Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1210: Nova's secret actions

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Virginia Alexander frowned and said, "You really have no intention of getting involved in the internal affairs of the Phoenix Empire?"

Tang Fang said: "How do you want me to intervene? Do you liberate the Phoenix Empire like you did with the Turanx United Kingdom? If conditions are ripe, I'm happy to do so."

He couldn't understand the young man's thoughts before him. It always sounded a bit contradictory. Captain Tang had a heart to initiate change and redeem the common people, but from another angle, he was a coward and fearless. Because this incident caused more casualties and chaos.

It is because of a kind heart that hindered him from achieving great achievements.

"Do you know that your kindness does not become a weapon, but often becomes a weakness. When you are strong, you can treat others gently, but once you are in trouble, those despicable, ugly, and stupid civilians are for money? And power, will insert the dagger into your chest without hesitation."

In any case, he couldn't understand, what is so pitiful about those untouchables, what they can save, they are not worthy of Tang Fang to do this level.

"Those guys living at the bottom of the Phoenix Empire are greedy...can betray their conscience for personal gain; they are cowardly...all things wait for others to come forward and sit back and enjoy themselves; they are ignorant...through many years of brainwashing education, the government and the media give them anything Goals, they will rush over like mad dogs; they are cruel...all their ingenuity is used to fight and calculate with each other; they are marketers... are used to unscrupulous means, eager for quick success and quick gain, and rarely down to earth; they are indifferent... The principle of doing things high and high; they are so stupid... never feel that they are living in a cage, never think that the information they see and receive is the information that the ruling group wants them to see and receive; they are stubborn Steal a life... never know how to resist, as long as you can barely live, whether you recognize the thief as the father or harm the loyalty, you can do it with ignorance; they are naive... always have a glimmer of expectations for the powerful group, and can't break the so-called "just judgments" It's just the result of the mutual indulgence of the powers. The realism of the winners and losers is equivalent to the'vegetarianism' that put the fate of the sheep on the wolf; they are very fanatical... foolishly not knowing who is the real hooligan and who is the fake devil; "

"This group of despicable, shameless, conscience and mindless dog breeds are worthy of you paying so much for them? If you insist on being a human being, don't fight for the dog's life and power, otherwise... they will always For a moment, because the master's bone bites you back."

Tang Fang squinted at him and said, "You should really like such talents, not ridicule and contempt."

Virginia Alexander said: "I like dogs, but I don't like people like dogs, but I have to pretend to like them, which makes me very distressed."

Miss Nova, who has not spoken, suddenly raised the blade of her gun to his neck, and said in an unusually cold tone: "I really don't know if you accidentally cut your head, **** old thing."

His Majesty the Holy Emperor didn’t get angry and laughed: “It’s easy to kill me, and I’m pretty sure that Tang Fang would be happy to see a similar picture, but this is never the key to the problem. The key to the problem is that he dare not do it for the ideal in his heart. Shoot those unqualified people who have lost their qualifications... Saving people and killing people, seemingly opposite, will actually achieve perfect unity at some point."

"The current force of Morningstar casting can crush nations, but why is he still frowning?" He looked at Nova and said, "Because he is not ruthless enough, because Morningstar casting rises too fast, he does not have enough time to frustrate life and The cruel reality has polished a heart of stone."

Nova's eyes were getting colder and colder, and the spear blade was getting closer and closer to His Majesty's neck.

Tang Fang waved his hand to signal her to stop pressure, and looked at Virginia Alexander and shook his head: "Since there is no objection to the cooperation, then you will go back tomorrow. I hate the people who I don't like living on my boat. "

Virginia Alexander said, "You... don't plan to refute me?"

"That doesn't make any sense." He sighed and said, "Perhaps... now I look at your eyes, just like Noah looks at mine... He has his position, you have your opinion, I have mine Principle, this is life..."

Virginia got out of the hospital bed, adjusted to turn and walked outside. Nova was ready to follow, and Tang Fang stopped her again.

"Why don't you let me kill him?"

"Why did Valenrian instruct you to capture Davis alive, but you killed her?"

"She is a treacherous villain who took advantage of my loyalty to the empire."

Tang Fang suddenly showed a weird smile: "The new Nova covert operation has begun...Don't let me down." After speaking, he walked outside.

She was stunned. For that smile and the following sentence, she was a little bit...understandable.


Early in the morning of the second day, the airtight cabin at the bottom of the Angel opened and the Griffin slowly drove out. The signal lights on the two wings lit up Tang Fang and Nehemiah standing in front of the porthole.

The two looked at the Griffin leaving the mother ship, and the two on the bridge of the Griffin looked at both of them.

One minute later, the wingspan of the Griffin opened, and the tail thruster group burst out with a dazzling flash, drawing a beautiful arc in the void, and finally disappeared.

Alice walked out of the shadow from behind, looked at the place where the Griffin had disappeared and said, "I have to go too. Take care."

Tang Fang said, "Abyss Knights have always liked to play tricks, so be careful."

"I will." Alice did not say much, turned and walked towards the hangar, and then drove her solo shuttle to leave the Angel and fly to the Phoenix Empire.

"I have rewritten the interactive interface of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. In the next period of time, I will arrange for Yuphy and the others to adapt to the new environment."

Nehemiah nodded and said, "Are you leaving?"

Tang Fang said: "I need to go to the Lost Lands to get something, and I will return within half a month at most."

The old man nodded, did not say much, just told him to be careful on the way.

Seven days later, the Lost Lands, the Omega-2 star system. A special operations transport ship landed on the surface of "Tikal".

Tang Fang looked at the calm Ashtorando Hall for a while, then walked forward. This time he did not bring Freya back to the Lost Lands, choosing to explore the Alpha-7 star system alone.

After more than two months of maintenance work, the dimensional lock network of the Omega-2 star system-Delta-5 star system-Alpha-7 star system has been repaired, and the storm pervading the subspace has been dissipated.

He walked to the Ashtorando system console, performed the wake-up operation, then adjusted his emotions, suppressed his excitement, and stepped into the luminous star gate in front of him.

There was a dizziness, and then there was a sharp pain, as if being pushed from behind by something, and fell forward very quickly.

He didn't really fall to the ground, but flew forward, turning his body uncontrollably, trying to lose weight. When he opened his eyes, he saw the interstellar gate of the Alpha-7 star system Ashtorando Hall. Although it was still operating, it was compared with the interstellar gate of the Omega-2 star system and the Delta-5 star system. It was going to be much dilapidated, and even the Ashtorando Hall that carried it was damaged. The rear area collapsed in a large area, and the front half of the ceiling was pierced by many gravel.

It seems that the defense system of the Ashtorando Hall of the Alpha-7 star system is out of service, but fortunately, it is not damaged to the extent that it cannot be transported.

No wonder the analysis report provided by Cupid pointed out that the Ashtorando system of the Alpha-7 star system is still working, but it will bring some bad experiences to the human body, but it is not fatal.

He rested for a while, using the faint light cast by the ε rune on the wall to find the direction of the door, and quickly walked outside.

After bypassing a group of obstacles, walking out of the half-collapsed palace door, I was surprised when I saw the sight outside.

Like many star systems close to the Eye of the Storm, the planets of the Alpha-7 star system have been fragmented under the action of tidal forces, and the planetary fragments are scattered in the void, making irregular orbits around the two variable stars that are still alive.

The influence from the Eye of the Storm has never diminished, causing the mechanical balance of the Alpha-7 star system to be broken little by little.

Lost Land... Maybe it will really be lost thousands of years later, only in historical records, or in the impression of light.

He didn't waste too much time, left the Ashtorando Hall, walked through the gravel-intensive area alone, and then summoned a special operations transport ship to fly to the area between the two variable stars.

Because the internal environment of the Alpha-7 star system is much worse than the previous Gamma-3 star system, Delta-5 star system and so on, even if Cupid has fixed the dimensional lock network, it calms the subspace in most areas of the star system. In the storm, he still didn't dare to perform a curved jump here without scruples, he could only choose to jump on stairs to avoid complicated terrain.

It took a few hours to get to the Lagrange point where the space facilities of Ypsilon were located.

Observing the situation of the Alpha-7 star system through damaged observation equipment is naturally a completely different experience from experiencing it in person. The two variable stars of the Alpha-7 star system are orbiting the outer periphery, and it can be clearly seen that the tidal force pulls down some deformed outlines and uneven flame waves.

The space facilities of the suspected Ypsilon Shipyard seem to be on the edge of hell, and there is the possibility of falling into the endless sea of ​​fire at any time. Compared with the distant planetary debris belt, it is more thrilling.

This Epsilon facility is more complete than the Dyson Ball, part of the Ashtorando Hall and other relics, but it does not mean that it is perfect. The more fragile organizations on the periphery become fragments under the erosion of the years and the impact of meteors. Some accessory equipment used to monitor the environment, plan waterways, and send and receive information is also in a state of disuse.

Fortunately, the main facility is intact, the huge ε rune emits a faint light, and the shield system in the key area is still operating.

From the overall point of view, the middle and rear parts of this Ypsilon space facility seem to be combined by different sizes of wheel and axle components, and the front part is a semi-open structure, as if a bamboo tube is split in half horizontally.

It's a bit vague to say, but for a large man with a length of 3,000 km and a width of more than 200 km, the front half of the open structure is enough to deploy many docks and harbors to moor spacecraft and cargo ships.

In terms of length alone, it is more terrifying than the central space facility of Ark World.

When Tang Fang drove the special operations transport ship to the nearest berth, he saw the command ship exactly like the Quan Angel, the Ypsilon battleship in the key form, the Ypsilon battleship in the butterfly form, and the remote repair platform. A slightly different variant of the Seraph Evil-class special service battleship.

On the other side of the pier, berthed are small cargo ships in the form of sled vehicles, large segmented transport ships, and ships used for mining, maintenance, and research.

These images further confirmed his guess that the space facility is 80% of the Ypsilon shipyard.

Fifteen minutes later, the special operations transport ship passed through a wreckage of unmanned defense facilities and slowly landed on the apron near a berth. He jumped from the cabin and officially landed at the Ypsilon shipyard.

Seen from a distance is a kind of weather, from the inside it is another kind of taste.

He is very excited now, but when he is excited, he can’t help but feel disappointed, because the Ypsilon shipyard of this size and structure certainly has no way to perform a rapid transition like a wandering planet~www.readwn.com~ only I can watch it follow the footsteps of time, being slowly swallowed by the power of the eye of the storm along with the two variable stars outside.

All he can do is to pray that the shipyard’s central database has not been destroyed, and that it still retains the complete process data, which can be transcribed to the Star Orbit Command Center, and later has the opportunity to rebuild the shipyard inside the wandering planet.

While at Nami Star, he obtained a complete set of zero-isotope refining process, and in the gamma-3 star system, he obtained relevant data about the Dyson sphere. However, with the current manpower and resources of Morningstar, not to mention building a real Dyson ball, even the Dyson ring is difficult to handle.

"The productivity of human civilization is compared with Epsilon Technology... It is still too backward." He sighed heavily. He retracted his gaze into the distance and focused his attention on the facilities in front.

Because of the relationship between the observation angle and the focus, he did not pay much attention to the scars on the surface of the space facilities. At this time, he stepped on the space station and found that some of the damaged facilities were caused by meteorite impacts, and some were caused by the baptism of war.

Beside the wreckage of a single-person attack vehicle not far from the tarmac, there are the bodies of several statue guards lying down. It seems that a large-scale landing battle has been staged here. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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