Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1166: True 3 bit 1 body

Lightning came again, the black fog rose again, and the second Void Glow ship followed the first Void Glow ship. Read a book??··

It is hard to imagine that a space battleship over 300 meters will become stardust scattered after a few breaths. However, the continuous decrease in the number of people in the system space proves that all this is true, not his imagination, and it is not transferred to outer space.

Noah's attack was like a wind and waves hitting the beach, out of control.

At the beginning of the lightning, he fell from a high altitude to the ground, the phase turret turned into a light spot and disappeared, and then the second and third... even the motivator could not avoid the fate of destruction.

Looking at the gray demon born of Mu Lei, Tang Lin said in a slightly trembling voice: "This is a successful fusion...Don't lie to me, this is definitely a successful fusion..."

Kleiya looked at Tang Fang, hoping that he could say something, somehow it could weaken her and Tang Lin's fear.

Regrettably, she did not wait for comfort, and waited for a dazzling thunder-just evading the mothership's core time force field, Mr. Sage, who crushed a mosquito, appeared in front of Tang Fang, gray mist Turn into a ghost and pinch it down.

He seemed frightened and did not make any evasive actions.

She followed, and was frightened because Tang Fang was frightened.

Fortunately, she held the double-headed spear of death in her hand, driven by the defensive instinct, and stab Noah.

The scream of the spear piercing the air stopped abruptly, and the weapon of the next generation steel that could easily penetrate steel, and even the proud of the interstellar human race, was shattered, broken into basic particles indistinguishable to the naked eye, and disappeared in front of the three of them.

For Claire, it doesn't matter if the double-headed gun is broken, as long as it can block Noah for a moment and give Tang Fang a little reaction time.

But the result was cruel, and there was no way to slow down the gray tide for half a step. Noah's offensive remained the same.

However, her actions awakened Tang Fang, and a gray shadow flashed in front of him, and Sar Naga's keystone appeared on the battlefield, just blocking Noah and the three of them.

The high-energy electron beam was shot from the tip of the goddess of the storm and injected into the keystone texture. The gray trend stopped abruptly, as if time suddenly stopped, and then backed back a few seconds, which looked abrupt and weird.

Claire and Tang Lin seemed to have lifted the heavy burden on their shoulders and breathed a long sigh of relief. Only then did they realize that the cold sweat was covering their faces and their palms seemed to have been washed by water.

Tang Fang's face was also full of fear. Fortunately, he was right to bet---Sarnaga Keystone could dispel the gray trend.

Noah seemed to be stunned by the scene in front of him, and did not expect Tang Fang to be able to avoid his thunderous blow: "What... is it?"

The answer to Mr. Sage was the phantom energy shock wave of the Dark Archon.

The red trend washed away the black mist around Noah, revealing a vaguely figure, but the most striking thing was the blood-colored eyes, shining with an unusually mysterious light.

The Nether Energy Blast failed to completely tear off his coat. At the point where the thunder fell, Mr. Sage appeared beside the white knight who had recovered, and the black knight also pushed back the whirlwind fanatics and the ghost agents who had newly joined the battle group, and retreated to the rear line. Looking at the Sarnaga keystone with trepidation.

Tang Lin exclaimed and said, "Noah finally couldn't help but shoot. I didn't expect him to be so strong. Do you want to read a book???·?? book·"

Void glow ships, phase turrets, mechanical sentries... He knows how powerful these combat units are. But before the gray tide released by Noah, such a powerful combat unit is fragile like a piece of rotten wood. All over the place. He and Tang Fang have gone through many hardships along the way, but they have never encountered such a powerful enemy as Noah.

"No, he's not'finally can't help but shoot', he has been shooting."

Tang Lin thought that the eldest brother was talking about the time and space shift of the Fallen Angel entering the Ark world, and the three encounters in the paradise world. He shook his head and said, "However, no matter Lilith, Mo Luo, or Tripatti or Athena, there is no Noah. So strong."

Tang Fang said, "You misunderstood what I meant. I mean, Noah has been shooting since entering the temple."

"How?" He still didn't understand.

"It's very simple." Tang Fang said: "The black knight is Noah, the white knight is Noah, and the person who is invisible in the black mist is also Noah."

Tang Lin still didn't understand, and a word flashed in Clea's mind: "Holy Trinity, Trinity?"

Tang Fang nodded: "Yes, it is the Trinity."

Tang Lin no longer cares about religion-related matters, no longer is interested in traditional culture, and knows what the Trinity means.

In the Christian religious system, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the same entity but different persons. Buddhism also says that there are three bodies and one Buddha, and Hinduism also has similar principles.

Noah claims to be a sage, and his ideal in life is to take the path of a prophet and lead all mankind to resist the vicious Destroyer civilization, ensuring that mankind will not be annihilated under the tide of time like the Ypsilon and Ailantes. This is really great and very divine.

He not only has sacred thoughts, but also divides himself into three through modulation methods-white knight, black knight, gray fog body, adding a divine nature, at least it will be very effective to deceive people. Bai Yue's kind of flicker in front of him is basically a child's play, and he can't get on the stage at all.

"You mean... the white knight, the black knight, the gray fog body... are all Noah? So we have been fighting him." Tang Lin muttered, "What a lunatic!"

In fact, before the gray fog body appeared, Tang Fang didn't know about the Trinity. Just like Tang Lin and Kleiya thought, only the black knight was the black knight and the white knight was the white knight. Later, the black knight faded away the nanoparticles, and the white knight faded away from the crystal skin, exposing the essence of the Ailantes and the Ypsilons. He only believed that the enemy in front of him was a super black and white knight, without much guessing.

Until the gray fog manifested itself, joined the battle, and showed almost perfect cooperation, the newly summoned detector detected a very subtle synchronized radio wave among the white knight, black knight, and gray fog. Ai Based on those data, Ma told him about the Trinity.

I think that Noah has modulated his body 79 times in the library, while Tripatti, Lilith, and others have only 13 times, which is a huge difference. It now appears that the 79 modulations of Mr. Sage are not applied to one body, but are averaged to three bodies.

Noah thinks that God's armed forces have obtained the inheritance of the Ailantian civilization and the Ypsilon civilization, so he has the biochemical modulator in the image of the Ailantian, so he has the biochemical modulator in the image of the Ypsilon. On this basis, with the dark heart of the Destroyer civilization, the blessing of light, and the atomizing energy of the commanders, the sage Noah in front of him can be achieved.

Tang Fang didn't know how to describe the scene before him, as well as his own mood. To a certain extent, he admired that man, really admired that man.

Kleiya glanced at half of the gun handle, looked at the gray fog body that returned to normal, and said: "What kind of power did he gain... It's terrible!"

Tang Fang said, "Perhaps I can help you answer one or two. Do you still remember the force field life I just mentioned?"

The girl nodded.

"The gray fog that carries Noah's fighting will is a special field of force. He can distort certain rules of the real universe. In terms of attack, it affects a certain range of core strength. In other words, he can manipulate power and is touched by the gray tide. Because of the lack of strong **** of the nucleus, all of the physical entities will be broken at the microscopic level and turned into the most fundamental particles."

"Disintegrate nuclear power?" Tang Lin's expression changed drastically, "How can he master this power? How is this possible."

There are four basic forces in the universe, gravitation, strong force, weak force, and electromagnetic force. Their existence constitutes the universal framework that humans know. From the real world to the micro world, most models can be constructed with the four basic forces. And explanation. For ordinary people, this physical law is like the four elements of water, fire, wind, and thunder in a magical story. Being able to master them means leaving the realm of ordinary people and entering the realm of legends, or the realm of gods.

Tang Lin was shocked by reason, and was unacceptable for every reason. To some extent, Noah had gained the power of God.

The Ark World, the Power of God, the Trinity, the Way of the Prophet, the daring believer, the lost technology... This is exactly the prototype of the kingdom of God.

Tang Fang suddenly remembered that Zeratul felt the light of apocalypse tainted by Athena. He once said that a piece of evil was breeding in the abyss of Tartaros. It reminded him of Amon, the voice of darkness. At that time Captain Tang thought that the Dark Master had I was brushing my own **** stick attribute, where did the evil in this world come from, and where did the dark sound come from.

It now seems that although the old man's prediction is not accurate, it is close to the facts. There is indeed a taboo in the abyss of Tartaro, and there is a newborn false god.

"There is nothing impossible. Human beings live in the natural environment and obtain a comfortable experience by changing the natural environment. Force field life exists in the cosmic environment. It is reasonable to obtain self-interested changes by distorting the rules of the universe. There is no need to make a fuss." Tang Fang said: "I'm a little fortunate that he can only manipulate nuclear power, not electromagnetic power."

What he said was very light, but for Tang Lin and Claire, there was no way to simply accept it anyway.

At this time, Noah's voice passed through the gray fog and fell in the ears of the three: "What is that?"

He was referring to the Sarnaga keystone.

Tang Fang took a deep breath, took a step forward, and stretched his hand to the surface texture of the keystone: "You will know... soon."

In the next second, the high-energy electrons stored in his mind rushed out frantically, injected into the Sarnaga keystone, and a wave of energy spread outward, sweeping the entire temple.

The earth began to shake, and countless spars hit the ground and crackled. The position of the crystal tower sank again, and several large spars fell to the ground, falling to pieces.

The dazzling light burst into the pupils, and a new star of energy flooded the space of the sanctuary.

The white knight fell to the ground from the air, and the nanoparticles covering the black knight's body trembled violently, as if groaning. The gray mist scattered outside of Noah's body rapidly tossed, like billowing dark clouds in the stormy sea.

Keystone broke out in the library, creating a favorable situation for Tang Fang, destroying Tripatti and Blackwing clones, as well as a large number of clones, but also exhausted energy because of this. Now he can only use the high energy that is bound to the white road. The electrons are recharged, and the energy nova is excited again.

Just now, the keystone absorbed the gray trend released by Noah, and let him see the dawn of victory, so he exported all the high-energy electrons around the white road and injected the keystone in one breath, hoping that the energy nova could purify the energy in the enemy's body.

He still overestimated the power of Sar Naga keystone, or overestimated the influence of those high-energy electron transformations.

While in the library, the white knight was never knocked down by the keystone, and the crystal skin weakened the power of the energy nova without causing much damage to the body.

The white knights in the library are even like this, the super white knights and the super black knights are naturally more resistant to energy nova. You must know that in their bodies, the percentage of genetic material from the Epsilon and the Ailan is much higher than that of the phagosome genetic material. This can be seen from the appearance.

Of course, the keystone did have an impact on their free use of combat effectiveness, and the operation of the Dark Heart and the Bright Favor inevitably lags ~www.readwn.com~ or chaos.

Two spherical spaces, one black and one white, reappeared, used to resist the crazy attacks of units of the three families.

Unlike the situation just now, the particles on the surface of the sphere surrounding the Black Knight began to peel off under the attack of the Immortal and the Dark Archon, like a wall in disrepair. The crystal material enclosing the white knight was severely unbalanced by the live ammunition attack and could not maintain its original shape. The spar skin softened and twisted like dough kneaded by external force, and it seemed that it might break at any time.

Behind the black knight and the white knight, the black mist outside of Noah was not purified by the energy nova, but turned into a vortex, all thrown into a golden orb with a threaded light groove.

It turns out that Noah is not a complete energy body like Archons and Dark Archons. He still has a human body, and he is very fit and young. Only those blood-colored eyes looked very strange.

Of course, the most iconic feature is the golden ball, exposed by the loose attire shaped like a practice suit.

This god-armed man with the highest authority, the sage who is determined to redeem mankind and practiced the path of the prophet, finally revealed his true face behind the fog, frankly speaking, not as abominable as imagined.

After the black mist converged, the impact of the energy shock wave excited by the keystone on him was also greatly weakened.

Claire looked at the young face at the end of the field of vision, frowned and said, "I thought he was an old man when I heard him, but I didn't expect to be so young."

Tang Fang did not speak. The person who spoke was Tang Lin: "He moved so many knives to himself, and even the avatars of the Ypsilon and Ailan were created. It is naturally very simple to want to look like when he was young. Thing."

Tang Fang still didn't say anything, but stared at Noah's face closely, his brows wrinkled and tightened, as if thinking hard. (To be continued...)

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