Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1068: Mr. Ghost

The battle for control of the outer corridor gate on the first floor of the hangar can be regarded as Black 6 in response to the decision of Black 5 and Black 9 to deliberately release water. The enemy in the battle for the lifting platform on the second floor of the hangar was completely defeated by Emma. Let those Star Alliance navy soldiers condescendingly suppress a layer of blockade constructed by Monya naval soldiers and Anubis Corps soldiers. want

At that time, Black 5 and Black 9 had not decided to use the last resort to let Dalton Evelyn carry out a plot.

Emma’s answer is that Black 6’s control of the ship is far from the level he can achieve now. According to the historical content in the battleship’s operating system response log, Black 6 is driving the Fallen Angel to the Hades-class aircraft carrier. When in the airspace, the response speed of the battleship fluctuates significantly. It seems that the commands issued by the Black 6 are interfered from inside the hull and cannot take effect in time. This gives the Star Orbit Command Center the possibility of breaking through the local firewall of the battleship.

Black 6 has tried to find and suppress that kind of interference that is strong and weak, but has not obtained any results. Even if you use all your power, you can’t find interference | No | Wrong | Novel www.[qul][ed] Where is the source can only be determined from the space inside the ship. With the technological strength displayed by the Anubis Legion, it is not inferior to the technological strength of the StarCraft Terran. No matter how powerful the Star Trails Command Center is, it will never be possible to break the firewall of the Fallen Angel in a short time, and there is even no possibility of brute force cracking. However, he did it. Without the SCV system transformation, thinking about it now is incredible.

Tang Fang speculated whether it was caused by the psychic shock wave of the Hunyuan Destroyer, which disrupted the action of the Three-faced Monster and also affected the system of the Fallen Angel. This happened.

Emma denied this possibility, and told him that the Hunyuan Destroyer could interfere with the three-faced monster that could unlock the Purifier's technology. Maybe it was only achieved with the help of that unknown source of interference. To put it simply, "she" guessed that there was a ghost hidden inside the ruin warship that was drastically modified by the forces of the surrogate, deliberately interfering with Operation Black 6.

After listening to "she", Tang Fang couldn't help but shiver? Is there a ghost hidden in the Fallen Angel? It sounds like a ghost story, which is creepy and shuddering. It's like the landlord killed a young girl in a rented room, then renovated the room and rented it to young people who just graduated from university. There is always a cloud of cold air in the room that stays in the dark corner, waiting to ask the landlord. Life.

There is no doubt that he is the young man, and Black 6 is the landlord's agent.

Emma knew that he was thinking and afraid. She would not sneer at nonsense like ghosts and gods, and was more inclined to find common sense answers.

After many comparisons, combined with the current situation to say another possibility, which is also the most reasonable possibility. He 6 was disturbed by unknown sources while piloting the Fallen Angel and was unable to control the warship that should have belonged to him. However, when the war ended, Tang Fang came to the cockpit and was able to control each module very smoothly. Now there are no Anubis Legionnaires remaining on the Fallen Angel. The system units completely occupied the warship, and the people of Black 5 and Black 6 manipulated the three-sided monster to kill the Star Alliance navy and Monya navy on the battleship. , If Tang Fang put all the units into the system space, there would be only one big living person on this battleship.

There used to be sources of interference when there were outsiders. Now that there are no outsiders, the source of interference is gone. Does this mean that the ghost is hidden in the Anubis legionnaire? In other words, the Anubis Legion is not a monolithic one. There are some inner ghosts hidden in it. When he attacks the Abyssal Knights, he makes trouble. This is the scene where the Black 6 cannot fully control the Fallen Angel.

He is in the light, but the inner ghost is in the dark. With him as cover, Black 6 naturally does not suspect that there are enemies within the Anubis Legion, and can only blame him for not being able to fully control the control of the battleship. In this way, the inner ghost is protected. Another pitted Anubis legion.

Thinking about it this way, after Black 5 and Black 9 were captured, the ghost agents and the Dark Templar took advantage of the connection between the Fallen Angel and the Hades-class aircraft carrier to create explosions and killings around the battleship. Maybe they were also helped by the mysterious inner ghost?

Not only the Abyssal Knights have anti-concealment devices, but those elite soldiers can also detect the presence of ghost agents. According to his offensive plan, ghost agents, ghost agents, and dark templars infiltrated the Hades-class aircraft carriers during this period. They placed and detonated bombs in important areas such as power systems, control nodes, and equipment warehouses to create chaos, and cooperate with the looting of Hun Yuan. The Destroyer and the Hunyuan Destroyer took control of the Fallen Angel and Hades-class aircraft carrier bridges. If the infiltrating force is exposed during the smuggling process, simply send a few hundred people's puppies in one go, directly flooding the enemy ship.

He felt that under the premise that the opponent "plugged in", the infiltration power was very likely to be exposed, and he had been ready for the storm. However, he did not expect the plan to proceed smoothly. The infiltration power represented by the Dark Templar could easily be taken. The bridges and other important modules of the next two warships.

To be honest, this was a bit unreasonable. He was grateful until the end of the war, thinking that his luck was really good, but Hei 7 and the others were too careless and even allowed the infiltration force to smuggle successfully.

Will a guy like Hei7 who is "smart and cold" and knows how to forbearance so proud to ignore his own safety? Even if you go to the cell to see a seriously injured person, you have to bring the Black 9 which is the most powerful among the 4 Abyssal Knights.

People like Black 5 and Black 6 may relax their vigilance in this situation. Black 7 is absolutely impossible.

However, Ghost Agents, Ghost Agents, and Dark Templar have gone very smoothly... Now it seems that someone helped them pass the instrument inspection level—the memory of Black 7 shows that when the Fallen Angel came, fell At the exit of the connecting passage of the Angel, there are a few three-face monsters, and there are soldiers from the Anubis Legion patrolling in the nearby corridors. The footage taken by the Ghost Agent’s combat recorder showed that there were no enemy units when they evaded the patrol soldiers and rushed to the connecting channel.

It is out of consideration of these quirks that Emma, ​​who has always emphasized evidence but not conjecture, gave the explanation for the existence of inner ghosts in the Anubis Legion.

Tang Fang believes that this battle is won by strength, luck, and wisdom. The actual situation... It is likely to be helped by the nobles, so that he can cleanly win the Fallen Angel and the Hades-class destroyer.

"That inner ghost...is it a human?" He was very grateful, but admired the inner ghost even more. The gratitude is naturally because the other party helped him win two warships of extremely high value. I admire the smart guy who can penetrate into the Anubis Legion without being blacked out-based on the technology of the Anubis Legion. Strength, this is definitely a very difficult thing.

"Blessed by the Buddha, I hope that one has not been killed by the Dark Templar and Hunyuan."

"Commander, there must be nothing wrong with that person."

"Thank you for your comfort." Tang Fang was stunned, rolled his eyes and said, "Your recent trend of humanization has become more and more obvious, and you have even learned to comfort others." "

"Commander, I'm just on the matter. If that person has a double heart for the Anubis Legion, he will definitely find a way to escape after the chaos. After Black 7 issued the retreat order, many Anubis Legion soldiers were armed on the Hades-class aircraft carrier. As the shuttle flees this airspace, the person may have been among them and left safely. I think...If he continues to perform the lurking mission, maybe you will still have a chance to meet in the near future."

Emma was right. If he were the ghost, he would definitely think of a way out before helping his allies. The armed shuttle group that left with Hei 5 and Hei 6 is likely to have that person, and as long as he continues to be an enemy of the power of the substitute, if there is no accident, he will inevitably encounter the inner ghost again.

"I really want to say thank you..."

After saying this, he left the immersion mode, moved his palm away from the surface of the black bead, walked out of the cocoon-shaped cabin, and returned to the bridge.

Ghost reported a message that the finishing work had been completed, and the Anubis Legion soldiers could not be found on the Hades-class aircraft carrier and the Fallen Angel. The fighting outside was also over, and the space was calm.

Tang Fang nodded, took most of the puppies that were patrolling with the detectors back into the system space, summoned SCVs, gave them the order to rush to the damaged area to try to repair the power system of the battleship, and then left the Fallen Angel and connected by The passage enters the Hades-class aircraft carrier.

As a huge ship over 1.5 kilometers in length, the space inside is much wider than that of the Fallen Angel. Warships of this size can only be used with super-large warships such as the Cloud Whale-class super aircraft carrier of the Monya Empire, the Freud-class super aircraft carrier of the Sulu Empire, and the King-class super aircraft carrier of the Turanx United Kingdom. One is longer and shorter.

Of course, as the aircraft carrier unit of the Anubis Legion, the combat effectiveness of the Hades-class aircraft carrier is much stronger than that of the super aircraft carrier of a sovereign state, and the two are not on the same level at all.

He did not stop at the most spectacular shipyard of the Hades-class aircraft carrier, and followed the path that had been swept straight into the bridge.

The people on the circular equipment pool seats have been replaced by ghosts and ghosts. Tang Fang just looked around for a moment, stepped onto the middle suspended platform, and sat down on the seat that was originally Black 7 while protecting the harsh environment. Insert the data lead of the server into the data interface on the right hand side, and issue a retrieval instruction to Emma.

Since the Black 3 surprise attack on the Morningstar failed, and Tang Fang succeeded in taking the two Pluto-class destroyers into his hands, and took them for his own use. The Anubis Army has rebuilt the software and hardware firewalls and improved the security level to prevent recurrence. The same scene appears.

But for him who can read Ypsilon characters, has some technology in the Lost Lands, and a base-level supercomputer like the Star Trails Command Center, it is not that difficult to crack the firewall of the Hades-class aircraft carrier. It just takes a long time.

Emma estimated that it would take 15 hours to break the firewall of the database. During this period, he must sit here and maintain the connection with the central computer. If he can't break the firewall of the warship at one time, react to the immune system, and then want to gain control of the warship, it will become more difficult.

"It will take so long?" Tang Fang rolled his eyes and I was hungry. Go to the toilet? "

"I refuse to answer this question." Emma disdains to respond to such silly questions.

"Well, I will learn from the Master Kidnapper, and try to surpass him one day." After the witty words, he suddenly thought of a question, Emma. The resistance to the Fallen Angel's firewall is so weak, but to break the firewall of the Hades-class aircraft carrier It takes so long, is it proportional to the volume? "

While deploying the cracking process, Emma explained that the forces belonging to the surrogate had modified the Fallen Angel, but did not use its operating system, like that kind of control mode, which could not be achieved by their technological level, perhaps Anubis The working mode of the soldiers of the Slovak Legion using the control helmet to receive information and instructions was inspired by the fact that the forces of the surrogate belonged to the operation mode of the Fallen Angel. Because they can't analyze this technology perfectly, they don't have the guts to make too many changes to the system firmware, especially in terms of security. Therefore, compared to the Hades-class aircraft carrier built entirely by the forces of science and technology, the task of seizing control of the Fallen Angel is easier to accomplish~www.readwn.com~This way..." Tang Fang nodded, he understood the Fallen Angel. The reason for the huge gap between the safety protection capabilities of the Hades and Hades-class aircraft carriers.

"15 hours... well, I'll go to the toilet first, and then you can start cracking."

Emma didn't respond to his unremarkable performance, selectively ignoring the above questions, but still very intimately suspended the cracking process that was going to go online, waiting for Tang Fang to activate it again from the bathroom.

Although he has always been poor, he actually used the toilet to deliberately molested Emma. What he really needs to do is to report safety to Tang Lin, to reassure them who are far away in the Gambez star system, and to guard against the Star Alliance government and the navy. People on the side, don’t lightly say what the other person says.

Winter Bailey Motherwell and his fleet of Deep Submersibles enjoyed the treatment of a closed door and dog-fighting, and was betrayed by the Abyss Knights. He had long lost confidence in fighting. After he withdrew most of the battleships from the battlefield of the Gambis Star System , The first thing those people have to do is to escape, not to waste on the Naval Engineering Academy. If you want to come to Tang Lin and Freya, you will not be in danger, and Iger Stetman and the researchers will be safe. thing. As for the plan to destroy the Deep Submersible fleet led by the Star Alliance Navy, it is no longer within his scope.

As for whether the Deep Submersible fleet can escape, whether it will show color to the Star Alliance after escaping, he believes that Kirklaf I will not be confused about the attitude of the Anubis Legion towards the two countries. Intensify retaliation, and what the Deep Submersible fleet, which has suffered major setbacks, needs most now is to return to China for rest, not to run around like frightened birds. (To be continued.)

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters, Mr. Ghost

The first thousand and sixty-eight chapters, Mr. Neigui, is played by members of [No * Wrong] [小-说-网]. For more chapters, please visit the website:

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