Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1224: Incomplete evolution

The cost of Dehaka is 2W crystal and 17W gas, and it occupies a population of 11, slightly less than Alexei Stukov.

Tang Fang couldn't understand why the Crab Monster could unlock Dehaka. This thing is obviously very heavy and it is not easy to turn over... Is it possible that the two stings at the back are similar to Dehaka's tail?


The contemplation was interrupted by the painful groan that rang in his ears. He hurriedly pulled his consciousness away from the real space and moved to the external environment. It was discovered that something went wrong on Roy's side. The bone spurs originally pierced into the crab monster's soft armor were not smoothly extracted, but turned into Tissues like straws extract biomass from the crab monster. Many mobile cysts move from bottom to top and are injected into the blackened right arm. Roy himself sweats in pain.

His face became ugly, worrying if there was a problem with the phagosome's right arm. After all, it is still unclear why the local creatures that thrive in the blanket continent were born, in case Roy's phagosome's right arm could not be eaten. Things that should be eaten have bad changes, and things are in trouble.

He hurried to Roy's standing position, ready to pull Abasher over. I didn't know how to jump to the belly of the crab monster, the bone spurs inserted into the soft armor were finally pulled out, and the little one was flashed by his own power and sat down.

The bone spurs stretched out in front of the blackened right arm began to shrink back, and eventually disappeared, but the change did not stop. The last bone cells aggregated into a lump and burst with a bang, and the viscous blood "crashed" on the ground.

Roy's left hand grasped his right wrist desperately, and sweat beads the size of a bean fell one by one, dampening his military uniform.

Tang Fang just froze for a moment, and the strength under his feet did not decrease but increased, and several jumps came to him. When he looked over the obstacle and looked at the wound, his scalp numb.

It's not that the injury is so serious that it is unacceptable, but that there is an eyeball in the hole in the palm of the blackened right arm. It is not a human eye, nor is it the vertical pupil of a snake, but only the white of the eye without pupils, like a dead person with no look Things.

This was scary enough, but when he looked over, the white-eyed eye turned towards where he was, like...like looking at his existence...even if he has experienced many battles and seen Nami Star Evil Eye, Paradise Star Mura, and mixed warships and other creatures with a strong evil aura, seeing the vision of the eye at this time, it is still inevitable to panic and be shocked.

But this fear comes and goes quickly, and is replaced by worry and anxiety. After Roy obtained the blackened right arm, he started from eating the mutant right arm of the God-armed clone, to derive a fleshy membrane that swallows light, and then stealthily eats the black wing clone that he brought from Paradise Star to lead the evolution With wings that can fly, he has never been as worried as he is now.

The eye has a special place in the five senses, otherwise it would not be called the window of the soul. No matter how the blackened right arm mutates, at least it is dead from the appearance, controlled by Roy, but now it is born A white eye gives people the feeling that an evil soul has been injected into the blackened right arm. He is really afraid that Roy will one day be swayed by the Devouring Body's thinking and become a powerful walking dead.

At this moment, a green light beam passed by, penetrating the sky a snow eagle entangled with the primitive alien dragon, "Pada" fell on the nearby ridge structure, and rolled away all the way.

Two blood flows out from the edge of Roy's white eyes, the central tissue contracted inward, and the wound slowly healed, turning black to flesh, returning to its original appearance. There were no more white eyes or scars.

The big and small scratched his scalp, looked at the primordial alien dragon in the air, and said, "Which... you are welcome."

Tang Fang was speechless, wondering whether he should be said to be dull or eager.

He walked in front of Roy, pulled his wrist and looked at it for a while, but found nothing, as if the scene just happened was an illusion.

"Big Brother Tang...I can finally control its flying posture, and Yingluo can take her to the sky when she wakes up. This time, see what Bai Hao has to say."

Tang Fang bends his index and middle fingers, and knocks fiercely on the top of his head: "Do you know what happened just now, but you still have the mind to think about those messy things."

"What happened..." Roy was stunned for a moment, and said, "Isn't it just that it can't digest too much, and it hurts me too."

Such an important thing is understated by what he said...

"If you eat too much, you can't digest it?" Tang Fang twisted his palm and put it in front of him, and said in hatred: "There is an eyeball that clearly grows here. Do you know how scary and terrifying it is."

Roy tilted his head and thought, a little disapproving: "It had a mouth and wings, and now it has another eye. I don't think there is any need to make a fuss."

Tang Fang was stunned by what he said. Thinking about it, Roy is the one who gets along with the black demon day and night. He naturally knows more about symbiotic phagosomes than he does. Maybe...the white eyes without pupils really don’t. What malice is just a structure of the triggering object laser.

Despite this thought, he sent Abathur to the battlefield from the seat of the Angel, ignoring the sad faces of the big and small, and ordered a careful examination of the blackened right arm to ensure that it continuously swallowed the biomass of the God-armed clone mutant organization and the crab monster. After that, has there been any quality change.

Similar to the phenomenon of conditioned reflex, the blackened right arm will turn into a substance harder than steel after feeling external threats, and tissue samples can only be obtained through violence. Abathur thinks this is the easiest and quickest way to sample, but for Roy himself, obviously there will be no wonderful experience.

After arranging the physical examination, he jumped from the crab monster's belly, walked in front of Yage Claw, looked at its huge head and said with a cold voice: "Yage Claw...no, now I should call you'King of Akron'. Correct."

Hearing the 5 words spoken by Tang Fang in an aggravated tone, the body of Yage's claws clearly twitched, like a retracted rubber band, the torso slowly retracted into the ground, and the head lowered and lowered until the lower edge and the ground. Flush.

"I... why haven't I heard this name? Who attacked me with such vicious words? Someone dared to provoke our relationship and see if I don't burn it to ashes..."

"Then...who just called the human that I hate?"

"Is there? No, who said that, if you have the ability to stand up, don't be a tortoise with your head." Jager's torso, which was retracted to the ground, suddenly sprang out, his body rose a lot beyond the nearby forest, and then made a loud voice. To the surrounding primitive Zergs, and even the mainland biosphere, declared: "I think it is reasonable to call the powerful Captain Tang as'King of Akron'. If anyone disagrees, I will let him feel the destruction. The heat."

Roy twitched his mouth and said, "Oh, my goodness, a lying slug."

His face was half pain and half joy, and he looked awkward.

Yageclaw was afraid of Tang Fang, but he was not at all afraid of him, and roared vigorously: "Call me the noble Lord Yageclaw."

Roy said solemnly: "If you don't have our help, you have become a Lord without Claws."

Tang Fang smiled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect the humorous side of the simple boy.

Yager's claws were furious, and a black smoke gushed out of his mouth, and the flames overflowing from the gap slightly deformed the surrounding air.

"I remember when I left Akron Star last year, I told you to cooperate with Dags and work hard to expand the scale of the primitive alien race. Why is it now like this?" Tang Fang questioned with a sullen face.

As the special operations transport ship approached the battlefield, he noticed a strange phenomenon. The primitive Zerg unit led by Yageclaw and the local creatures of Akron are in a ground-fighting battle. Although they have a certain advantage as a whole, they will inevitably pay a great price to defeat the enemy, and the fighting power of the crab monster as the leader of the local biological group It is very strong, almost able to make a tie with Yageclaw, so the outcome of this war is highly uncertain.

According to the results of the Protoss satellites scanning the Fungus Carpet Continent, there are many primitive Zerg units under Dags, which are larger than the primitive Zerg population led by Jagerclaw.

What made him puzzled was why Dags didn't send his Zerg units to support the battle of Jagerclaw.

Don't know what happened here? The Protoss satellite base station was placed in front of the mountain range formed by the mutant tree monster. Dags had no reason to know what was happening in the valley area.

Far water is hard to quench near thirst? This is equally impossible. Even if the ground units cannot reach their destinations in a short time, fast-flying units such as primitive dragons and explosive mosquitoes can form a vanguard support force to help the Yagerclaws expand their war advantage.

In this regard, Dags explained that Yageclaw refused to cooperate with him. He lacked substantial action on the task of expanding the size of the primitive Zerg population and guiding the evolution of primitive Zerg units. Zun's psychology is chaotic in the Fungus Carpet Continent, completely deviating from his original intention. Jager Claw also often digs horns from him, which has caused the two sides to be in a state of hostility recently.

"That disgusting bug knows to play with its genetic model. It's useless and useless all day long. It's rubbish, it's rubbish. It looks like a disdain for the evolutionary direction of the primitive Zerg." Jager Claw said: "He got one thing wrong. The Primordial Zerg is the Primordial Zerg, not the Zerg created by the master. What the Primordial Zerg needs is to hunt down opponents, swallow the source material, and obtain evolution, not to become its experimental object."

After listening to Jager Claw's explanation, he finally had a certain degree of understanding of the matter. The differences between Dags and Yageclaw are closely related to the living environment, survival style, and status of both parties. Just like two people with different values, it is difficult to tell who is right and who is wrong.

As a brainworm, Dags is responsible for managing the swarm and guiding evolution. The function of managing the swarm is established under the framework of the Worm Nest mental network, and the function of guiding evolution is similar to Abathur's work, generally by artificially interfering with Zerg unit genes to obtain evolution in a certain direction.

Yage's claw is different. It uses Akron's Star as a substitute for Zerus, leading primitive Zerg units in an inherent way, and adapting to the living environment by killing local creatures and absorbing and assimilating target source material.

This difference in perception eventually leads to differences of opinion, and then the division of the primitive Zerg race.

"It's that simple?" He sneered: "It has been almost two years since I left Akron Star last time. Time... is a pig knife, time... is also a catalyst that can catalyze emotions. Of course it can also catalyze ambition."

Jager Claw said: "My loyalty to you is like the heat of destruction, which can melt everything."

Tang Fang didn't intend to delve into this issue, and said coldly: "It's better to be so, otherwise...I will fill your stomach with liquid nitrogen. I think it will be a very interesting thing."

At this moment, Abathur came to one person and one snake, without any personal emotions, and said in a statement: "Akron Star... Primitive Zerg... Genetically mixed and unbearable..."

Yage's claws danced with one large and one small bone blade: "Your words make me very uncomfortable. If he is not here, the flames of angry destruction will surely burn you, an annoying fellow, into a pile of residue~www. readwn.com~Abathur said: "Abathur...non-combatant. "

Jager Claw said: "I don't accept your weakness."

"Alright." Tang Fang interrupted their argument, Wang Abathur said: "How is Roy blackening his right arm?"

"Evolution is not complete, the mutant is dormant, and the host may be endangered...not exist."

After Tang Fang frowned, he probably understood what Abathur meant, but there were still many details that he didn't understand. It seemed that Abathur didn't intend to explain in more detail.

Of course, even if the stuttering child is willing to explain in depth, it is very difficult to understand those words.

At this moment, Valentine's face slowly emerged. First, he yawned and said with a wry smile: "You can think of Roy's right arm's behavior and changes as eating indigestible things and some indigestion. Parasites The phagosome of Roy's right arm belongs to type I phagosome, and its aggressiveness cannot be compared with high-grade phagosomes such as type II phagosome and type III phagosome. Because of its symbiotic relationship with the human body, its phagosome has always been swallowed The mutated organization of God-armed human clones has enough assimilation ability to smoothly absorb those genetic materials that are beneficial to itself, but I don’t know what is going on today, it suddenly attacked epic creatures, so that there is no way to completely absorb the genetic materials in the body. Caused the evolution process to stop halfway."

"The whites of the eyes and the laser rays you just saw are strictly a defect evolution. If Roy uses this ability multiple times during the battle, it will put a heavy load on his body. Of course, as long as he doesn't use it. This ability does not harm itself."

Hearing this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at Roy, who was just getting off the crab monster, and said with a smile: "It's okay..."

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