Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1089: No room for talks (part 1)

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There is a similar sculpture in the Celtic Square in front of the Krem Palace of the Monya Empire, but it is a sword-the Celtic Holy Sword, which symbolizes honor, solemnity, and chivalry in official language... …

However, he never had the opportunity to personally touch the holy sword. Tang Yan, Tang Lin, and even Tang Yun's dream when they were young was to go to Celtic Square and see the proud capital. Many families with superior living conditions even put up photos taken in front of the Celtic Holy Sword in the most eye-catching part of their homes.

When I was young, I envied those families... But now, the so-called Celtic holy sword, which symbolizes honor, dignity, and chivalry, is actually a butcher knife that is stained with the blood of countless people, and there are endless souls wandering around and wailing.

After Kirkcraft I took the stage, he also erected a golden statue of himself in the front court of the Krem Palace behind the Celtic Holy Sword. When winter comes, the noon sun shines on the Celtic Square, and the Holy Sword will turn back. A shadow was cast, which happened to fall on the palm of the golden statue in the front courtyard of the Krem Palace.

Human demon and butcher knife... The Star Alliance people satirize the things that countless Monyas are proud of.

Some foreign tourists stand under the tower to take pictures. He and the distant river have become indispensable scenery in many shots.

Walking along the clean stone steps, there are some people sitting in twos and threes on the benches on the riverbank. There are couples, sports enthusiasts who stop to rest after running tired, and hip-hop black faces who are intoxicated in the world of music with headphones.

He can hear the couple's joking, he can hear the notes leaking from the earphones, and the ups and downs of the river heart...

There were some people around the Crescent Flower Garden. The sound of the electric piano overwhelmed the melody of the guitar and was then penetrated by the sound of the cymbals. Several seventeen or eighteen-year-old teenagers stood in front of the little flowers, flicking the strings intently and forgettingly, singing their necks and singing, sweat dripping from their temples, and their wet shirts pressed against their backs.

The cheerful and powerful singing is like a steamship sailing through boiling waves, flowing in the air and people's hearts. They may not be as good as professional singers, but they have the infectious power that professional singers do not possess. The dream-seeking heart of young people will always touch the aging wanderers. The immature singing voice has a special power that makes people hopeful. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Tang Fang continued to move forward, and the wind from the river stroked his face. It was a little damp, but not strong and gentle.

One big one and one small two months hung in the sky, and the miserable brilliance penetrated the flowing clouds, shone a faint shadow under a metasequoia tree on the bank of the river, where a shy teenager stood, bowed his head all the way, humming the famous Chinese singer Jason Chou’s latest single is just a bit out of tune, and his voice trembles slightly. From a distance, it seemed that the guitar was so heavy that it was so heavy that it bent his back.

Behind the teenager is a bicycle, and a girl with ponytails squatting next to him, perhaps his girlfriend, who also bury her head in her arms and dare not see anyone, probably because her boyfriend sings badly. A little embarrassed, but she never left, even if pedestrians would look at them with weird eyes.

Tang Fang walked to the guitar bag placed at the feet of the shy young man and stood still, took out 50 stars and put it inside, then asked him if he could sing the title of a song. The young man obviously didn't notice his arrival, panicked and didn't know how to deal with himself, until he repeated the title of the song again, he was a little calmer, nodded and said he could sing.

At this moment, the girl behind showed her face and looked at him with curious eyes, as if she had a lot of interest in this strange life.

The teenager began to sing. Although he would still be nervous and out of tune, although he still didn't dare to look directly at passers-by, there was a lot of courage and joy in his eyes, not because of the 50 yuan, but because of the affirmation and encouragement of him.

Tang Fang was the only one who heard from the beginning and did not waste the 50 yuan. Of course, those passers-by obviously don't think so, after all, the young man's singing skills are not as good as the previous band.

"It's good to be young..." He looked up at the sky and continued to walk into the distance.

The girl behind the teenager looked at his back with a puzzled expression on her face, because it was undoubtedly an awkward thing to hear a twenty-four or five-year-old sigh that was almost an elderly person.

Pretending to be deep? Moaning without illness? She didn't think he was that kind of person.

The singing and drum music were gradually submerged by the sound of the waves coming from the river, and then a hoarse voice echoed near the bridge, hoarse like a traveler desperately roaring in the sand in the desert due to lack of water.

"Why those businessmen support the Adam government, because they covet the technological reserves of Morningstar casting. Money, everything is for money, they can betray their conscience, they can manipulate the media and officials... People have become inseparable from technology, without cleaning robots We don’t know how to protect the urban environment. Without a bread machine, we don’t know how to produce food by hand. Without those steel birds in the sky, we would think that we are trapped in a concrete prison. What does technology bring us? It is dependence. Without it we can do nothing..."

"We have lost our own power... Those forces hidden in our body DNA that can change the world, we no longer trust each other, no longer tolerate each other, and the distance between hearts is getting farther and farther... They use money and technology Products enslaved our body and soul, and the gods who once guided humanity left us disappointedly..."

Near the river is a half-person high stage. A white guy who is his age is accusing the government and businessmen of crimes. Behind him is a guitarist and a bassist to help accompany them, making those words full of rhythm and power. , Not just a hollow roar.

There are young or old men and women standing under the stage, and someone uses a mobile video device to record the scene before him. On the opposite bridge, a few pedestrians stopped and lay on the stone fence to listen carefully to the young people's rebuttal and anger against the society, the country, the world, and the invisible rules and dogmas.

He didn't know how long he had been shouting here, sometimes he only saw his mouth open but no sound came out. Even if he would pick up the thermos bottle next to him to drink water in his free time, he still couldn't relieve the chapped lips.

The people around just listened quietly, and occasionally sent a round or two of applause and cheers, and there was never any riot or curse. The police stood in the shade of the river bank to maintain order. They just maintained order. They didn't go up and disperse the anti-government and anti-technology guys as stumbling blocks that hinder social harmony, or throw them into jail. Even when he heard the rhyme, he nodded slightly, not stingy with his applause.

This is the Star Alliance. Even if the government is already infamous, Adam Oliver and others are almost infamous. The local government demanded to secede from the alliance. A huge political crisis spread throughout the country. However, the people are still living steadily, and there is no face that they will lose the government. Management produces anxiety and does not fear too much of the conflicts caused by the split consciousness.

Yes, where does power come from in this land? From the shy young man, from the hoarse stranger on the stage, from the interested police officer next to him, and from the pedestrians who stopped and watched on the opposite bridge.

He felt the young people's persistence in their dreams in that band, he saw courage and perseverance in the two shy teenagers, and he heard a unique melody in the strangers.

He saw in Terry Ferdinand the broad mind and open love of an old man. He witnessed the military’s mission and deeds in Mie Nakamura. He saw struggle and indifference in Dalton Evelyn’s eyes. regret.

It was these people who formed the Star Alliance... As long as they were alive, this country would never die.

"Thank you for your conspiracy..." He raised his head and looked at the misty moon in the sky, with a faint smile on his face, "Thank you for the last gift you gave me."

People passing by gave him a strange look. A little girl looked back at his face several times, then looked up to the sky, not knowing what she saw, showing a smile as sweet as an apple.

Tang Fang did not go on, and all the sadness that had been accumulated because of seeing the old man farewell disappeared. At the funeral, Old Watt said that the touch of different people on the left and right of the river was something that fighting and conquering could never teach.

When he returned to the hotel, he happened to meet Kylienia and Elena who had returned from shopping, and he could see that the two had a great time playing. The girls carried a lot of things in large and small bags, and even vivi had a few hanging on her body. Gift box.

Kylienia didn't ask him why he came from outside, but casually asked him if he had dinner. If not, he happened to be with them in the restaurant. Tang Fang told them that he had already eaten, not to join in the fun, and then the little thing from Vivi took the opportunity to be a coolie, and with the help of the waiter, he returned to the room with the pile of packages.

Elena bought a lot of things, most of which are local specialties of the Star Alliance. She wanted to bring it back to Turanx, the United Kingdom and give it to those who have always taken care of her, such as Governor Etia Baffir, and The Admiral Stanbell stationed by Aradelle Star System, these people helped Elena a lot after he left.

I went back to the room and waited for a while. After filling their stomachs, Elena and Kylenia went back upstairs. The girl found a white shirt from those gifts and handed it to him. She was very happy to say that she liked wearing shirts. The man was handsome and energetic. After saying this, he seemed to realize something, his face flushed suddenly, and he quickly greeted Vivi to pick up the packages and ran out of Tang Fang's room.

Kylienia didn't leave, but shook her head as she watched the girl fled from the back, and said with a smile: "What a shy girl, fortunately there is Vivi, although her mouth is a bit poisonous."

Tang Fang did not respond to her feelings. He glanced at the street view outside the window and said, "Is it all done?"

The smile on her face slowly faded, she became serious, and nodded and said: "It's done, at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, in meeting room 5 of the Raphael Hotel on the south bank of the Miluo River."

"It's 8 o'clock..." Tang Fang walked to the window and looked at the gentle long river in front of him, as well as the various ships shuttled across the river. He waved his hand behind him: "Go and rest, and prepare by the way."

Kylenia took the shirt that Elena helped him choose, unpacked the shirt and hung the shirt on the hanger beside it, then turned and left and returned to her room.

Tang Fang stood there for a while, looked back and saw the shirt that fits his body shape on the hanger, smiled and shook his head. Even if the little girl Elena is willing to buy clothes for herself, she is unlikely to know the size. Obviously, Kylenia was helping her staff to buy such a fitted shirt.

People only remember her politician, serious side, but ignore her feminine, delicate side.

"It seems...I am more fortunate than you," he said, looking out the window.


At 8 o'clock in the morning GMT, on the south bank of the Miluo River, the Raphael Hotel is a scenic circle along the river.

Yesterday’s haze is gone forever. The sky is rippling with a lot of cotton like white clouds, sometimes hiding behind tall buildings in the distance, hiding cats and cats with distant pedestrians, and sometimes mischievously covering the face of Duma 1 to make people more interested. Pay attention to another face that just emerged from the horizon.

Demonstrators once again ushered in the Capitol. Of course ~www.readwn.com~Before the news of Ferdinand’s death was announced, there was a lot of sparseness. People with different opinions were sitting or standing in different areas, and police officers holding communicators kept order on the streets.

Tang Fang was sitting in the stadium facing the Miluo River. He could not see that there was no gun smoke and blood confrontation between Reinhardt Palace and the Capitol, but he knew that it was not peaceful, even if it was Terry Ferdinand who used his own. Death as a price to help Adam Oliver share the responsibilities, the government is still facing a serious credit crisis.

After all, no one wants to be betrayed one day, he is so, the Star Alliance people also have the same worry.

"The representatives of the Liberal Party and the Republican Party have arrived." Kylenia's voice came from behind.

He quickly regained his spirit, got up from the sofa, buttoned his suit, and turned to walk towards the corridor leading to the meeting room.

Kylenia watched him walk over, and smiled as he approached him and said, "It's great. I think you look better in a suit than in a military uniform."

Tang Fang touched the tie on his chest and the white shirt inside: "I still think it's more comfortable to wear military uniforms, it's too formal."

She didn't say much, just smiled: "Let's go, I'm afraid Elena can't handle those old guys alone."

"You look down on her too much. Are the days of the Xian Political Promotion Committee in vain?" Although he said so, he accelerated his pace and walked to the innermost conference room No. 5.

Earlier, the management of the Raphael Hotel had cleared all the people in the landscape circle where the meeting room No. 5 was located. The entire venue appeared to be very empty, without security, and no government agents could be seen.

Those in the Adam government are not confident about the security situation in Greenwich City. You know, in this sensitive period, they just don't want to arrange too many staff to avoid making guests feel threatened and unhappy. (To be continued.)

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