Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1050: immortal? monster?

They met with the Marines of the Morrowind who received the distress message and came to support them, and learned that Tang Fang had entered the ruined battleship. Lieutenant General Dalton Evelyn was on the battlefield personally, downstairs. Help another team of security soldiers. However, happiness and excitement are always so short-lived. The sudden three-faced monster group quickly broke the balance of the field and brought them a lot of casualties, while the Monya naval soldiers only need to hide in the distance and put their scepters.

According to the current situation, it will take less than ten minutes for all the Star Alliance personnel on the second floor of the hangar to die under the trio. In fact, as early as entering the ruined warship and determined to protect the country's property to the death, many people thought of losing their lives and were psychologically prepared.

What makes them unacceptable is that, judging from the fact that the three-faced monster joins the Monya naval soldiers, they are afraid that the control of the warship has fallen into the hands of the enemy...The guard mission eventually ended in failure, so the sacrifices became meaningless.

However, if you are not reconciled, how can you not accept it, the death knell will never be postponed because of human struggle.

But when some soldiers confessed their lives and prepared to wait passively for death, the sudden appearance of the horror monster broke the situation again. The Mongolian soldier’s hiding area was disturbed by the falling rock, and the big man who made them confused The astonishing speed traversed the complicated terrain of the hangar, and threw one after another soldiers in warhammer-powered armor as if they were catching a chicken, grabbing their heads and feet in their hands, holding both legs for a point.

Many Star Alliance soldiers turned their faces away, afraid to look at the scene ahead. There were also some Star Alliance soldiers who were shocked by its appearance, and did not turn their eyes in time. They witnessed the tragic death of the Monya Navy soldiers throughout the process. They turned pale with fear and their legs trembled.

They are rigorously trained soldiers who have seen many tragic scenes, whether from photos, data dramas, or virtual reality environments created by the spiritual system. Now they have experienced the baptism of war, but the sensory impact created by the horror behemoth is still Make them unbearable.

The Marines from the Deep Submersible Fleet are a group of people without pain cells, enough to match the adjective "defying fear of death". Even if they are hit by a heavy sniper rifle on their shoulders and break their legs and feet, they are at most just humming. Emotions, but at this moment, the Marines and security soldiers belonging to the Morrowind are sure to hear the screams, very screams, very harsh, very harsh, and can clearly understand the fear and panic contained in it.

Those guys who regard death as home... are you afraid? The enemy is actually scared? !

Many people looked at each other and did not dare to make such a development, but reason told them that this is a fact, not a dream.

What is the origin of the big guy over 5 meters tall, and it turned out to be an enemy of Monya soldiers. Is it possible that, like the three-faced monster, they are all alien technological creations? If this is the case, explain their diametrically opposed attitudes and behaviors.

Originally hiding behind the bunker, only shivering, the security soldiers waiting for the three-faced monster to raise the butcher knife mustered the courage to look to the other side, but originally attached to the surface of the parking chamber lattice, the dexterous climbing mechanical monster fell from the air like a dumpling. He snapped and fell on the rugged and uneven ground between the tracks, with 9 wrists spreading around his body, constantly twitching and twisting, like cuttlefish dying to struggle.

One parking room after another used to fix the aircraft was affected by invisible forces, and unexpectedly broke away from the magnetic field system constructed by the upper and lower orbits, and turned into solid artillery shells, flying to the distance and slowly descending elevators. The group of smashed people turned their backs on their horses, and then they were swept by electric lights that burst like a wave.

The entire second floor of the hangar is like experiencing a typhoon disaster, and everything within sight is a mess.

The slender figure hiding behind the terrifying behemoth of the hand-torn Monya naval soldier finally revealed its true appearance. It is not very tall, only 3 or 4 meters tall, and its body is not strong, but it has a mysterious atmosphere. Strong sense of oppression.

The blue ribbon faltered, the mist surged, and the surrounding air seemed to be ionized, surrendering to its feet.

"God? Monster?" A voice rang in the communication frequency band, and he paused and said that it was not a human being anyway. "

This is absolutely nonsense, but at this moment, no one cares to teach that the reflection arc is a bit long, and has always been frivolous and unremarkable, because a stranger came to their encrypted communication band.

"Are you all right? There are a lot of words in Wurong Novel Network"

This is also a nonsense, but like the nonsense above, no one gave it to me. Although people behave the same, the reasons are different. No one cares about the first nonsense because the second nonsense said by a stranger, and no one cares about the second nonsense because the "stranger" is really not a stranger.

Someone recognized the identity of the stranger. The soldier was from the Marine Corps of the Morrowind. "It's... it's... really you? Tang... Captain Tang..."

"Sorry, I encountered a little trouble on the road, it was a little late." He did not admit or deny, and the answer was very polite and modest.

"It's him... it's him... We are saved." An excited and suppressed voice sounded from the communication band. Why did these people enter the ruined battleship for? In addition to the idea of ​​protecting national property, there is hope to support them in doing so, because the head of the academy and the commander of the garrisoned naval fleet have said that Captain Tang’s people have already logged on to the space station. Usher in the final victory.

From the end of the Mubarak campaign, to the constitutional reform of the Turanx United Kingdom, to the victory in the no-man’s land, the name Tang Fang is synonymous with God of War for most of the Star Alliance citizens and soldiers. People have confidence in him, confidence in his Morningstar casting... This kind of confidence is not blind worship, it is won by Tang Fang's strength and character.

As rumored outside, he is a young man without the pride and arrogance derived from his youthful ambition, just like an ordinary leading officer, very approachable, without the slightest arrogance.

Although the people who couldn't see him could only hear the calm voice, the young second-class soldiers and first-class soldiers were still very excited. That kind of emotion, no, should be called a complex, which is far higher than the admiration of stars. It is not too much to describe with respect and love.

This is the honor of life that only true national heroes and national backbones can obtain.

Yes, at the end of the no-man’s land battle, Tang Fang became a hero in the hearts of most young people, not only because he earned the dignity for the Star Alliance, but also stood upright on the border between the two countries like a mountain. Did not dare to move forward.

Besides him, who else can do such a thing? nobody!

Some older non-commissioned officers are much more stable than second-class soldiers and first-class soldiers. They recover quickly from shock and excitement. They regained their eyes on the Hunyuan Raiders and Hunyuan destroyers, and guessed them. The origin.

It is not the enemy's patent that can mobilize alien technological creations. Captain Tang can also do it, and from the current situation, he has done better and his alien technological creations are more powerful.

Unknowingly, the sound of the surrounding gunshots weakened, and the thick-skinned man directly used his shoulders and claws to destroy the traction system of the lifting platform, and the enemy could no longer transport the three-sided monster to the second floor platform.

When most of the second-class and first-class soldiers came back to their senses, the gunfire stopped and the huge hangar suddenly calmed down. Only the flames not far away were still scorching the air, making a low roar. If you listen carefully, there may be an arc of joy in the gap between the three-faced monster's broken alloy face, which is beautiful like a song.

At some unknown time, a figure came towards them. Some people shook their heads and were puzzled. They just stared at the direction the figure was coming from, but didn't have any impression of his appearance, as if someone had pressed the pause button, put him there, and then told to continue flowing. . So in the eyes of many people, he appeared out of thin air.

"Tang... Fang?" A somewhat distorted hoarse voice sounded from the communicator, which was either due to the equipment or the voice. The communication band suddenly became very quiet, because the man was a captain, the person with the highest rank here, and because this was what everyone wanted to say...even though it seemed like a nonsense.

"It's me." Tang Fang received the C-20A behind him, walked to the front of the controller on the left side of the parking room array, and inserted his hand into the gel sac radiating a reddish light in the middle, and said to everyone without explanation. Now, most of the Marines of Dalton and Morrowind are fighting fiercely with the Monya naval soldiers on the lower level. The situation is very bad... First, save people. If you have something to say, wait until the battle is over. "

Actually, without him reminding, the Marines belonging to the Morrowind could guess what happened below. Dalton Evelyn ordered them to take a step first and come to the second floor to support the security soldiers who withdrew from the M-00 area. , The remaining people are responsible for the break, once they repel the enemy's attack, they will come to the second floor to join them.

But for so long, Dalton and the rest of them have not appeared, and they are also on the second floor, and they are also attacked by the three-sided monster, falling into an absolute disadvantage. Needless to say, the lieutenant must be intercepted by the enemy.

The captain jumped out from behind the bunker and summoned his team members and security soldiers to walk towards Tang Fang's location.

At about the same time, the lifting platform locked by Black 6 resumed operation, and Tang Fang dispatched the Hunyuan Body Raiders and Hunyuan Body Destroyer into the large platform on the left, and put them down first to attract firepower. Then he ordered the captain and others to carry heavy weapons, spread them to several small platforms for transporting parts and personnel, descend to a certain height, and cooperate with the Hunyuan body raiders and Hunyuan body destroyers to strike a layer of enemies from mid-air. After this, he, the Dark Templar and Ghost returned to the elevator room and continued to descend.

The first floor is different from the second floor. In the middle is a transportation platform for dropping boat-like aircraft. On both sides of the platform is a planned sports apron, which resembles the platform used to carry ships in the inner star harbor of the wandering planet. Yes, the apron here has an independent traction system that can operate on its own. According to the hangar volume, it can accommodate about 8 airship-class spaceships. On the periphery of the area formed by the apron, there is a circle of fully enclosed quadrilateral corridors in which various control instruments, regulating equipment, storage materials, etc. are arranged.

Judging from the size of the hangar alone, this 400-meter-long relic warship has certain attributes of a mothership, capable of carrying a small number of airships and a number of small aircraft, which can barely be called a small aircraft carrier.

The warships such as Dalton Evelyn have left the berth. As for the space station, how is the situation outside now, not much is known. Since entering the ruined warship, not only has it lost contact with the garrisoned naval fleet, but also the Tang Fang’s units. Communication is also subject to strong interference, becoming intermittent and unsustainable.

He didn't want this warship to enter the battlefield of the two armies to carry out indiscriminate attacks on both sides of the battle, let alone the ability of micro-jumping and subspace tunneling. In fact, even what happened to him is powerless to change, he can only accept it passively, and accepting this makes people feel sad and unfair.

The outermost fully enclosed quadrilateral corridor has been locked by the enemy, and only one exit is open. However, the Monya Marines have stocked up heavy troops there, hiding behind the bunker and waiting for them. Once a Star Alliance navy soldier tries to approach, they will welcome you. The ruthless rain of bullets ~www.readwn.com~ Their people rushed several times without success. They only left a few corpses nearby. Even Dalton himself led the team to charge, and was still crushed by the opponent's fire. He couldn't even lift his head, let alone break through the enemy's blockade, or even get close.

Successive failures told them that the enemy deliberately confined them on the tarmac on the first floor of the hangar, allowing those mechanical monsters from the upper space to become the main attack force, responsible for sweeping and pursuing work to avoid more casualties. .

Since the appearance of the mechanical monster with three faces, the Star Alliance fighters have no ability to resist. The bullets fired by the mattock VI assault rifle cannot penetrate the alloy shell of the mechanical monster. The RPGs that deal with armored vehicles and light tanks only blow them up, and then walk out of the fire with gun smoke. Only slight scratches and spots can be seen all over the body. The defense is so strong that it makes people speechless.

In terms of attack, the mechanical monster’s 9 tentacles can be freely contracted and flipped, softened like silk, or harder than steel. The complex terrain and bunkers have no effect in front of them, and the tentacles also act as an all-terrain suspension system. The role of, allows them to climb like flying, whether it is the crystal outer wall of the fully enclosed quadrilateral corridor, the narrow conveyor belt, or the golden sling made of unknown materials, they can't stop them.

Many people were killed in the Marine Corps belonging to the Morrowind. The Lieutenant General watched the familiar faces pierced through the power armor with sharp tentacles, and blood poured out like an unstable water flow in the tap.

PS: After the two changes are over, let's have a round of rewards. (To be continued.)

The first thousand and fifty chapters are immortals? monster?

The first thousand and fifty chapters are immortals? monster? It is played by members of [No * Wrong] [Small-Said-Net]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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