Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1245: Defender ghost

"Hiss..." Churchill was awakened by the air-conditioned voice. He turned his head to see that Howson came to his side at some point and was also looking at the content on the display.

"Hei Q, bastard, what does he think of these boys? Dolls?"

When Howson was furious, Churchill suddenly woke up: "These data must be transmitted to Tang Fang as soon as possible, so that he can be prepared." After saying this, he copied the files on the desktop through the power armor. The built-in computer is uploaded to the Star Orbit Command Center.

At the same time, the battle to connect the channels continued, and more and more "zombies" broke through the Zerg defense line, going crazy and attacking everyone on the core battlefield.

Tang Fang used the Nether Energy Blade to cut off the "zombie" arm, suddenly gave up the position, backed a few meters, and handed it to Mohandar to deal with it.

The reason for this was not that the system completed the positioning task, but Emma suddenly sent an emergency document from Churchill's power armor computer system.

Because he has been in a state of fighting, the arrival of the Queen of Blades aggravated his nervousness, so I don’t know much about the encounter between Churchill and Howson. I just know that the two idiots once again committed a mess and left the Dark Templar and Ghost. The agent's protection circle, but fortunately, there is no life worry.

When he clicked on the documents and studied them carefully for a while, his face became ugly.

At this moment, the objects in the front of the eyes disappeared, the data disappeared, and consciousness was captured by an invisible force and transferred to the system space.

The background light diminished, the four ethnic emblems went out in turn, the interface changed from bright to dark, the cursor flashed several times, and a line of characters flashed with a brisk ticking sound.

"System, restart......ok!"


"Prepare, dates..."



"Run, now!"


With a low buzz, the system is back online, the base selection interface appears, and the totem is brightly shiny.

Then there was Emma's prompt tone: "Commander, change the address according to the memory pool data recorded in the system log. The new element is located at the Terran base, the number is 2."

Thank you, Tang Fang turned his attention to the Terran base, and sighed at the slightly shaking picture. For the system to detect useful data and expand new elements, there was not enough energy to break through the t-energy interference and send troops to the space where he was. Things are very unhappy.

At the same time, he knew very well that his discomfort was of no use, he could only press his heart agitation and carefully examine the two new elements Emma said. Select an scv, press the basic building menu hotkey, and the screen will twist slightly, and the basic building menu bar will appear after a while.

As usual, there is no change in the basic building menu bar. Next is the advanced building menu bar, and no new resources are found. Then he turned his attention to the mercenary base, thinking that based on past experience, the technology of the Anubis Legion should unlock the elite combat unit level of arms.

To his disappointment, the elite units of the Air Force level are still locked in gray.

He switched the focus to the production building again. When he saw the production menu of the barracks, he was stunned, and found that there was a new icon between the ghost agent and the tauren marines behind. It looked very feminine and had a face. With a mechanical device similar to the line-of-sight enhancement system. Move the cursor over, the name is displayed as Guardian Ghost Agent.

Protector ghost agent? The ghost units of the opposing faction in the Nova Covert Operations mission pack?

He has a deep impression of the ghost agents of the defender camp. To be fair, the ghost agents of the defender camp look cooler and stronger than the classic ghost agents.

The sample analysis report provided by the system notes shows that there are 4 major upgrade components for the Guardian Ghost Agent.

1. New type of protective clothing: A new generation of combat clothing can more efficiently guide ghost agents to release phantom energy, balance the output problems of phantom energy such as fluctuations and loss of control during the operation of the system, and show that it can enter the stealth state more quickly; More powerful phantom energy blade; saves the consumption of phantom energy during the battle to improve the combat endurance. At the same time, advanced material technology and modular design can better protect the driver, improve defense and action bonus.

2. Phantom Energy Amplifier: The Phantom Energy Conduction Network node of the Protector Ghost Agent’s protective clothing is equipped with a special Phantom Energy Amplifier. It is a small photonic element developed by humans through the analysis of Xingling Technology. , Can increase the driver's phantom energy output to a certain extent, and the game performance is a higher initial energy value and energy upper limit.

3. Virtual reality mask: The virtual reality mask carried by the Ghost Agent of the Defender integrates the most cutting-edge virtual reality technology and augmented reality technology. It allows the system to project the scanned data to the real target and construct a deep, three-dimensional combat auxiliary environment to help ghost agents understand the battlefield, target, mission and other related information more clearly, and improve combat capability.

4. Miniature sensor: This kind of tiny sensor device is attached to the defender ghost agent's combat mask, and in conjunction with other built-in visual enhancement devices, it can detect unusual energy responses within the field of view and achieve early warning. The game appears to be able to find invisible units.

The resource consumption of the defender ghost agent is twice that of the ordinary ghost agent, up to 400 crystals and 200 gas, and the population occupation is increased from 2 to 3.

From the unit-related data, compared with ordinary ghost agents, the defender ghost agents have higher initial energy and maximum energy, and can also see through invisible units.

Of course, this is just game performance, in reality their abilities should be stronger.

After finding the first new unlock item, he continues to look for the second unlock item. The cursor moved around the production facilities such as the barracks, heavy factory, Xinggang, starry sky base, force field research center, etc., and did not find the second unlock item. So we can only expand the scope of inspection and add scientific research facilities to the queue.

When the cursor moved from the Ghost Academy to the Fusion Core, I suddenly found that there was a golden icon in the lower left corner of the upgrade menu bar. It was the "data synchronization completed" that had never understood its purpose.

Barracks, heavy factories, bunkers, ghost colleges, supply depots, planetary fortresses, and now there is another fusion core. What does this mean?

The jittering light lines appearing in the picture distortion awakened him. Knowing that it was not the time to entangle the function of the golden icon, he quickly moved his attention out of the system space and continued to browse the data sent by Churchill.

In a little while, after reading the content that Emma had compiled, his face became very gloomy, and he finally understood what the Anubis Legion was doing here, and understood the origin of the "zombies".

Although he had doubts about the identity of the "zombie" early in the morning, it was expected that it was changed by the experimental body that was sent to the space station before, but he was shocked and angry to truly determine this situation.

The cylindrical structure in the middle of the hall where Churchill and Howson are located is not simply a large quantum computer, but a personality projection device. The seven additional devices under the glass section that look like a mummy coffin are not a closed operating table, but a brain operating room.

The intelligence obtained from Black 7 shows that the abyss knight was washed away by the substitutes before becoming the abyss knight, and he became a person without history, living in the shadows all day, under the name of the code, fighting for a living. .

But after all, they are human beings. After all, they have independent thoughts. Although they don't want to admit, they yearn for differences and desire differences in their hearts, instead of being a shadow of someone, a killing machine with no personality. This kind of spiritual cognition has created the bloodthirsty artist Black 6, created the black k for Facebook lovers, created the double personality black a, created the sinister villain black j, created the sensual black 8, created the deep black 7 , Created the black 5 that is against the black 6 everywhere, created the good husband black 9, created the athletic man black 3, created the love paranoid black 2, created the reciting home black 4, and made the transition from chatter to dumb Black 10.

Heiq’s situation is a bit special. Perhaps the surrogate thinks that his professional knowledge is precious, and he has not erased all memories, leaving behind his spiritual experience and insights, which gives him a dual identity. Black q, and the chief scientist of the Anubis Army.

Hei Q has deep attainments in psychiatry and is not a genetic engineer like Morris Griffin. His knowledge literacy is biased towards personality psychology in the spiritual realm. Through theoretical study and clinical research, he found that different personalities can stimulate different physiological manifestations of the human body.

When a male body carries a female personality, physiological values ​​such as physical strength and explosive power will decrease significantly. The most intuitive manifestation is that the physical work that was previously competent is now unable to cope with it. This is not only a self-cognition disorder, but also feminine. Thinking and cognition can also cause changes in the release of brain hormones, such as decreased secretion of male hormones, such as changes in the utilization of brain gray matter and white matter.

In more in-depth experiments, he also found that when the personality of a mature person enters the body of the elderly, the exercise function of the experimental body will be greatly improved. Of course... it will not exceed the limit the body can afford.

After human beings take some special drugs, such as stimulants, such as adrenaline injections, such as drug pin, the body function will be improved in a certain way, which is regarded as a phenomenon of squeezing the body's potential.

In fact, the improvement of body function does not come from stimulants, adrenaline, poison pin and the like, these things only stimulate the mental system, and then release the body's original ability. It’s like sometimes sleeping for 8 hours, and I feel refreshed after getting up, and I have the energy to do it all. Sometimes I sleep for 8 hours. When I get up and see the rainy weather outside, I feel soft and weak. People are exhausted, as if not awake.

Drugs stimulate the mental system and have an impact on bodily functions. Emotional feedback to the mental system also affects physical functions. So by adjusting the personality, forming the expected cognition, and then acting on the mental system, will it also have a positive or negative impact on the human body-this is the research topic of the black q.

Just as human beings cannot use all brain cell functions, the term God forbidden zone is given. Is it possible to create new humans through personality shaping while stimulating brain vitality and physical potential? This is an advanced research topic for black q.

We must know that many geniuses in the world have certain personality defects compared to normal people; many studies have shown that in some special circumstances, such as the moment of life and death, human willpower can even surpass the body... This shows that the spirit is a kind of power. , And the individual manifestations of the human spiritual world are all kinds of personalities.

In short, both the theoretical perspective and the basic experimental results provide a feasible basis for his research.

Black q began to develop a unique personality to prove his point of view. So there was a space station, so there was a covert kidnapping behavior, so those teenagers with physical or mental defects became his playthings.

And the result of this experiment is ~www.readwn.com~ He proved his point... No, he not only came to a conclusion, but also had a subversive discovery.

Special personality can not only improve or weaken human body functions, but also induce body mutation. The "zombies" that Tang Fang and the Queen of Blades were struggling to deal with were the product of this discovery.

They are not dead but still walking corpses, nor are they human-shaped monsters made up of special creatures, but humans lost in the spiritual world. Black q calls the personalities in these "zombies" "beasts".

They consider themselves to be "beasts", their special will and spirit stimulate their physical functions, release the potential of DNA and alienation hormones, and then become crazy, bloodthirsty, angry, fearless of knives and guns, fearless of pain, and only know **** and advance. The war machine became a "zombie" in the eyes of outsiders.

Think about it seriously, isn't this the technology version of the zombies in the Hong Kong and Taiwan horror movies that you have seen before? To describe them as "zombies" is really appropriate.

The hall where Churchill and Howson are located is the place where Black Q valued and materialized his discovery. The 7 mummified coffin-like devices will be implanted in the brain of the experimental subject with a neural robot to construct a special bioelectric network to affect the brain magnetic field and receive the brain domain control system (consisting of a cylindrical quantum computer and a personality injection module inside the glass section) Personality projection forms a unique spiritual world.

The "zombies" connecting the passage, the teenagers in the lower space where Churchill and Howson are located, and the 12 elite guards of the Anubis Legion wearing extended Jackal-level power armor are all experimental products of the black q.

"Zombies" are biochemical weapons that are born for battle and killing. They are not afraid of death, and use will and anger to overcome physical defects and pain, just like protecting the queen's soldier and protecting the life of black q.

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