Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1187: Melee (5)

The first thousand one hundred and eighty-seven chapters of melee (5)

At the beginning, she asked Kudria to drive the Yeliu Li, but she insisted on her post. In fact, she had other plans (www.m)

If they can communicate with the commander of the enemy fleet, make a false impression, and wait for the wandering planet to arrive, the people of the Republic of Date will pay for their choice, and Morningstar Casting will not fall to its current state.

It's a pity that Kudria didn't agree with this matter and asked Alena to take her away by such means.

Now her life is saved, but the foundation of Morningstar, all her previous efforts have been put into waste in this offensive and defensive battle.

The situation on the Mubarak star system is similar to here. The St. Anthony fleet of the Sulu Empire slowed down Grant and others at the expense of more than 700 warships, and re-occupied Mu after the fleet left by Morningstar. The Barak star system, along with the Monya Empire entrenched in the Karilan star system, presents an angular distribution, posing a new strategic threat to the Star Alliance.

The above are all material and military losses, and the most unacceptable thing for Kylinia and others is the casualties.

As Tang Fang has always emphasized, Morningstar Casting can be rebuilt if it is gone, and it cannot be restored if it is gone.

To save Caroline, Morridon, who had been working in the Pharmaceutical Industry Park, died.

Valentin locked himself in the room for a long time and was silent for a long time. When he came out, his eyes were swollen...Although they were not related by blood, he never regarded them as outsiders.

Caroline said that she didn't like the life of wandering in space, and she liked the feeling of being down to earth. Moriton chose to stay with her, but who would have thought that this war would separate them forever.

James Brand is dead, on the way to the funeral of a Morris slave.

He has been following Tang Fang since the Battle of Crotan. He and Grant and Walton are fellow villagers, the only priest in the Blanca church, and the most famous person in the town.

He is not only a preacher of God, but also a warrior. He took up a gun at a nearly unconquering age and embarked on a road to resist tyranny and oppression.

He said that he had saved the souls of many people over the years, but now he is more willing to save the bodies of the victims. This is a trial given to him by the omnipresent Heavenly Father.

Sheridan died. He died while leading non-Morningstar foundry employees to the underground shelter. His body was swallowed by flames created by a nuclear bomb. In addition to a row of brand-new and expensive suits in the closet, there were also a few photos from the hard disk of his personal computer. , Leaving no relics for future generations to admire.

Ruskin cried and became a man of tears. It's hard to imagine this tough guy who can calmly accept the fate of death, but showing an extremely vulnerable side in this matter. It is said that the most difficult opponent to defeat is often oneself. This sentence is not accurate. The most difficult opponent to defeat is one's own feelings.

Then he stopped wearing military uniforms, took the suit from Sheridan's closet to his room, and changed one every day, as if this would make him feel that his partner hadn't gone far.

Pierre also died. His death was the most moving and sad, and almost ignited everyone’s anger towards the Republic of Date. Even if Harder Lee paid the price for what he did, the Republic’s security forces and the Nightwind Commando also fell. Partially disabled result.

This name is unfamiliar to many people, because he has only joined Morningstar for less than 4 months and is the smallest member of this organization. Tang Fang had not seen him, but knew him very early, because the name "Pierre" was given to the child of her best sister.

Yes, Pierre is the child of Euphy and Joey, the one who carries Cleja, Tang Yun, Kylinia, Kudria, Alina, Tang Fang, Tang Lin, Chen Jian, Byron... …Almost all Morningstar casts the core members of hope and love.

He just came into this world for 4 months, he still can't call mother, or father, can't walk with the soles of his feet, grab food with his own hands, and die under the poison of war, like a grain The flower buds have been wilted without opening.

Yuffi is a kind and good girl. It didn’t take long for her body to recover and she started to do some simple tasks. For example, the people from the Green Ark engineering team made post-adjustment and optimization of the inland environment of Cristil, and helped Kylenia collect related information. data. When the Republican Security Forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet appeared in Dillard, she, like Sheridan, took on the task of guiding ground personnel into the shelter, because she was the person next to Captain Tang, because she had suffered from the Charles Federation Training in this area.

She saved many, many people, the staff of Morningstar Casting, the staff of the Green Ark, the staff of the construction company... But she could not save her own children.

The bodies of Pierre and the nanny were found under the ruins of the corridor leading to the refuge, the little guy covered in blood.

She fell ill and lost a whole circle.

Joey hasn't eaten for 7 consecutive days. Grant stayed by his side for 7 days. If Kylienia did not hide the Morningstar into the wandering planet, perhaps he would have driven it to the Republic of Date, looking for Han Jingyun and Plidden Almaty.


The Republic’s security forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet made a surprise attack on the Dillard star system. As a result, it was severely damaged by the wandering planet. Nearly 5,000 warships escaped from more than 1,000 ships. Including the Creator and Nightcrawler, there was no news. Soon it spread throughout the Hilumbel region.

Those who were enemies of Morningstar were terrified by the news, and those who were friends with Morningstar were excited by the news.

Because of the existence of the wandering planets, even if the Sulu Imperial Navy regained control of the Mubarak star system, and the Monya Navy of the Kalilan star system was strangling against David Conan’s throat, he did not dare to act rashly in a short time. This undoubtedly alleviated the military pressure faced by the Star Alliance and gave the Adam government a chance to breathe.

In the eyes of outsiders, there is no doubt that Morningstar Casting is the winner, because the Republic of Date and the Sulu Empire together lost more than 4000 elite warships, which is much more than the losses of Morningstar Casting.

However, the entire Dilar star system is filled with a depressing sadness, as if they are the loser.

Looking at this matter according to Tang Fang's values, they are indeed the losers. Those who believe that Morningstar forged the defeat of the Date Republic and the Sulu Empire did not calculate the value of human life, and did not calculate the value of feelings, because they have nothing to do with the dead... If there is no relationship, they will not care, if there is no relationship, there will be no pain. , It doesn't matter, there will be no hatred.

During this period of time, Zhao Jiali endured the unbearable suffering of ordinary people, which came from the fresh tombstones, icy stone carvings, devastated planets, desolate space, and the complicated gazes cast by some people.

She sometimes gave birth to the idea that "it would be better to die in that war".

She is from the Republic of Date, she is Han Jingyun's granddaughter, and the Yefeng Assault Fleet is Han Jingyun's exclusive weapon.

She lost her original liveliness, became reticent, and became thinner, with only a little change. She used her pen to record the bits and pieces that happened here--the sad things that made people feel Moving things, helpless things, encouraging things.

Half a month after the end of the Dillard offensive and defensive battle, a piece of news came out from the Republic of Date. It was not about the loss of the Republic’s security forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet, nor was it Pliden Almaty’s speech on the declaration of war, but about Iraq. News that the aircraft on board by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Darfur, Han Jingyun, and his family went to Hayes to worship the ancestors of the Hayes star system suffered a subspace storm and lost contact.

Then there was Pliden Almaty’s TV speech, he did not hesitate to describe his comrades-in-arms, brothers, colleagues, and partners, and promised to bid farewell to Han Jingyun with high standards.

Only the simplest fool would believe his lies and performance.

Zhao Jiali cried for a long, long time, until the eyes could no longer shed tears.

A few days ago, Han Jingyun sent a message, telling her that the political situation in the Date Republic is very bad and that she must never go back and wait for the situation to calm down.

It now appears that it is indeed an explanation.

At that time, she was only suspicious and worried, and did not think too much, because she naively believed that the old man who kindly called Almaty grandfather when she was a child would never kill her grandfather, and most of them were removed from office and put under house arrest. After all, they were so close, then Better.

She was wrong, she was wrong. In front of power, even family affection is so insignificant, let alone being a comrade-in-arms.

It's no wonder that the Night Wind Assault Fleet will appear in the Delar Star System and will bomb Kristel where she is without hesitation. As long as her grandfather is dead long ago, Pliden Almaty will postpone the announcement of Han Jingyun’s death until now due to political considerations.

Although she couldn't understand what Han Jingyun and others were doing, she couldn't accept the evil that had already been staged or was about to stage in that country. But in any case, it was her grandfather, who tolerated her a lot of willfulness, many rebellious relatives, these are the performance of his love for her.

The conflicts in morphology and the differences in values ​​can not obliterate their blood relationship, and the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren extended from it.

Who in the Date Republic can confront that person like her? No, not one.

After the loss, until the political conflicts that blinded her personal feelings became unimportant, she finally realized the position of the old man in her heart. The memories of childhood became more and more real, the conflicts after growing up became more and more blurred, and the scenes in the dream were no longer quarrels and anger. She woke up many times with uncontrollable crying.

People are always like this. Many things will not be discovered until they are lost.

Death is like a filter, sifting out those impurities, leaving behind the most primitive, purest and most throbbing feelings, allowing people to know their true self more clearly.

This war caused her no less damage than Uffie and Joey.

She is not a warrior, her character is far less strong than theirs, and... she is alone here and has nothing to rely on.

After learning the news, many people stopped looking at her with scrutiny and suspicion, and replaced it with sympathy and pity. Some people tried to awaken her inner liveliness, but found it really difficult.

Since Tang Fang's disappearance, too many sad things have happened. It is definitely not a joke, a comedy can change.

A week later, Kylenia found her and sent a good news. Her parents are fine, perhaps because they are far away from officialdom and will not have conflicts of political interests, and it is difficult to shake the foundation of Pliden Almaty’s rule. It may also be because of reputation and influence considerations. The victorious party in the political storm of the Republic did not rush to extinction, but was closely monitored.

Kylienia told her to stay calm, and when things calmed down, she would send someone to take her parents over.

Speaking of which, Miss Executive is somewhat ashamed, because she had doubted her.

This news made her feel better. Knowing that her parents were safe, the dashi hanging in her heart finally fell back.


While the people cast by Morningstar were licking their wounds, McIntosh called Rockefeller alone in the top compartment of the Ptolemy Space Station of the Ernaga star system.

"Facts have proved that your judgment is correct." The 6th prince did not wear the special military uniform that royal family members are qualified to wear this time, and very rarely wore a set of plain clothes, which seemed to indicate that he was in a good mood and very relaxed.

Rockefeller did not speak, and looked respectful and humble as usual.

In fact, his heart was full of pride and excitement, but he didn't show it.

He is always good at hiding his true feelings~www.readwn.com~ He also pays attention to details. Mackintosh summoned him by pretending to show a problem in itself-he has fully gained the trust and appreciation of His Royal Highness.

Mackintosh continued: "The Tang surnamed really kept a hand...Even if the news has been lost, it still affects the war situation in the Helenberg region. Although he does not want to admit it, he is indeed a strong enemy."

Rockefeller said: "I didn't expect that... the wandering planet that swallowed the empire and several fleets of the Star Alliance would actually fall into his hands. If we could observe more closely..."

Mackintosh raised his hand to interrupt his chagrin: "There is no need to blame yourself. It's not just you, that guy lied to everyone... I am now very glad that I took your suggestion and turned down Abdul Abdul for excuses. Le’s request for a coordinated troop dispatch. Otherwise... I’m afraid we will lose another batch of warships."

The Republic of Date and the Sulu Empire contacted him before launching the surprise attack, and I hope that the Mongolian Navy will also participate. After soliciting the opinions of his staff, Mackintosh adopted Rockefeller's proposal and found excuses to reject Abdul's proposal.

Judging from the information currently available, if you agree to the other party's proposal at that time, I am afraid that a heavy price has been paid now. A super weapon like a wandering planet is definitely not something that several fleets can resist.

(PS: The day after tomorrow, I will add the changes at the end of the month to the day after tomorrow to satisfy the book friends who are eager to see Captain Tang.)

The mob said to A

Special thanks to the ten thousand starting currency reward of the children's shoes of Tanzanis.

Thank you mustard coffee for your favorite, just like daffodils, Nephitian’s call, book friends 20170311133929848, Pegasus Meteor Cannon, Sizel kissing the earth, and Xinshou Village Director’s reward.

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