Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1064: The power of a substitute

Among them, the Crimson Brigade and the Crimson Knight, symbolizing hearts, and the "Steel Apostle", symbolizing the square film, were deployed in the Asgot region and confronted a mysterious armed force. Because Hei 7 and others opened their eyes and woke up and never left the Hilumbel area, so it is not clear where the real enemy faced by the surrogate came from. It's just speculation that the surrogate urged them to act as carefully as possible and not to provoke the Dragon Whisperers. It may be that they are unwilling to make another strong enemy and fall into a difficult situation of fighting on the two fronts.

Of course, there is also the "Krum Sword" which symbolizes plum blossoms. Although the name is very imposing, but the mission is similar to that of the Anubis Legion. They are all looking for and collecting t-energy stones, not performing extreme combat missions. The difference is that the Anubis Corps is responsible for the search and collection of t-energy stones in the Hilumbel region, and the "Krum Sword" is responsible for other scattered small star regions except the Hilumbel region and the Asgot region. Search and collect the t-energy stone in unmanned space.

If the surrogate is a symbol of the king of poker, naturally there is also a little king. Hei 7 knew that there was such a person, but he had never seen him before. He just heard that He 1 mentioned that as the deputy of the surrogate, the adult had been in charge of the "Steel Apostle".

The above is all the information on the forces held by the surrogate in the memory of Black 7. Although it is not detailed enough, it is also a glimpse of how powerful this organization is. Although Black 7 and Black K have always reluctant to admit, in fact, the Anubis Legion is the weakest among the four armed forces of the agents.

It takes a lot of effort to digest these complex and shocking information, which is still on the premise of ignoring technical information.

Tang Fang woke up from a state of absent-mindedness and found that Zeratul had been waiting by his side for a long time, and the entire room had become clear because of the light of the memory crystal, like an underwater world lit by many luminous jellyfish.

"How is it? Did you get the information you want?" Zeratul asked immediately.

With the last touch of confusion and shock in his eyes, he looked at the cold mask on Black 7's face and nodded slightly.

Zeratul stopped pouring phantom energy into the memory crystal, and the waves on the wall became no longer clear, "What are you going to do."

Tang Fang knew that the Dark Master was asking him how to deal with Black 7. Although he has obtained a lot of valuable information, this does not mean that Black 7 has lost its value. On the contrary, if he can become his own implantation agent An undercover in the team is definitely worth more than Alice.

The method of using the virus to infect the Black 7 is not very safe. Since the surrogate has the technology to crack the invisibility of the Dark Templar, it is likely to have a medical facility comparable to the technology of the StarCraft human race, even if the origin and the origin of the virus cannot be identified. Effect, its existence can definitely be detected.

In this way, there is only one option left-use the parasitic mode to completely turn Black 7 into his own.

Protoss heroes cannot use the Parasite mode. The Terran and Zerg heroes unlocked but not summoned are Miro Kaczynski, Nova, Alexei Stukov, Cerebral Dags, Primal Zerg. The chief of the tribe, Yageclaw.

Among them, the leader of the primitive Zerg tribe, Yageclaw and Cerebral Dags, could not use the parasitic mode. He also didn't like to see Miss Nova of "Jiaodidi" become a wild man with body odor and chest hair. So there are only two choices left: Alexei Stukov and Miro Kaczynski.

Considering that Miro Kaczynski is a mechanical engineer, the construction significance of Morningstar Casting is far greater than the undercover significance, and the power controlled by the surrogate is not comparable to a criminal group like "Alice", God knows if it will There was a day of gangbang, and then ushered in the encirclement and suppression of black q, black k and others. In this case, it is clearly better to choose Alexei Stukov than to Miro Kaczynski.

As the second infected hero who Kerrigan gave a high evaluation, Alexei Stukov's strength is beyond doubt.

After making the choice, he devoted his attention to the system space, chose the Zerg base, found Alexei Stukov’s summoning menu, the parasitic mode in the box, and after spending 26w crystals, 18w gas, and 12 population, he would change that The purple parasites crawling out of the main nest are summoned to the real space and sent into the body of Black 7.

He knew that it would take some time from the beginning of the parasitism to the completion of the parasitism, so he was relieved for the time being to deal with the aftermath, and at the same time, he thought about how to send Black 7 back without making Black 5 and Black 6 suspicious.

However, just when he greeted Zeratul to leave the room, and released two fanatics and two nurses mm to guard the black 7 by the way, Emma sent him a warning message, "Commander, black 7 internal cells Rejection of parasites, signs of failure of vital organs in the body, and physiological readings are rapidly declining."

"What? Rejection..." Tang Fang's expression changed, and he hurriedly returned to Hei7. Sure enough, he saw blood flowing from his mouth and nose. It seemed that the situation was very bad. This is the first time he has encountered a situation where a parasite is rejected by the host body cells. You must know that this thing is based on the original parasite developed by the armed forces of God, supplemented by the essence of Zerg, and it is extremely viable and aggressive. , The human body has no possibility of resistance, only the result of being assimilated. Now Emma tells him that Black 7's body cells are fighting against parasites, and tissues and organs are failing. Of course, he will find it difficult to accept.

After he quickly summoned a worm, he ordered it to check the body of Hei 7 immediately.

Just like Tang Lin before, the queen inserted the tapered appendages into the body of the black 7 to release the nether energy of the worm's nest, so as to collect more detailed data to verify what went wrong.

After about half a minute, the check had a result, and the queen sent him a text message through the Worm Nest network.

The purple parasite is very domineering and can change the human body structure, thus incarnate humans and Zerg heroes, but Black 7 is no longer a human... to be precise, not a complete human. Although the brain-centered nervous system is no different from ordinary humans, the biological cells that make up other organs of the body are very different from ordinary human body cells. Yes, the bodies of people like Black 7 and Black 3 have been modified.

Because Hei 3, Hei 9, Hei J and others all died of the self-detonation of the power armor, he had not thought about and was not interested in studying the pieces of charred meat. The memory fragments of Black 7 only show that the surrogate personally said that it is easy to put those disobedient and disobedient subordinates to death. He thinks that may be because the surrogate has more self-detonation system inside the power armor of the Anubis Legion. High operating authority.

Now it seems that this is not a mechanical question, it is a biological question, no...or it should be called a semi-biological semi-mechanical question.

According to the information sent back by the worm, there are a large number of artificial nanobacteria in the body of Hei 7, just like Escherichia coli in the human intestine, Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, and Salmonella on the skin surface. These different kinds of artificial nanobacteria are distributed in Hei 7. Any organ in the body, some of them are mutant parasites after mutagenesis, and some are directly micro-nano robots. What surprised Tang Fang is that there are actually several special carbon nano-molecular shells and biomass. Synthetic bacteria.

These various and huge number of special bacteria form a mutually beneficial symbiosis relationship with the body of Hei 7. They obtain the nutrients needed for survival from the body of the Abyss Knights, and can release hormones with different potency to improve the internal environment of the human body and help the host. Carry out life activities more effectively, such as increasing the body’s immunity, assisting in fighting harmful bacteria, accelerating cell regeneration, helping digestion, enhancing liver and kidney functions, etc... In short, these synthetic bacteria seem to be able to regulate the human environment The machine is improving the host's physique every moment, allowing the black 7 and others to have a physique far beyond ordinary people.

Emma analyzed the data provided by the worm, and also pointed out that some synthetic bacteria have a certain degree of learning function, which can sense changes in human hormone concentration, and secrete adrenal hormones, diuretics, and diuretics when the abyss knight fights, is injured, or is emotionally excited. β-blockers, insulin and other substances.

Not only that, but there are also one or two very special floras. Even Emma doesn’t know what they do, but speculates that they may produce some special energy substances, because they are related to Tang Lin and Ipsy, which is used by Freya to store electrical energy. Dragon human cell material has a similar structure. "She" suggested that Tang Fang collect it and save it, and return it to the wandering planet to give it to Abathur for detailed study.

Now Tang Fang has finally figured out why the Abyssal Knight is so difficult to deal with. Whether it is strength, durability, and reactivity, it exceeds that of ordinary people. It is not inferior to ghost agents and fanatics, and its comprehensive ability is higher than that of God-armed clones. People are still strong. Characters like Hei 9 and Hei J who have been given special equipment by the surrogate are enough to threaten his life.

Using parasites to transform the human body... To give the Abyss Knights unparalleled combat power, that surrogate is really clever, this is more technical than the cloned tissue and organ transformation plan carried out by God’s armed forces, and it is not as good as it is. Kind of evil impression.

"The Crimson Brigade... The Steel Apostle... Krum's Sword... A substitute..." He felt as if he had provoked an enemy that was difficult to deal with... No, not by himself, but by the enemy himself. . Fortunately, the Dragon Whisperers have deep grievances with the Supreme Council and the Third Committee. The memory of Black 7 shows that God's armed forces are not dealing with the Anubis Legion. He once stabbed a knife from the back, which made him feel a little safe. If there is no pressure from the Dragon Whisperers and no evil forces from all sides to check each other, his life will definitely be much sadder than it is now.

Just when Tang Fang was secretly thanking that he was still lucky, Zeratul's voice awakened him, looked up at Black 7, and found that he was not saved. The commander of the Anubis Legion ended up bleeding from a seven orifice. As a result, the purple parasite also died out. The 26w crystal and the 18w gas were just like that.

The surrogate said that the disobedient guys can be easily executed. Now it seems that this may not be used to refer to the built-in self-detonation system of the power armor, but to refer to the bacteria that are parasitic in the abyss knights. They can secrete to the human body. Beneficial substances can also release chemical toxins.

Although Tang Fang didn't know much about biological science, he also understood that the presence of some hormones, decomposing enzymes, cholesterol, etc. in small amounts would be beneficial to the human body, but once the concentration was too high, it would become a poison.

As far as the Abyssal Knight is concerned, the substitute can really think of heaven and hell.

"Now even he is dead, what are you going to do next?" Zeratul walked to Black 9 and merged the double-headed spear with the energy sword. He returned to the sniper rifle mode and threw it to Tang Fang: " I have to admit that human beings are a very smart species no matter in the Tyronn region or in the current universe, but many times you are used to using these smarts on your compatriots instead of doing something more meaningful. "

Tang Fang looked at the goddess of storm on his right hand, and then at the screaming lightning bolts in the palm of his left hand. He marveled at the **** of death and threw death into the system space. He said to Zeratul: "As a leader of the race who was forced to leave his homeland...I am embarrassed to laugh at humans? "

Zeratul was choked back by one sentence~www.readwn.com~ don't know how to answer. He has always been a down-to-earth and righteous gentleman, where is the opponent of a sharp-mouthed person like Tang Fang

"I know that you are an upright gentleman with the world in mind. For the future of the race, for the dignity of the protoss, and for the glory of the Templar, you are willing to endure suspicion, pain, and sacrifice... so you are a hero." Tang Fang sighed. Said: "But your protoss will never recognize the complexity of human society."

He pointed to the wound on his chest that had healed, and there was still a large dry blood stain on his uniform: "This is the price of being a hero... The pain can heal quickly, but the damage caused by betrayal will last a long time. But. Did Dalton Evelyn do it wrong? If you were a member of the people he tried to protect, what would you think? If you were him, what would you do?"

Zeratul thought for a while and said, "I... don't know."

Tang Fang walked to the door and watched the spirally closed black crystal unscrew. The light that poured into the room fell on his pale face, illuminating several blood spots under his jaw: "I don't know either."

His "don't know" was not to answer his own question above, but to answer the question Zeratul asked him what to do next. Because Black 7 and Black 9 are dead, Black 5 and Black 6 follow the persuasion of their companions, have entered the Hades-class aircraft carrier hangar, and are escaping this airspace at the fastest speed. There is no way for them to create chaos by ghost agents and ghost agents. Stop them, and the patrol warships outside desperately cut a blood path for the only remaining two Abyssal Knights of the Anubis Legion to leave safely. Therefore, what bothers him now is neither how to deal with Black 5 and Black 6, nor how to solve the enemy ships outside quickly, but how to deal with Dalton Evelyn. (To be continued.)

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