Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1227: News from Zhou Ai

It was thought that the new element would be a mixed-element combat unit such as the Void Ripper and the Mixed Elementary Dominator, but the actual situation is not the case. The Void Ripper and the Mixed Element Dominator are still locked in gray. 【】

He frowned, switched the focus to Narud's projection, pressed the hotkey, and really found a new building in the right menu.

Yes, it is a building, not a combat unit—the void fragment.

Void Fragment is a special substance used by Eamon to communicate with the void, guide the void energy to corrupt the real universe, and at the same time provide energy for the rebirth of him and Narud, or hinder the advancement of the Protoss, Zergs, and human forces.

This thing...now appears as a building in the Hunyuan body base, what is the role?

He glanced at the resource value required to build the Void Shard, which was as high as 10,000 crystals and 10,000 gas.

With a deep incomprehension, he spent enough crystal and gas to direct Narud's projection to drop the newly unlocked void fragment near the mixed element test tube.

Similar to the scene where the Protoss crosses the building, the black light flashes, and the void fragments of the diamond structure appear at the target location.

If you look closely at the architectural model, you can see that the gap between the stone and the inner crystal exudes a dark brown energy, running around it like tobacco.

He selected the Void Fragment for the first time and looked at the menu bar on the right. I thought this thing was a defensive facility, but unexpectedly, it didn't have any attack power. It was also not a production facility. There was only one option in the menu bar-"Upgrade to Void Corruption."

Can Void Shards be upgraded to Void Corruption? Is there a mistake!

But on second thoughts, the two things are really similar. Sister Logic's doing this might have some deep meaning.

What annoyed him was that the Void Corruption option was in a gray locked state and needed an additional opportunity to unlock it, and the Void Shard as a building unit naturally had no way to summon the real universe. In other words, the Void Shard unlocking will not bring any improvement to his combat effectiveness... at least not now.

He sighed, and he didn't understand why Sister Logic gave him the void fragments out of considerations. The last time he touched the stone core, he unlocked the stone fanatic, which is a relatively powerful ground combat unit... but this time.

Fortunately, high-energy capacitors and vanadium alloy plates are two very precious scientific research projects, which make up for the regret of void debris.

After checking the three new elements, he turned his attention from the system space back to reality, looking at the spar ahead.

It is very cumbersome to say, in fact, it takes only two or three minutes before and after the high-energy electron beam activates the built-in facilities of the tray, and the surface of the crystal overflows with flame-like brilliance. However, the harsh environment protective clothing does not detect any heat emission and energy radiation, and that cluster of wild fires As if burning in another world.

He stepped back a few steps, preparing to talk to the awakened existence inside the crystal, asking them to answer their own questions head-on, instead of talking about him like last time and saying a bunch of things that make people feel inexplicable.

"What the hell..."

He just uttered 4 words and then stopped, because things were different from last time. What appeared in the flame was not a consciousness, but a picture.

It was this picture that made him swallow most of the words that came to his lips.

He saw a face in the middle of the flame, familiar, and missed...

Not the Queen of Blades, but Zhou Ai.

Although she was in a trance under the flames, her heroic eyebrows and the radiant spear stick in her hand all proved her identity.

He never expected to see Zhou Ai's face here.

He was sure that it was not a previous record, it was something that happened after Zhou Ai left the seat of the Angel, because she took the gun stick from her hand, and there has been no news since then.

Even Linglong, who has telepathic ability, can't keep up with her. How did they get information about Zhou Ai? Could it be that they are what Zhou Ai said? Is it the Third Committee or the Dragon Whisperer? Or the existence that you don't know? And... what is their attitude towards Zhou Ai?

Countless questions came out from the bottom of my heart like a blowout.

Goodbye Shi Xun, not only did he not hear the answer he wanted, but instead gained more confusion and anxiety.

The picture paused for a moment and began to change. It turned out that it was not a static image, but a prelude to a video recording.

Zhou Ai held the gun stick in his right hand, and in his left a laser gun that he didn't know where he had snatched from.

A black shadow flashed, the whip made of hair flicked, and with a snap, it struck the humanoid object next to it.

At the same time, the laser gun fired a red light, hitting the circular obstacle on the left, and swayed green ripples like water, which seemed to be an energy shield.

Although the screen switching speed is very slow, like a slow motion in a movie, because of the medium, it is not clear at all. It can only be vaguely distinguished that Zhou Ai is in a heavy siege and is fighting with the enemy.

The humanoid object on the right side that was knocked down by the long whip behind his head turned and climbed up, turning into a shadow and rushing forward. The swift action seemed to hide a cheetah that suddenly attacked its prey for a long time.

The laser gun was still on, and the long whip behind his head was divided into three, shooting from different angles at the fast-paced shadow.

Crystal did not give the result of this confrontation, and the focus of the screen switched to Zhou Ai. I don't know when, there was an extra person... a very dazzling person.

The combination of rhombus and polygonal modules forms a very exquisite power armor. There are horns on both sides of the helmet bent down, and the middle of the breastplate is a vertical energy groove, like a zipper, extending from the neck to the navel, radiating out densely. The blue light pattern.

In the most fragile abdomen of the human body, it is similar to a whole-cast ring-shaped armor, with light patterns like sea anemones, and the ends of the silks are smoky crystals.

In addition, the knees, the outer thighs, shoulders and elbows have additional energy square holes, which can form a regionalized energy shield to resist projectiles, blades, or rays flying from tricky positions.

The above are some details, which are exquisite, but not suitable for the description of "dazzling". The reason why Tang Fang described it as dazzling in his heart... is because the tone of this power armor is bright gold, gold magnificence, gold nobility, and gold sparkle.

If it weren't for this time, the picture suddenly became clear, he would probably think that Zhou Ai ran into other worlds and provoke the Golden Saint.

This complex emotion did not last long before it was solemnly replaced. It wasn't because I thought that the opponent was Zhou Ai's enemy, and it would be difficult to deal with it. It was because I saw the 3 T energy stones inlaid in the vertical stripes on the chest.

It's three, not one!

When he was in the Turanx United Kingdom, he encountered a black J. With the configuration of the Grand Priest-level power armor, he could only transform the energy of 1 T energy stone. The feminine statue guard that I encountered at the Ypsilon Shipyard also only had 1 T-energy stone on the chest... And the guy in the golden power armor in front of him was wearing 3 T-energy stones? !

His face became ugly, wondering if Zhou Ai encountered the Destroyer civilization after leaving him? This was the scene at hand. At that time, she didn't explain to herself, because she was worried that when she knew about it, she would go to the Destroyer Civilization and set her on fire, so she chose to leave home and go on the road alone?

When he was thinking about it, the man in the golden power armor took a step forward, raised his arms and then fell, and a double-edged axe slashed at Zhou Ai's location.

The picture is frozen so far, without explaining the result of that battle.

Tang Fang was stunned, and only recovered after a few breaths, and said loudly, "Who are you? Zhou Ai...she...how is Zhou Ai?"

There was no response, only the whimpering wind blew the military uniform hard, bulging the eardrums.

The flame energy surrounding the crystal gradually ebbed, and finally turned into a residual light spot and dissipated. The light that began at the core of the crystal fell silent, and the existence that seemed to exist and disappeared disappeared.

The chassis carrying the crystal fell on the ground with a thud, and it was the other party saying goodbye to him.

Where is Zhou Ai? Are the Golden Armored Destroyer fighters? Who are they? How did you get this image data? What is the relationship with Zhou Ai? What is your attitude towards yourself?

He didn't get the answer he wanted to know, but the questions were getting more and more serious. Zhou Ai's encounter was like a huge rock stuck in his heart.

Claire and Tang Lin had no news. He didn't know what happened during his disappearance. Now Zhou Ai has provoked another powerful enemy, not knowing whether it is life or death. The veteran left without saying goodbye; Yingluo lost consciousness again... so all sorts of things, he simply broke his brain.

Ten minutes later, when Tang Fang's path came back, only a few steps out of the cave, Walton and Roy surrounded them.

"How? Did you find the answer?"

Hearing this sentence, he realized that there is still an important question that has no answer. The image data caused him too much shock, so that he ignored the original purpose.

But looking back on the experience just now, even if you haven't forgotten, and ask your doubts in time, the other party will not necessarily respond positively. The meteorite crossing this time is more like conveying information, rather than exchanging puzzles.

The local biological explosion that appeared on Akron Star was caused by a meteorite fall or was it just a coincidence... It seems that there is no answer for the time being.

Walton is much older than Roy. You can see that Tang Fang's mood has changed a lot before and after he came out. It seems that some trouble has happened. After thinking about it for a moment, he frowned and asked: "Then...what about this meteorite? do?"

Tang Fang said: "I will inform Iger Stetman to come to sample Akron to see if I can find more clues."

Walton nodded and said nothing.

He walked to the Jager's paw who was still pretending to be asleep, kicked the big man up, telling it to wait here, take a trip to the Angel, and then return to the Mondre, carrying Roy and Walton away from the bacteria. Carpet mainland, return to the seat of the Angel.

First use the communication device to contact the Delar Star System and inform Kylenia that something is a bit tricky and it may be delayed for a few days, and then get in touch with Iger Stetman and tell him to come over to collect meteorite samples and see Laksi. Is there any difference in the stone xun where the silk star fell?

He didn't think that doing so would find new clues to determine the identity of "them". After all, Iger Stetman and Rory Swann spent a lot of time on the stone xun of the star of Laxis, but they did not dig out. How many valuable things, just in the mind of carefully sailing the ship for ten thousand years, deliberately find something for Iger Stetman to do, and save the kid all day thinking about kissing me and Astoria. Make a mess of research work.

After that, he sent a message to Bai Hao through the communication facility, asking him to report his current location and whether he had found clues about Zhou Ai's whereabouts.

After this, he left the Angels and returned to the Land of Fungus Carpet alone.

The night has passed, and the morning light fell on the branches of the snow, reflecting colorful light and converging into a long rainbow river.

In the natural environment of the earth, plants perform photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide in the air, and convert it into oxygen for discharge. However, in the strong acid environment of Akron's Star, snow trees will absorb organic acids in the air and seawater, release pure water, and then inject it into the natural environment through atmospheric circulation.

As a result, the PH value of Akron's acid ocean will naturally increase gradually under the erosion of the years, making the internal environment suitable for human survival.

After learning about the situation from Valentine, he further strengthened his other idea ---to expand the scope of the bacteria blanket continent.

However, instead of using the fungus blanket to fill the sea on the basis of the existing continents, two more identical fungus blanket continents were created to further change the natural environment of Akron.

After he conveyed his thoughts to Dags and Jager Claws, before they could react, he directly consumed 60W crystals and 25W gas to summon another primordial Zerg race leader-Slivan.

Yage's paw was startled by the large bug mother who appeared next to him~www.readwn.com~ The sleepiness in his head disappeared without a trace, like being stepped on to the tail by something, and shouted: "Li I'll stay away, you guy who can't control the lower body."

When Slifan heard the shout with a strong contempt, he shook the cap. The transparent vesicles that contained the earthworms shook for a while, making the sound of water hitting the inner wall of the container.

"My children will tear you apart... Jager Claw."

The flame is like a flying snake, dancing beside Jager's paws: "You will never see that scene. All you can do is to collect the corpses for them, ugly crawlers..."

Slifan raised his thick forelimbs and slammed them heavily on the ground, overwhelming a snowy tree: "Your bile will be the most nutritious condiment... Yager's claw."

Dags lay on the ridge-like structure on the edge of the mountain range formed by the corpse of the mutant tree demon. He quietly watched the two behemoths chattering, and occasionally contracted facial muscles and opened his mouth full of hooks, looking a bit vicious.

Tang Fang walked to stand between Jager Claw and Slivan, took a look at them, and said with a smile: "Don't you like disputes? I will give you a chance to compete fairly."

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