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Chapter 1080: Dare to pull the emperor off the horse

It introduces in detail in the form of text + pictures the Star Alliance military using the research project of the Naval Engineering Institute of the Gambez Star System and Aig Stetman as a decoy to attract the invasion of the Deep Submersible fleet, and then unite with Tang Fang's men. Power came to catch turtles in an urn, and wiped out the entire plan of the criminal fleet that caused the Dortmund murder in one fell swoop.

The beginning part of the report quoted the Star Alliance’s report on the matter, but then the conversation turned around and suddenly an emerging dark force that could rival the Supreme Security Council and the Third Committee ------ the Anubis Legion was pulled out. He also pointed out that the help of the Anubis Legion is exactly the key element for the Deep Submersible fleet to pass through the surveillance network set up by the Star Alliance military at the border without any sound. In other words, the sinking of the Dawn Light, Dortmund The **** incident, as well as the destruction of numerous transportation fleets and military material storage facilities, are inseparable from this dark force named Anubis Legion.

However, what is even more surprising is that the Anubis Legion fought back in the battle of the Gambez Star System, betraying their allies, and instead fell to the side of the Star Alliance.

This is not to say that they helped the Star Alliance Navy to fully attack the Deep Submersible fleet in the battle, but played a bitter trick with their new allies to trick Captain Tang into boarding the ship, and then use Dalton Evelyn and Captain Tang. 'S friendship stabbed him hard in the back. It is a pity that Captain Tang Ji Ren Tianxiang survived that dangerous battle. With his own strength, he severely sniped the Anubis Legion and finally killed the enemy and captured a ruined warship and an enemy mothership.

In the official Star Alliance report, the sudden departure of the T-type ships did not completely wipe out the Deep Submersible fleet, so that some enemy ships ran away because they rushed to another battlefield to rescue Tang Fang. That's correct, but on another battlefield, Tang's enemy is not the Monya Navy, but the Anubis Legion, the new ally of the Star Alliance.

Why did the Gambis star system, which were deployed on the battlefield of no man’s land, left one after another, and returned to the Dillard star system, and there was no movement, precisely because of the repeated injustice of the Star Alliance government? Captain Tang's feelings, the alliance between Morningstar Casting and the Star Alliance has been dead in name, and now it is only a statement.

At the end of the report, the comments and interpretations of some famous international relations observers were also posted. Once the plan to expose and criticize the Star Alliance government and the Anubis Legion is successful, it can be described as killing three birds with one stone, eliminating the uncontrollable factor of Tang Fang. He also annihilated the Deep Submersible fleet, avenged the victims of Dortmund, and gained wider support from civil society. At the same time, he was able to cope with Tang Lin, Kylenia and others through wining and comforting, and annexed Morningstar Casting step by step. .

Look...this is the Star League government. After making friends with the Anubis Legion, they will kill the donkey, kill Tang Fang, and plot the industry forged by Morningstar. It is simply a model of ungratefulness and a contemptible criminal group.

From the end of the Gambez Star System War to the present, three days have passed, but there is no media in the Star League to announce to the people what Adam Oliver and others have done. It seems that the Adam government was under wartime politics. The power has been expanded to the point of lawlessness, and even the media dare not resist pressure from the government.

Facing such a leadership class, what if the Star Alliance could win the war against the Monya Empire and the Sulu Empire? I am afraid there will be a fundamental change in the state of the country. In the near future, Adam Oliver is likely to become a dictator, stealing state power from the Star Alliance people.

The report is not only recorded in the form of text and interviews, but also attached with pictures. There are photos of Dalton Evelyn, photos of both sides fighting in the Gambez star system, photos of the Fallen Angel parked in the m-00 area, photos of Tang Fang being pierced by a knife in the chest, and A photo of Hades-class aircraft carriers and ships such as the Right Angel gathered in the Delar star system.

This special report spread like a storm in the Turanx United Kingdom. The existence of the Anubis Legion was revealed. As the enemy of Captain Tang, their dirty dealings with the Star Alliance government are also known. .

Two hours after the report, Prince Gilcott, the oldest qualified member of the Xian Political Promotion Committee, gave a televised speech, reprimanding the Adam government for doing so. It was a totally ungrateful act of repaying virtue. He hoped that the people of the whole country would agree with him to pass a resolution-shelving the agreement signed between Queen Elizabeth and Tang, and allowing Morningstar Casting to move to the Turanx United Kingdom in due course.

Tang Fang fully proved his character in the process of the Star League rebellion against the Mongolian Empire and the Sulu Empire, and what happened in the demonstration areas of the Xian Political Promotion Committee to implement the political gai proved the people of the Turanx United Kingdom. It's not like the ignorance, ethics, and low literacy promoted by the new faction when Change Will was in power. Just let go of information control, let them listen to different voices, and look at the outside world. Those kind and hardworking people have their own hearts. Rod said, knowing who is their friend, who is crying and fighting for their future.

The background of Gilcott Olipod’s televised speech was that with the help of the swarm led by Izsha and Baiyue, the Xian Political Promotion Committee carried out political reforms in several areas and achieved good results. The control methods of the aristocracy against the populace were successively exposed to the public. More and more people saw the brute faces of the officials in the past and understood what Tang had done to the people of the Turanx United Kingdom. A voice began In civil dissemination, it is hoped that Prince Henrietta will reconsider the agreement between Queen Elizabeth and Tang Fang, so that the Turanx United Kingdom and Morningstar Casting will become friends.

Of course, local lords such as Edwina and Li Yun are still stubbornly resisting, continuing to use their propaganda power to discredit Tang Fang and discredit Morningstar Casting. However, their efforts did not bring much effect. The young students who were instigated by lies were subdued by the insects after causing one or two casualties. Henrietta launched the murder plan at the right time and began to investigate the background of the instigators. Gradually approaching the main messenger behind the scenes.

Once there is sufficient evidence to prove that these riots were provoked by Edwina and others, they can justifiably send the insect swarm to wipe out the new faction remnant party that is dead but still struggling. This move undoubtedly made those nobles who were plotting to resist panic. For the time being, they would calm down and dare not use conspiracy to provoke incidents.

It was in such a situation that Prince Gilcott proposed to re-examine the agreement between Tang Fang and Queen Elizabeth, which naturally won the support of many people.

For ordinary people, the xian government promotion committee exposes those nobles who manipulate civilians ideologically and enslaves the civilians physically, such as using the small peasant thoughts of the civilian class and selfish ignorance to divide, provoke, and fight inwardly. Protecting one's own rule is like a fairy tale of foxes dividing their flesh. For example, through repeated taxation, various loans, education, medical care, etc., the civilians will be burdened with long-term debts, and their lives will be embarrassed, because if the civilians are fed and dressed well, they will If you take an inch, they covet what they shouldn't have, such as dignity, fairness, and rights.

This is just a big battle policy... Yes, they treat civilians as enemies.

In the process of the rule of the lords in various places, there are naturally many actual crimes such as squandering human lives, using power for personal gain, and forcing good for prostitution. As a kind person hates, despises, and angers all kinds of crimes, most of them happen to these nobles and the families that surround them.

Knowing such things, and really knowing the faces of the officials who are polite in front of the stage and the crimes behind the stage, people began to reflect and start thinking... Are the words Tang Fang said when facing Queen Elizabeth really extreme? Is it really undesirable?

There may be grievances for a notorious lord like Tripati under the rule of an official class, all of whom are hanged on the execution ground, and there will be many slips in the net every time you kill one.

Queen Elizabeth was blinded by the hymn of Will, so she could not see the evil that permeated the country, and imagined Tang Fang as a shameless businessman who tried to mess up the Turanx United Kingdom for personal gain. Facts have proved that he is really good to the people of Turanx United Kingdom and the people of the Star Alliance.

Now Gilcott has played such a trick with the help of the big scandal by the Star Alliance government. In just a few hours, he has won the support of hundreds of millions of people in the Turanx United Kingdom, although Edwina and Li Yun The areas ruled by others under strict control have no channels for the victims to speak out, but they dare not blatantly oppose them. They can only urgently arrange for some officials’ families to form a protest team, as the Tang side killed many during the Khanos naval battle. The Turanx United Kingdom used an excuse to boycott Gilcott's proposal.

After browsing the content contained in the pda, Tang Fang stood there for a while, greeted Freya and Tang Lin to get on a maglev vehicle and drove to the central conference hall of the military port.

A few minutes later, the elevator door opened and the three people arrived at the target location

Tang Lin was speechless all the way, even Freya cleverly followed behind and did not speak, because everyone could see that his face was unsightly, there was some anger between his eyebrows, and he seemed to be unhappy about the leak of the news. .

The aisle was unexpectedly deserted, probably because it was just in time for the break. In short, the surroundings were quiet until Tang Fang walked to the meeting hall and pressed the door open button.

He was stunned when he saw the people inside, because not only Kylenia was there, but Byron, Grant, Kudria and others were there, and he was not surprised by his arrival. It seemed that he knew this would happen early on. Happening.

He glanced behind him, Tang Lin scratched the back of his head while looking at him with a smirk.

"It's your idea," he said, pulling a chair and sitting down, looking at Kylinia.

Of course she knew what Captain Tang was talking about, and she could see that he was very upset, but she still nodded, and extremely simply admitted that she had sent Tang Lin to report the news and brought him here.

"If I don't do this, you will probably have to stay in the room for a few more days, and then come out and pretend to be a fool to get through."

He was a bit embarrassed when she said that, he couldn't help touching his nose, his eyes were slightly embarrassed.

As Kylinia said, if he intends to hide in the room forever, no one else can call him out. It's just that he really hates the feeling of being calculated, even if the other person is kind, even if that person is Kylinia.

"The battle for the Gambez Star System is over, and the people of the Star Covenant’s gratitude and admiration for you are as fierce as flames. If you can’t grasp the opportunity to change from passive to active, once people’s enthusiasm cools down, there will be no such good opportunity next. ."

When Freya heard that they were talking about things she didn't care about again, she simply put her head on the conference table in front of her and closed her eyes to make up for the loss of physical strength last night.

Tang Fang sighed, looked at Kylinia and said, "What are your plans?"

Kylenia said: "It's very simple... take this good opportunity to pull Adam Oliver off the horse and help the Republicans come to power, or... you go to run for president!"

Tang Fang was calm when she said the first half of the sentence, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, she stood up all at once: "What a joke."

Kylienia's expression did not change in any way, just looking at him seriously, without any joking.

"With your current prestige and the operation of the Republican Party... It is not a problem to send you to the seat of Star League president. Only by holding power firmly in your hands can you effectively avoid the recurrence of what happened to the Gambis star system. It can also improve Morningstar Casting faster and better."

"The Star Alliance Constitution stipulates that anyone who loves the people of this country and is willing to fight for their well-being is eligible to run for president. You are now a Star Alliance member ~www.readwn.com~ and did so for this country. What a real thing, and won the support and love of many people, why not become the president of the Star League?"

Tang Fang turned his head and looked at the people beside him: "Do you think so too?"

Byron straightened the blindfold and said slowly: "Of course I hope there is a close friend who has been the president of the Star Alliance, so that I can proudly say in front of his father's grave: "Look, being a pirate is also a very promising activity. Like what you said’... know what I’m thinking about now? I’m wondering if you want to wait for you to become the president of the Star Alliance, and then take a group photo and put it in front of the tombs of father and mother, so that they can rest assured in heaven and don’t worry about it anymore. The son became a pirate and lost the face of the nobleman."

The pirate leader's answer stunned all the people present. In any case, he did not expect that he would say so. Cyclops didn't even pretend to be x, and even said such a sentence from the heart.

Grant looked at the pirate leader with a surprised look: "Unexpectedly, he is still a filial and shabby nobleman."

Byron stared at him angrily: "It's not your turn, the kid king, to talk to me."

ps: After two shifts, my hands are almost freezing, I beg for a reward. (To be continued.)

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