Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1048: "knightship"

Often the most beautiful

, Is also the most deadly existence. Everyone

It was not a cheerful sun elf, but a vicious messenger of hell.

The dumbest driver chooses to increase the engine thrust and accelerate his escape from the battlefield. Be smarter and release the electronic cigarette screen to try to interfere with the positioning of the self-destructed drones. Some people choose to detonate the powerful missiles to impact and destroy the Dandelion Group.

Facts have proved that none of these methods have much effect. The smaller, cute, and soft silver elves seem to have consciousness that can minimize the effect of these countermeasures.

Then the gloomy void lit up successive flashes, and explosions one after another like turbulent waves.

Those who had no time to fear were swallowed by flames, and those who had time to fear shouted at their mothers, or temporarily hugged the Buddha's feet and prayed to the gods for salvation. The officers of the Deep Submersible Fleet were particularly angry, and they didn't understand that the so-called "friend" was barking and biting like a mad dog. Isn't Dong Bailey talking about people? Now it's good-no-wrong-small-say-3.-quledu-com...This oolong is not fun at all.

There is no medium for sound transmission in the space environment, and the whistling of the explosion surging the air is not heard, only flames blooming one after another, dyeing hundreds of kilometers of dark space into a red orange.

The 6 adults' dance is not over yet, and when they twist their bodies, they occasionally let out a scream or two, appearing to be very engaged, as if they are enjoying it.

"Ah... the great true God, praise your kindness and make this world full of charming colors."

He is very sincere and solemnly expressing his praise and worship of the gods. He believes that everything in the entire universe is the color and feeling described by the artist called the "true god", and the grand flames brought about by war are like The climax of a work of art, only those chosen by God can see its beauty and understand its connotation.

The toe hit the floor just right, and the grave guard-class power armor swayed under the cocoon-shaped cabin and the distant bulkhead.

Explosion is an art, and dance is also an art. As for the **** stumps and broken arms in the corner...Of course it is also a kind of art, but there are not many people who can appreciate it... Few people can be like the 6 adults. Possess a high degree of artistic sensitivity and can deeply understand the artistic attainments of the true gods.

He was intoxicated in the pursuit of art, in self-satisfaction, and in the pleasure created by the sublimation of the soul, until a phone call woke him up, dispelling the wonderful feeling that seemed like a dream.

So the 6 adults were unhappy, very unhappy...

Tang Fang retracted the goddess of the storm, looking at the cabin after Ban Yuezhan raged, and the three-faced monster cluster that fell on the floor and overflowed with electric sparkle tongues, a trace of haze flowed through his slightly frowned brows. This is the fourth batch of three-faced monster clusters he has killed, and how many units have been sealed underneath. One wave of destruction will soon appear another wave, it is almost like it can't be killed.

Although the three-faced monster is very weird, it can contribute gas resources like epic creatures, and the value is not low. Killing a three-sided monster alone has 380 gas resources, which is almost twice that of the mature fish monster encountered by the wandering planet, but if it continues to be this way, the loss of the garrisoned naval fleet will become greater and greater.

He is not a wise saint, but he is not a vicious villain. In any case, there is no way to watch the young Star Alliance soldiers die one by one.

"If there are still three-faced monsters coming up, give this place to the Hunyuan Body Raiders and Hunyuan Body Destroyer." After making this decision, he took a deep breath, put the C-20A away, and walked towards the end of the ship's cabin. The security door gradually faded and disappeared.

Perhaps the inventory bottomed out, or it could be due to other reasons. Those cylindrical cabins did not revolve and sink, and new three-sided monsters were sent, but when they reached a place less than 3 meters away from the safety door, Tang Fang stopped.

During his fierce battle with the Three-faced Monster, SCV has broken the Jackal-class power armor into pieces and sent it into the system space. The Star Orbit Command Center tried to restore the system. The encryption method used by the communication equipment was first cracked by Emma. A specific frequency band was monitored for a conversation that was not very clear and could barely distinguish the actual content.

"Old 6, you...do...waste...that kid transmits more troops...speed engine...forget...Black 7 is still waiting for us...there is a problem...please blame it...can you afford it? "Wrong Novel Network does not skip words.

"It's...noisy...nothing, I immediately...speed engine...here."

At the same time, Zeratul, who was chasing Black 5 and Black 9 in the front cabin, sent bad news-he failed to leave Black 5 and Black 9 and let them escape through the security door in the back corner.

It’s not that the combination of Hunyuan Destroyer + Hunyuan Destroyer + Zeratul + Centurion can’t kill Black 5 and Black 9. He left the cabin behind and entered the cabin where he was now, and encountered Anubi. When the elite soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army intercepted, the squad led by Zeratul also encountered resistance from the elite soldiers of the Anubis Army. Only then did the Black 5 and Black 9 win a respite, at the expense of more than 20 men. , Finally escaped from birth, slipped out through the back door.

Just as the two guys left the ship's cabin, a large number of three-faced monsters shot out from the corridors on both sides of the second floor, stubbornly dragging Zeratul's footsteps, preventing them from chasing Black 5 and Black 9.

Knowing this situation, Tang Fang finally wanted to understand why the three-faced monster no longer appeared. He was transferred to the back cabin by the bridge guy to delay Zeratul's footsteps in order to rescue the Black 5 and Black 9.

The changes in the situation on Zeratul also made him understand the meaning of the above dialogue more clearly. He wants to come to Black 5 and Black 9 in Zeratul + Mixed Elemental Raider + Mixed Elementary Destroyer + Centurion The long battle combination suffered a big loss, thinking that the longer the ruined warship stayed in this airspace, the more troops it could transmit, and under the influence of one another, their disadvantage would become greater and greater, and eventually they would lose. Only by starting the warp engine to leave this airspace and enter the virtual space, so that he loses contact with the mothership, can he prevent him from using quantum teleportation equipment to continuously transport troops to the relic warship.

Of course, even if he did this, with the strength he sent to the ruined battleship, even if the tri-faced monsters were assisted by Black 5, Black 9 and others, they would not be able to match them, so they had to rush to the location of Black 7 as soon as possible. It may be the airspace where the Hades-class aircraft carriers are parked. In this way, the force balance will be reversed. He loses contact with his own fleet and cannot continue to transmit combat units. He naturally becomes a turtle in the urn waiting for the Anubis Legion to harvest.

As for the person who answered Black 5, he must be the person who has mastered the bridge and is using the special weapon system of the relic warship to carry out indiscriminate attacks on the Monya naval battleship and the Star Alliance naval battleship.

It turns out... that lunatic person is not Black 7, but Black 6.

The so-called eating a ditch and gaining a wisdom, Black 5 and Black 9 lost the battle at the bottom of Zeratul, and they were very "smart" aware of the weakness-messing up at the door of the enemy, and it was killed by Captain Tang Change Will, do so with the premise of obtaining the Quantum Teleportation Technology of the Ypsilonian. If they want to break the situation, they must break the advantage of Captain Tang and drive the ruined warship to their base camp to change the situation and use their own way to rule their bodies.

These people are not stupid at all, and their brains turn quickly. It's a pity that they don't. Captain Tang's quantum teleportation technology is completely different from that of the Ypsilonian. Even if it is far away from the mothership, it can still teleport combat units around.

In the final analysis, the cleverness of the black 5 and black 9 people is just their own cleverness.

Tang Fang took his feet away again, showing a hesitant expression. According to the proposal of Black 5 and Black 9, if Black 6 drives the relic warship to leave the Gambius star system and go to the location of Black 7, which is the base camp of the Anubis Legion. Then why doesn't he come to a plan and let their conspiracy succeed.

At the beginning, he didn't get the information he wanted from Black 3, but the Anubis army was parked in the deep space of the Sokanada line. If he lost it, it was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, so he could only wait for the opponent to send him to the door. Now that there is such a good opportunity to let the Abyssal Knight personally deliver it to the door, why not do it? It just happened to be a slasher, and by the way, find out the origin of the guy called the substitute by Hei 3, Hei J and others, and Where to hide.

In addition, he has another puzzle. Based on the analysis of the dialogue between Black 5 and Black 6, the location of Black 7 is not far away. According to the information fragments obtained by the infected from Black 3, the base camp of the Anubis Legion is a Hades-class aircraft carrier. The 1.5-kilometer-long mothership, the people from the Anubis Legion...Did they hide from the Dragon Whisperer's surveillance and appeared in the surrounding airspace?

He suddenly remembered the scene where the Third Committee and the Supreme Council made a surprise attack on the Dillard star system and caused the Dragon Whisperer. According to the combat video records provided by Stephen Su and others, when the Supreme Council and Third Committee battleships lost Dillard, the battleships under the Dragon Whisperer once launched a special drone into the subspace tunnel.

"Is it possible... to kill someone with a knife?" He suddenly thought of a possibility that he was killed when the Black 3 surprise attack on the Morning Star failed. The Anubis Legion suffered a big loss, and it might join forces with the enemy, the Supreme Council and the Third Committee, to form an anti-Tang party alliance. If you analyze it from the perspective of conspiracy theory, it is difficult to guarantee that such a situation will not happen-the Anubis Legion encourages the Supreme Council and the Third Committee to sneak into the Star League to attack the Dilar star system, attracting the attention of the old enemy Dragon Whisperer , When the Dragon Whisperers put all their energy on the resurgence of the confidant, they can reduce the probability of being caught, cross the sea without hiding the sky, and move more freely in the territory of the Star Alliance. This can be seen from the fact that the Black 5, Black 9 and others hide in the Deep Submersible fleet and help the Monya Empire to fight against.

Speaking of it, God’s Armed Forces and the Anubis Legion are both emerging dark forces, not comparable to the Supreme Council and Third Committee. Of course, they are not willing to provoke Dragon Whisperers when they are still fledgling. The layout of God's armed forces in the Turanx United Kingdom, as well as the forbearance of Black J, fully proves this.

From this point of view, the Supreme Council and the Third Committee have completely used the Anubis Legion in their right attitude, thus creating a more relaxed combat environment for those in Black 7.

"Haha... the politicians are all intrigues and intrigues, and I didn't expect that these dark forces also have this kind of complicated relationship." He was surprised that the core members of the Supreme Council and the Third Committee would not see Anu. The Beas Legion made a small calculation and let them use it? What kind of negotiation or transaction did the two parties have?

If the Supreme Council, the Third Committee, and the Anubis Army are united into an anti-Tang party alliance... whether the cohesion of this alliance is strong or weak is not to be mentioned. On the other hand, the God's armed forces, who have a bad relationship with the Supreme Council and the Anubis Legion, are compared with the sage Noah that J and Athena talk about, and he is a straightforward fellow.

Tang Fang had a lot of thoughts in his mind in just a few breaths~www.readwn.com~ The retracted foot never stepped out, so he stopped in front of the safety gate, stunned.

The elite soldiers of the Anubis Legion are dead, and the tri-faced monster cluster has lost its mobility. Under the dark beam of light, there are occasional broken wrist twitches, which looks a little scary. By devouring the biomass of the dead soldiers, the scarred bodies of the three-faced monster's body fluids have been restored as before, just like a flat black ground, with cold light passing by from time to time.

According to the news from the detectors arranged in the airspace inside the Gambez star system, the black ruins warship has suspended its indiscriminate attacks on the garrisoned naval fleet and the Deep Submersible fleet under the control of Black 6, and activated the special engine on the stern. , Opened the subspace tunnel and disappeared in front of the opponents.

Nothing happened to Andra, and Dong Bailey also didn't understand the situation. That ruined battleship... just disappeared? This is completely different from what they said. The people of Black 5 and Black 6 pat their buttocks and leave. What can they do? If Tang Fang's fleet is still there, Gambis's garrison naval fleet is still there.

Uncle Guo’s expression was like knowing that someone who has been raised for more than 20 years is not of flesh and blood, "The dog NIANG raised, this is betrayal, Chi Guoguo's betrayal! What a group of despicable people.

In his opinion, the actions of Black 5 and others betrayed the interests of allies and put them in desperation. Where is he, ally, betrayal... Whether for the intimate Black 9, or the crazy Black 6, or the mean Black 5, I have never regarded the Deep Submersible fleet as an ally, not to mention him Dongbei, even the Monya Emperor Kirklaf I still wouldn't take it seriously.

PS: There are two changes. (To be continued.)

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters "Chivalry"

The first thousand and forty-eight chapters of "Knightly Spirit" are played by members of [No * Wrong] [小-说-网]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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