Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1199: Sharpen the knife and chop wood

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The Fearless Commander-class fortress is like a mechanical behemoth awakened from its long sleep, like the influence radiating from its surroundings.

After a few breaths, the light of the bridge slowly faded, switching to the panoramic field of view, and you can clearly see the nearby wreckage, the distant stars, and the Hercules transport ship behind.

The surface of the water polo is rippling, and the three-dimensional structure of the Fearless Commander-class fortress emerges.

This is just a simplified display, more detailed data has been sent to Tang Fang's mind through the mental network.

After the entire analysis, Emma told him that the maintenance robot and the work boat had stopped working 10 months ago, and the maintenance task was 94% complete. The main modules can almost operate normally. There are only some detailed equipment because they cannot be used in the Delta-5 star system. Available parts were found, and the internal production facilities of the battleship could not be manufactured, and there was no way to repair them.

For example, 2 condensed light cannons on the port side are in a paralyzed state, 4 of the 36 mixed particle cannons are also unusable, and a torsion adjustment device of the jump driver fails, which causes the battleship’s jump speed to be greatly reduced, from 9.97 to 9.8. In addition, the battleship’s The performance of the shield system (forcibly translated into a human language similar to a zero-energy shield system) has also been reduced.

When I first came into contact with the Hestia system, Emma did not find a description of the shield system because of a functional failure of the computer system. After more than a year of repair work, the computer system was almost recovered, and the data index about the shield system was opened.

The zero energy shield does not mean that its energy comes from the zero source element. It means that the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress is outside the scope of the inherent energy shield. By consuming the zero element isotope, a special zone can be constructed near the hull. Any entry into it Because of this force field that is infinitely close to absolute zero, all of the energy particles will lose their original attributes and become extremely fragile, and time will slow down indefinitely compared to the outside world.

"This...isn't this the "Epsyron Expression" of the Mothership's'Time and Space Reverse' and'Time Bomb' skills?"

In the world of StarCraft, the mothership's skills are realized through the Kadarin crystal. In this world, the Ypsilons do not have something like Kadarin crystal, but they have acquired this ability through the development of technology. .

However, according to Emma's speculation, the Hestia system should remove quantum flames and dark matter inside the Hestia system, and there should be a variant T energy similar to the temple energy cloud, which is used to guide and integrate the internal resources of the Dreadnought Fortress.

After that, Emma told him two good news, because the Hestia system has been repaired to restore most of its functions, the Star Orbit Command Center can design an external program for the operating system of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. Improve the precision of rough combat.

This does not mean that others can also pilot the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship. It just means that under the premise of Tang’s existence, some staff can be deployed on the bridge and use external programs to cooperate with the combat AI "Ipsy Dragon Rune + Star The “track command center + Tang Fang” system has changed the original state of only being able to perform rough operations.

In simple terms, he is like a command relay station, used to receive information gathered by external programs, communicate with the Hestia system through the Epsilon rune, and then drive the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress to complete more complex operations.

In fact, this is a battleship that exists exclusively for him. If he is not on the bridge, no one can drive this powerful fortress unless he assists the AI ​​to execute the command reserved by the captain. Perhaps God-armed sage Noah can, but unfortunately that man has already died.

The second piece of good news is that the main guns of the Apocalypse of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress are in a healthy state and show no signs of weakening. Unfortunately, due to insufficient energy, there is no way to test the power of the Apocalypse main guns.

Now that the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship is ready for use, the next thing that is lacking is zero isotopes. Fortunately, the wandering planets have a lot of resources, but the best plan is to take some time to rush to the Khanos star system after returning. The zero isotope crystals in the black sphere of the West Tower quadrant, after all, the zero isotope stored inside the wandering planet still has to provide the system with warp speed transitions and daily operations.

After confirming the state of the battleship, he left the bridge and took the shuttle back to the Hercules transport ship.

Not long after she woke up, Freya was looking blankly at the huge battleship that dissipated the darkness of space ahead, as if she was a little puzzled about her situation, and she hadn't recovered from what happened just now.

"You are awake..." Tang Fang said with a smile.

"Tang Fang, you big bad guy, once again absorbed the energy in my body." She just regained consciousness, and hadn't regained her mobility. She leaned lazily in the passenger seat, and did not shy away from being naked and exposed to him. Under the gaze.

"Sorry, I ran out of power when fighting Noah, just... didn't hold back..."

Freya's face turned dark: "I don't know how Sister Kleiya and Tang Lin are doing, I really hope they are all well."

Tang Fang smiled and didn't say anything. He picked her up from the co-pilot in the past, left the Hercules transport ship, and went to the Fearless Commander-class fortress.

Looking through the window of the shuttle, this 5-kilometer-long giant battleship is like a steel mountain range, revealing a breath of majesty and vastness.

Although the Intrepid Commander-class fortress is a battle-based fortress and is not known for its loading capacity, the space for loading aircraft is still several times larger than that of the inner harbor of the Angel, with a shuttle of more than ten meters. For the entire hangar, the machine is like the gap between rice grains and basketball.

When the shuttle stopped steadily, the two got off from above. Even if she was able to act alone, she still chose to rely on him, insisting that he carry her back to the bridge, saying that it was punishment for him to drain the electric energy in her body.

After all, Captain Tang was at a loss, so she could only act like a baby, and she really went all the way back.

In fact, he was very clear about Freya's mind...For him, it was only two months without contact with the Delar star system, but for Freya, Tang Yun and others, it was a year and two months. This longing, and all the emotions derived from it, always find an opportunity to release. It was excitement and enthusiasm in Tang Yun, and the mellow attachment to Freya as an old wine.

After arriving at the bridge, Freya got down from him in good faith, put on her own clothes, looked around the surroundings, and said: "This is the same as the Seraphim...really seems."

Tang Fang shook his head and didn't explain anything. He walked to the Hestia system and sent a sailing instruction to the central water ball.

The Hercules transport ship disappeared into the rear space, the Star Harbor gate of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress slowly closed, and the hull surface was surrounded by light patterns blooming with dazzling brilliance. A large amount of garbage around the hull was affected by a repulsive force, and it was thrown out. The location of the fortress created a vacuum zone.

On the next breath, the huge propeller matrix at the stern shot a red light trail behind, and the fortress turned into a glimpse, disappearing into the wreckage ocean of the Delta-5 star system.

Approximately half of the daylight scene, the airspace near the chaotic star of the Omega-2 star system showed violent curvature fluctuations, and a huge battleship suddenly appeared in the void.

It’s not the first time that the people on the Angel have come here. They are already very familiar with the structure of the Ypsilon jump relay station. At this time, Nehemiah and Li Ziming are standing in the control center of the space station, commanding the outside through the equipment modified by SCV. Operating ship, while collecting the latest data on Eye of the Storm and surrounding star clusters.

The sight of the Fearless Commander-class fortress appearing outside in the void shocked the two of them, and then they laughed at each other. I thought that the repair process was finally completed, and Morningstar Casting finally had its own fortress ship.

The body size of 5KM is like the difference between a bee and an elephant compared to the 700KM-class Ipsyron jump relay station. Nehemiah and Li Ziming were standing in the central control room and witnessing the outside scene through the display system. Of course, there was not much shock. But for the engineering boats that hauled the wreckage of the Ypsilon battleship outside, the crew looked at the Intrepid Commander-class fortress through the porthole, which naturally gave a different feeling.

The arrival of the huge ship brought them a very strong visual impact. It is too big and magnificent, it is three times longer than the Hades-class aircraft carrier, and two times longer than the Nibelungen...The energy matrix on the surface of the hull and the ring light pattern of the naval gun exudes a strong sci-fi atmosphere, highlighting It's extraordinary and powerful.

Many people forgot to work, standing in front of portholes or bridge windows, watching the Dreadnought Commander-class fortresses slowly passing by them, watching the guns go further and further away, some with their mouths open, some swallowing Spit, and some dancing, shouting with excitement.

The sound cannot penetrate the void, so in Freya's eyes, they seem to be acting a pantomime.

As simple as her, of course there is no way to understand the feelings of those people.

Only Grant, Kleiya and others knew about the existence of the Fearless Commander-class fortress. Even if they were all old people who followed Tang Fang during the Battle of Crotan, they were not qualified to know such secrets. Suddenly learned that Captain Tang had driven back a Ypsilon fortress, the surprise and touch made it difficult for many people to hold on to themselves.

In the minds of ordinary people, the meaning of a fortress to a power is like the definition of an adult in the law. It is a sign and a qualification. Only a battleship with the level of a fortress can be truly recognized as a superpower. Even if Tang Fang demonstrated strength that surpassed the sovereign nation's fleet in previous battles, the absence of a fortress ship is always a bit regrettable.

Just as the Silver Eagle Group has the Truth, the Monya Empire has the Cloud Whale class super aircraft carrier, the Phoenix Empire has the Glorious Emperor, the Sulu Empire has the Freud class battle carrier, and the Turanx United Kingdom has the God King class super aircraft carrier... …These fortress-level warships are a measure of a country’s scientific and technological capabilities and a benchmark for military capabilities.

Today, Morningstar Cast has a Dreadnought Commander-class fortress...not to mention that it is still an Epsilon fortress. Not to mention the difference in the number of battleships, it seems to have crushed all countries in terms of quality, not to mention that there is still a Dilal star system. A wandering planet.

Judging from the current conditions, compared with sovereign states, Morningstar Casting is the most lacking, and only time is left...In general, it is still too young. If the outside world can give it time, it can develop stably for a few years. , What Hsudra's Legion, what Celtic Guard, what Jupiter Expeditionary Army, are a pile of scrap iron in front of the fleet forged by Morning Star.

On the other hand, the entry of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress is also a big shock to those dark organizations hiding behind the scenes. Today's Morningstar casting has enough power to wrestle with them.

These people didn't know that Captain Tang had already broken off Mr. Noah's wrist, and God's weapons were completely planted in his hands...Although that matter was a lot uncomfortable for Tang Fang himself.

The Fearless Commander-class fortress did not sail into the main starport of the Ypsilon transition relay station, but hovered in the nearby airspace. Tang Fang used communication equipment to connect to the central control room.

"After the hauling operation is completed, you will return to the Delar star system first. You don't have to wait for me."

Nehemiah did not ask why, but said "I see." and ended the conversation.

Li Ziming wanted to ask a few questions about the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress ship, but unfortunately he didn't find a chance to speak, so he looked at Nehemiah with some unkind eyes.

For the Fearless Commander-class bridge, Tang Fang has set the course, activated the jump drive, and re-entered the virtual space.

Freya said with a puzzled expression: "Tang Fang, where are we going, back to the Delar star system?"

"No." Tang Fang looked at the star map projection floating in the sky, his face turned a little gloomy: "Go pay some favors and collect debts by the way."

The task of dredging the dimensional tunnel from the Delta-5 star system to the Alpha-7 star system cannot be completed for a while. Of course he will not wait in the Lost Lands~www.readwn.com~ always find something to do, such as Sheridan avenged Pierre.

Pliden Almaty was smashed by the Queen of Blades, and even the officialdom of the Republic of Date was purged. The Minister of Agriculture, Harman Ill, who was supposed to be the presidency, suddenly left without saying goodbye, and plunged the Republic of Date into chaos. With separatism.

Some hatreds were avenged by the Queen of Blades for him, and some hatreds were not.

The reason why he concealed the existence of the wandering planet was because he wanted to use it as a killer's key to keep the calculations in the future. That's why there is no stationed in the Dilar star system. However, he did not expect that he would encounter such a dangerous situation in the abyss of Tartarus. He lost contact with Kylinia and others for a year. He also did not expect that the situation in the Hellenbir region deteriorated rapidly, and the Phoenix Empire suddenly declared war on the Star Alliance. , So that the Adam’s government suffered from the enemy, and the border defense line appeared a military vacuum. The Republic of Date and the Sulu Empire took advantage of the loopholes and launched a sudden attack on the Dilar star system.

Rory Swann settled the Morningstar casting battleship production line and followed his requirements to optimize and improve the power system of the wandering planet, which delayed some opportunities, and the enemy’s course of action was to destroy Central Star Harbor and Kristall at any cost. The three goals of the battleship production line eventually led to the deaths of Sheridan, Pierre and others. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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