Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1204: Annihilate

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If anyone on the entire battlefield is not surprised by the horror of the Fearless Commander-class fortress, it is Miss Freya.

"Ah... they are going to run... those people are going to run." She never took the enemy's casualties to heart, which is very similar to the alien sisters.

Tang Fang looked into the distance and said lightly: "I can't go..."

He didn't plan to let the Pirates Alliance and the Burning Legion make a living, just as he thought on the way to come here in the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, kill these guys, he will not have any psychological burden.

For the Pirates, they are all sinister, cunning, ruthless guys, and for the Burning Legion, they are all warriors who are preparing to create a boundless murder in the Jakarta Bul star system, and died in the Dortmund tragedy. The grievances are still roaring in Hell, and the tombstones of the more than 300,000 victims of Sebel Haile have only been cast.

With the new order issued, 32 mixed particle cannons on the ship fired randomly, and the dazzling beams passed through the energy shield, turning the enemy ship that was fleeing frantically in the distance into fireworks, and the fragments splashed around with gray smoke trails.

This is completely unlike the confrontation between ordinary warships and ordinary warships. Even the most basic hybrid particle guns have more damage than large-caliber plasma guns. Only the physique of the Dreadnought Commander-class fort ships can afford their energy consumption.

One round of salvo was the sinking of more than 30 battleships. None of the cruiser-class battleships could withstand a single shot, and only the battleships of the Burning Legion. If they were not hit in key parts such as the power cabin, they would have a chance to survive.

Rommel's flagship Scarlet Trident was hit by a beam of mixed particles that penetrated the destroyer's starboard side. The bridge shook violently, and the splashing sparks blinded his right eye. The communications officer reported the battle damage, emphasizing that the warships had lost their ability to sail at war speed, that is to say, they either died on the battlefield or became prisoners of the Star Alliance Navy.

Albert escaped the obliteration cannon, and also escaped the pursuit of 32 mixed particle cannons, but before he was glad that the car arrived at the edge of the battlefield, a beam of silver-white light shot out from the gap in the fleet, swept close to the port side, and hit the top. A sky overlord class battleship.

It was an elite battleship of the Burning Legion, not the broken copper and iron of the general pirate regiment. According to the shot position, if it was replaced by the mixed particle gun that was just now, it would be very likely to survive the attack.

Unfortunately, the silver-white beam is not a mixed particle beam, but a higher-level condensed beam in the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress naval gun system.

As if the same basin of water was exposed to ultra-low temperature, a very obvious layer of frost formed on the surface of the darkly painted battleship... No, it was not frost, but crystallization.

The propellers no longer spray flames, the naval guns stopped working, and even the signal lights went out silently, and the hull fell into dormancy for a short time, becoming a giant ghost ship.

At this moment, the battleships of the Jakarta Burr garrisoned navy passed nearby, and a frigate was very unknowingly shooting two beams of fire on the battleship.

If it is left in peacetime, it will encounter a more violent counterattack. The battleship's 1000MM-class main gun will let it know what a dead end is, but now... the projectile of the frigate hits the hull, like a hammer hitting a crisp and thin Glass, then a huge battleship shattered in a short period of time, turning into the remains of ice crystals reflecting the light of gunfire in space.

This scene frightened Rommel, and also stunned the gunner of the frigate. He didn't believe that he had shot it over and dismembered a behemoth like a battleship into countless fragments. This...this... is really hate-free and refreshing.

They hated the Burning Legion and the Pirates' coalition forces. They thought they were in a disaster today. In any case, they did not expect Tang Fang to drive an Ypsilon Bastion ship to appear on the battlefield and turn the tide of the battle by himself.

Of course, it was wonderful to beat the falling water dogs, not to mention that these falling water dogs almost bit their bones.

More and more garrisoned naval warships ignore Yell Adams's orders to engage in small actions, specifically to make magical swords for targets hit by condensed light artillery.

The iceberg can be disintegrated in a single shot. This kind of shock, this kind of pleasure is really fascinating.

Rommel's Scarlet Trident failed to escape the pursuit of the condensed light, and was eventually exploded by a destroyer's main gun, turning it into a fragmented wreck in space and completely dying.

His death represented the destruction of the Cobra Pirates, and all ambitions and greed were frozen together.

Albert's current mind is only to escape, escape, escape, ignoring the request of his subordinates, regardless of Bayern Torres' arrangements, eager to find a blank area where he can perform the rapid transition, and then leave here.

The warships stationed in the navy had no chance to stop him. The Pirate Warship did not have the speed of its car. The Burning Legion warship was used by him as a shield, and finally escaped from the chaotic war zone and arrived at the destination.

Just when he yelled at the navigator to start the speed engine and hurriedly left this ghost place, the intelligence officer sent an image to the central big screen.

I don’t know when, there have been more warships on the periphery of the battlefield. They look like eels. They are slender and long. The ship is about 100 meters long. The surface is inlaid with dark green crystals, which are now radiating outwards. Forked lightning, like a source of thunderstorms.

Of course it cannot be ordinary lightning in a thunderstorm, it is a storm of space-time curvature that forbids the entire battlefield. According to the analysis of the computer system, the green fluorescence will transmit a force that deepens the discontinuity of time and space, triggering violent curvature oscillations, and blocking the possibility of warships leaving the battlefield.

In short, unless you rush out of this area with a conventional engine, you can never escape by means of warp speed.

There are not many electric eel warships, but they are by no means comparable to the interception ships of sovereign nations, and they block the entire theater of war with a small number.

They trembled because of the power of the annihilation cannon, and feared because of the power of the hybrid particle cannon and the condensed light cannon, forgetting that Captain Tang’s new toy is a fortress, and the significance of the fortress on the battlefield is more of a synthesis. Sexual tactical platform, airport and large hangar are its essential components.

Thousands of battleships of the Burning Legion and the Pirates' coalition were beaten by a battleship and fled in embarrassment. I am afraid no one will believe this thing.

Is this the power of the Ypsilon Bastion ship?

Two battleships that looked like manta rays cut in from the flanks and appeared in front of Albert's car. The giant cannon on the bow shed tiny charged particles, radiating ripples of electricity into the nearby void.

Albert has left the captain's seat and pushed the communications officer aside.

On the intrepid commander-class fortress, the sensing system received a broadcast message-Commander Albert had something to say.

"The chaos in the Hilumbel region is not as simple as most people think. It is not a simple power struggle. If you can spare my life, I will tell you what I know."

Tang Fang smiled, showing shining teeth, and the Sea Witch-class unmanned battleship also smiled. Albert and his battleship finally turned into a grand flame, illuminating the dark space in the distance.

Especially today, he doesn't want to think about so much... Moreover, Mr. Albert can always toss some things that make him unhappy. In the face of today's complicated international situation, it is always a good thing to have one less annoying guy.

Hannibal Fortunate, Boyle Ben, Rommel, Albert, Johnny, Vincent... these little famous pirate leaders became war dead and died in the icy space of the Jakartapur star system.

On the Poppies, Bayern Torres looked at the one-sided battlefield situation ahead, and then looked at the few frigates around. He did not beg for mercy like Albert, nor did he run for his life after learning Rommel and ordered the crew to accelerate forward. , Approaching the Ypsilon fortress where Tang Fang is located.

He knew that Tang Fang would not let him go, that guy had planned that way from the beginning.

Captain Tang returned from the sea of ​​stars and needed a grand celebration to wash away the dust, and a grand celebration must be accompanied by brilliant fireworks.

In that person's heart, the Burning Legion and the Pirate Alliance are very suitable and can please many people.

Ironically, when he first arrived in Jakarta's Burr star system, he proudly believed that this was the starting point of the Burning Legion's extraordinary achievements, but a few hours later, this space became his end of life.

He never believes in the spiritual opium philosophy of "good and evil are rewarded in the end". He is just very angry and jealous. Why is he not the one who possesses such power?

This way he can make Virginia Alexander regret and avenge the poppies, instead of compromising with this or that guy and being used by this or that guy.

He escaped from the Phoenix Empire, but was unable to escape the fate of a dog.

He can control the life and death of thousands of people, but he has no ability to shake his own destiny thumbwheel.

From a certain perspective, his life was really sad and failed.

Tang Fang fulfilled him, and the Poppy became a bursting crystal, spreading towards the icy night sky.

The poppies belonging to Bayern Torres disappeared, and the poppies belonging to the king of Chu still have a long history in the Han culture.

Yell Adams let out a sigh of relief as he watched the poppy popped into powder in the distance, and said in a low voice, "It's over."

For Bayern Torres, he does not have much emotion, nor will he waste his energy and sadness. In fact, he is very happy because the civilians who died in the Dortmund tragedy can be stunned, and the more than 300,000 people who died in the Dortmund tragedy can be avenged. .

After this incident, who would dare to slander Tang Fang and scold Chenxing Casting? Angry people would drown the so-called "anti-war people" with their saliva.

The Star Alliance Navy did not destroy the Burning Legion, but was instead used by the Phoenix Empire to start a national war.

Whether it was the Dortmund tragedy or the recent chaos, the Burning Legion has an unshirkable responsibility. Now they have joined forces with the Pirate Group to attack the Jakarta Burr Star System in an attempt to create even more terrifying tragedies and spread terrorism.

It was Tang Fang who prevented this incident and killed thousands of enemy ships of the Burning Legion and Pirates coalition. Whether it is from the perspective of gratitude or the perspective of fear, I believe that this war will bring opportunities for the precarious state of the Star League.

He helped the Star Alliance again and saved many, many people again.

Tang Fang made up his mind to annihilate the Burning Legion and the Allied Pirates, but it was actually difficult to kill every enemy member. After all, many people would flee in a shuttle. He needs someone to publicize what happened to the Jakarta Burr Star System, spread fear among his enemies, and avoid the recurrence of the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet misjudging the situation and storming the Delar star system.

So the final result of this battle was that he destroyed nearly 95% of the battleships of the Burning Legion and the Allied Pirates. None of the cruisers and above-sized battleships escaped, such as the Hydra, the Eater, the Scarlet Trident, The flagship unit like Poppies is the primary target.

Freya fell asleep, her eyelashes beating slightly, she was still asleep.

Tang Fang did not pay too much attention to the battlefield situation. He issued a homing command to the Sea Witch-class unmanned combat ship and the Assault-class fast assault boat, and turned his attention to the system space, sweeping the crystal value that surged by nearly 500W, thinking about it. The task of collecting crystal resources is still a quick and convenient means of war.

If he is a frenzied person, who has no moral bottom line, and can do whatever it takes for his own interests and ambitions, perhaps... the resources needed to summon the mothership should be gathered soon.

The Dawn Goddess sent a communication request, but he didn't refuse this time. Seeing Yell Adams's face, he couldn't help but sigh and reminisce. Dalton Evelyn, the original commander of the Jakarta Burr Star System Garrison Navy, has died. Deputy Commander Newton Bell took hundreds of warships to the Sokanada line. Now the navy is still familiar with it, and only left Chief of Staff Yell Adams.

On the point that things are human and not human, war is more important than time.

"Thank you, thank you for everything."

It can be seen that Yale Adams is very excited... It is not difficult to understand that his return and his help are of unusual significance to the Jakartapur star system and the Star Covenant society.

"Has the battle been recorded?"

Yell Adams froze for a moment~www.readwn.com~ nodded: "It's all recorded."

"Send it to Adam Oliver and tell Mr. President that you don't have to keep it confidential."

"..." The chief of staff looked stunned. Mr. President Affection knew that Tang Fang was back, but he never announced it to the outside world. Given the current social form of the Star Alliance, it must be uncomfortable.

When the intrepid commander-class fortress pushed the Burning Legion and the Pirates to a dead end, Arthur, Radu Khan, Ye Dan and others successfully arrived at the free trade zone and found Johnny and Morgan.

The female police officer was speechless, really speechless... She thought that Arthur was hiding a large amount of arms under the noses of the military police. It was already a surprise. How could I think of the new guns in the basement of the Iron Skull Bar? Cavalry-class power armor.

Without this equipment, it would be almost impossible for them to quickly cross the block occupied by the mob and arrive at the location of the Morningstar Casting Branch.

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