armored female general who had raised the blade cannon in front of him disappeared out of thin air, and slashed into the air with force, finally showing a trace of surprise on the soldier's face, but soon he was pained. replace.

When he cut the air with one blow and his moves were old, a flash of brilliance suddenly flashed in front of him, like a thunder that sank in from his chest, pierced through his chest, and took away blood and vitality. The psionic blade was on the ground, rubbing against the unknown alloy, splashing sparks like a surge. He wanted to maintain the stability of his body, but the fast dissipating physical strength did not allow him to express his final strength at all, and fell to the ground with a puff, and exploded into a fireball wrapped in dense smoke after three breaths.

In the area in front of the Tang front, 6 groups of flames burned vigorously, casting staggered lights and shadows on the surrounding walls, injecting fiery heat and dryness into the air. Some of the flames gradually weakened, while others were still vigorous, making a crackling sound along the iron sheet. The humanoid trajectory burns, exuding a pungent burnt smell.

He retracted the high-energy electrons flowing around the rails, and looked up at the mixed-element looters who were still harvesting the three-faced monsters. He wondered if the biological weapons made by Narud had emotions, otherwise he would kill the enemy in this way.

Just now, those tentacles turned into sharp thorns and cut flesh and blood wounds one after another on the body. Now it is like plucking chicken feathers, tearing one after another from the chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts under the three faces without any scruples. The golden liquid has accumulated on the ground into a pool, and he doesn't even care if his tissues are severely ablated.

After killing all the elite soldiers of the Anubis Legion, the Dark Templar also joined the encirclement and suppression of the three-faced monster cluster.

Just when the enemy was about to die, where those raised cylinders rotated counterclockwise and retracted into the ground, a few seconds later, they floated up clockwise and transported several brand new three-sided monster machines to the battlefield.

Although the Hunyuan Destroyer once again used the phantom energy shockwave to disrupt their neural network, and fell into chaos like those predecessors, and destroyed one after another under the attack of the Hunyuan Raider, Dark Templar, Ghost, and Apostle, but Tang Fang’s But the frown became tighter, and there was some anxiety.

Tian, ​​how many three-faced monsters are stored inside this relic warship, if Black 7 they keep sending troops here, wouldn't he have been unable to break through the cabin and reach the central bridge?


Back to Tang Fang, the moment when the elite soldiers of the Anubis Legion and the three-faced monsters were blocked~www.readwn.com~ The black ruined warship was like a dark horse caught in madness. It sailed out of the space station and crossed the near-field battlefield with extreme speed. , Many evasive drones and aerospace fighters hit the airtight ship's side and exploded into clusters of sparks.

Yes, just Spark. In the vast cosmic space, on the battlefield that stretches for hundreds of kilometers, the light and heat transmitted by the explosion of fighter-type aircraft are as weak and dim as the distant starlight. The ice and cold of deep space dilute the heat emitted by countless flames, making people feel uncomfortable. To a touch of temperature.

In sharp contrast to the cold outside is the heat of the bridge. Of course, it is not the force transmitted by the explosion, but the sound, to be precise, an atmosphere of emotion transmission. Very hot, very HOT. It's hard to imagine that there will be a fiery atmosphere in a cabin full of dead bodies and broken arms. Coldness and fear should be the theme here.

However, it is really hot and the atmosphere is very intense-these are all from the dance and howling of the 6 adults. Different from the steady black 7, different from the mild black 9, different from the black 5 with the tortoise hair, and different from the dull black 3, the sixth adult is a very lively, very sunny, and very funny guy. Of course, his liveliness and weirdness are hard to make people happy, usually disgusting and irritable.

"It's OK, it can be like this... Of course it's not OK, of course it can't be like this... You guys, you guys, each one of the 6 adults is moving, shooting hard, fighting hard, this will be wonderful, this will be interesting. Restraint is not It should... definitely not be cold, must be hot, hot, don't understand...you idiots." (To be continued.)

The first thousand and forty-six chapters Heck

The first thousand and forty-six chapters are played by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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