Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1071: Apocalyptic light

In fact, not only is the shield system distributed in a modular manner, but the Hades-class aircraft carrier itself has a very high degree of modularity. Among the 10 sections of the hull, the section that is mainly responsible for accommodating the ship-based ship can be cancelled to reduce the body length of the Hades-class aircraft carrier. The price is reduced ship carrying capacity. However, this also shows that the Hades-class aircraft carrier has the potential for further expansion. It can continue to lengthen the hull by adding sections to accommodate more ship-based ships and further enhance its strategic value.

In terms of maneuverability, the Hades-class aircraft carriers also performed very well. Even if they carry dozens of warships, the speed level can still reach a terrifying 8.2, while the Star Shuttle that Zhou Ai drove away is only at a speed level of 8.5... The Hades-class aircraft carrier is a super aircraft carrier with a body length of 1.5k!

"If this aircraft carrier is handed over to Grant, and then cooperated with the Garcia Rebels to cause trouble for the nobles in the territory of the Monya Empire, I don't know how much trouble Kirklaf I was, and would he not even have enough food..."

At the end of the document, he was attracted by the independent system code-named "Pandora". He couldn't help but raised his brows slightly, and his fear of the power represented by the substitutes deepened.

Pandora has a beautiful box in which greed, nothingness, slander, pain, plague and other elements symbolizing evil and disaster live. The Hades-class aircraft carrier also has such a "box", and was named "Pandora" by Black 7.

Just as the blocks that make up the hull can be disassembled and then assembled, the device used by the aircraft carrier to maintain the modular shield can also be disassembled and replaced. Known for its ingenuity, Black 7 discovered another way to open the device after Black 1 died. The heavy particles that make up the rhombohedral shield need to be confined by a strong magnetic field, which can excite a high-intensity magnetic field. After being adjusted, the device can emit high-frequency electromagnetic pulses. It is more powerful than nuclear explosions and cosmic ray bursts. It is powerful enough to cause major damage to warships of the class of the Hellhound class destroyer and Hellhound class guided missile frigate, and the shield system is coupled down. Line, and endanger many electronic equipment in the ship. Like the Aurora Shield equipped by the Morning Star and the Starlight Shield equipped with the Zodiac Angel, both rely on a magnetic confinement mechanism to adjust the particle flow to counteract external attacks, so they will also be severely affected.

This is true for warships protected by energy shields. What will happen if they are replaced by warships produced by sovereign nations? One can imagine. Imagine how spectacular it would be to turn hundreds of warships into unmoving steel coffins in space.

According to Emma's estimation, the Pandora system can instantly paralyze the heavy cruiser ships of the sovereign state below the specifications, but this ultra-wide range attack weapon also has its shortcomings. It is not to say that it will cause accidental damage to your own warships. The shield systems of the warships carried by the Hades-class aircraft carriers have been specially adjusted. When the Pandora system goes online, it will automatically switch the operating mode, and there will be no injury to your own units. The disadvantage of the Pandora system is that every attack will cause a batch of shield restraint devices to be damaged, and this damage is irreparable. In other words, they are similar to electromagnetic bombs and are disposable consumables, but they are more powerful, as evidenced by their ability to severely damage the magnetic field of the Hades-class destroyers to restrain heavy particles.

This is the "range attack mode" of the Pandora system, and it also has a "limit attack mode"-the plural form of magnetic restraint devices can construct an overload force field to deal with attempts to capture, rather than attack. Shen's battleship.

According to Emma's analysis, if the Hades-class aircraft carrier concentrates its firepower, the overload position constructed by the Pandora system is enough to paralyze the Angel.

Changing the magnetic restraint device into an emp drone launch means giving up the shield. In order to prevent the mothership from being weakened, the Pluto-class aircraft carrier is equipped with 2 sets of backup restraining devices to supplement the loss caused by the activation of the Pandora system.

A weapon capable of paralyzing the Angel Seat... really appeared. In the battle of a sovereign state, the Angel, guarded by a starlight shield, can run rampant and turn over all enemies that stand in the way. However, this piece of information in front of him has undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Tang. He must be more cautious when dealing with the forces represented by the surrogate. The Anubis Legion has weapons that can paralyze the Angel, and the Crimson Fleet and the Iron Apostle will certainly be able to do it, or even better.

He used to think that the military strength of the Anubis Army was inferior to that of the Supreme Council. Now he doesn't think so. The surrogate didn't put his energy into the Hilumbel area at all. Before he crossed, this was just the T-energy stone hunting ground for the Abyss Knights.

The introduction to Pandora's system is the last part of the document. After browsing all the content, Tang Fang took a deep breath, closed the auxiliary computer window, and leaned back on the back of the high chair.

Fortunately, he adopted a design penetration + landing battle method to deal with Hei 7 and others. If the two sides really open the formation and fight head-on, even if they can win the final victory, they will definitely pay a high price. It is definitely impossible to be like now. Obtaining the Fallen Angel, the Hades-class aircraft carrier, and the carrier-based ships in the containment compartment that have not had time to put on the battlefield, it is even more impossible to learn about the substitutes from Black 7.

No wonder this aircraft carrier can unlock the research center instead of other types of battle cruisers. The Pandora system corresponds to the emp device of the three-headed dog pirate capital ship; the fact that the Hades-class aircraft carrier as an aircraft carrier is equipped with a large number of weapons corresponds to the Zeus-class landing ship; the segmented battleship containment chamber corresponds to the modular design concept of the colonial bomber... This kind of logic really makes people unable to complain.

The Hades-class aircraft carrier is very powerful and can be positioned as the flagship of a fleet, very suitable for people of his status. However, he likes the latter more than the Angel. On the one hand, there is a feeling of nostalgia, and on the other hand, there is no love for the centipede. No matter how you look at it, you feel that the Hades-class aircraft carrier is like a big centipede, which is a bit creepy.

After browsing the newly unlocked air unit and the relevant information of the Hades-class aircraft carrier, he finally has time to deal with other affairs.

Ghost has been standing next to him for a while, and Zeratul has just entered the bridge, it seems that he has something to say.

He settled for a few breaths, and first listened to the ghost report on the progress of scv's repair of the Fallen Angel and Hades-class aircraft carriers. It is not surprising that the power system of the two warships was repaired after a few hours. After all, ghost Strict calculations were carried out with the Dark Templar when they planted the bomb, and the blasting targets selected were all relatively easy to repair, but very critical equipment and facilities.

Tell the ghost to go to the Fallen Angel to prepare to leave, and then turn to look at Zeratul.

"Just now when you were resting, an unidentified aircraft arrived in this airspace and stayed here for a few minutes. I didn't sense its killing intent, so I didn't tell you about it in time." Zeratul stood there. , But the whole person seems to melt into the void, like a waveless ice lake, and like an ancient tree in winter.

Tang Fang thought about it for a while, then nodded slightly: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the drone sent by the Dragon Whisperer to carry out the investigation. That's why he left after conducting the field investigation and did not show hostility."

With the Dragon Whisperers devoting most of their energy to the two old enemies of the Supreme Council and the Third Committee, if the Anubis Legion just sneaked into the territory of the Star League without doing anything, it would naturally avoid their eyes and ears, but The patrol fleet under the jurisdiction of the Hades-class aircraft carrier had just fought with his air force units. Although the scale of the war was small, it was still difficult to escape the eyes and ears of the Dragon Whisperer's detectors in deep space, and then sent a drone to rush to Investigate where the incident occurred.

"I think...after this incident, they may reconsider their attitude towards you." Zeratul has not been in this world for a long time, but the life experience accumulated over 600 years tells him that Dragon Whisperers absolutely He wouldn't stay still, especially after experiencing this incident, he would definitely no longer regard Captain Tang as an ordinary person and Morning Star Casting as an ordinary organization.

Through the information sent by Emma, ​​he knows what role the Dragon Whisperers play in the Hilumbel region, and can use words such as interstellar police and civilization guardians to summarize the meaning of their existence. The appearance of Tang Fang has severely affected the balance of power between sovereign states, which will inevitably cause trouble for the leader of the Dragon Whisperer-whether to continue to let Morningstar Casting develop and grow, or to break this from Hilumbel The calm guy in the big area is wiped from the world.

Tang Fang knew what he was worried about, and smiled and said, "Father Zeratul, your worry is superfluous. Human beings are not as principled or traditional as the Protoss... If I kept it in the past, I would really worry about those Guys come to trouble me like the forces that maintain the balance of the universe in some movies and novels."

"Now... The Supreme Council and the Third Committee have come back, and they are coming quietly, not in the open as before. The intelligence system of the Dragon Whisperers must also have an understanding of God's Arms and the Anubis Legion, even Yu knows more than I know. Speaking of the threats to the human world in the Hilumbel region, it is clear that the God’s Armed Forces and the Anubis Legion are much larger than Morning Star Casting... Faced with this situation, they Never want to provoke another enemy."

"What's more, our relationship with God's Armed Forces, the Anubis Legion, the Supreme Council, and the Third Committee is not good. Unless the leader of the Dragon Whisperer is clever, we will give up the alliance and choose hostility."

Zeratul said: "You have to know that not everyone is a smart person... Although the possibility of the Dragon Whisperer being an enemy is not high, I still hope you can be more cautious."

"Thank you for your reminder, I will be more careful." Thinking of what the Star Alliance did to him, I couldn't help feeling a little bit of emotion. Yeah, just like Zeratul said, not everyone is smart. At some point, for certain things, many people would rather be a fool.

Zeratul was very satisfied with his performance. Instead of wasting time on preaching, he turned to another thing: "During your rest period, I called the dark templars on the ship to meditate, trying to use the void. The power of energy understands the rules of time and space in this world, so that we can exert our power more effectively. In this process, I saw 12 huge vortices blocking the space at the end of the star sea, where the ocean of time was exhausted and darkness enveloped Everything, swallowing everything, everything tangible and intangible ends there... Only a light of the apocalypse swayed gently, indifferently like the last stream of clouds in the sky, maybe another breath will be submerged by the night."

"Light of Apocalypse... Apocalypse?" Tang Fang stood up all of a sudden, "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Zeratul nodded: "Although it is very faint, it looks like a remnant glow from time to time, but I am sure that it is a light of apocalypse."

Tang Fanglue meditated, stepped down from the floating platform and said, "Follow me", and walked towards the bridge entrance first.

In a short time, the two left the Hades-class aircraft carrier and entered the cosmic void surrounded by spaceship wrecks. He summoned a prophet ship from space, and then entered it to find the heart of the aircraft - a huge void crystal.

"Does the light of apocalypse belong to it?" Tang Fang looked at the old man with expectant eyes.

Zeratul put his hand on the pedestal under the Void Crystal, closed his eyes and felt for a while, and shook his head: "No~www.readwn.com~ Tang Fang frowned upon hearing this. The Light of Apocalypse is a kind of tracking of the prophet ship. Skills, the Dark Templar can establish a link with the Void Crystal through meditation to determine the position of the light of the apocalypse on the star chart, which can be used to track enemies or remotely locate its own units. In his opinion, this use of void energy The method is similar to the principle of quantum entanglement, which can reflect certain information across time and space constraints.

The prophet ship he summoned used to perform apocalypse on Yemengada on the wandering planet to determine where the huge epic creature that drew the tail of the angel into the abyss will go after leaving the wandering planet, so that he can catch up and give The final blow of the target... In order to unlock the new technology, and to vent the hatred, by the way, see if you can get the small mountain-like t-energy stone. However, what disappointed him was that after the battle of the wandering planet was over, the pilot of the prophet ship reported bad news to him. Soon after Yemengada escaped into the void, the void crystals of the prophet ship and the one attached to Yemengade The power of the void lost contact, and the light of the apocalypse in the vision of the female dark templar also disappeared.

This means that his coveting for the flesh and blood of Yemengade and the energy stone on his forehead eventually ended in bankruptcy, so naturally he would not be in a good mood. Emma said that this is normal. The t-energy stone is a very magical substance, even more incredible than the Kadarin crystal. Since Yemengada can use its power, it may be able to erase the prophet ship and apply it. The light of the apocalypse of the body. (To be continued.)

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